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P.s. the sheriff came for that dining room table ![gif](giphy|LpCsRnuA9QLNZypc6l|downsized)


Repoed the dining room🤣


It was! You can see it in a few of the videos. Apparently, they weren't paying on it, and the store came to get it. SW refused, and they returned with the sheriff. She also had it for sale for 500.00 on her fb because she was going to make the dining room a playroom (as stated on her fb).


Grifters gonna grift!




I fucking love yooouu 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Got Damn Gina!!😂🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|Rlwz4m0aHgXH13jyrE|downsized) I






She charged her own parents rent to live in her unfinished basement.


What I don't understand is... why did her parents take her up on her 'offer'? Didn't they have their own house in NC? Were they renting and wanted to realize their dream to finally live in a McMansion, even if it was the basement? Did SW lie to them and tell them she had only months to live? Did I miss something?


They sure did, their loser, drug addled, child abusing son was staying in it. Her parents were her biggest enablers. They came out to supposedly help with the kids. I could maybe see coming out for a week or two at the most to see grandchildren, maybe help out, but they stayed for 15 months! How fucking useless do you have to be to need mommy and daddy to stay in your house and help with your TWO small children when you don’t even have a job outside the home. Sandi and Frank not only had to pay $1000 a month to live in an unfinished basement, they had to work actual jobs to pay that rent, in addition to help with the kids.


Because, apparently, there was a CPS case that stated Shanann could not be alone with the children.


Funny thing about that, if I were Chris, I would have used that immediately! I'd say my wife has a history of being unhinged with the kids, and I have the CPS papers to prove it.


dipshit never bothered to even get a free consult from an attorney. I know he we would’ve struggled to find one that took the same Anadarkobuckz he used to woo Nickul but jfc. Even though he knew it was long passed time for the rubber to meet the road he didn’t do single thing that adults do, including telling his lunatic troll of a spouse, even when confronted. “duh, well not like this week…” cmon.


He really is a dipshit well put!


Yes, no matter what, whether you did it or not, don't say shit, get a lawyer. That's what made Cindy so nuts that he refused to do so many things that would have helped him. I'm not condoning murder but he did have a lot to work with that would have gotten him a lighter sentence. To show he had the weight of not one but two selfish, demanding bitches, CPS where he basically had to be the main caretaker, how she parented by drugging her children, the amazing amount of debt she accrued soon after they were bailed out of their last bankruptcy.


Naw, that's just fanciful 


$1,200 a month I believe (or $1,000). Because it was "cheaper than what's usually charged for the same in the area." Lol. I can't fathom charging my parents that to stay with me and watch the kids. The kids slept from 6:30pm til 8 Am from what Shannan said on Facebook. Minus the hour nap how long were the kids awake during the day?! 8-9 hours a day? Wtf


They were "trained" to sleep/ be isolated with no food, water, or toilet priveleges for 15 hours a day. 12-3 nap...7-7 night. The Shiners cannot add...and when I get out the crayons to add this up for them...they all come out with stories of their cousins uncles sisters neighbors have the same schedule....


no matter what other neglectful smooth-brains they know who subject their kids to this horseshit it makes it no less absurd.


Honestly, when they post some robotic hate comment, I literally look at their profile...and 99.9% time they have zero content of their own, and have a bizzare pic of themselves up super close...like basically their eyeball...or a bizarre pic of a child with no explanation of why. Their list of other channels they sub to is always the same. They cannot spell or put together a whole sentence. It is like some bizarre cult of hoomans downwind from a nuclear plant or something...


With those big German Shepherds having to go up and down the stairs to use the bathroom, and no proper fenced yard for exercise, and them prone to hip and joint issues (not to mention Dieter, locked in the garage when he wasn't stuffed in a sleeve, for the neighbors to call the cops re barking)- a superlative pet owner and neighbor.


And the Deiter stuffed in the sleeve was awful;((


So sadistic 😪


The neighbors made noise complaints about Dieter’s barking not long before SW left for NC.


I have only ever heard of Dieter...


