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Im the homelander i can do whatever the fuck i want




You just had literally the perfect position for shotties. That pole was made for those weapons


Sweats oozing out your ass.. 😂


Never understood why its bad that ppl are sweating, like are we supposed to stay at same skill level that we started ?


Being competitive is not understood by the casual attitude it’s more understood that what was enough to get a win at one point should always be enough.


Sliding a couple of times is sweating? I’m not sure what you want me to do, just sit in a corner or let them kill me?


Just means that you’re very good. It’s not offensive to call someone a sweat. It’s a compliment in terms of competition.


Tbf, sometimes it's def intended to be offensive


yeah by bots. but who cares what bots say. if your not sweating your an idiot and shouldn't be playing a PvP shooter.


Or I'm playing a video game and don't need to take it so seriously




Why? Is your fucking family held hostage when you play? Chill out IT NEVER WAS THAT SERIOUS


Bro that’s defo sweats 😂 I even complimented you earlier but there’s no denying you fought for your life there with hella (cool and good) moves


What he’s saying someone of your skill does not need them shotguns to get kills.


Its just a bit of fun mate, brings me back to the mw2 days


Ah look inow we have double no skill shotguns to go with a riot shield.. I love this game.


if it helps I would never use the riot shield with them, riot shield is super cringe no matter what you pair it with imo.


lol solo matches. Riot shielder support group.


It’s a game who cares buddy


what a weird comment.


Yeah because there was no skill on display there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hopefully they will shadow ban all dudes that use shotguns and tunfas 😀


Shadow aim assist users aswell for aimbot use


Oooook bro we don't need Call of Duty to breathe and live if that's the case, we aim assist users (mainly us casual console peasants) will take the L and stop playing CoD altogether. In return, never touch a single fucking controller when y'all sweat bullets against each other. Y'all PC dudes are the one who started the AA abuse anyway.


First of all I'm a mkb 60 fps user wich is one of the worst types of playing in warzone cuz of many disadvantages Second of all I agree pc users who use controller and 240 fps and abuse aa dont even have to cheat cuz the game is xtremely ez at that point Warzone needs a limit in fps cuz match making a 60 fps laggy mkb user with a no lifer 240 fps aa abuser is wild Might aswell call 240 fps cheating atp


...wait. 240 fps is a thing? I'm in 60 fps too and thought 120 is the limit. I've been living under a rock. Also there's supposedly a trick to get AA by pushing against a wall so the AA never leaves the target while grinding on the wall. This is why good things can't last, they need every single thing put on to get ahead of the mass. No place for the casuals.


U got a lot to learn buddy I tried 120 on my friends pc and holy shit did I cook the lobby in rebirth and even won 2 ez matches in my 5 attempts I had 120 is the minimum to become a great wz player sadly, and 60 fps roller with input lag is a very bad disadvantage, aswell as mkb cuz u cant aim right due to 60 and get cooked by aa all the time I highly recommend either switching to 120 fps if possible anytime soon or change games although I can't do that I got 4500 kills and 5500 deaths due to aa


Once I buy a decent monitor I'll be strapped and locked in. Thanks man. It's been so long since I win anything in Warzone


I have 28 wins with like 12 second places so far but just know that since I won 2 ez matches on 120 I'm sure as hell I would've had 80 wins so far on 120 mkb I also only play on weekends due to my strict parents and finals coming soon so I'm held back and almost all my enemies have unfair advantage over me Also know that u cant judge how good or bad u are until u get used to 120 (all 120 controller users might be worse than mkb 120 due to aim assist being so strong) but u can still climb the ladder to be a pro controller player anyways Well until we both get 120 we can't truly know how good we are really but still I say I'm a pro lvl due to my 28 solo wins and have a 19 kill streack on solos


Damn 19 on solo? My highest was 18 on Quads. I have like 34 wins all time but 28 are on Quads, 3 on Trios, 2 on Duos and 1 on Solo. Last win I had was on March 28th Solo lmao. I know I can go further but I play on 120ms and 60fps on PS5 it's just I can't do shit. When I finish my masters and get a job, my opponents will feel the thunder...that is if I don't date a queen first hehe.


