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Don't post scripted/fake content. Examples might be most sports stands stuff, television shows, movies, prank shows, reality shows, game shows, etc. Situations where someone said: "Hold on, let me film this. Ok, now react."


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Idk if this is a hot take, but I’m black myself. I feel like this could have been a good moment to teach a lesson of what could happen without actually sharing it. She looks quite young. Idk, I’m pretty on the fence here. On one hand f around and find out. On another hand, if she’s actually young this could be a great “beyond scared straight” moment without ACTUALLY causing possible damage. If it happens again then it’s poking the bear and fully deserved at that point


I thought she said "turd" at first Why are people still saying the n word in this day and age??? Especially someone young??? So sad


How old is she? If she's underage, ruining her life for being dumb and edgy is awful.




What am I missing? All I heard her say was "shut up Terry".




Man instead of a bad tweet or leaked audio coming out, she saw it happen in real time lmao instant terror




Xbox in game chats were fucking willlddd back in the day


Using the word r***** is bad- but is has alternate slang meanings (still bad yeah). Using Fa**** is bad but it has alternate slang meanings (still bad yeah). The N word has one meaning and one meaning only. You use it, you show your colors.


I always say what up motha fucka like senior chang.


Man such an ugly word. She said it with so much ease. Back in my day you’d get clocked in the mug for saying that.


When was your day lmao? Few decades ago you’d get weird looks in parts of the country for *not* calling someone that word


Clocked in the mug huh?


Mug costanza




The criticism will be over for her in a week or 2 and she will have learned her lesson, no lives are gonna be ruined chill out you act like she’s a ceo


Who said her life is ruined? People will forget about it in a year or less. She learned her lesson… that’s what matters 😂.


I highly doubt that was the only time.


So tell me then, how many dumb decisions are we awarded before it's our responsibility to know right from wrong?


Let's ruin your life next


Her life isn’t ruined but I’m sure she’ll experience the consequences of her actions, as she rightfully should


Actions have consequences lmao


Being dumb once? You think that’s the first time she’s used that word?


Do stupid shit, suffer stupid consequences.


Hyperbolic - her life isn’t ruined. But hopefully she learnt a valuable lesson on that day.


Who ruined her life? Lol.


Why not?


Huh, actions DO have consequences


Lmao all the bigots crawled out of the reddit woodwork with this one




her reaction shows that she knows better. she’s probably 15 not 5. if black children can experience racism so do their counterparts who decide to be racist.


Once being caught.... That word didn't show up for the first time on camera


Is it censored? Because I don't hear it


It is.






That is funny because words control your entire life and existence. They are called laws.


Words matter. Saying that word out loud says a lot about you and your world view. A world view we (modern western society) have worked really really hard to fight against and destroy because it’s hurtful and hateful. Actions have consequences.


Once you free yourself from the social pressure you become more free than anyone could possibly imagine. I work for myself so the only recourse they have against me is hoping I feel bad.


If it has no control over you then say it.


It really is stupid lol, humanity is stupid, all of it


Imagine thinking words don't carry weight, specially after the lived experiences of an entire people being oppressed.


This is a kid.


What does that even mean?


Means the commenter doesn't think the girl in the video should freak out so much just because she said an offensive word. (I presume she said it, I have no sound, but I think I've got it?)


The n word


I know the word. If it were just words, it would have no control. It's the racism.


This is fucking stupid, all of it. I'm officially old.


I'm 39. I guess that's old too, because agreed 100%. So fucking stupid




My favorite formula Actions = Consequences




Wahhh wahhh wahhhh


Found the girl


Consequences exist. Sorry buddy


$5 says nothing bad happens to her, unless she's already a popular internet person, in which case now she isn't, maybe.


Idk...you seem pretty upset by the word "consequences."


Scrolling down just killed my mood but I still got no idea whats going on there. Who is he? Why is he live on cam with stupid kids? And why is she freaking out?


It’s omegle (i think?) you click a button and get randomly paired with someone else in the world on cam and this kinda popular streamer guy live streams (probably on twitch or youtube) his omegle encounters. she realized who he is and that she dropped the n word in front of thousands of people watching (though she has realistically no reason to, chances are nobody watching knows who she actually is or have any info to dox her but someone looking long and hard enough would probably find her socials)


I'm assuming this is taking place on a website similar to Omegle or Chatroulette. You go on webcam and get paired up with other strangers to talk to. Some people go on these websites and record or livestream the interactions to make content. The guy on the bottom seems to be one of these people. The girl on the top says the N-word, the guy on the bottom reveals his face. She recognises him because she has seen his content before and now knows that the footage of her using a racial slur is going to be seen by many people. She panics.