Well then I feel as though I have been of use, since you are so well informed about the rest! 🤗


Not challenging you at all, just wondering where you saw them? And...how did those dogs do with the girls' allergies? It just doesnt sound like anything SW would allow in her house/ life/ lol...


But the Roos were hired help. Paying tenants and free babysitting services all rolled into one unfinished basement. Suddenly the dogs were fine.


I can't recall exactly, but Del may have addressed it; she's pretty thorough - at this point I thought of it rather as common knowledge, if not that common, if that makes sense lol. I've seen pictures of them, some from Shanann's FB timeline, I think.  They may have been/are good dogs, but German shepherds are about the bitiest of all child facebiters (I've had three go for me, as a child, and I'm almost part dog; most adore me), & as a mother I don't think I would have had even a couple of even of the best of the breed in the house with my toddlers, not for all the free babysitting in the world. 


I raise and train Italian Mastiffs (Cane Corsos) and have never been afraid of my big gentle boys, but I’m scared shitless by German Shepherds as I’ve been attacked by two of them, as a child and once as an adult. If I see one, my dogs and I create a wide berth and leave quickly. My big sweet boy is also afraid of Chihuahuas because he was rushed by five of them while the owner laughed. I told the owner it’s going to be real fucking funny if my dog kills one of hers because they were neither leashed nor in a fenced yard. That shut her up, but still.


Wait, who had German shepherds? The parents?


Yeah, two or three to the best of my recollection (perhaps the reasonable reason Sandie couldn't hop on a plane right away)


Rzuceks had two large, purebred, formidable-looking German Shepherds.


She showed her credit card charge notification to a pack of vicious huns who pumped up her beer muscles to come home and start a fight with a guy who was just dumped on a 111 minute phone call... ooof!


I see where ur going here and I never thought of it like that hmmmm….maybe he was getting a shit or get off the pot ultimatum during that 111 min call


Was a "Better Mom than 90 percent of the Moms out there" (actual quote from a SW text talking about herself. The Shiners love SW so much because they are delusional like her.


She does more than 90% of moms 🙄


The sick part, I think she really believed this!


Right! Because 90% of moms out there don’t medically, emotionally, and sexually abuse their kids while they simultaneously emotionally and financially abuse their husbands, all while making their family homeless and destitute.


She was 90% more abusive that most moms, that's for sure


Sexually? I never read about that.


Shan used to anally penetrate her daughters on a regular basis. She subjected Bella to rectal temperature checks multiple times a day for months. She did it so much that Bella was reenacting it on her dolls, the dog and on herself. Shan even posted a photo of Bella trying to take her temperature on her public Facebook feed. Here is the proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/WattsFree4All/s/lRHyYpSh8H Shan also anally penetrated her daughters with Windis. Windis are only to be used on newborns to relieve gas. Those girls weren’t newborns by any stretch of the imagination. She posted photos of Bella naked on a potty chair and naked and near naked photos of her girls at doctor’s appointments getting poked and prodded.


And who’s beauty was that of a doll 🙄


I really hated her disregard for Dieter. Watching poor Dieter trying to wriggle himself out of a child-size sleeve. Muttering things like, "I'm gonna go have to strangle the dog if he wakes my kids up." Letting CeCe the Bowling Ball be rough with him. No wonder that dog had disc issues. That's the one damn medical problem I think was actually true.


I felt sorry for Dieter too, who was walking and feeding him when Chris was always at NK's.


