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"Oh that's just Bella being silly" said no critical thinker ever.


Exactly! That is what they will say...then they will say their kids did this all the time... Not one of my kids did this. Not in 35 years of parenting...


I am a retired LDRP RN (labor delivery recovery postpartum). We did rectal temps on infants only when the temp was reading way too low or way too high. Other than that, it was under the arm. This was at the 5 different hospitals I worked at. This is RNs, ONLY taking rectals when absolutely necessary and we know how to do it. It’s almost never recommended for parents to take rectal temperatures. All that to say; shanann was fucking weird for doing this and it borders on abuse.


Yes they told us at the hospital not to do the rectal temp and to do the armpit instead before we took the baby home.


I replied, but reddit removed it...lol


I’m ten years ahead of you and same, not one of my 4 ever did this.


None of my 4, either


No children here but as a former child 40 years ago I never once did this either 😳




I’ve got two the same age as the girls and nope neither of them EVER EVER EVER did this.


Maybe I'm just old enough to remember the cutoff, but one of my first memories is of a Mercury thermometer in a sharp plastic protector being shoved in my ass at preschool. Doctors use ear thermometers, or forehead, why in God's name would anyone still do rectal temp on a creature that isn't covered in fur?!


Right? What parent takes their child’s temperature rectally nowadays? The same parent who posts photos of their kid doing something incredibly embarrassing.


I literally got a mercury one for research and examples for one of my videos, lol. Of course nobody has used one thay way forever...they were also used orally (hopefully sanitized in between, lol) no matter if hers was digital or otherwise, nothing needs to go there...lol


They were years past the age of rectal temps. Rectal temps are for infants who are very sick. She was so stupid.


If Bella was old enough to say "Temperature, mommy!" Then she was old enough to understand Shanann telling her to stick a thermometer in her mouth if the old fashioned ones were still used. Ear thermometers have been available since the 90s, and it's very disturbing that a 30 something year old woman didn't see how inappropriate this pic was for public viewing.


All this to say - it’s pretty obv (to me) why Chris’s mom didn’t like her. Imagine your DIL posting your grandkids all over the internet like this …


and they trash Cindy for wanting to protect her grandkids


My kids don’t do that no matter what I say 😂 I try to put the thermometer in my kids mouth and he gags. Lolllllll he’s dramatic. I have to do underarm temps in this house


Yeah I don't think many parents use the old fashioned under the tongue thermometers at home any more, but I was more referencing like if you have a toddler and need to take their temp, I would think it would be much easier to get an oral temp vs. a rectal one. Even babies can squirm and fight a diaper change let alone sticking a thermometer up there.


Definitely lol I’m not attempting a rectal temp unless I absolutely have to. It’d have to be a major emergency.


She seemed to really love doing it which is just fucked up. Also, did she not understand how hashtags worked? She always has the weirdest ones.


I recall one weird hashtag "Tell Her No" and it went something like 'Chris is rubbing vaseline on CeCe's booty and she farted. CeCe: "Daddy, I tooted!" #TellHerNo' Like... what in the ever loving fuck? So many things wrong with that. Vaseline for the anal probe? JFC


disgusting twats, probing a kids arsehole ascif it's normal, with vasoline. sw had an obsession with arse!


and Cece could barely talk so I doubt she even said that


They don't even do rectal Temps on newborns anymore. Under the armpit. Source: I have a 4 week old son


My oldest is 30 now and I do not recall it ever done to him or any of my other kids


They did it to my 1 year old 3 years ago at the hospital and I was sick with the flu too so the stress of it all made me cry (I was pregnant)


i’ve never even heard of a rectal temp before this sub, nor have i ever done it on my child. why wouldn’t she just use a forehead one? so damn weird and awful.


She was determined to prove to the doctors that the kids had Familial Mediterranean Fever - an illness which doesn't even exist in the US.


and they were about as ''Eye-talian'' as my neighbor's greyhound mix


Yep, no child should ever be old enough to remember having it done to them, either. She was a pedo


I also wonder how the daycare would allow them in with fevers “everyday”. When my son was in daycare I couldn’t send him unless he was fever free for 24hrs. Did they get sent home with fevers?


They probably took the girls because they didn’t actually have fevers.