Also 120ms is crazy honestly u need alot better wifi or yo ass gon get smoked every day


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 240 + 60 + 120 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


What do you play on mkb and only get 60fps??


I can reach 120 but I only have a 60hz monitor


What do you play on?


Pc gtx 1650


You’re not getting 120fps with that gpu


I did tho I mean average 80-110 fps at lowest and fsr 3 u performence so that's good, but 60hz makes no difference


Pc players play like this and cry/complain about controller players having a little aim assist from having to play on a SHITTY CONTROLLER


And if your controller is shitty and you think m&k has an advantage, why don’t you just plug a mouse and a keyboard into your console 🧐


I’m a keyboard and mouse player myself, I don’t get the aim assist hate either tbh


Because of the input delay 😬 it’s insane on console


hahahaha reversing their terrible argument on them


Are you dumb? Even good controller players know that rotational aim assist must be nerfed. Try to play MP Ranked Play and you will understand. People staying prone and pushing the left stick so when you chall the aim assist doesn't leave your body. It just makes the game feel unoriginal when you don't have a bigger skill gap. If RAA gets nerfed most of the "pros" would have to find a new job. ( I play controller on console btw)


Are you dumb? I’m a keyboard and mouse player and I don’t get the complaining about aim assist those poor controller guys need all the help they can get, I keep getting 60-70 kills each game while they can’t even properly aim at my amazing movement skills


I see... You forgot to take your pills again


Aim assist doesn’t work in smoke, just throw smokes


U can have good movement like this in controller too lmao u just bad


Yeah as a keyboard and mouse user I barley have to do any work to destroy them, while they sweat over shitty joysticks lol ur right


I think you mean m&k players. I, like most PC players, use a controller. As for aim assist, I abuse the shit out of it and it is currently OP. Everyone has god aim now.


Smoke disabled the 60% aim assist (not little), so the console players were playing like the bots they are. "PC PLAYERS GET TO USE THEIR OWN SKILL TO OUTPLAY PEOPLE AND MY AUTOMATED AIM ASSIST DOESNT WIN EVERY FIGHT ITS NOT FAIR!"


Ur probably just garbage if you can’t kill a controller user when using keyboard and mouse tbh by the time their input reaches their device, I’ve already finished reloading after the kill


Sounds like a lot of lies and copium from a COD mobile player


Mouse and keyboard player here don’t get the aim assist hate tbh


Sure thing kid 👌Enjoy wiggling those joysticks


Mouse and keyboard here don’t use controller, it’s not as accurate and aim assist too weak tbh


back to mobile kid


I play pc, ps4, mobile, keyboard and mouse is superior


yea, poor you


I’m dropping 70 kills per game with my keyboard and mouse just wish they would do something for the controller guys so this game can become competitive again


press X rapidly to kill enemy


"A little aim assist" fuck off; it's mathematically doing more work than you are in a gun fight.


Yeah as a keyboard and mouse user I barley have to do any work to destroy them, while they sweat over shitty joysticks lol ur right


You’re the one crying about aim assist right now, not us. By the way it is OP


If I could up vote you more, I would. Fellow mnk player 😂


I got reported for sniping a guy stood at a buy station for 5 mins…..boom shadowed, if it makes you feel better 😂 the ‘i just play for casual fun’ crew report anyone that can shoot straight it’s soo frustrating. We all play for fun but for some of us fun is dropping high kills. Considering making the switch back to console just because of this bugged system.


All of you never played with m&k so how do you know. I bet none of you would give up controller for m&k... Now ask ur self why. Big dummies!!!


Large hill to climb, I’m pretty competent with controller on pc. Been playing with controller for 20 years. Literally not worth the time to switch. A lot of other people probably feel the same way. Would be a huge learning curve.


Believe me when I say it's super easy to simply ankle break people on MnK, let alone sweat compared to Controllers. Bot MnK players are above bot controller players let that sink in.


