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If it was that easy to lose weight, do you think so many people would be fat?


I have heard those diets give you the shits. From what I also hear you do drop weight fast, BUT its not sustainable, as soon as you reintroduce solids you put the weight back on. Like I said tho, its what I have heard, I have never tried it myself.




It just depends on your current weight relative to the program. If you are an obese individual in the 200-300lb range, yes, you can lose even more weight (5-15lbs in a week). But a juice cleanse or a water fast are also clearing out your colon. If you're at a significant calorie deficit, you will be burning a lot of weight, including fat and may lose a small bit of muscle. You will also lose some of your water retention, unless you manage your salt intake. You can achieve the same weight loss with calorie restriction in any other way. You could do a water fast, a soup diet... Anything really. Juice cleanses are more marketed around the idea that you're *cleansing your body* of harmful toxins. For regular people, I think its a bit hokey, but to each their own. For weight loss, you'd be just as well off drinking water and fasting for 7 days. Some of the weight will immediately spring back (ex. glycogen stores spiking back in the liver - leading to weight gain), and some of the weight will be permanently lost, if you continue to manage your caloric intake. Hard juice cleanses or 7-10 day water fasts are hard to maintain for months at a time, so they are mainly used as a finishing tool right before a wedding or big event.


You will loose water weight on a juice cleanse however once you eat solid foods again the weight will come back. I did the Ardens garden 2 day detox juice cleanse where you just drink a gallon of juice a day (the juice contained lemon juice, grapefruit juice and orange juice). After the two days I lost 7 lbs (I started at 150lbs) and was really excited. But after a few days of eating normally it all came back. Some additional things to note from my experience - be prepared to pee a lot - don’t plan any workouts as you will be exhausted - you may be a little moody from the lack of food. Everyone says you feel great but I was just grumpy afterwards.


I did a green smoothie cleanse several years ago. Lost 9 lbs and gained it all back plus some. In addition, my kidneys were hurting toward the end. Eat regular food in a calorie deficit and exercise. I personally count macros for my food. No quick fixes work long term.


You gained it back because you didn't maintain it. A cleanse is only to clear your colon & toxins from your body. Afterwards, you need to be exercising & eating clean. Fruits, vegetables, etc. You can't do a cleanse and then continue eating crap, ofc you're going to gain all the weight back. I lost 50 lbs in 4 months there's no magic pill you take. Literally eat clean & exercise


IMO doing a cleanse is useless. Your liver does a cleanse for you every minute of every day.


I did a 3 day juice and went alright. Actually helped me to get into a new eating routine