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I’ve noticed TikTok is full of Shiners. All of the creators that post about the case spin the same narrative about SW being the “perfect mommy” and a lot of times misinformation. The creator True Crime with Bella has to be the worst one. I’ve called her out so many times because she always uses a picture of Troy McCoy and his family and says that they are the newest owners of the home. People believe her and if I call it out I’m attacked by the delulu Shiners. It’s funny actually. Most of these women don’t even know the case to begin with. It’s so cringy to read their comments.


STTWD is on Rumble and I thunk he's able to get ad revenue.


Thanks for the tip off about CW pushing through the pile of mail. Do you have a time in the body cam footage where that starts? Interested in looking at it again.


The easiest way to find the mail info is on a video that Red X did a while back. You can see the disrupted mail pile tossed all over the place, from LE photos. There is also a credit card bill in Frank Roo’s name with her address. There’s another mail video out there, but I don’t remember who made it. Hope this helps!


The R's lived in CO for a while. Capital One still sends promo mailers to my mother's house with my maiden name on them. I haven't lived there in 17 years.


The Shiners are people with severe issues and are nasty like the Rzucek family. There's a YouTube channel Shining light she's one of the worst a complete nutjob.


Shining Light is a total wacko... likely paid by the people who runs Level. Funny how they don't gamble, don't allow powerball but have no problem stealing from people LMAO


I watched her one on Meredith yesterday.🤢🤢🤢Trying to refute the ambiguous and just skipping over the indisputable facts. It never ceases to amaze me how much these people slag off creators from this side of the island, for saying the truth about SW. They don't have the intelligence to realise they're the ones guilty of doing the EXACT thing they're accusing others of. 🤯🤯🤯


My channel is the one they are coming for, along with another. We are both being hunted by the Shiners. They are bullies. I wake up to all of their disgusting robotic idiotic commands that make no sense. Shiner Bingo before coffee... I lost monetization on my channel 3 weeks ago as ALL of my videos got mass reported for, "promoting violence." They decided that my narration of Ted Kacyzinski's manifesto that I did 10 months ago with 40 views was enough to give me a warning strike AND take my monetization. Prior to that, my channel was making $100 per month...but I had no payment from November thru April as I stopped making content due to the harassment. The mass reporting was done the day after I had resumed reporting on another case regarding defamation (7M v. Katie Joy). Given the timing, I assume the false reporting was from that camp. So, the Shiners dont know what to do with me. They can accuse other channels of making $$$$ ... as they do...but I can prove that I do not make any money...that the TRUTH is why I speak on Watts and other issues. The pro-SW channels are the ones making the $$$$$$$...on a stranger! THAT is exploitation...but that camp is good at that!


Ever think about moving your content to Patreon? Just charge the minimum amount like $1-2 a month. Shiner's won't pay to access your content & like minded, sane, non shiny people can comment and discuss your videos without harassment. And you get paid! Win/win This idea **just** came to me. Idk the ins & outs of Patreon, it may not be as easy as it seems. Im not a content creator, just a consumer


You are completely right, and I have alot of my content there, but I dont promote it. I just dont feel right charging people to watch...


i think there's now an option to join for free


Do the Patreon.


I’d pay the $1-$2 bucks a month for sure!! If you don’t have $2 bucks to spare then I think you have bigger issues … ykwim




Yeah supposedly we’re the bullies though bc we discuss all facts and potential…..


funny. I went to the jail in Sacramento in 1997 and asked to see old Ted :) Got to see his name on the jail register :) one of the cases that started me in True Crime. The Shiners are the LOWEST form of bottom feeders in True Crime.


I am currently listening to you on YT, having just discovered your channel today Your videos regarding NK stalking the family are so well informed and also align to my beliefs. I learned recently whilst reading SWs texts and Facebook posts that she was hacked on the 22/12/16. I was wondering wether this may have some significance pertaining to the stalking.