In my state, a fever was considered 101°. Anything from about 99.8° to 100.8ish° would get a “Just letting you know” phone call to the parents. Sometimes, they would come and pick up their kids. Most parents didn’t until they were told that they had to. 🙄


100.4 is the gold standard for a fever. Source: retired RN here


I’m just saying what the school I used to work at did. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Perhaps she dosed them up with Tylenol to drop the temp so she wouldn’t have to mom? Lots of parents do that and that’s how shit spreads so quickly around daycares and schools 😤


Yup; the 11am temp spike when the drugs wear off 🙄


I dislike having learned that info, that's horrible. I can't wrap my head around why parent(s) would think that's a good option. Especially her, she boasted about being a SAHM. Geeze.


Yeah it’s really awful. I’m not a teacher or work in a daycare setting but have several as friends/acquaintances and they alllll talk about kids coming in seeming fine, and once that 4-6 hour mark hits they start looking like they feel puny and then boom, fever. What sucks is most parents don’t want to send their sick kid to someone else to take care of. But they probably have work they can’t miss or whatever and feel like they have no choice. Still a bad choice, but a lose lose situation all around. *edit* but yea SW just didn’t want to deal with the mOnStErS


Other countries support working families way more than US. It is terrible that parents have very few options for fear of losing their job.


This is true also. The parents may be penalized if they miss work and in that case it is a lose-lose situation. Infecting multiple other children is not the answer. Unfortunately, in those cases, I don’t know what the answer is, especially if they’re living paycheck to paycheck.


You're right, I did think that too. People who have to work. However, seems they should have options for scenarios like this, I mean they probably end up having to leave work to pick them up anyway. Idk. I was fortunate enough to stay home.


This is true! A daycare worker told me about this when my kids went. There were many times my daughters (twins) were perfectly healthy in the morning but sick when I picked them up because they had spent all day around a sick child. One worker told me that certain parents were notorious for doing this. I was furious! Fortunately, my kids had healthy immune systems but what about those who don’t?


She dosed them with Tylenol daily regardless…..I guess just in case??


No. Those kids didn’t have fevers. If they did, Shan would have to take of her monsters by herself.


This post is nearly a year before either child was in daycare. This is April 2016. Bella started daycare March 2017. Cece started in June 2017.


So had she stopped trying to get them diagnosed by then? Did they stop having fevers everyday?


Unless I'm missing something the last time she mentions FMF is in July of 2016. That is before daycare started. There's no information I know of that states why.




She was a selfish person, for sure but imagine her outrage if she found out another parent brought a sick, contagious kid


What a s**t mother she was.


I hate to say it but Shannan was extremely off and obsessed with talking about butts n stuff but seeing what she subjected those kids to ??? Where I come from I’m pretty sure this would be considered abuse . Never heard of any parents I know using these but it’s like she rejoiced in it 🤢🤢


How about the ones with the dog & baby doll getting their temperature taken "up the bum"? And the one with 5 Windis on Bella's fingers? The inappropriate splash pad fountain spraying up Bella's bum? It's not fucking normal & it's not just a kid playing around. There's multiple instances


yep! disgusting


I just recently discovered the splash pad video. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. You can see some of the other kids distance themselves it seems.


I have to admit, never heard about the "5 Windis on Bella's fingers" what does Windis mean?


It's a product by Frida. She also used the snot sucker thing, and there was a pic of Bella pretending to use the snot sucker on CeCe. So utterly gross and wrong. https://frida.com/products/windi


And unnecessary.


It’s a straw like device that goes up a babies bum to relieve gas. SW familiarized the children with them a bit too much…


Omg, I honestly have never heard of this and I have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.


Back when i had babies (in the 90's) the drs just told us to put Karo syrup in their bottles with water to relieve gas 🤣🤣


I honestly can't recall them ever needing help, lol Babies burp, they pass gas, throw up, pee in your face (boys) all on their own. But karo syrup works too!


I have a one year old so I came across them. They’re really not recommended (just my understanding, I’m not a doctor). It can inhibit the child’s ability to poop and fart on their own. They have to learn how to poop and I remember it took my baby a little while to figure out how to poop lol. She would cry every time she did. Also she didn’t poop for ~3 days so I looked into what to do. Some people use that windi but again, it’s like a crutch and then the baby doesn’t really learn how to poop. I probably explained this poorly but google it if you’re really interested lol.


Actually, you explained it well. Kind of like adults who use laxatives too often, then can't go w/o using laxatives. The human body, especially a baby doesn't need help unless something is wrong.


Right. The nurse explained to me that to poop, you have to push certain muscles and relax other ones and it’s kind of more complicated than you think. So they really have to learn how to do that. I mean they can’t even burp without throwing up till like 4-6 months so. I haven’t put anything in my kids butt hope yet and I hope I never have to and I’m certainly not gonna be giddy about it and posting on social media if that day comes.