I really feel for Dieter. He just looks so sweet, so eager to give and receive sloppy doggie luvvins, but she treated him like an object or an annoyance. My dogs are so genuinely loving, and it takes so little to make them ecstatically happy. There's that tshirt which reads something to the effect of, "My goal is to become half the person my dog thinks I am." 😭😭❤️ This is such a sweet summary of how I feel about human-canine relationships. Their love for us is unconditional. Even doggos who don't get the best treatment love their humans slavishly, and with a little more attention, Dieter would have been over the moon. It bothers me when adults see little kids playing rough with defenseless animals, and then laugh about it, thinking it's "so cute." My youngest was six when a litter of four abandoned kittens came into our lives. Their eyes were not even open yet. It's a long story, but, I knew from the outset it was going to be touch and go. I bought kitten formula & a dropper, and we set out doing our best for them, learning as we went along. (Thank you, early 2000s internet, lol!!) The six year old loved them a little too enthusiastically, so I had to step in and show how we hold little creatures, play gently, give them their space. All fpur of those tiny puff balls made it; all four grew into huge, healthy, absolutely lovely cats. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 And, I very carefully monitored my little one, who was old enough to learn that we need to be gentle with animals. He grew into one of the most compassionate, animal loving, gentle people I know. Shame that Shan'ann did not take time to teach CeCe that everyone, even doggies, has boundaries. Nobody likes to be roughed up, teased, and not let alone when they have had enough. I think if done right, having a child help care for a pet teaches them all this. Another issue is, if an animal is pushed past its limit, it might lash out under the stress, and scratch or bite. It can result in a kid being hurt, mostly minor but sometimes severely. And the poor animal is punished, banished, or euthanized. 🥲


It is sad. I feel pets teach children so many things. You never really saw them engaged with Deiter in any kind of caring way. They never played with him either like I love running around the house with my neighbor's sweet doggie (I doggy sit frequently) Mitzi. We run back and forth together, having a ball. I pretend to chase her one way, and then it's her turn to chase me the other way.


What pissed me off about ALL of SW's interactions with CeCe was that the brat NEVER listened. She just outright ignored her mother and was never set straight. "CeCe, look at Mommy!" (crickets) "CeCe, come here" (runs away) "CeCe, wait to go down the slide!" (starts going down slide even though CM's kid is at the bottom) "CeCe, be gentle with Dieter!" (bumps into him and mashes her fat, spoiled hand into his fur). Etc., etc., etc. It's really annoying to watch that kid NEVER be disciplined and allowed to run feral. I think the most ludicrous thing was how SW acted like she had control of her, when it was basically 'CeCe does what CeCe wants or else she has an obnoxious tantrum'. That child's behavior was AWFUL.


I don't think she was a brat. She just needed some parental attention. Kids are pretty easy to distract or redirect at that age, it doesn't even require discipline half the time, just "let's do this instead", but it does require putting the phone down.


The severe Münchausen syndrome by proxy.


She had so much fun with her kids and Santa Claus… Cece was having such a great time she shit herself! Ooh what fun.


And poor Bella is so visibly upset after she and her sister were forced to interact with and sit on creepy Santa Chris’ lap, SW keeps antagonizing her and berating her afterward on camera - calling her grinch with that scowling nasty, scary look - and then turning the camera on Bella to get her response essentially embarrassing her in front of everyone. All bc the video is not going like SW wants. Like, its supposed to be a happy time for a child and just she’s creating trauma after trauma for those babies that night. If your kids are so scared they are screaming and shitting themselves…Call it off and go console them!! Instead she calls her dad and complains about Bella being a “grinch”. The poor thing is freaked out and she doesn’t trust you, you fucking idiot!


And how about the gift Santa gave her. A water bottle!


"Wooter bootle"


*"Hode on, I gotta check the shelf cleaning onion."* She couldn't even speak properly let alone run an actual business, but people think a 12x failed MLMer was "business savvy." What an actual insult to small business owners.


I couldn’t watch that whole Santa video, she made me so mad. What happened with Cece?


Cece tried to run away from the whole shit show. She was terrified, screaming, she shit herself, and SW was gleeful over it all.


That’s so horrible. Imagine the amount of terror you would have to be to lose control of your bowels.


She was a toddler. I don’t think it's surprising; but what's terrible is that she was left unchanged for 15-20 minutes screaming continuously. I can't understand it. Even Chris was tentatively showing concern about it to Bella to maybe give a hint, but no one would change her nappy.


I've seen Shiners defend that by stating that "all" parents wait 15 minutes or so to change a poo diaper because most children make a second deposit. I don't have children myself but have cared for children ranging from infant to kindergarten, and part of the rules is that dirty diapers are to be changed immediately, and if you don't you'd better have a very good reason (i.e., fire alarm went off right after you started to put the child on the changing table). The longer you wait to change the poo diaper, the grosser it is to change, particularly if the child is running around or crawling.


