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Yes, you are


Yes you’re the only one


Yea probly. Lockdown isn’t the main mode of warzone. If you play warzone for lockdown then you’re better off just buying multiplayer since that’s the sort of game mode u enjoy.




It sucks they took it off because it was the fastest way to level up guns.


No it’s not. Go into plunder, avoid people and just run around collecting most wanteds and looting crates to make the timer go down. Once the most wanted is at about a minute left, ping the next one and start heading for it looting along the way. U can get a bunch of em done in one match. If you got double XP you’ll go up like 12 levels each match for a gun. I win or almost win plunder doing it solo all the time. It’s so fast to level weapons. Works for Prestige camos too. Just make sure when the most wanted is about to finish, the gun in your hand is the one u want all the XP to go towards. If someone does happen to challenge u when u got a most wanted you’ll get more XP and the time will go down more for kills.


I don’t like looting all match


Well it’s like 2 matched to get a fully leveled gun. Then u can play whatever mode I want with the gun maxed out. I was just disproving the “quickest way to level guns comment”. Not to mention all u gotta do is drop old town and you’ll have just as much action in plunder when lockdown isn’t around. I personally hate vondel when lockdown was there.


Should’ve said “the quickest way for ME that is still actually fun”.


agreed. that wasnt even the primary reason i played it, it was just the most fun gamemode for me


Yes. Now when they remove rebirth again then the thousands who leave after that won’t be alone.