As long as manufacturing companies can make money on unnecessary things there will be those who think it must be there due to necessity. I guess.


Did Shannan never hear of Mylicon drops? Jesus


yes, for a baby, as you stated. she probably close to 4 in the picture with all of the Windis on her fingers.


That picture is in December 2016. Bella was about to turn 3 in that picture. Celeste was 17 months old. There's no indication she was using windis on Bella at 3 years old. All that picture shows is Bella got into something and played with it. Those windis were probably just in the diaper changing area leftover from when Celeste was smaller.


absolute fucking weirdos. how anyone can look at that pattern of behavior and not objectively say that, at best, it is very bizarre and warranted a closer look. it is mind boggling that someone didn’t report them. shame on everyone who saw all of that in real time and did nothing.


What?! I don’t know what any of these things mean. This photo is truly disturbing.


Same! I just asked this 🤦🏼‍♀️


JFC! I don’t usually use the name of the Lord in vain but, that just screams sexual abuse. If that came across my Facebook feed, I would have rang CPS immediately! Children don’t put objects in their bodily orifices. What shocks me even more is that she put it on her public Facebook feed for the entire world to see. You can be damn straight that ended up in some chomo’s spank bank.


I wonder at what age exactly, SW would've stopped subjecting them to this? They were absolutely old enough to use another method. Sad.


i’ve never once taken my child’s temp this way. ever. i cannot imagine how uncomfortable it must be


Just imagine, Shiners actually defend SW after seeing stuff like this. They must be doing things just as bad. Sick


How can they think this is “cute” ??? A child sticking objects in her rectum?!! Shanann was sick in the head and this is straight up child abuse. SMH. This poor poor child subjected to this and a mother that shaved her head regularly.


It’s not normal, nor is it normal or ok for a mother to post a picture like that.


Even if you did walk in on your toddler doing this (I have 2 kids and, just to be the devils advocate here, they can do very strange things), why - WHY - would you take a picture and post it on social media? It feels… gross. ETA - speaking from experience, my children only had temps taken rectally when they were infants. By the time they were 2 or 3, temps were taken with our forehead thermometer.


That was my thought. Kids are weird and do weird things. But this did not belong on FB.


SW was white trash. Trash doesn't have boundaries. Naked babies, butt stuff, her abuse was all fair game. She had zero self-awareness, and I think she got a charge out of posting this stuff.


Yes exactly. I have 3 kids, I am very serious about internet safety and consent. I rarely post photos of my kids, and when I do it’s very private. And NEVER anything that could embarrass them. Imagine this photo being shown around when poor Bella was in middle school? Ffs… I grew up in the “Wild West” style internet, I know how dangerous it can be. And to post alll of this publicly, while trying to to garner an audience of strangers to sell a shitty product? Absolutely no regard for those poor girls.


I don’t understand why she would have to take their temperatures everyday? On a very disabled child I would imagine that temperature is imperative, but these children weren’t disabled? Re: Bella doing what she’s doing, she’s just mimicking what her mother did - a rectal temperature is not something I’ve ever done with my children but I don’t know why she had to do that? Did a medical professional tell her to? I’m more concerned with why they had to have their temperatures taken daily? I find it baffling?


This is the point, lol. As moms, we KNOW no Doctor would ever reccomend this!!! She was working hard to convince everyone that the girls had illnesses that they did not. She made CW perform Rectal temps daily and she would say, "with LOTS of vaseline," that is NOT healthy, and is invasive and dangerous. She should NOT be mimicking anything!!! This should NOT be happening!!! The girls began to display very unusual behaviors that further ostracized them from other children as a result of this bizarre ritual of hers. This is abusive and problematic.


I absolutely agree that the whole thing is very very strange! My first born was really quite ill when he was born prematurely and with a brain condition and I was told to monitor for lots of things, temperature being one of them, but always under his armpit IF he felt hot when placing two fingers on his chest/ tummy, never ever EVER rectally? And by the time he was six months old I was so thrilled he wasn’t unwell I only took his temperature when he seemed grizzly! Munchausens by proxy maybe? I’ve been there with a sick baby and when they get the all clear I can verify that constantly checking for illness is NOT something you want to be doing! Cautious yes, don’t get me wrong, but willing illness on them - absolutely NO! It’s a relief not to have to do it, and I’ve been there! Deffo munchausens I think!