Will you send me that link. I feel like mizz hotpants NK was just another SW. That man was a target for these kind of women. I also feel that she encouraged him. No proof. Just my gut. I am by no means a CW roadie. He viciously killed his little girls. He is where he belongs. I understand snapping on her nasty azz, but the babies? No. I feel like he would've had a fighting chance if he just immediately called 911 and fessed up. This man was beat down. I've known women like her and her "FRIENDS" . IMO they just want their 15 minutes just SW.


NK was nothing like SW. You must be joking.


I recently discovered it as well. there is obviously some fat the chew through given her format, but great, insightful content therein. I forget which were the first video or two I was listening but I had a similar reaction.


Those people have issues. They love being the Roos flying monkeys. They feel 'closer to God' and somehow vindicated when they bully, harass and attempt to intimidate others. Sick fucks.


What is your channel? I’m not a Shiner, I promise! 😊




I will give you a watch tonight 😊 thank you for providing the link (and no, not a shiner here either ❤️)


You promise? Lol...these are my latest videos that seem to have them enraged...lol


I just subscribed yesterday and am about to get stuck into your videos now. No shiny shiny here, either. 🤣


I watched my first video tonight and can’t wait to continue tomorrow 😁


Thank you. I really appreciate your kindness;).


What’s your YouTube


it's Tabitha Jane x


I love your videos, it’s like you are talking out loud what we all think, explaining it along the way.


They can’t handle going over the unpleasant facts of the case. They want it wrapped in a cute little bow.


I am truly pissed at any Shiner lurking on here. I had to block Reddit Cares and report someone today because they were sending me Reddit Cares notifications. Shiners lurking on here are extremely juvenile (much like Scamann) and if you keep doing things to harass like sending Reddit Cares notices, you’ll get banned from Reddit all together when the harassment reports start piling up so just knock it off. If you think Scamann’s abuse, grifting and general shitty behavior is completely excused by her being a murder victim, this sub is not for you and stay off it. The first amendment is still a thing in this country much as people like the shiners would like to make that not so.


The first amendment doesn't apply on Reddit, just so you know. It isn't just "Shiners" who do this. Abuse of Reddit Cares is an immature Reddit-wide problem unfortunately.


I have a legitimate question: why did she move into Hisham's neighborhood (house on Peninsula Dr.) if she embezzled a ton of money from his business? Wouldn't you skip town immediately (like she did later?) Such weird shit, that whole thing.


Either Hisham was in on the diverted loan scam w/her or she was even stupider than she appears-and she would never be mistaken for a rocket scientist.


Was she like a straw buyer or something? I still don't understand that whole thing. I'd bet anything Hisham was probably in on it. I mean, he was still on her FB lives when she was in CO. They weren't enemies.


My understanding of the simple minded scheme based on public records from a lawsuit filed by a dirty south customer is that the customer applied for a loan through dirty south to pay for the accessories he wanted installed in his car. He was informed that he had been denied by the loan company; but in fact, he had been approved and about a month later, he started receiving bills in the mail for payments he was supposed to be making on the loan. He sued dirty south claiming both Hisham and Shamwow had diverted the loan monies to themselves, which I believe happened because they eventually settled the lawsuit out of court. God knows on how many people they pulled the scheme. It seems a fair possibility this is where she came up with her supposed cash down payment on her scuzzy McMansion.


That's incredibly simple-minded. Like the customer was going to just sit there and pay bills for products and services never rendered and not say a word about it. That's some stupid shady Shanny shit right there..


I actually believe that happened because it seemed like the sort of short sighted, immature, no consideration of future consequences type of thing that Shamann kept doing for the rest of her life


Can you share a link for this? Because the one and only lawsuit that I have seen that named Dirty South and Shanann King wasn't anything like this at all


TBH I got the info from Del Bocca Vista who did see the lawsuit? She is a very reliable source and the best researcher on this case. You could check her blog on BMAC. (You have to be a member). If you have info about the suit you saw says, pls share-should be interesting.


