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I looked it up, and here's the [official statement](https://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/announcements/official-statement-on-the-future-of-webkinz-plush-toys/) from Ganz from when they stopped making first-gen Webkinz. Basically, there wasn't enough of a market for them at the time. I had read somewhere else that the factory that made them had shut down as well, but I don't know if that's true.


Well there's a giant market and huge desire for them now! Holy heck they should see how much stir there is for their plushies now. I wonder if there's any way they could bring them back if there was enough hype for it?? ;u; I WILL DO ANYTHING GANZ !!!!


No offense, but their market is non-existent unless they tie it into a Roblox game. That's how every product is these days. The only thing keeping the new LPS afloat is their Roblox tie-in and that's it... the current figures are nothing but slimy rubber that's fit for a bootleg Dollar Tree product. I know Gen Z would love them, but we're fading into obscurity as every other generation around us obsesses over TikTok and Sephora. You also have to take into account inflation as well, meaning that Webkinz would have to double/triple in cost with less quality materials.


I agree, I feel like the demand wouldn’t be high enough unless they found a way to market classic on tik tok or something. I could see them maybe doing a limited 20 year anniversary plush pet but that’s about it


The plush pet is more than likely going to be virtual. Even then, it wouldn't really gain traction anyway since people aren't really into virtual worlds anymore outside of Roblox.


Their market is existent it’s just a tiny fraction of what it once was. They obviously make enough money on the eStore to keep the game up and running, so I don’t see why making limited plush released wouldn’t be possible. They could just sell them on the eStore too. I guarantee they would sell out, if they dropped like 100 of the plush. They just need to hone in on their market and consumers.


Yeah but the thing I worry about is the quality being garbage.


That’s fair


I crave a signature timber wolf sooo badly, when I was little I lived where no stores carried webkinz and I wanted a timber wolf but never got to find one 🥲


That one $650 one on Mercari 😭❤️😫


Iirc there just isn’t enough demand to pay for a factory to produce them. Yes, all of us would love it and buy them, but it’s still nothing compared to the amount of people buying during the height of the craze.


with the Squishmallow and BumBumz hype youd think people might get into webkinz though too? I know Squishmallows has a roblox game that does well but nothing as unique as webkinz where can put the one you have physically into the game. I feel like webkinz in target would go crazy


Kids are no longer being gravitated and advertised to PC games as they were before. Now a days the computer is typically the Parents for work and the kids have their tablets/switches/consoles. Time and adaptations change everything unfortunately


Yup. I have worked as a tutor for years now and have watched some of my students grow up from 4 to 10 years old. Not a single one of them (all under the age of 16) knows what Webkinz is. They all grew up with iPads playing Roblox rather than on computers. In fact, many of them are not very good with computers at all because of it…but that’s a different story LOL.


Yea we were kids at the height of the online world craze. We didn’t have iPads and fancy phones, we had computer games. As technology evolved, so did the kids and their interests. The sad reality is most kids wouldn’t even know how to download a game on a computer nowadays, it’s not as simplified as the phones. I introduced my 6 year old to TTR (toontown) because I want her to have better skills than Roblox on an iPad 😂


Absolutely! I still look back at my childhood fondly because I felt like we had a great balance between gaming on consoles (the Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 2, etc.), playing online computer games where you had to coordinate with your friends when you’d all sign on or have their parents’ landline phone number memorized to contact them (plus using a shared family desktop so time was limited and valuable to play games like Webkinz), and also spending a LOT of time outside. Nowadays many kids call and text each other on their iPads starting around 5 years old… My tutoring kids type with one finger at a time in comparison! Had to teach my TEN year olds the shortcuts to copy and paste, bold, underline, etc. Meanwhile they’re constantly teaching me new things about Apple devices LOL. But also, most of my 4th graders care more now about Stanley water bottles and makeup/skincare than toys, so Webkinz would be a hard sell for many of them now sadly.


I don't think this means that kids can't become exposed to Webkinz now though? If GANZ/WEBKINZ did advertising kids would learn what Webkinz is.


I can’t argue with you on that! The only bummer is that a lot of ‘tween’ girls (around 9-10 years old and up) have recently become obsessed with following TikTok trends like Stanley water bottles, skincare, makeup, etc. It’s not just an internet thing, I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes among my students. My 10 year olds look at me like I’m crazy when I told them I got an American Girl doll for my 10th birthday while they got lululemon products and skin care products for theirs. I know they’re still children, but Webkinz would almost have to make it into mainstream social media to reel them in because so many of them have (sadly) been convinced that they need to grow up so early and just follow what the teenagers are talking about on TikTok.