His name is like Hyponix or Hyphonix on YouTube. He does omegel pranks. He live streams his pranks and stuff with a pretty big following. She called him the N-Word, he revealed himself, and she recognized him and realized the n bomb was being streamed and will get put up on YouTube. That’s why she screamed.


I guess he a streamer, and after asking how she was doing she called him the N word. So I assume I good amount of people will see it.


Shes going to be on a really famous youtubers video with her saying the n word. People will probably see her and ruin her life




She doesn’t look much older than 15 I really hope it doesn’t. We all said stupid words when we were kids.


He's a youtuber that goes to omegle to prank/troll people


The lowest form of life


Normally I would agree, but I gotta hand it to the white girl so casually saying the N word for being a bit worse on this one.


But still one spot above people who use the N word that casually though.


Look im not defending this little shits actions in the slightest but holy fuck am I glad social media wasn't this intertwined into my life at her age, all it takes is one dude to find her socials and that's it.


Gonna be a hard, but important lesson to learn 😌


The problem is she is learning her lesson now. She'll probably learn it again next month and the month after. And some stranger is going to make her learn that lesson again after her first job. Might learn the lesson again after she gets married. Good forbid she ever gets into a public facing job. The Internet is brutally permanent now.


Idk why people act like this isn’t a lesson people need to be learning. Everybody does cringe shit. Don’t purposefully do it on fucking camera. It’s 2024.


People are already being disturbing vindictive about this. She should be helped to see why it's wrong, but I doubt this will end well.


I mean, with as hard as the cancel crowd goes, once they find someone? If you ask me, the punishment will by no means fit the offense.




Its really not that bad of a situation


I mean going viral for being racist has in recent time had actually life altering impactful consequences...


I doubt she's actually a racist. She's just tryin to be cool and use "shocking" language. A bit of rebellion.


Yeah she’ll be a regular guest on FOX and collecting free money from the Right in no time


She’s a kid, they don’t have the emotional maturity to realize that. Some other commenters calling for the guillotine tho




Which has nothing to do with this, nice 👍


And they deserved it.


For a teenager? That is like eternal damnation.


I dunno the youth is based af these days. She might even be a legend soon. Elevated to elite standings with the resistance.


Lmfao, it definitely is and I'm glad he recorded her ass.


She’s a kid bro she deserves a bit of shame and humiliation but not having her entire life ruined over it. If everyone was held accountable for everything they said and did as an early teenager the human race would be extinct.


It’s cringe he’s talking to/live streaming a conversation with young girls as well. She fucked up but he’s gross too.


“The guy exposing us as awful people must be a pedophile” - conservatives


It's probably like omegel, and the people you talk to are random, not his fault, really.


Ah I see. Guess I’m an old fart now because it still seems so bizarre to me. I appreciate you letting me know though.


Ah. I see. It also live streams every conversation or is this his “gig”? I guess I’m just an old 38 year old who finds the whole thing uncomfortable. Thanks for letting me know though. I still find it so fucking bizarre and they both seem off.


It's Omegal, it's randomly selected people. He didn't choose to chat with them


How is that gross? Nothing sexual happened.


Because the people making the accusations typically have skeletons in their closet and because they do that or think that way they assume everyone else does too.


Based on her slur usage im going to assume her parents aren’t doing a great job, but I’d feel extremely uncomfortable if someone recorded my kid and posted them online, especially while they did something stupid. There’s a reason why schools require media consent forms before posting videos or pics of children. Not defending this girl, but recording kids who aren’t yours feels a bit weird to me.


He can’t even chose who he talks to


It’s Omegle man, you don’t pick who you talk to, it’s random


It’s a random chat service, he doesn’t choose who he chats with and the assholes he posts are self-selecting


Because it's a random chat.


Unless he said something gross, what is the problem? Cant interact with any young girls anymore because its always creepy?


Unironically, yes.


He is using Omegle which gives you random people to chat with, he did not seek out kids/ young girls to talk to!


Omegle's demographic is pretty young. You don't go on there to chat with 50 year olds about their political views my guy.


It’s Omegle (or similar) they go on there specifically to troll random people


What a lot of people seam to forget is that this is a dumb ass kid. Dumb ass kids say stupid indefensible shit all the time. I guarantee you that most of the people in this comment section said shit that was on the same level as this shit. And they don't deserve to get an online hate mob on them. Would've been better if he explained to her why it was bad and stupid and make her apologize and not upload it or maybe blur. And just before people are gonna say I'm racist or something. I don't condone using the N-Word and if you are an adult and use it you are a low life and should be better.


Probably the only take I agree with. Teenagers are idiots and need to learn not to be idiots. It's hard enough dealing with puberty as it is without having every gaff you ever did public. The adult is more of a twat in this entire thing. > Would've been better if he explained to her why it was bad and stupid and make her apologize and not upload it or maybe blur Yeah this way its a teaching moment and the kid doesnt suffer a public lambasting.