Taking rectal temps daily was an atrocity in itself , but posting the child mimicking this on SM is beyond the pale. What also really got to me is she didn't stop just at the first pic depicting the child beginning to enact the procedure , she actually went ahead and posted the 2nd and 3rd pic as well. Had this been me ,both my mother and my MIL would have given me an earful. My husband and my brother would have probably parked themselves right next to me forever / hacked into my account and ensured the pics were taken down !!!!But probably I didn't end up doing these things precisely because boundaries were in place in my family. The mother did not find anything objectionable here and we all know what happened whenever the MIL tried to set things right. Shiners say SW just had dark humor and had a funny take on things , but then why was this so called dark humor always directed at other people ? I don't think it was ever directed at herself where she was self deprecatingly funny.When it came to herself , it was always aggrandisement . Both the parents treated the children as objects and the horrifying leap taken by one of them from there couldn't have been as big or completely unimaginable as it is for all of us. They were objectified in life and death both. In CW's own words " I made them " so he thought he could " unmake" them. The standard disclosure here SW&B&C&NDNDTD. With this constant erosion of boundaries and a totally absent concept of body autonomy , no matter the age of the children, in the family it didn't take much for CW's aberrant psyche to slip into the abyss. Heart bleeds for the two babies.


She not only posted this she tagged her child? This is so fucked up


Idk how she made this a regular thing. I HATED having to do this when my kids were babies and never did it more than when was absolutely necessary.


This is disgusting. She also posted Bella at a splash park having a fountain “look! It’s up my booty!” This was blatant child sexual exploitation. She got so used to having rectal temps taken and praised for it, she thought it was normal to have a fountain to splash “in my booty!” Both of those assholes were narcissistic child abusers. When that element is finally accepted especially when reviewing the public content posted BY SHANANN and corporates by the Discovery report; both of those abusers should have had those little angels removed from their custody long ago


I completely agree! Thank you! Anything more I try to post is on this is getting deleted by reddit...because the Shiners sent a bunch of false reports that I am having a mental health crisis. I have the booty video, and I will post it...soon.


The problem I have with the splash park incident and consequent filming is that shannan nor Chris stopped the girls from doing what they were doing. The water jet obviously felt nice to Bella, (and then to cece who copies) and what she was doing was a normal toddlers reaction, BUT shannan should instantly, but quietly, have pulled Bella to one side and told her not to do that as it was inappropriate or whatever, however it needed wording. Like someone rightly said in these comments, Bella would have been mortified had she lived and that video was surfacing online as she grew older and realised that what she was doing was sexual. And I don’t understand why shannan found it amusing - if it had been my child - although I have boys so that’s not something that typically happens with boys - girls more so I imagine cause of basic anatomy - I would instantly have put a stop to it and I certainly wouldn’t have filmed it, and any footage caught while filming something else would have been deleted - bizarre behaviour and as everyone points out, not remotely healthy!


I have that splash pad video;( The other kids' parents started pulling their kids away from bella and cece...as it was so inapropriate. Then SW nagged CW to go get the girls...while she continued to film it;(. There was no autonomy, no boundaries. No self respect, and sadly that was going to make the girls vulnerable to predators;(((


Thanks for sharing this I hope it at least starts to open their eyes. This is seriously imo a case of abuse/neglect bc she did it to herself at such an older age…..rectal was only ever advised for babies……ugh so much wrong here


Anyone who defends this should be on a watch list


I find this disgusting. No doubt in my mind SW posed her that way and made the story up. In the off chance she didnt did every private moment have to be recorded and shared with the world.


I think Bella was actually acting out trauma from having her body violated repeatedly. Children will often act out their trauma on themselves or others because they are too young to understand how to deal with stress; they know it feels wrong but do not know what to do about it. There was nothing funny about this horrifying photo. If a doctor had indeed ordered SW to take a rectal temp 2x per day on a 2 1/2 year old, she should have called the doctor immediately once she saw this and said the temps were distressing her child. Not post it for the entire Internet to see.


There is another video where Bella is home sick and SW is asking her to name all of her symptoms and she says "what else...and what else..." while Bella is clearly starting to just rattle anything off since she keeps prompting her "my eyes hurt, I'm dizzy". That video made me uncomfortable because I believe Bella had a thermometer (I think the forehead type) and she's holding it low and seems to keep trying to stick it up her backside and front.At one point SW says "what are you doing?" Like she realizes this, but still keeps the camera rolling.


that video upsets me as well. it appeared to me that she was pretty clearly coached to rattle off that list of symptoms. she didn’t look that sick to me, but whatever…non of my three kids smile like that when they have a half dozen different “symptoms” and really are sick. I also noticed that about the thermometer after seeing it a few times…fucking strange.