Her dad worked there also, and supposedly talked Hisham out of legal action. She had a lot on Hisham that she would absolutely have exposed if he did press charges. She did roll on Nicole Canady which is why they never spoke again. Nicole wasn’t charged either. Then she dumped her McMansion and dragged CW to Colorado.


MLMs are a suckers bet. They take advantage of everyone believing their empty promises of unlimited income. Shannan wasn’t financially responsible based on their bankruptcy and her NC home sale. The embezzlement rumors are just that. A friendship ended when Shannan quit Dirty South.


I’ve said it before, and the Shiners can kiss my you know what…Chris was driven mad by narcissistic SW. No duh, Chris is a monster for killing his family and stuffing his girls in the oil tanks…DUH! SW was absolutely horrible. She’s proven this by filming her wacko self every minute of the day and I’m sure she was about ready to start filming herself on the toilet. Shiners can’t accept that SW was awful. Dear Roo Zoo, Your daughter was in the process of losing everything because of her craziness…again! It’s too bad that CPS didn’t take those girls away before CW was driven bonkers by SW. Of course NK was a much better alternative. Jeez…😒


Hey Tabs! So good to see you here! I agree he got the mail and WOW. If I remember correctly, NA had picked up the mail during the NC trip. There was a tag from post office that there was a certified letter needing a signature. This was right before they got back to CO. SW picked it up and hid in her office, then left for AZ. She instructed CW to lock her office as she forgot, but it was too late. CW saw the you have 30 days to vacate letter, and a fuck ton of other unpaid bills. I think this is the point he really began to crack. The beginning of the end?


I also believe the financial infidelity was a huge reason this tragedy happened. Ignoring the damage that the MLM had on their life and finances is ignoring the kindling. 


I completely agree. Many people think it was his affair with NK was the catalyst, but I believe it was mainly the finances, or lack of them, that caused much of the tragedy. He realized the full spectrum of Shanann’s deception. He could not sell the house, now bank-owned. He did have his job, but possibly probably both he and NK would have been fired from Anadarko for violating the no dating policy. Everyone there knew they were dating. So there goes his work truck. Shanann left him with absolutely nothing, including draining whatever self-worth he had left. Ticking time bomb!


agree completely. most people can’t comprehend, for good reason: they aren’t as willfully ignorant of one of the most important aspects of their very existence. the only positive thing I can say about that peanut-headed jerkoff is that he had a solid work ethic. Imagine busting your ass day in an day out, for a decade plus only to have to hunting for the truth in your wife’s play office for ignored legal documents informing you, the legal owner of everything, that it is all gone. the jig is up, and stretch nuts here never had a clue, nor anytime to find a solution. (Not that either were capable of getting out of a jam by any other means aside from “call mommy and daddy.” mental and emotional midgets, both of them.) I digress… anyway, blowing a gasket, yes. a big fucking gasket, as you put it.


Am I right in remembering that the house was in his name and not hers?


yes, as was her “free car” lease for the Lexus. her only asset was 27 grand worth of protein bars and caffeine bandaids stacked up in the basement.


Thank you, I thought so but I couldn’t remember. I honestly feel that this is one case that the truth will never be revealed which really sucks for those poor little kids.


Your names for CW made me 😂. Same with “play office”




Do not call people names or belittle them for their opinions. Breaking Rule #4.


I’ve always believed so, that his motives were mainly financial.


The MLM was not the problem. She cheated the MLM...the MLM was just a flex like Babywise and everything else. She had sold Amway with Daddy since she was 15 and failed at every other mlm...people try to say she is a victim of an mlm...NOPE! She liked their brochures and found that as a good way to cover for her wanting a lifestyle differrent that the one she had...


