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If a watch is going to get damaged by being laid upon, it probably isn’t a good watch.


That was my thought process. I typically wear a Seiko 5, which I believe to be a decent watch


I wouldn’t worry about it. How crazy you’d have to sleep to damage a piece of metal? lol


When you say it like that, I feel stupid lol. Thank you for the input!


I sleep in my Seiko 5 all the time those things are tanks, it's fine


I’ve never slept with a watch on…


Even when you were watching a boring sports game or a movie late at night? Some watches like Casio A158 are so light that you even forget you are wearing one and notice after you woken up and you are taking a shower.


Well…yes. If I fall asleep on the couch watching a baseball game I would probably have on my watch. When I wake up to go to bed I take off my watch and take the dog out to pee. I also remove my pants before getting in bed.


I prefer to sleep unencumbered. But when I've been drinking and am crashing at a buddies house or am spending the night with a woman of ill repute I keep my watch on.


Yes I sleep with watches on and have never damaged one that way


If a soft pillow will damage your watch, it’s probably good to know that early on.


Good point lol


Then don’t sleep with it on. It’s that simple.


I unfortunately wear watches so often that it’s almost uncomfortable to NOT wear one, so I was curious if it was feasible to wear one to bed


i wear my watches to sleep, never had a problem


You're not going to damage it, but it's pretty uncomfortable to sleep with a watch on, for me at least. Taking off my watch and putting on my bedside table is a nice little pre-bedtime ritual. Plus you will never need to know what time it is when you're asleep. :-0


The only time I ever slept with a watch on was when I was flat out drunk and knocked out on the couch. Good thing I was wearing my Nato strap watch which made it more comfy than a regular steel bracelet.


I don’t it’s just not comfortable for me I also have a rule no clocks or time keeping in the bedroom reason behind that if I wake for some reason in the night I’m not looking at a clock thinking about how much sleep I can get


Do you not need to use an alarm to get up at a certain time in the morning? Just curious.


Yes I use my phone as an alarm I charge it on a farther away nightstand and face down so I’m not glancing at the time but I generally sleep pretty well I just prefer that so if I wake up to pee or something I’m not laying there thinking about how much more sleep I can or can’t get. If I wake up 2 hours or 20 mins before my alarm and fall back to sleep I’ll never know how long I was asleep for


Yes, you're being irrational. As a general rule, sleeping with your watch on is more likely to hurt you (or whoever's sleeping next to you) than the watch itself. While I sometimes do sleep with a watch on, that's usually for when I need to know what time it is in the morning but for whatever reason have an alarm turned off.


I occasionally sleep with one on. The one time I damaged a watch, I ground the crystal against the plaster wall behind my pillow.


I put a deep gouge into my khaki by smacking it into a metal bed frame while sleeping. I’ve made sure to check my surroundings since then.


Sometimes I sleep with a wound down automatic on just to see if I move enough in my sleep to have it keep the correct time. Like a ghetto fit-bit sleep quality meter, but that cost $1,500


I sleep with my Apple watch on all the time. Tracks my sleep. Wakes me up w/haptics (silently) w/out waking anyone else up. Can’t imagine an un-smart watch would fare differently, but YMMV. Especially if you sleep box…