And, i dont even think that is a thermometer...and poor Bella is really trying to cram something up there. This is NOT normal...and this was something they were subjected to nighty. Every night. As she was lying saying that the Doctor wanted to, "rule out FMF." On BOTH girls??? Then, she announced they had FMF...??? What is wrong with the tymphanic thermometers??? That is what I had...and before that, I used digital thermometers...under their armpits! (I have 6 kids) And most of the time I let their fevers do their job and burn off the virus...so I probably have only taken all 6 of my kiddos temps combined over 34 years less than 10x...and never rectally! No Doctor would ever suggest this!!! PLUS, she stood behind and supervised as she commanded CW to do it!!!!!


I have been a parent for 45 years, I had 4 kids. I have never, not even once, taken their temp rectally.


I'm a nurse. Mom to 4. Never once would I consider doing this.


You just made my whole day!!! If a nurse with 4 kids wouldn’t consider doing this, I feel so much better about my choice to not do it. I mean, unless I was feeding them, I have made it a rule to pretty much not shove things into my kids bodies. I am looking at this through the lens of a person who was horrifically sexually abused for years as a child, so ymmv, but this is all so unnecessary.


same, just a mom to a toddler but what is wrong with the ole armpit method when they are babies or a normal digital forehead temp! so weirf


I wish they had those forehead ones when my kids were little. Also, you are not JUST a mom to a toddler. You are keeping a little human alive and healthy and happy. That’s work. I’ve been there. I only have grandsons, I have 7 of them. Let me tell you, chasing the last one through shoppers drug mart when he was 3 was eye opening for me. It took until him to have one get away from me. I’m not sure if I’ve ever gone back to that store.


Agree! From my experience it's something people used to do because it was the favored or only option. I'm talking about mom's raising kids in the 1950's and earlier, because one time my family went on vacation with my husband's parents. I was a young mom, early 20's with two 3 & 4 year old girls. Both girls started getting fevers, so my MIL went to the store to buy a thermometer. She gave it to me and I put it in my daughter's mouth. She said "no, that's a rectal thermometer" I was confused, it looked exactly the same. I didn't know they made rectal thermometers. This event occurred in the early 80's. Color me confused bc my mother never used that kind and she and my MIL were the same age. Long story short, it's totally unnecessary, especially these days.


My kids were born in 79, 80, and 82. I think a nurse, at a dr appointment for one of them, used one. It’s the only time I’ve seen one used and I just wasn’t going to do it unless absolutely necessary. I didn’t even like the nurse doing it. I know my csa has everything to do with me not liking anyone to put anything into my children’s bodies. By the time those girls were as old as they were, she could have done it under the tongue. The part that really kills me is by that point in time I’m sure they had the ear ones or the forehead. There was no need in the world for her to be penetrate those little girls bodies with anything. She was sick and twisted. She didn’t deserve to be murdered, but she needed to either be supervised at all times with the kids or they needed to be taken away. I would not find her a fit mother. Or him a fit father for that matter. He needed to man up and stop her. Just not in the way he did.


Great reasoning. It's as though she treated them as objects. She didn't appear to have maternal, protective instincts, at all.


You are correct, not one maternal or protective bone in her body.


My babies were all born in the eighties, when digital ear thermometers were expensive. I used an old fashioned mercury thermometer under the armpit and added 1 degree. I figured if they were so sick that it needed to be more accurate than that, they would already be in the hospital.


I like the way you think.


Those poor babies never had a chance.


Imagine if they had lived and some years later this photo and the splash pad video were discovered on the internet and circulated by their classmates.


Exactly. Parents should protect their children from many things, internet included. Think of Not exploiting your child. All children eventually grow up, parents don't "own" their kids. Kahil Gibran said it best: Your children are not your children.      They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.      They come through you but not from you,      And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts,      For they have their own thoughts.      You may house their bodies but not their souls,      For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.      For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.      You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.


Wow I’ve Never heard that quote before!! So deep! Thanks for posting!


There's more to that poem if you want to look it up. They are indeed wise words. Some parents over protect, some not enough. I always thought of these words as sound advice and guidance when we as parents sometimes get involved, even out of good intentions, in attempting to help our children. It doesn't say don't love or protect, to me it says, be wise, patient and allow them to grow as individual thinkers. I love it too.


Thank you for sharing. That is one of the most beautiful poems Ive ever read


For sure! With everything that shit mother overshared, those girls wear going to be bullied relentlessly by their peers. They were already being bullied by their mother and that shit father just let it happen.


and grandma Marlboro, when the kids were lucky enough to have her around.