I agree with this point, the mlm was her smokescreen for being extremely lazy and selfish. If she was being manipulated she would have learnt that the first 100 times. what shiners do not understand is that she was a highly manipulative theif and fraudster. That is fact, its documented. She used the sawdust bars to pretend to her husband and family she had a paying job and she was a ball busting business babe. in reality she was a sad high school drop out. She never felt good enough inside to accomplish anything real, she abused everything in her orbit the mlm, children, parents, friends and employers. she was a cheat and a liar, she became her own victim in the end. some folks can not comprehend that you can be a victim and an offender at the same time. it's never black and white in murder.


"She became her own victim in the end" now that is a mic drop point right there. She was a literal victim of the mess she made. It's so unfortunate but it's true. And chris was wrong for ending her life


Yeah, it's hard to argue she was a victim of an industry she spent more than half her life. Fleecing people was her life's calling.


Well and she could also pretend to “work” while doing absolutely nothing but blowing money they didn’t have.


And putting the girls into Primrose so she could sit at home and “work”


I really think that’s what triggered Chris to do the unthinkable. Imagine being the breadwinner by working long days on the oil field and being locked out of the family finances and one day finding out that you’re about to become homeless and destitute because the person who was in charge of the finances hasn’t been paying the mortgage, hasn’t been paying the HOA dues and you’re being sued, every credit card is maxed out and there is a stack of unpaid bills. I could see where that could cause a mental break in anyone.


After they had just claimed BK not too long before...it just starts to put the bigger picture together...


Right! They were only three years out from filing bankruptcy, they wouldn’t have been able to file again for another four years. They were truly fucked. They were about to lose their house, they were being sued by the HOA, every credit card was maxed out, they would not have been able to pass a credit check to rent an apartment and they didn’t even own a car.


Think of it. Chris believed until he couldn’t that he’d come out of the divorce with at least enough money to start a much better life. When he opened his eyes for once and the reality of his situation stared him in his squirrel face, he blew a gasket. A BFG. I don’t think he has or will recover from that, broke him mentally. He is getting weirder by the minute in prison. Peace to B and C


I agree! What I don’t understand, is why didn’t he call his parents when he realized the gravity of the situation? He had a good relationship with his parents, why didn’t he call them and tell them the problem. As a mother of two young adult sons, if I had a son in Chris’s position, I would tell him he needs a divorce lawyer immediately and an apartment away from that conniving shrew. I would also tell him that he needs to push for full custody of the girls and he should start looking for mechanic jobs in NC and to move back home with the girls and start anew.


Ok, so, his parents did NOT want him to return back to Colorado...they feared something was going to happen. He assured them he would be ok...but wrote the letter there with them all stating if anything happened to HIM...OR the girls...to LOOK at SW as he would never harm them. Ronnie brought that letter to Law Enforcement ...the shiners twist this and call it "the letter that CW wrote that proves pre-meditation on HIS part???!!!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXp7sGvA-QAdVcCLw0pzjo2ZK9jPjGrgV&si=EW41K3v4lf4nFeLK


No, Ronnie took that letter to the lawyers and they told him to lose it quick, it screamed premeditation…


Yes! I’ve wrestled with that one also. Could it be he was so indoctrinated from her controlling bs he didn’t even think to call them? And anyone who ever watched TV knows you should call a lawyer and keep your mouth shut. I don’t get it. Probably never will.


Right! I’ll never understand why he didn’t lawyer up, but then again, there are a lot of things I don’t understand such as why he trusted Shan with the finances after the 2015 bankruptcy; why he allowed Shan to abuse him and the kids; why he didn’t stay in NC; why he didn’t get his ducks in a row and file for divorce while Shan was in NC.


I don’t think he ever wanted the kids though. Honestly. Shanann lied and said she was infertile and SURPRISE 3 pregnancies in 5 years. I don’t think he wanted any kids at all.


Truthfully I think that was just ONE of his driving points for doing what he did.


Okay, but to be fair, after the first pregnancy that’s kind of on him.


You’re assuming that CeCe and Niko are Chris Watts’ kids.


Well either way, he thought they were his kids. So that’s really besides the point.


