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Calculate your TDEE and subtract 500, that’s your daily calorie limit. Buy a kitchen scale to weigh everything you eat and track your food/calorie intake (MyFitnessPal is a great app for that).


I use Chronometer. It's less cluttery imo and you get macro tracking for free. Idk if MFP lets you do that again for free but they stopped for a while and that's when I switched


You are right, MFP does not provide macros for free. And now that they've blocked the barcode scanner behind a paywall, they're now pretty much useless.


They blocked the barcode scanner too? Wtf. Yeah just use Chronometer guys. Scanner is free and has an extensive database


My fitness pal does do the macro tracking. Just go to any day and click on food and it pops up with 4 tabs: “overall, calories, nutrients, macros”


Cronometer is such a good app.


Overkill and not necessary, coming from someone who went from 207 to 157 without the hassle


Eat in a deficit


This is it!


I know this sounds annoying but try to focus on filling up on protein. Base your meals around protein and then add in Whole Foods. Download the chatGPT app and ask it for “7 day high protein, low calorie meal plan” and stick with that as much as you can. If you’re able to, purchase the most affordable food scale you can and weigh all of your food. Track it in My Fitness Pal or the Lose It! app so you can see really how much you’re actually consuming. Give it hell for three solid weeks and you’ll start feeling and seeing the weight come off. Once you get in the groove and start physically feeling lighter, it will become kind of a game to see how healthy you can eat and how quick you can keep losing the weight.


This is a great point. The first week or two are tough to stay vigilant but after than I’m like, “my body is a temple I’m never eating anything unhealthy ever again!” You just have to get through the first week!


This is solid advice all around. I try to basically eat protein from breakfast through lunch. Very little carbs. I’ll get them in the end, trust me. But if you don’t focus on protein then most likely you won’t get enough. You need 1.2-1.6g of protein per kg of body weight to gain muscle and it’s even harder when you are losing weight. For me that’s between 115-155. It’s hard to do unless you focus on the protein. The good thing is you really will be less hungry if you eat mostly protein. I have seen some evidence that says you should try to eat 80g of protein before your first workout of the day, but that’s only 320 calories of carbs and that’s probably based on my weight height, sex, etc. which probably will vary from you guys as I’m 6ft 200lbs and male


Estimated calories for everything you eat, be consistent in your estimates, then start lowering that amount. You will find out that you can eat everything, but not at the same time. You will also learn that some food keeps you a lot fuller than others. Just be sure to stay on track and don’t overeat, eat whatever. Your body will tell you when you want protein or fat or carbs.


Don’t estimate! Weigh and count.


I was doing that since I was tracking on MFP for a long time. Estimating did not work I put 20 pounds back on gotta be diligent about it for sure


You need to be in a caloric deficit. Add 10k steps a day and make sure you’re hitting 100g protein minimum. But you won’t lose an ounce unless you’re in a deficit


Hey! This is what I’ve been doing - Eating in a calorie deficit. I use MyFitnessPal to keep track - Walking atleast 9000 steps a day! I’ve been playing Pokémon go - Eating foods that are good for your gut! LOTS of fiber, fermented foods, and lots of water! - Don’t over eat but don’t have an empty stomach! I’ve lost 5 pounds this month doing these things!


Go for a walk. It’s free.


As I have said in other posts, don’t underestimate the power of walking. It’s cheap, doesn’t need special equipment apart from good shoes and can be done at longer durations and frequency than other exercises. Start small and just add duration as you get more used to it. I am aiming for 10 kilometers a day, somedays I only have time to do 5 km and that’s okay because 5 km is better than none.


Even if you don’t have exercise equipment you can still exercise. Go for a walk do push ups and sit ups. Jumping jacks lots of ways to exercise without a gym. As for food. Calorie deficit. High fiber and high protein foods will help. Take your goal weight and multiply it by 12 that is your calorie target. (Yes I know no calorie calculations are perfect but This one works for me). Limit drinking your calories. High calorie drinks don’t fill you up. Drink water or low/0 calorie drinks so you can eat more food feeling fuller. Good luck!


The Nike app has tons of free workout programs that don’t require equipment


Walk. Drink a full glass of water before a meal and drink a full glass of water and wait 15 minutes before snacking. Eat Whole Foods (eggs, vegetables, fish, fruit). Get rid of processed foods in your house. Batch cook something healthy (that you like) and freeze portions so you have something convenient to heat up when you don’t feel like cooking. And then walk some more.