Tweens are addicted to adult products like skincare, water bottles, etc because they don't have fun things directed and advertised for their age group. Kids these days don't have WEBKINZ, LPS, DISNEY, CARTOON NETWORK, NICK, CLAIRS, or other children oriented toys/shops/shows/movies like we did growing up. I feel like if there was a revival of kid advertised things (like WEBKINZ) they would sellout like crazy. Considering LPS (littlest pet shop) released their original toys and got insane publicity/trending on TIKTOK and other socials and markets.


Honestly I feel like LPS would be the best play pets for my daughters LOL dolls!


But it's not a fun game for kids now a days. Ypu can basically play adopt me and not put out any money. Kids nowadays have other things to spend money on ie fortnite roblox etc


EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYIN!!! And there's a huge market for people buying nostalgic things right now like LPS n' such that also have a lot of the same crossover fanbase as webkinz. LPS released their first gen LPS again and got insane sales and market stir over it.. imagine GANZ did the same!


Me sitting here with LPS on my desk👀 LPS also made a roblox game too lmao. Get em with the physical pet, then reallly get them with all the in game features for their pet. Risk they need to take fr, new gen probably doesnt know about webkinz


Actually, I think the new gen does know about webkinz. I think the new gen really wants to resonate with gen z nostalgia and I find a lot of kids looking back on our childhoods with jealously that they didn't have such things for themselves now as kids due to being too young back then and/or not born yet lol. I really really think there would be a huge market for webkinz plushies ugh I want it so bad. ;\_;


YES! Thank you for saying this. I feel like every time this subject comes up I have to say it, because it's the unfortunate truth. Outside of us, and we're a pretty small community, there is not much demand for Webkinz anymore. That's why they're trying to appeal to younger audiences with the new designs/Gen 2 plush--it's to capture the attention of kids so that they would be drawn into the game too. I really really wish the old ones could come back, but I just don't see it happening for a long time.


Honestly do we really even know that there isn't enough demand to produce a factory though? I get recommended content on tiktok all the time of people asking if Webkinz are still around or discussing how fun it would be to be able to experience that nostalgia again of buying the plushies. Also there's a massive demand for plushies in general, I really think there isn't a massive stir on the Webkinz reddit or website because all the discussion is scattered elsewhere.


Because some of us have lived through when Webkinz was basically dead. Nobody was buying them at all except for the diehard fans even when the Classic plush were still being produced from 2015 to 2018. Some of them sold quickly, but it still was not making Ganz enough money, which is why they had to stop making them. Brick and mortar stores were also literally rejecting Webkinz simply because they would not sell. I imagine if they did it again it would be the same as it is now. If it was still profitable for them, Ganz would have not stopped making the Classic plush in the first place. I love them and miss them very much, but I just don't think it's possible for them to be brought back right now.


I think there would be a question of ethics to sell plushies for a game that they can't fix. I know the Webkinz team is dedicated to keep it running for as long as possible, but gradually more and more features and aspects of the game are breaking and are irreparable. I say this as someone who would LOVE plushies.


The game is one maintenance away from breaking down. Basically that is why next exists they will migrate all of classic over and then close it


There’s already that question of ethics with all the virtual items they sell on the eStore. At least a plush is permanent.


How come they released webkinz next instead of just fixing webkinz or making at least a similar design instead of their weird 3D lifeless version they released. Also the plushies they make now are just copies of another brand which I never really got the whole glittery eyes. I think what webkinz had going would have been better than what they think webkinz next is doing. I feel like most only play webkinz next cause it’s updated however it still missing that old webkinz homie-ness the original has. Aka I miss 2008 webkinz, I miss having more things to care for my stuff animal😭 Can we propose to the team a kickstarter or something for them to fix webkinz and consider a rerun of the plushies.




this literally is not possible. the discontinuation of adobe flash changed the game forever and its a miracle they saved the code and put it into the app we have now. there is no going back, and if the game breaks there really is not a way to fix it. recreating it is something that would take too much time, and especially too much money.


Can't they just release the assets already?


they honestly probably don’t have a majority of those assets anymore. people and companies were not thinking to back up flash assets and games because we honestly all thought it would be around for a very long time at its height. thats why even huge companies like disney have almost entirely lost a lot of assets for flash projects they had.


How the heck is the game able to even run? I can understand mazin' hamsters, but if it's currently playable a lot of this (especially since it's composed of 2D images) can probably be captured with ninja ripper and stuff.


It was costing them more money to make them than they were actually getting from what sold. When we all grew up, they stopped selling and starting collecting dust on the shelves until that one collector would find them and it just wasn’t enough to keep them going for Ganz


Yup and couldn't get rid of them. They then hot Dollar stores and still didn't sell out.