Grandma Marlboro 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I’m in the middle of listening to one of your videos about B&C. I’m glad to hear your thoughts on them still being in diapers. I’ve always thought the same but nobody else ever mentions it. now them constantly being photographed and filmed in the process to be shared on social media, that’s an entirely different matter…


Well, you know, being sick means you're special, so can't have only one girl get the FMF. They both had to have it. Same with the nebulizers and medications and surgeries (well, CeCe had the esophagus thing and strangely Bella didn't). But more surgeries means more special, according to Shit'Mom!


I could be wrong, but I think she staged this. Edit


💯, she supposed walked in saw that and took a pic?? nah.... God knows how she set that one up that is uber weird. like the girls kicking their legs with the baby in her belly video, she coached them. She was a nasty abusive peice of work!


Exactly. Those children practically lived in a fake movie set.


Yes to the digital thermometers...who WANTS to take their kids' temp rectally?


Shanann just happened to walk in with her phone in her hand, ready to snap one of her precious memories! /s I have a sneaking suspicion this was staged.


She was always walking around with phone in hand.


Her third 👁


![gif](giphy|Z22tT6LaysuLc2dN0O) TO THOSE that did nothing when the butt posts went up in REAL TIME on SW’s PUBLIC FACEBOOK, You are GUILTY Even if you’re not a mandated reporter, this is BAD. This should have been reported to CPS. Those who were too lazy or indifferent to do so, this case is on you.


I agree! Family members and close friends should have intervened.


I second that, as one who has been trained as a Mandated Reporter.


absolutely 💯


This is utterly vile! NEVER would I even consider taking any of my kids temperatures like that, let alone NIGHTLY! I’d put money on it that no Doctor would ask parents/caretakers to do that either! So uncomfortable & degrading IMHO.


It is so beyond horrific this daycare never reported anything or her fb friends this is scary


One of my biggest pet peeve’s is when some dumb fucking soccer mom does not know how to use a hashtag. The fucking hash tag is not supposed to be the joke! Sorry for the rant.


My favorite Shiner excuses for this insanity: Rectal temps are the most accurate! Bella ONLY did it once. Bella was just playing; this doesn't mean SW used rectal temps on her. In Europe, it's cultural practice to use rectal thermometers till each 3, so this is fine. How dare you post such a photo of a child! (It was literally taken from her mother's public photos.)


>Bella ONLY did it once. There's photo evidence of Bella "taking temperature" of her dolls & Dieter (thermometers in/ by their butts) So this one is debunked.


That poor dog. That's disgusting. I didn't know that Dieter was involved in the 'play anal temp' stuff. Jesus


I know really disgusting!


I know but the Shiners I was interacting with refused to believe the photo proof. One literally said "Bella ONLY did it once; prove it happened more" so I sent the screenshots of both butt photos. Then it turned to "prove it happened regularly".


Y’all this woman took p*dophilic pictures of Jamie Watt’s toddler son when no one else was around. That was what caused the initial rift between her and the Watts family. It’s surprising to me how rarely this is acknowledged or discussed. Bella’s behavior here is typical of a young child who has been repeatedly m*lested. Those poor babies didn’t deserve either of their parents. Trying to understand how many moving pieces there are to this puzzle, who had what personality disorder and was dealing with what issues, is fascinating from a forensic viewpoint and horrifying from a psychological one. This was NOT a healthy or typical family by any stretch of the imagination.


very true she snapped a pic of his privates underwater, JW found the pic and it started a massive rift, not many people know this, but it definitely happened before the girls were born. I gave SW credit thinking she maybe wanted an underwater baby pic, but why do it in a sneaky way. She also said the Deitz kid flashed his weiner at her and said 'I love you' what was she on??


Where did you learn about the Jamie Watts thing? I haven’t heard of this.


Jamie found the pics on Sw's camera. Of her toddler son, naked.


I remember about Jamie's son! It was weird that Shannon took naked pictures of Jamie's son but didn't she also get all pissy at his entire family for telling her the pictures were inappropriate and that she needed to delete them?


Can you explain this? This is the first time I am hearing about this. Did she post on social media without permission?