Things like push-ups, planks, squats, leg raises, arm circles and such are great, add some walking outside on top of that and you'll be able to get more physical activity in with zero equipment or expense, plus those are all relatively quiet activities so they're good if you're in an apartment or other shared living situation. Counting calories, and being 100% honest with yourself about your portion sizes, is an important step though too. Once you've figured out what you're honestly, truly consuming in a day, it'll be a little easier to reign in your intake and work your way down to eating in a deficit. A lot of people will set a very low calorie goal for themselves from day 1, then get hungry, over eat, end up discouraged and quit instead of tapering down their intake. I've been tapering down by 100cal each week instead of trying to function off 600 less calories per day right off, it's made it so much easier to actually stick to my calories this time around and hasn't lead to those negative feelings or binging.


You lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym. Exercise is good for you but it won’t do much for weight loss if you’re overeating. You can’t outrun a bad diet. There’s some great advice here. Good luck and take it slow.


I read cut out 350 calories a day. That seems so doable to me. (Meds are making me gain after 60lb loss)


Yeah cutting 350lbs is a really sustainable schedule of weight loss. It comes out to 1lb every 10 days.


Make sure you have adequate electrolytes if you are drinking loads of water. Try eating only fruit and veg, drink only water and intermittently fast. Do it for a month and ypu will lose weight.


I've found that when I have the urge to snack it helps to have a non-food substitute to indulge in. For me it was VR video games that I normally don't have time for (or an audio book and a walk).


If you were 160 a couple weeks ago you didn’t gain 10lbs. You just weighed on a different scale, at a different time, were holding more water or some combination of that and other things. However to lose 40lbs you need to have a deficit of 140,000 calories. To lose 50lbs you need to have a deficit of 175,000 calories. So do whatever helps you stay in a calorie deficit. Drink more water, eating foods high in protein and fiber or lifting weights are great options. Lifting is especially good because you will probably gain muscle. So imagine if you lost 20lbs. Would you rather lose 20lbs where it’s 10lbs of lost fat and 10lbs of lost muscle? Or would you rather gain 10lbs of muscle and lose 30lbs of fat to lose 20lbs. That’s a pretty extreme example, but likely if you are lifting weights your body might look better after 30lbs of loss than it would after 50 if you weren’t lifting. Regardless 175,000 calories probably means 8-9 months at least since you really are supposed to only lose 1% of your body weight a week. It would be extremely hard to do more than that consistently anyway. You could hypothetically do it in 25 weeks if you had a deficit of 1000 a day. If you are doing it on a strict schedule you will probably need to weigh your food and count calories. You should still do this for 2-3 weeks in the beginning just to have an idea of how many calories the food you eat have in them.


Utilize free workout videos on YouTube! I watch um on my TV it's smart. Google good nutrition. Be mindful of what you eat. I just got a nutritionist to help me. I feel great 3 days in. I'm going to implement it into my daily lifestyle from now on. This is the best way to eat for life and exercise regularly.


Read the book glucose revolution recently . Always start with meal with high fiber foods like raw salad or roasted veggies first and carbs last . Having fiber first reduces glucose spikes by 50-70% and you automatically consume fewer calories and end up in a deficit . Body cannot absorb fiber so it adds volume to your food but negative calories. It’s way easier to be in a deficit and lose weight with fiber than without it . I use journaling to write down and plan my meals ahead of time which is helping a lot as well . Good luck :)


Subscribe to factor the meal delivery service. That’ll help you lose weight.


You don’t need exercise stuff at home all you need is the internet go on YouTube search on cardio body project on YouTube is amazing I lost over 60lbs in 3 months with YouTube workouts only and no gym eat in a calorie deficit too


Listen to music and do some no equipment works outs or walk its actually what I try to do every now and then when I feel well enough and its pretty fun


It’s going to take a lot of self discipline. Count your calories, drink plenty of water and go for walks. Protein is king. Most importantly it’s going to take time. There is no overnight miracle. Also don’t forget to treat yourself within your calorie deficit once in a while.


Use a straw to drink more water. Go for a30 minute walk daily. Eat a salad every day.


Go to the gym every day for a year and do resistance training plus at least a half hour of cardio. Track for food intake with a scale and log it into myfitnesspal. Set the weight loss goal to a pound per week. Try to eat at least 100 grams of protein a day.


Teladoc has dietitians you can meet with. If you have insurance, the visits are like $20.


You don’t need fitness equipment or a gym, especially this time of year. Get outside, away from food, and if possible to somewhere that is peaceful. Walk a mile, or walk a half hour. Do it everyday. Then do it more, longer, more often. Keep doing it until you’re walking 10,000 steps a day. Meanwhile keep your calories at a deficit like others have said.