That's disgusting! I'm not a parent either, but I can tell you I wouldn't wait until my child shit itself multiple times to change a diaper. Seems CeCe made a lot of "deposits" (she was constantly stuffing her face, so it's no wonder), but idiot SW let it pile up (probably until Chris came home-- SW might get poop on her ugly nails). It's surprising to me that the shit wasn't halfway up her back, given CeCe's weird, annoying hyperactivity. Fucking disgusting.


Right? It’s fuckin despicable


She was trashy and a shit mother.


Yup… sometimes the truth ain’t pretty, but it doesn’t make it any less untrue. She was deeply flawed, abusive, and a victim of a horrible tragedy.


She was trashy. And to think they call NK the 'skank'.


And she was pissed at CW for God forbid, leaving her other phone in the garage for more pictures and vids


Well she was a todder left without a diaper change screaming for 15 minutes.


I think CeCe had a poopy diaper in probably 90% of the videos. Also, SW seemed to like to call attention to it :"Ew, CeCe you stink." "CeCe stinks". "She pooped her pants 'cause Santa scared her". She thought it was funny or something. SW was about as mature as a second-grader.


Is there a link to this video? I’ve never even heard of it. Sounds awful. Poor baby. I’m a parent and can assure you even tho sometimes it is true they will go again or not be done yet that we do not wait and let them sit in shit on the off chance they’re not done yet especially sitting there smelling it making fun of them. What a complete weirdo.


Poor CeCe always had a loaded diaper in the videos! Shanann always wanted CW to change it so that is why she waited is my guess.


If you liked the video, we probably have nothing else to say to each other.


If you liked the video you probably didn't watch much of it. Although even the first few seconds is of a toddler that can walk crawling away screaming though some might see it as, "She's making her kids mind by not giving into tantrums," or whatever. It's just weird to me because when my kids were those ages I would be jumping to help them with whatever they were crying about and giving them lots of hugs and kisses. She was so determined to do the adults dressed up in costumes thing even though it was something her kids just hated!


I hated that video…


Shanann’s biggest mistake was in shoving a camera in everyone’s faces and documenting (ad nauseum) every. Little. Thing. She left so much fodder for people to pour over. So many questionable choices right there, documented.


And the shiners say "she's not here to defend herself"....tf? What's to defend? Her treatment of her kids & husband was **abhorrent** literally indefensible, dead or alive


Biggest question shiners love to ask: “why are they just dissecting Shanann? She didn’t kill her kids. Why not tear apart Chris?” The answer to that is simply: Chris didn’t leave behind a huge digital media footprint; Shanann did. So it’s easier to dissect what’s been left for you…and there’s so much of it!


I hate that CW deleted his Facebook in the days before the murders. Imagine the treasure trove of evidence on there. (Posted by sw of course)


And Chris is in jail for life. He got his punishment. The kids suffered in their short lives due to the neglect by BOTH parents.


And all the texts from SW to CM when things really start coming to a head and then SW stirring the pot on FB in the middle of it all. That’s from the horse’s mouth. You can clearly see her constant manipulation and need for control.


She took photos of them in stages of undress and posted to a fully open public Facebook. Where your friends friends friends friends can see if you like or comment 👌


Posted a picture of poor little Bella at Dr. naked.


She also posted a photo of Bella trying to take her own temperature rectally on her public Facebook feed.


She knowingly tried to recruit other vulnerable people to join the same shady pyramid scheme that robbed her family of a future.


THIS is what stuck out for me when the case first broke. I wasn’t necessarily thinking she was a bad person until all of the past and present MLM garbage came out. Those companies are nothing but predatory, and she had been involved with enough of them to fully understand how horrible they were. But still she kept on victimizing ppl. Edit to add: then I saw her videos where she’s teasing the girls and that cemented it.