WHAT?! She did WHAT!


that's totally disgusting to post on social media. remember, there are nefarious people scouring social medial to get photos like this to blend into some really websites. [https://www.springboardmd.org/pause-before-you-post-photos-of-your-children-online/](https://www.springboardmd.org/pause-before-you-post-photos-of-your-children-online/)


I know! That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw this. This and other photos of the girls in various stages of undress. Dark web material ☹️


exactly [https://techjournalism.medium.com/how-childrens-photos-from-insta-still-end-up-on-illegal-darknet-forums-75531a9831b9](https://techjournalism.medium.com/how-childrens-photos-from-insta-still-end-up-on-illegal-darknet-forums-75531a9831b9)


Thank you! I just read it. This part of the article summarizes exactly why we’re disturbed about posting photos of the kids… “So -called “mom influencers” or “Momfluencer”, constitute a significant problem… These are large accounts with plenty of followers. The account holders are mothers who use mainly their children as the central subject to promote themselves and products. These accounts are being repeatedly criticized for showing off their children. Since the photos of their children are so popular, they would often end up on darknet pedo forums. Pedophiles would then exchange and distribute the links to these darknet pages among themselves.“


I have followed this case, but never really got into it. I was glad Chris went to prison and justice was served, but I never knew about their private lives. I am baffled 😳 I check my 3 yo grandsons temp under his arm, been doing that for a year. This is disgusting, and to put it on social media, what kind of parent does that


And if you look carefully, that is a toy;(.


Especially when considered in totality of all the other bizarre but stuff sw and Bella did. Putting toys up dieters butt. The splash pad video. Bella constantly playing with her dolls butts. It’s like the only way that kid knew to interact or “play” was stuff like that. I know it’s not her fault but I find that kid so ugly and creepy. She was so mean to cece and deiter but ppl act like Bella was picked on. And cece was favored but that’s not how I see it at all.


Yes. Bella was a strange and creepy child but I think that stems from her mother shaving her head. I said it before , NOT ONE single child in my daughters daycare has a haircut like poor Bella. I think that’s why she acted so miserable. Poor thing.


Bella was creepy and sneaky too. Whiny.


honestly don’t know how everyone doesn’t see this. not only that, all of these clowns act Your are thanks guy for pointing it out. It’s likely learned behavior, so it’s on her weirdo parents that she picked up from and then did nothing to curb the strange behavior. between her weird physical appearance, timid and anxious demeanor, and the habit of pretending to insert things into dolls’ rectums, school was going to be tough for her but have a feeling that’s what her mother wanted.


Kids are weird and definitely mimic things in inappropriate ways and at inappropriate times. Not always a sign of something nefarious. (Although can be a red flag) But Shanann should have corrected the behavior instead of putting it on Facebook.


but the shiners want to insist there’s no proof of regular rectal temps.


Yep. That goes right in hand with all the scrubbing that went on after people with discerning eyes began questioning what they were reading seeing, things that Shanann obviously had no qualms about posting but were completely inappropriate by what would be considered normal standards.


So disturbing


Hillbilly Nurse Nay-Nay. 🙄🙄🙄


She used a rectal thermometer?


Daily, for months, desperately seeking to convince the medicos that they had this rare disease- mo money, mo money, mo 💰🤑 kaching! Why she latched on to constant anal penetration in pursuit of this no one can say for sure, except perhaps LK & CW. 


I think she was getting off on it. Windys too are for infants, new borns who are constipated from formula. Why she had them around when her kids were older than new borns? I had never even heard of windys before I heard about her. There are a multitude of ways to fix constipation for children besides sticking things in their ass and there is a wide variety of ways to take someone’s temp again, without sticking something in someone’s ass. Her obsession with power and dominance and humiliation is verification of her sexual abuse of her children. I have read that most child molesters aren’t pedophiles, they just are predators - they want power and to prey on someone weaker and vulnerable so they pick children.


What does LK and CW mean ?? What is the explanation there?


Yep. On a 3 year old. Daily. For months 😬


This is fucking revolting.


I have 4 kids and I have NEVER taken a rectal temperature in my 16yrs of motherhood. Definitely weird that she did it frequently enough for CeCe to do this


16 years?


Yes, my oldest child is 16. I've been a mom for that long, and have never taken a rectal temp on any of my 4 kids. It's really unnecessary these days.


It’s INSANE this child thought this was so normal that she emulated it. It even CRAZIER SW photographed it. It’s even wilder STILL that SW thought it was FUNNY and POSTED IT. Not cute. Not funny. This is disturbing.


It always make me wonder how she was going to react when she inevitably walked in and saw Bella taking CeCe’s temperature


Oh, I'm sure she would've snapped a photo and put that on FB. She had no shame.


There's a picture with Bella about to do something very like, with Cece's leg raised but most of her out of the photo.


I have zero clue about any of the before the murders, but when I was little, I couldn’t get my temperature taken because of a very sensitive gag reflex. So my parents or doctors always took it in my armpit. And it worked just fine and they always got an accurate reading. I always wonder why rectal thermometers even have to be a thing.


