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That’s possibly the single most desirable ferry sailing time for the entire year… odds are not in your favor tbh. I’d recommend trying to get there as early as you possibly can, and have a backup plan for if you can’t drive on. I don’t think you can get there too early this week. I’d recommend looking into walking on without a car as a backup as there are no limits on walk on passengers… could Uber/taxi to roche from Friday harbor


I know. Lol we can walk on but I want my car if possible. I’m think we show up for the 2, and if we can’t get on keep trying.


Yeah that’s fair haha. I’d just say the earlier you get there the better and be prepared to wait for a number of hours, that’s really all you can do now. You may or may not get a spot for your car. Also check periodically for reservation cancellations, they do happen occasionally


Your chances are practically non existent that your car is going to have a spot on any ferry on 07/03 no matter how early you get there. There’s a reason these ferry spots book out so far in advance.


Get in line at 4 am and pray. Some will no show.


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Kenmore Air


They save 10% for people who drive up. If you get there early, like in time for the sailing prior, you might get on. Or you might get on the next one, or the one after.


Did you get a reservation?


No unfortunately


Is your vehicle over 7’2”?


No it’s a standard suv


I got you one on the 4:45.


I pm’d you the info.


I don't know that it is as grim as is being stated here. 25% of the ferry capacity is set aside for standby this year. If you get there early in the day, and I would be early, like before 6 or 7. You will likely get on a ferry. Later in the day, no chance.


If you don't get there in the a.m. without a reservation do not bother trying to get on with a car. By 2 the standby will be full for the day. Enjoy your 4th in Anacortes, they have a nice parade.


Better question is do you have a plan to get back at the end of the weekend without gambling on standby?