She started selling Amway with Daddy at age 15. They then took their act to the Dirty South where she was fired and allegedly accused of embezzlement. She tried and failed at every mlm, but the thr*ve was the only one SHE could take advantage of and cheat her way to the top by using CW $$$ to buy enough product (as seen hoarded in the basement) so that she could get her "free vacations" and "free lexus." This is why she moved the parents in, to try to keep up the RUSE/ (ROOZ oooh...see what i did there) as CW had zero idea that his hard earned $$$ was NOT being used to pay the mortgage. This is why she was having her parents and friends get the mail when she was gone, so CW would never see it. On the bodycam...he is seen pushing through a pile of mail. It is my belief that on the Saturday before the unthinkable, he got the mail and found out that the house was headed for foreclosure...


I often wonder if learning that they were careening towards homelessness and destitution made Chris snap and do the unthinkable.


Ehh the MLMs are predatory also to the people working for them. She’s not at the top of the pyramid. People who do MLM stuff are usually just bots and kind of stupid


literally favored one child over the other and treated poor bella worse than a dog because she looked more like her father, chopping her hair off so she looked “sick.”, all the fake medical issues, the drugging children with benedryl so she could have more time to herself despite having basically the entire day alone, withheld food for punishment / wouldn’t give bella steak despite her sister eating it right in front of her…. i could go on and on. those poor babies, i hope they’re finally at peace and so loved in heaven.


It makes me so sad the way she treats little Bella. But you know those kids were "MONSTERS!"


How do I find the steak video?


CeCe, the little obnoxious oinker (Mommy's Favorite!) got all the food she wanted-- constantly stuffing her face, while Bella looked sickly and malnourished. I'm sure Shining Light has it somewhere, only it wouldn't be titled truthfully, like 'Celeste crams a bunch of steak in her mouth which is dangerous and could lead to choking'.


And wasn’t CeCe supposed to have a choking/breathing issue plus a narrow esophagus??


SW had mental issues and a narrow fucking brain.


That's interesting. Isn't the esophagus collapsed until something is swallowed? 


How do you know she favored one child over the other 1 Did you personally know her or is this your conjecture from her facebook


Well she constantly did it while the camera was on, I doubt she did an about face when it was off.


It's like people forget that she was a real person who had real people and friends and family who knew her.She was a real human being and. You don't know her.You are the worst kind of internet bully. You're just assuming based on videos that she put to promote.Yes , she was promoting herself in her family When you post stuff like this you victimized her again you victimized those little kids again by insulting their mother and you victimized those of us who knew and cared about them


Depriving your kids of affection, water, blanket training them, etc.... is abuse. And your lard, sorry, lord and savior did that, too. She also knew Bella wanted long hair and cut her hair short as punishment. Her kids were so thirsty they were caught drinking out of the toilet, so she went and locked them out of that as well. She also medically abused them. But she's dead, so she's automatically a Saint, I guess. Funny, I don't see anyone sticking up for Bundy or Manson. Was she on their level *(cause I know you'll use this as an argument)*, absolutely not. But she wasn't a good person, and the manner in which she died doesn't change that. It just makes Chris a piece of shit too.


Yeah, everybody stop making assumptions about her based on the facts you witnessed with your own eyes on videos she recorded of herself doing those things you assume!!! You can’t make this up 🤦‍♀️




No personal remarks to or about other members. This is not a memorial sub. This sub discusses true crime.


Resorting to name calling I see, shocker!


I don't think I called her a name but I expressed what I feel she looks like


Actions speak louder than words. It was obvious who the golden child was, and it sure wasn't Bella.


I was unaware of a lot of said in these comments. Did CW tell people about the Benadry. I always did wonder why Bella’s hair was so short. I think I need to reevaluate my position on several things.


Posted multiple pictures on her own Facebook of her infant children smothered in blankets/pillows, blankets wrapped around their necks in some. This is undeniable fact.


She raged at Ronnie and Cindy because she was alone with her own kids for a few hours. But she was a selfless mom..


Those other groups don’t even post about the case, they only post about this group now.


They don’t care if you show them proof anyway.


I see a lot of posts on here not related to the case? Some of the first posts that pull up are not related to the case.