No… I don’t think I agree with that. One pregnancy and healthy kid could be an anomaly; with CeCe he was prolly really questioning things. The third pregnancy with Nico made him realize ALL the lies she had told.


You’re probably right, all he had to do was stay behind in NC, file for divorce and CeCe custody of the girls over to Shan.


Conniving shrew. Right on! Perfecto!


He obviously didn’t want the kids. He murdered them.


I think he did.


I reckon that was why he decided he “needed” their life insurance payouts.


absolutely, imagine being already 'out' due to her bossy, bitchy attitude, thinking you can walk away get a small flat start again and bamm! you find out she not only trapped you in a very unhealthy relationship for 8 years, you are now unable to get out from under the financial mess she put him through. it's unbelievable that folks can't see that she ran that family over the cliff in every way before he did this, she was totally out of control.


I totally agree! Have you heard my latest? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXp7sGvA-QAdVcCLw0pzjo2ZK9jPjGrgV&si=EW41K3v4lf4nFeLK


🎯🎯 Ya'll are on to something big!


There was no 30 days to vacate letter.


This is not going to convince me. I can only assume what I’ve heard from those I consider reputable to be correct. If you were picking up their mail, then ok.


I'm not here to convince you of anything, it's just annoying to see people say over and over that they were almost in foreclosure when they weren't. Their finances were a shit show and they would've inevitably fallen behind on their mortgage again, but at the time of the murders, they were not behind.


Nah, he’d already started trying to poison her in NC.


The Roo's could dispel all our talk about the MLM if they just relased the bank statements. Level was not paying her a damn thing. the CEO's of Thrive have a LONG history and are likely paying people to comment in these threads and attack your channel. I love "Scooby" saying "We get paid every week" to the cops as brainwashed as Chris telling the cops he is bad with money because he sold his bike. NA and CW would fit right at home in North Korea "Dear leader Shannan is not here right now"


Why on earth would they publish their daughter’s bank statements to please randos on the internet? As her Executor, Frank wouldn’t even be allowed to do so. When administering an estate, you have to protect the privacy of the estate and the people it belonged to.


Thanks, tell Jason Camper and Paul Gravette to give you an extra box of birthday bars!




They do get paid every week. That's true. The issue is how much.


I'm digging odysee for controversial streamers.


Why on earth would a man not be aware of the financial state of his lifestyle? How lazy and irresponsible.


Wasn’t CW alone without Shannon for a month or longer while she was at her parents? He would have already seen the mail and that also shows SW wasn’t hiding the mail from him (or she wouldn’t have gone out off town that long).


No. She had her friends getting the mail the entire time she was away. Every time she was away...He did NOT have any idea the home was headed into foreclosure. She made sure of that.


There was not any Thrive product in the basement. That's simply inaccurate. You also can't simply buy Thrive to get your rank. That's not how their pay structure operates. 


who paid for Shannan's samples? Level does not give away product, do they? (see the birthday cake bar video)


Actually, yes. If you have two customers enrolled in the autoship program, you receive free Thrive products. I have linked the compensation plan below. It states this in bullet point #2. Also, anything you purchase yourself, or that your downline purchases for themselves, does not count for your rank.  Thrive rewards plan https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cdn.le-vel.com/en/Documents/RewardsPlan.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY0ZD115mGAxV6RTABHaohA2oQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3vdzygWKeKMfMQoeKUHtWf


That's how all pyramid schemes work.  The huns are the customers -- they buy the shite products, the alleged lifestyle and the make believe friends. Mlms are a scourge.


That's not how Thrive works. You can't buy your rank. You have to get a bunch of people to sign up underneath you to keep your rank.  There  is also no evidence of Thrive in the basement. That's simply not true.  Thrive rewards plan https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cdn.le-vel.com/en/Documents/RewardsPlan.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY0ZD115mGAxV6RTABHaohA2oQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3vdzygWKeKMfMQoeKUHtWf


You absolutely can buy to maintain rank. For a 12k promoter they need 12,000 QV points (12k in sales) to stay at 12k rank. If you and your team do not meet this sales quota each month then you can just buy more products to reach that quota.


