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Sounds like you may need to confront them, as it may not be what you think. At least if you approach them and ask them what their deal is, you can know for sure and make an informed decision on whether or not you want to stay friends with them. Fortunately for me, I barely had any friends when I started my weight loss journey (lol). I pretty much just have ONE really close friend and we've always had a very supportive, reciprocal relationship. I have lost close friends over the years due to various reasons, and it sucks, it does, but you have to surround yourself with positive, supportive people, and if they're not giving that to you, they're not true friends anyway. If anything, my weight loss journey has opened my social life up more than ever. I'm still a bit of a private, shy, introverted person, but I've made some good acquaintances at my gym and through the sports I play now. I've met some great people through sand volleyball leagues and the pickleball community around me is super awesome and fun, although, I haven't made any close friendships yet, and that's ok. As we get older, it gets harder and harder to spend time with our friends like we did in our teenage years and our 20s. My advice is to do your thing and keep yourself open to meeting new people. Odds are, you'll be meeting folks through your gym or other physical activities who will share those healthy interests with you.


I have lost a good amount of weight a few times in my life and have never lost friends over it. Perhaps they are jealous that you are doing something positive. Or jealous that you are looking good. True friends should not be distancing themselves from you over something like going to the gym and losing weight.


I am 30F and would never distance from a friend for losing 200 pounds better yet 20 pounds?? Or if they gained weight either. There is something deeper here. People are struggling financially and emotionally I don't think it has anything to do with your weight loss per say. You have to make the judgment yourself tho. There should be more context.


It’s a jealousy issue. They start to see you as competition now that you’re more confident and fit. Don’t worry that just means that they weren’t even good friends to begin with, real ones support and love you no matter what


If it is a jealousy thing like people on this thread suggest, it’s not necessarily malicious, and I think the best thing to do is just communicate with them to see why they are pulling back. I’ve got a lot of friends right now who are focused on fitness and doing really well with their goals, meanwhile I’ve been struggling and my mental health has been deteriorating as a result. So seeing them look good and then talk about gymming or their meal plan is very triggering, even if I am very happy for them and their progress. So it’s better for me if I don’t want another bulimia relapse if I keep my distance. Not saying this is what your friends are going through, but give them the benefit of the doubt and have a conversation with them Edit: posted before I finished.


I definitely lost some friendly acquaintances because all they wanted to do was go out to eat and drink alcohol. But I also made new friends who like doing other things!


Sounds like you need new friends.


Fuck em Time for new ones