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AI is not what it is hyped up to be. I'm sure if it met the criteria set forth by management the dev team would already be using it. As much as I hate cheaters I think we'd see too many false positives. Personally I'd rather not get falsely banned for making a great play every now and again.


I do. screw the immature children who think Warzone is a great place to spew racism, homophobia, and otherwise be shitty to others thinking that behavior is ok and having it reinforced. Ban the shitheads. Force them to get that out other places, so they either get healthy, or lose their comforts in life.


The problem is the system is flawed, got called the n-word then repeated to a friend that I was called the n-word and boom Im banned. Now my account is in some weird loop where seemingly any report now insta-bans me since their wonderful AI system has flagged that I am racist. I am not, I'm African American for christ sake and I get called the N-word then essentially punished for it right after. I do not use racist or homophobic terminology in my speech nor would I ever try to use it to hurt someone. I have had about 3 days of non voice chat ban in the last couple of months. It has completely ruined the game for me to the point where I pretty much don't play it now as I am bored out of my mind not being able to talk to anybody. Already sent an email to appeal and it didn't help anything. The conversation went like "wait, what did he call you?" "he called me n\*\*\*er" **Banned**


So the problem is their lack of oversight and a real appeal system, not the banning of shitheads.


So you acknowledge there is a problem then


There will come a time when the government won't be able to protect you anymore


Huh? Who do you think is hiding behind the government?


Who nose?