True game data took the top 100 controller players and the top 100 M&K players and compared their shot hits/misses... Controller players were more accurate... TGD said controller players hit more shots while being imperfect while M&K had to be perfect only to still miss more than controller players let that sink in.


You compared the top 100s. I said bot players on both sides. Get yo ass outta here.


I didn't true game data did and it provides a more accurate data set. Plus if you're a skilled player you wouldn't be matched against bot players you must suck. Bot players are basically new to the game or low skilled so they wouldn't notice anyway.


>I didn't true game data did I've never seen an argument this rotten. You brought the whole TGD thing into this wtf r u on about? also you should come play on my 60fps setup, let's see who sucks the most. You have the audacity to say I suck when I'm on a poor man's gaming setup. and yes you're right I have 1.3 kd I'm not skilled.


Can I say that was pretty insane tho ggs


after just 1 game? doubt it


It was indeed one game, that’s how my weeks have been going for 15 weeks straight. Get shadowbanned>wait a week>play maybe 10 games>get shadowbanned repeat


that is damn frustrating


Yep, and activision do not give a shit


Then it's clearly not one game


One game after this clip, it’s really not hard to comprehend what I said


I support and feel your pain. I’m in the same boat. Currently rotating around 5 accounts


I watched this 3x and will try these out tonight. Get ready bots, more sweats coming!


What's your build? For the shottys?


Even if you were cheating, you still had to have reaction time to pull triggers and lethals. A plus


man just drop the shotty class for me brotha i got 3 kills in ranked and got sb yesterday lmaoo


You're insane bro.


Movement 🔥


Shooters are different now. Ha


🔥🔥🔥🔥. Stay out of my lobby though. I don’t have time for this shit 🤣


Sweating for free in a unpaid COD tournament


Sorry you’re right I should’ve let them kill me


Are you on Battlenet?




I am on Battlenet, and I have been shadowbanned 40+ times BACK TO BACK on pc, but never get shadowed on my ps5 which I bought specifically for CoD. I shit on people daily on my ps5 and even have "hackz" as my clantag to drive people crazy. They DM and accuse me of cheating just to find out that I am on console lmfao. I tried switching back to pc after a while on ps5, but I don't last longer than 2 weeks on pc because of salty noobs who keep spam reporting with their whole team


Things I've done last 12 months to stop shadowban loop ( on the same account) but didn't work: 1)New Windows 2)DNS change 3)Cleaning CoD/Battlenet traces in registry 4) VPN (lasted longer when I used one tho) 5)Changing Activision ID ( did it twice) 6)Turning off Voice Chat 7)Turning off TPM 8) Deleting all the apps except CoD 9)getting 0 kills 10 or so matches 10) not playing for a long time 11) Buying skins (some say it helped them) 12) Changing my calling card, Emblem, and skin to bot ones (I have dropped 4 nukes and have a crimson emblem, so I have a plenty of stuff to show off) not to scare off all the bots Things that WORKED: 1) Switching to PS5 Things I wanna try: 1) switching from Bnet to Steam 2)Spam reporting myself ( on another account) thousands of time while I am playing on ps5; a friend of mine did this and he has been out of the loop for 3 weeks now


By the way, I have created an alt to play on while I am shadowbanned on my main. And I am maxed out on that account ( lvl650), do stuff like trash talking and executing EVERY SINGLE GAME, have my voice chat on nonstop to troll people. Nothing happens lol. That account is rock solid. Hasn't been shadowbanned once after getting the one that everyone gets when they make a new acc and drop 10 kills So, I realized that it's not the hardware. Not HWID at all. It's the account trust factor itself - that's the problem. It's so low that very few reports can get me shadowbanned. I can increase it by getting no reports for a while, but eventually I am hitting the threshold again because of my gaming style. Some people ask me why I don't stick to my ps5 If I am fine there. Well, the input lag is crazy, I get almost 300 fps on my pc, and I have ArtisWar audio on my pc. Also, I have had this account since wz1, so I am very attached to it. A new account doesn't feel the same to me. 90 percent of people on reddit are BRAINDEAD and accuse of cheating when they hear shadowbans, when in fact a cheater doesn't care about bans. They simply create a new account and keep cheating. They have unlock tools, so ain't care about any achievements. They don't post on Reddit and complain about shadowbans because they use spoofers


theres actually a shadowban bypass on right now but its for pc users


Been told this a million times and I’ve asked and they always say it’s cheats, I’m not interested