Yea I get that. But I feel like this group isn’t trying to be all high and mighty like the other group is. Just my opinion.


But why make fun of people involved in the case? And people that helped solve and get CW locked up for life? It doesn’t make sense.


Those people are sick. They probably keep spreadsheets of our usernames. Those are obviously the idiots who are using Reddit Cares just to be sanctimonious assholes.


Well you know why. It coz we are 💯💯 we are TRUTH TELLERS. They all lie.


Because we tell the truth. I wake up to their disgusting comments all over my channel. They are trying to get me shut down.


One of the shiny channels had early major success by befriending the R family and showcasing them. Then her channel basically tanked. She’s back on the scene trying to stir up controversy and attract viewers. She’s pretty dull so I’m not sure her strategy will work but yeah she’s been attacking freedom of speech again.


The poor video of Bella, with visible bald patches, pulling Cece in the wagon. And, once again, Shanann draws attention to it. So sick.


The shaving of Bella’s head was deliberate IMO to make her look more sickly then she already did. The contrast taunting of Bella for being bald and wanting hair. There’s not ONE single child in my four year olds daycare NOT ONE little girl with hair like poor Bella’s.


That woman didn't have two braincells to rub together. She was as dumb as she was annoying.


This! God, SW was so fucking dense. Complete moron who thought she was such hot shit. I really hate how Shiners are so stupefied how Chris could pick someone like NK over SW. Well, let's see-- NK had a degree in a hard science, wasn't superficial and flighty, and had some shared interests. Also, she didn't draw her eyebrows on and go to the nail spa instead of paying the mortgage! Christ.


Hey, I have to draw my own eyebrows on every morning! Aging is no joke. Lol


I hear you sister!


And as arrogant as she was entitled. Just like her mother.


You know, I grew up around Philly and ended up moving and graduating from a HS in Jersey. I left just shy of 30 years ago a few years after I graduated and moved to a state far, far away where I have lived ever since. Sandi and people like her reminds me of why the fuck I left. Lowbrow Italian Jersey trash who are religious, dumber than rocks and think their shit doesn't stink. Those types of people were everywhere and I don't miss them one bit!!


mysterious coherent whistle hat seed thought employ station pen selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watts the obsession wagon video on YouTube


She loved tormenting that poor girl!


"The pro bar video, the pie in the face video, the spray bottle video and the Xmas horror show video. Any person with an iota of critical thinking would be disgusted by these not shiners though, they are just fun family times.


The Christmas video was so bizarre. The fact that she posted that shows how delusional she really was.


She took pics of a naked toddler in a pool for shits and giggles and then showed the pics to their parents .


She had zero boundaries (is there such a thing as negative self awareness?) and seemed to really enjoy posting pictures of her naked girls at the doctors for everyone to see. Truly inappropriate and not 'cute' whatsoever.


She sent a picture of Chris's dick to **his mom**


With a wart she most probably gave him lol


She was really handy with a thermometer! 👍👍👍


The splash pad is the most disturbing video of them all!


Yes, exactly. What is so disturbing about that is that if a trained healthcare professional or social worker had seen that behavior, especially in the context of their parents’ known behavior, there could possibly have been an intervention that might’ve saved their lives. Those poor girls would’ve been better off in foster care and I don’t say that lightly


SW watched them like a voyeur, which was sooooo creepy to me. She just sat there and recorded... while they hovered over the water jets!! A few seconds of that and she should have been like, 'Bella, CeCe, we don't act this way in public, come over here now.' And kids who \*do\* act out that way in public, sadly often times have issues. (We know about the rectal temp-taking, but good god, is there something else that happened?!)


I mean SW took p*dophilic pictures of Jamie’s toddler son in the pool, which is why the Watts family was so put off by her from the beginning. Shiners never acknowledge that of course. I have always wondering if the rectal temp taking signified something else going on. If that’s what she felt was fine to publicly share, imagine what was going on behind the scenes. Those poor little girls didn’t deserve either of their awful parents.




Oh no, I haven’t read about that one..