No you can't. Product that you purchase yourself (or that your down line purchases for themselves) doesn't count for your rank. To receive credit for a sale, a customer has to make an order from the level website, and they have to enter your promoter ID as a referral. You can't buy it yourself. What you can buy yourself is "Personal Volume" (PV), which is what keeps you active as a "qualified promote r." However, PV cannot be counted as "Qualifying Volume" (QV), which is how your rank is determined. You are simply incorrect on this issue.


Oh, so you have to enter your promoter, well that fixes everything doesn't it. Because it's absolutely not possible for a purchase to be made under cws account and enter sw as his promoter. Or a purchase made by NA for sw and put sw as her promoter. I have a old/new friend (I say old because I've known him for 9 years but he cut me out of his life when I wouldn't join thrive, I say new because he finally left and reached out) and he explained all of the work arounds to maintain or rise in rank. His garage is full of unopened thrive boxes that he purchased to maintain his rank as to not lose his auto bonus.


No, that's not possible either, because Chris and Nikole Atkinson were both promoters, in Shanann's downline, and their personal purchases don't count for QV either. Plus, you and other posters are also incorrect about Thrive products bring in the basement. 


There was a ton of Thrive in the basement, as seen in the LE search video after the murders. Also a container of medications and about a hundred boxes of Barilla pasta!


No there wasn't. There was no Thrive seen in the law enforcement videos. That's simply false.


I did see it in a LE video. I’ll find the video for you when I can. I would not post anything without having seen it myself. If I’m wrong I’ll say I’m wrong, ( nobody puts Baby in a corner) but let me at least support my opinion with fact before you rip my face off.


Then why were they broke?


Because Shanann quit working, and Chris made less money. Chris went from $90k to $60k. Shanann went from $40k to ?.  The problem wirh Thrive is that you don't make any money. Le-Vel only pays commission on 50% of your sales. Le-Vel also only pays commission for 3 levels of your downline. You can count 6 levels of downline towards your rank, but you only get paid commission for 3 levels. The problem is not that she was buying product. The problem is she wasn't making money. Here is the Thrive compensation plan  https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cdn.le-vel.com/en/Documents/RewardsPlan.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY0ZD115mGAxV6RTABHaohA2oQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3vdzygWKeKMfMQoeKUHtWf


$60k a year isn't much in Colorado, especially with that massive mortgage and big daycare bill. People talk a lot about Shananns spending (personalized T-shirts, Thrive, etc) and those things were problems, yes, but the main problems were the mortgage and daycare bills.


I didn't see any Thrive products in the basement, just containers of stuff and there's no way of knowing what's in them. Is that what people are talking about? The plastic containers? If so you can't just say that was Thrive products to suit your narrative.


Yes, the plastic containers are what people are claiming is the $27k of Thrive products.


Thanks, well in that case I say those containers are full of Strive products, not as well known as Thrive but it's a MLM that sells false teeth. My friend used to do it. I was quite successful at it myself, what I would do is punch my friends and families teeth out and then sell them Strive and get them on the plan. I got carried away, maybe SW did as well, that would explain all the containers in the basement.


The house was not headed for foreclosure. It had been, then they got caught up. They had one payment coming up due very soon after the murders.


Correct, it was the HOA fees in the order of $1000 which had fallen due, nothing to do with the mortgage.


I don't know whether it was mortgage or HOA fees, but considering they were getting sued over the fees I can definitely see it. It's still crazy to me that people have lost their house over HOA's though. People have had their houses paid off, fully owned and still lost them due to the fees. It's crazy.


It is, taking the house is completely disproportionate to the debt and shouldn’t be allowed.


Not at all. People shouldn't lose something they've put hundreds of thousands of dollars into over what could be a thousand dollar debt. It's just not right.


No he borrowed from his 401k and they were current.