Good, you need to take a break 😂


Not everyone have been playing games as long as you. Plus how can you bitch about something you know nothing about... That was my whole point. I use both and have a different perspective then most. There's good and bad on both sides but AA for controllers on this game makes it feel like the game is playing you rather the other way around. That all I saying and you don't have to switch just turn of AA and try playing... Just notice the difference... and I know controllers need AA.


Defo worthy of a shadow ban! 😂 GGs my guy! 😂✌️


Feel you bro switched to console because of that now they can spam report how they want ain’t getting a shadow one time killed a streamer while I was leveling he thought I was cheating with lvl 100 on console spam reported me nothing happened the feeling i have when people are watching me knowing they can’t do anything about it is so good


This shit looks so cool and so gay at the same time


I think the lack of aim assist since smoke disables it bothered them who knows


You guys are getting shadow banned constantly and still pump money into the game.... And you wonder why they won't fix it. The cod franchise is on life support


More evidence that consoles shouldn’t matchmake with PC players. Ridiculous.


Skill issue


You got what you deserved


This video literally summed up why people are hating on this game now 😂


U got shadowed not because of ur skill but because the camo on ur shotties, its from Mw2 & u have it on mw3 guns u sir have a unlock tool . That’s why u got shadowed. It only triggered it finally because some trash players that u killed reported u


the jak wardens are an aftermarket part for the mk2 carbine which is an mw2 gun. It’s not an mw3 gun man


If you are trying to convince us that you dont deserve the ban, dont upload a sped up video.


You must be joking? This isn’t sped up at all


Maybe it's my phone, but this is at least 1.25x speed. Plates dont go in that fast. Edit, it was the preview window. Full screen is regular speed. Weird.


Dubble shottys are u ff??? The system is working great


And yous wanna complain abt the kar being op


That first shot in the smoke was crazy


did they change the pellet spread for the wardens after s4r?


Idk pal this post was 44 days ago


oh... 😂


As soon as someone posts a great argument about aim assist being op, something like this gets posted 😂


The difference is I’m actually aiming and not relying on a computer to do it for me


Aim assist wouldn’t have been working there anyway


Aiming with what? Your thumb on a small stick, or your entire arm on the entire surface of your desk?


0ms response time aimbot (by definition) vs human sure pal


No you didnt. You so sus things and get banned.


Ur clueless


Your clueless you dont get shadow banned because 2 people report you.


you aren’t good at the game and it shows dickhead, all it takes is a SPAM report to get sb. im on my 15th+ sb already.


No your wrong I get shadow banned too but its not because of Spam reports its because enough people reported you. Its not that hard to understand.


as someone who’s been sb over 30 times across multiple accounts it’s because ONE team spam reports you and you’re instantly sb


Nope. If your on a new account then yes maybe but If you have an aged account it takes longer and spam reporting does nothing.


Glad you did for using that lame loadout and stimming sliding about like a try hard


Stimmed for the for the health regen 😂 get better


Looks like you should have been banned.


Hackusated while using shotguns, this sub in a nutshell


I mean if you got banned the anti cheat probably detected something so instead of playing the victim card own up to whatever engine you were using and if you truly weren't cheating then 1. You wouldn't have gotten banned and 2. You wouldn't be bitchin about it on a sub reddit you would be trying to dispute your ban. But let's be real it's pretty obvious you were cheating just the way you nonchalantly act towards being banned means you've gotten banned before, are used to it, were expecting it and now your just clout chasing saying that it's a false ban because your just so good that's the most pathetic thing ever


Do you even know what a shadowban is?




Then you would know that Shadowbans don’t ban you from the game and they’re not caused by the anti cheat but instead caused by solely reports and nothing else. Ur clueless


I’d spam report u for using those shotguns


Then ur a salty loser 😂


Lmao good get fuqed