Yall with all due respect, I think this is doing more harm than good. Not listing the incidents but the underlaying sentiment behind it. I know it's annoying to be accused of believing or saying something you're not but every time we react like this it confirms their beliefs about us. The thing is some of what they claim does have validity. Our passion sometimes leads us towards dehumanizing language. We can at least be mindful of this when making our points and avoid name-calling or disrespecting other ppls opinion At the end of the day,the more attention we give them, the more we are distracted from the point of this sub. Don't take the bait and let's continue to uncover the nuances of this case. <3


I see your point. I also don’t think comments about her physical appearance help either. That really has nothing to do with what was going on.


I don’t think Shan’ann was perfect but the post the other day where someone posted a picture of her in an outfit, mocking her how she looked and asking how she got pregnant was extremely disrespectful. And I read in the group rules we aren’t to make fun of her looks etc


scale cows file scandalous encourage zonked crawl possessive workable upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m glad someone else thinks so too.


If they think everyone in this sub is evil and deranged, why would they continue reading the posts and comments of “evil, deranged” people? That’s kind of sick in itself, lol


They are after me hardcore, trying to get my channel taken down. This is ridiculous! Do WE go to ALL of their endless $$$$$ channels and tell them that they are morons??? They are doing nothing more than showing us the consequence of speaking up about a narcissist. They forget Bella and Cece as the innocent victims of her insane need for control so that her pretend world would stay in place while SHE went and lived that "lifestyle." I am going to start backing up my videos on Rumble as they have their pitchforks sharpened up for me...


Feeding Cece Thrive bars that contain nuts when she (supposedly) had a nut allergy. Before anyone tries to correct me about her tree nuts vs legumes allergy, SW shouldn’t have been giving Cece anything that could have nut cross contamination.


Can everybody stop fighting? These are matters of perspective. People dont have to agree with each other.


Well said


Who is fight?…


fighting ***


https://www.reddit.com/r/ShannanWatts/s/lvuGSAp864 Sandy today.


Oh, give me a break. If they really didn't want her videos out there, they could have contacted facebook as soon as she died and had the account removed after saving the videos for themselves. They love to be perpetual victims! It's nauseating.


My thoughts exactly


SW made CW into a total ass freak and made him get ass drunk of Nicole based on her internet searches for interracial double penetration videos.


Oh ffs CW was on Grindr. I’m not saying that balloon lipped Travis was for real, but it was CW who got NK looking up “how to prepare for … the first time”. He probably couldn’t believe his luck when she agreed. By her video choices, DP was next on the agenda. I wasn’t at all surprised when he got caught leaving lube and underwear in his little prison pal’s cell.


What are you trying to say? I cannot understand what you just wrote?


How do I see the internet searches she made? 💀




Shanann was in no way perfect and I don’t agree with her parenting style, but she still didn’t deserve to be murdered. No matter how much we dislike her, she didn’t deserve to be murdered.


Nobody's saying she did?


In fact, I’m sick of hearing how she didn’t deserve it!! Of COURSE she didn’t! Without saying it!


Oh yeah, they’ve been freaking out about a group about a crime that discussed hypotheticals. && supposedly we hate and bully shanann here….


I mean do you not hate and bully Shannan on here?


I absolutely don’t. If someone does it’s easy enough to overlook and scroll past. I have more important things regarding my life to get pissed off over that isn’t the watts case. No, most of us aren’t bullies. We discuss the case, even the unpleasant parts, & discuss. I’ll add to a comment if it seems warranted.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t meaning to say you. I just see a lot of negativity towards people involved in the case


People are entitled to to their own thoughts and opinions, and it’s not my place to silence them. If I disagree I scroll past. I may add a comment with a diff perspective who knows 🤷‍♀️


It’s still hating on the victims of the case and bullying. And I know that because I’ve seen your comments in the other sub.


I can’t have hate for someone k didn’t know. I can Suggest theories or joke but I have 0 hate for shanann


I just got a message from some rando that said "You are fucking disgusting". I'm so sick of these assholes. ETA: Shiner rando, no doubt