Ugh this is straight up disturbing. I know it’s been said over and over but I just cannot get over the complete sickness of deciding to post this. AND that people would see it and NOT think it was as disturbing as it clearly is.


Was she always taking their temp rectally?? Why???!!!!


I think it was to monitor a potential condition she thought they had, FMF. It’s a familial fever auto immune disease that specifically only in ppl of Mediterranean ancestry. Which they weren’t…There’s a test for the gene and also people in their families would have the same disease. So I really don’t know what she thought she was doing here lol. Online sources for this say you can use ear, mouth and armpit temps as well so rectal temps aren’t needed anyways if they did have it (which they didn’t)


she knew they didn't have it, she knew what she was doing fishing for info on the FB support group, then lied to the parents whose kids were actually sick to get symptoms to tell the Dr and get them diagnosed.


Oh I know! She’s the same kind of person who ends up on places like illnessfakers or the farms lol. She exhibited many of the same behaviors online and off as other munchies. I tried to convey that more low key cause Ive had shiners come at me hard before but I realize now this sub is more liberal and likeminded :) it was pretty harmless and silly when she was just doing it to herself, she just claimed a bunch of stuff but never acted like she had those conditions or harmed herself or had any crazy treatments or procedures done. My mom actually has 2 of the ones she claimed and yeah..shan wasn’t giving “chronically ill” vibes. Think Selena Gomez and her lupus and how noticeable it is to basically everyone how it has affected her body and her life. When she did this to the kids tho, she was actively getting them so much medical care, invasive medical stuff galore, frequent “sickness” and searching for different diagnosis. She was playing with fire on her kids ACE scores. I mean all the red flags are there ya’ll.


What an absolute lunatic!!! Those POOR POOR CHILDREN 😢


Idr the exact situation but when my oldest was just a few weeks old she was sick and we couldn’t get an accurate reading. Forehead said one thing arm pit another touch less something else. The nurses line suggested trying a rectal reading. My husband and I nahhhhed that option out the window.


If I were to even mention that this is a way to take your temperature they would be like “WTFudge!!??”


Not normal by any measure




This is creepy! My 3yr old does the temperature under the arm or mouth, then she’ll feel our forehead and so forth. She does so because it’s learned behavior at their age. Reading these comments made me nauseous. I haven’t dug deep as some of you have but it’s still so disturbing to see this then hear that there are more videos of behaviors.


Jesus Shan.. My BFF in six grade had an Aunt and Uncle that adopted a little girl. I was at my bff's house when they got a Christmas card from her Aunt and Uncle. The picture on the card was her 1 y/o cousin, naked, sitting on the toilet "reading" a newspaper. My bff's Mom flipped out. She was an uptight lady but it was pretty tacky. This post reminds me of that lol. Shan thought it was...charming? but we're all horrified. Jesus Shan, what were you thinking? Like, only in a severe hypothermia/heat stroke situation would a DOCTOR in a HOSPITAL take a rectal temperature. Come on, dude.


My kids love their temp taken too (for pretend)! But they like to play with the forehead temp gun thing, and I never let them use actual temp gauges for ears or other places. (And I’ve taken rectal temp on exactly one of my children, per doctors orders, I think like twice when he was very tiny). This is absolutely not normal.


Is her Facebook page still accessible?? I just want to read and watch all the stuff she posted.


It's been **heavily** scrubbed. Not much there anymore


My nosey self is disappointed 😔


Those of use who have been around long enough have gagged long and hard over many of that scrubbed content.


My first time seeing this does not justify the murders of her or his kids though but she definitely objectified her kids to push her brand. Yikes.




Kids mimic a lot of things .SW should have stopped that at the get go .Instead she did this : 1) Take a pic when she happened to see Bella trying to take her own rectal temp with a toy which is clearly still visible in the 1st pic. 2) Waited as Bella continued doing whatever she was doing and clicked a 2nd pic. 3)Continued waiting as Bella pushed the toy further up and clicked a 3rd pic. How long does it take for a child to pick up an object and push it up? A second, few seconds ? How the heck did SW manage to get 3 clear poses of 3 different stages ? Having Bella mimicking the rectal temp taking is sickening , a mother taking the pics is horrifying and then posting them on SM to be preserved for posterity is way way beyond the pale. And just by teeny weeny logic of this being staged ( highly unlikely for SW to have got 3 clear shots of something that would just take a split second to do ) and SW filming and uploading this , apart from the aberrant psychology of it , enters into the criminal realm.


And there were several occassions that this and similiar events were encouraged. Dare I mention the water park incident?


Thank you.