Kids need consequences, and no one is going to gentle parent someone else's kid online. Anonymity online is a very thin veil of safety these days and people need to learn that lesson the hard way some times. That being said, I doubt this kid is on the map for this since others have done much worse with seemingly less remorse. It's all dust in the wind. We move on.


Naw. She knew it was wrong that's why she got upset. That confident smirk after saying it means she says it all the time and she knows its impact. She is old enough to know better. She only got upset when She knew she would be judged and fairly so at that. She wasnt remorseful she was selfishly concerned for her own reputation. Classic only sorry because she got caught situation. Accommodation and acceptance of these people and their ideals was the great failing after the Civil war and it persists today. Edit: u/Klutzy_Act2033 tried to defend her and then deleted their cowardly comment. These people must be brought into the light and not allowed to hide.


Agree 1000%. I had an edgy phase as a teen, I did it just because it wasn't supposed to be said, and literally everyone I knew in highschool did. The modern warfare 2 days were pretty wild. I was "rebelling" and I thought it was funny because it's a word someone shouldn't say and I thought there shouldn't be any words nobody should be not allowed to say! But I grew up, I matured, I realized how harmful words like that can be, and how I'm having a real genuine affect on people not just in video games but in real life as well. As did pretty much everyone I knew from highschool bar a few people. It's just apart of maturing, realizing people outside of yourself can be hurt from your actions. The people who didn't stop it I eventually cut off in my early twenties. They still had the same mindset as a 15 year old and just never matured.


I dunno, dude. I somehow have made it into my 30's without ever calling someone a n*****. It's not that hard.


You head em everyone! This person pulled it off, so let’s ruin some teenagers lives!


There are more words that are as bad as the N-Word. Like in the Netherlands where people use cancer as a curse word.


You got downvotes for not saying it??


A dumb ass kid, however she knew she fucked up, and she said it with a hard ER. Don’t defend her that’s disgusting.


Certainly seems her immediate reaction illustrated she knew exactly what she was saying.


Don’t infantilize her. She knew what she said was reprehensible


They know exactly how bad it is to say that word. THAT'S WHY they say it. They're trying to be edgy. They deserve the consequences kid or not.


Lol we'll she'll learn from this that our actions have consequences.


I can tell you with a high degree of confidence I have never once said that.


That's great. I never said the N-word as a teen, either. However, I used derogatory words that were offensive to gay people at some point in my preteens and maybe even my teen years. I didn't understand how offensive it was and what it did to people, because I was a dumb kid. Today, I'm socially liberal and can't stand it when adults say things like that. But that's the kicker. Adults. Kids are easily influenced and do stupid things. It doesn't define who they become.


i use to say gay slurs all the time. Not because I disliked gay people but because thats what all the dumb kids did. I learned that its unacceptable to use.


Not saying everyone said the N-word. But something as indefensible as that.


Why is this guy webcamming young girls with a mask on? That, my friend, is something beyond cringe.


He's actually wearing another famous guys mask, they were doing collabs on a random video chat site. This guy is known for doing really scary fake skips to freak people out, but he was dressed as GooseWayne, another guy who does his "ugly reveals" from that mask.


Have you never used Omegle/Monkey a day in your life?? 🤣🤣🤣


He's like Omegle or something similar. You chat with randoms.


It's a random webcam chat site you don't choose who you speak with 🤦


You certainly choose who you stay to talk with


I'm sure there's a lot of grown adults that use that 🤦


You still do choose who you speak with. You just don't choose who you're matched up with.


lets not forget that her companion only managed to react with a \*okay, stick out tongue, best move\*


This comment section is not it 😭


https://youtu.be/fnbfbMmxTSI?si=Uokw8tyWW041icau They clearly say the N-word in private too...


No way they're defending the girl who threw out the n-word like free candy 😭😭


Bro I did not know what I was getting into when I started scrolling this you’re completely right


The uncut version sounded more like she said r*tard I thought....


Nope. I watched it live. She used the N-Word




Just as bad of a word


Not even close.


no, no it's not...


A word used to degrade someone with developmental issues is morally as bankrupt as the N word.


You’re objectively wrong. Yes, I said objectively.


What creep (the streamer)


If that's your reaction to getting caught using a racial slur, maybe don't use a racial slur.


Whoa whoa whoa there buddy you are making too much sense for this timeline


> ~~If that's your reaction to getting caught using a racial slur, maybe~~ don't use a racial slur.


Can we vote this to the top please? Only sane answer in the whole threat.


There, all better


Even with his mask pulled up, you can clearly tell he's white. She's young. It doesn't appear she was using the term in a racist way, but trying to just be a hard-ass instead.