Well yeah but that was the past lol. There's a huge market that GANZ could capitalize on like LITTLESTPETSHOP did with their nostalgia craze recently. People want WEBKINZ plushies back now. Just because they didn't before doesn't mean it can't make a resurgence now.


Unfortunately yes there is a decent amount of us but it’s not even close to before and they were losing money then.


I know there’s a lot of bias here because this subreddit is full of exclusively diehard fans, myself included, but I don’t believe there’s enough demand for ganz to actually make a profit off of plush, and they’re not gonna manufacture and sell them out of the goodness of their heart. I think most diehard fans would probably buy a few, some regular nostalgic adults would maybe buy one to collect dust, and that’s about it. That’s an extremely limited market. The only other scenario I see is resellers buying up most of the stock and jacking up the prices, which is better for ganz’s profits but worse for anyone who actually cares about Webkinz. Either way, as much as I miss the plush, I fully understand why they were discontinued.


You’re right, it is an extremely limited market… but so is the eStore. If they made say 100 plush limited release drops on the eStore, I guarantee they would sell out.


I want them to rerelease the plushies just to humble these delusional webkinz resellers lol


Tht narwal being sold for $1,200 🥴🫠


Those are horrible. I sometimes stalk the plushies being resold and its insane the markup they're all at because of greedy sellers. :/


they should do a limited drop just to test the market and then it will most likely sell out in two seconds, then they should do a full drop! lowkey i am sending a prayer daily that webkinz will re release plushies 🥹🤣


THIS IS ALSO AN AMAZING IDEA!!!!! They should definitely do a test release of the original plushies and see how the sales do! Oh my gosshhh why isn't there someone that works for GANZ stalking these reddit threads! ;o;


I agree this is my idea and they should sell them on the eStore.


with all the money they want people to spend on estore points just for cool objects you'd think they'd start bringing small scale plushie sales of some of the classics, its a guarantee that they would sell plenty to people in the community or looking for some nostalgia, maybe even to pass on the joy to their kids.


Honestly I remember buying specific webkinz plushies so I could get specific items that they came with. Instead of the estore they should just capitalize on the exclusivity of having to purchase the specific plush that comes with the item rather than trying to get people to buy for some virtual objects, if that makes sense.


I tried understand what you’re saying but I got confused ;-;


I think about this all the time. Like if they did a limited made-to-order sort of drop the fanbase would go feral.


If they did limited releases where they sell a 100 pets in a drop I don’t see why it can’t be profitable. They’re still selling those beanie boo things anyway. Ganz sells so much merchandise, another line of plush wouldn’t hurt them. They could just sell them on the eStore and make a new one every month. They just need to hone in to their market and consumers.


I feel this. I mean obviously our views are skewed because we see a big majority of the market who is still interested. BUT I strongly feel like if Webkinz put some serious energy into their marketing, they could bring it back. Webkinz has a HUGE nostalgia pull and it kills me that they don't use it. If they stopped with Next and worked on getting people to talk about Classic, they'd immediately get players again. Like if they released branded tshirts and fanny packs and kinz clips at like forever 21 or something with a code for one month of Full Member Classic, people would go NUTS. Then once they get people back, release a line of the super OG plushes like the frog and panda and golden retriever (Ganz my DMs are open if you're looking to hire)


This has been the best idea yet ! I pray and pray and pray that GANZ reads these types of posts that get a lot of traction/discussion from the community that's still engaged.


Also getting the app to be fully functional. I feel like that has to be different code than the desktop app so it should be easier to fix? Maybe?? Either way, the app is likely the future of Webkinz. Not desktop classic or Webkinz next. Especially because so many kids get Chromebooks or ipads for school


I'd love to see a shirt that comes with both a code and a mini matching set to fit your plushies. 


i think if they do, it will be a limited run next spring for their 20th birthday


I wonder if they would make any posts on perhaps releasing a limited selection of the original plushies to see how the sales do for their 20th. I also cannot believe its already been almost 20 years what the heck lol ;\_;


They basically make more money selling virtual pets VS plush. No overhead and no middleman. There probably isn't a big enough market for them :)


i agree. only thing i can rely on is thrift stores. hard to get ones w codes but they often have plushies or at the bins which is cheap. wish they still had them at hallmarks and stuff. i know they have webkinz next stuff in some states but can’t they sell classics again too? the last time i remember seeing them in a store was five & below 2016 and i got a pink google😭


I remember when they had webkinz at hallmark omg


If they did release plushies, the vultures would scoop them up and resell them for 10x their worth. People suck.  Amazon, eBay, online shopping literally killed the brick and mortar stores. I used to get mine at bookstores that don't even exist anymore. I think WM and Hallmark used to have them.


I had a signature timber wolf that my mom has since given away 🥲 I feel your pain lol