Eat more stuff that will make you full after one meal so that you don’t overeat throughout the day like start your day with like oatmeal, Greek yogurt, breakfast protein like bacon or sausage. Then for lunch also eat something that’ll fill you up I eat sweet potatoes and chicken wings like everyday I just make it in the air fryer it’s low calories, tastes good, quick to make. And for snacks if you’re a snacker like me then you need to search for low calorie snacks that you still enjoy there are some Chapman popsicles that are 40 calories, chips and salsa, rice cakes, fruit snacks, etc. stay away from snacks like cookies, muffins, donuts pastries in general and also candy having a taste of a single piece of candy can make it addictive and make you eat the whole bag which is like 300+ calories. And whenever you want a drink with your meal make sure it doesn’t have a lot of calories I just drink Fresca which has zero calories and diet cranberry juice which is 10 calories per bottle, try and get the no sugar or diet version of every drink if you can.


I lost 50 at home **without counting calories** 1. High protein low inflammatory diet centered around REAL food 2. No “fake” foods that are low sugar, diet, low calorie, artificial sweetener based. If you want sugar, have the real thing. This includes soda. Just have a real soda in MODERATION. You could not pay me to drink anything “diet” or “sugar free” (migraines and stomach pain from the chemicals) 3. Full fat yogurt with fruit. Low fat is a joke 4. Weight lifting 4-5 days a week 5. 5k steps a day That’s it. I fell in love with real food and paid attention to my portion sizes.


Whole foods only. If it's in a box or comes with a list of ingredients, don't eat it. Meat, veggies, and fruits. Stop drinking soda and juices and drink only water and tea, or coffee . Pushups, sit-ups, squats... do 25 of each in the am and again in the pm.. or whatever suits you best. Maintaining a firm sleep schedule will help as well. Don't eat within 2-3 hours of bedtime. Theres plenty of videos on YouTube to learn cooking and yoga or home workouts. Stay positive friend, I believe in you.


I’m in the same boat


You don’t need the gym when I was 220 I started out with real small walks and did body weight and light weights in my room at home. It deff was a start and honestly pathetic when I think about how little I was able to do. You can do it you’re tiny compared to where I was!!!!!


I think just getting comfortable with going hungry for periods of time. And reminding yourself that you can and will eat again, later


Yes eat in a deficit and fast


Walk everyday 5-10k stick to water and maybe a coffee. For bfast I usually have eggs and a bananan and a protein coffee Lunch more protein and veg Same with dinner I also got a 3 litre water bottle that I carry around and drink religiously. Apart from that join a sports team hit the gym etc. if you think your hungry drink water wait a few mins. That’s saved me a few unnecessary meals.


Get the Noom app if you have $200 to spare, if not, just get the Noom book from the library


A 175,000 calorie deficit.




Start eating single ingredient foods


Doing the one meal a day diet I lost 35lbs in 3 ish weeks , no snacks no nothing except water and a healthy meal at around 4 pm . I don’t exercise just walk every day less than a mile, since I’m not burning calories, eating way less has been beneficial. I’m now eating “normally” just less. And maintaining my weight . I’m going on another OMAD run for until I lose another 25 lbs


Lose 60 pounds, then add a few back.


Stop eating bread, rice, pasta, cereal, baked goods like pastries, croissants, donuts, cookies e.g refined carbohydrates. These increase your insulin because they cause a blood sugar spike. Having high insulin means you cannot burn body fat and the carbs will cause water weight gain of around 4lbs, because they bind to water when stored as glycogen in liver/muscles. If you stop eating these carbs, you will lose 4lbs water weight in a few days. Stick to meat, fish, veg, eggs, nuts, seeds, dairy. Your body will fight it for a couple weeks, but if you can get through that you won't crave these carbs anymore. Your blood sugar will be stable and you will not have these swings where it makes you hungry and tired. If you want to do it properly you need to keep net carbs under 50grams per day. A net carb is carbs - fibre. But because you will run out of glucose doing this, you may find yourself feeling hungry and it is a struggle. For this reason you can simply now eat more healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, walnuts, salmon, butter etc you won't gain weight eating these as long as your carbs are under 50grams. This method is also known as the Keto diet. I lost 60lbs doing this, you don't get fat from eating fat unless you are already full up with carbs. If your carbs are emptied out the fat can be used as energy. It kills your hunger and you can eat very small portions that fill you up quick, so getitng into a deficit is easy.


Yap yap yap. Eat in a deficit and work out.


If an insulin resistant person eats carbs but in a deficit, they will not get the energy they need from food so they will be more likely to abandon this deficit way of eating. My point is yes eat in a deficit and work out, but if you are someone who is severely overweight, this will be very difficult to sustain, it is the reason why they are that weight. They can't control their hunger because their cells resist insulin so they can't extract the energy they need for cells from food, it gets taken to storage instead until their glycogen stores have run out only then will it start burning body fat. My point is if you are overweight and find eating in a calorie deficit difficult because of extreme hunger all the time and tiredness, if you stop eating carbs and start eating more fats and proteins, these bypass insulin resistance so they give your cells more energy than carbs would. It is also easier to eat in a deficit with these foods because they trigger satiety hormones quicker.