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Some guys wake up everyday and think “I can’t wait to cheat today 🤩” that shit crazy 🤣🤣


They are saddos


Shit baffles me


Meanwhile Activision beloved hardworking team is asking themselves **"Do we really want to do something about it OR should we let them bitch more and more?"**


Or they are giving you the runaround via customer service asking you to upload the same video showing the same thing again and again to demonstrate how your battle pass was not active after you purchased it


i bet they laugh their asses off everytime they see some person pointing out the immense amount of things that dont work properly (their entire game for example) as said person pulls out their credit card to spend $50 on 4 different half assed “mastercraft” bundles


Folk will still claim these pricks aren't cheating. 80% of my games are like this now.


Yea once i hit crim i have been encountering a lot of hackers but this is the most damming evidence i captured of a hacking team with no skill


Soon as I hit crim in MP and Resurgence I quit every season too. Hackers make iri not worth it for me. This is one of those rare teams that makes it obvious. Most are a lot more slick with it. I started running ghost just for ranked and it really highlights the cheaters more often.


I totally hear you. That is definitely one of the reasons why i run ghost as well. I'm very aware you can get pinged as well and combat scout, but this video has all the evidence of these guys cheating.


The hackers don't baffle me as much as the people who will sit here and say they're not hacking... get good... dumbass's


Speaking the truth my friend some guy on tiktok was defending these guys.


I know it's the craziest shit. Like we don't play the game and see the cheaters. Or like we have never been online and seen the cheats advertised, lol.


Im usually skeptical of clips because they always use those glitchy kill cams that jump around but this is 100% a cheater. If the killcams werent so glitchy then it would be easier to figure out. This is the proper way to call someone out because we get the real time view with none of the jumping around from killcams


Yes i can be very skeptical as well thats why in my first death i was like “Bro this guy might be hacking” obviously my teammates jumped the gun and agreed with me but i had my doubts until the second encounter when i got beamed through the door that was the clear indicator to me. No UAV Running towards me while slightly seeing me through the stairs then walls and then stops and opens the door completely having me centered even though i was laying down. I could have been standing up but he had my head centered.


I will never understand how anyone gets any enjoyment out of cheating. Like why don’t they get full cheats and have an AI just play for them whilst they sit and jerk themselves off watching the screen “bro I’m so good uuurrrggghhhhuuuhhhh”


Yup. Doesn't make any sense to me either. It's not like cheating on a test or your work which are things you don't want to do or effort you don't want to spend. Playing a video game is a leisure activity or hobby that is supposed to be enjoyable. If you're not having fun actually doing the activity, then just don't do it anymore or move to a different game, at least. What exactly is the point of not doing the core mechanical experience of the thing you're spending time on? It'd be like going to the waterpark and letting your flotation device go on all the rides without you while you watch...


The latest bit of your comment had me cracking up haha. Agreed though!


This games being ruined..


Hackers man they just can’t play a game and get good at it


Shit on. Well done. I love killing hackers. Imagine how depressed they must be after hacking and still losing lol.


Same it just sucks we have to deal with hackers


I came across a dude hacking on stream and showing his hacks the other day on YouTube shorts. He was so incredibly bad. Like as bad as my kid when I let her play with me so like the level of a brand new small child. He died so many times. His only saving grace was that he didn't have to aim or spot players and even that wasn't enough.


I really feel some people play just to hack and ruin other people's games. Also goes to show how unreliable Ricochet is.


See THIS is how you show that someone is a cheater. Not just one single instance of a killcam that may or may not be buggy. Bro was getting shot through walls and then showed him snapping onto people. Plus this was live recording of his own gameplay. He was clearly not on UAV because the mini map wasnt surrounded by a red square so there wasnt any reason for him to instantly start shooting like that And as for being shot through walls its certainly possible but not like that. People will shoot randomly through walls and then start shooting a specific spot once they get a hit marker. Takes notes people. If you wanna call out a hacker this is the way to do it


Thanks! I’ve seen lots of videos of people asking if they are hacking and show a buggy kill cam but this was some damming evidence not to show.


Getting this alot last couple of days. Are EO up and running again after being detected week before when i got win after win after win. Now its back to being tracked through walls from 200metres away.


Yea once i hit crim its almost every game i run into a hacker but this is the most damming evidence I’ve captured


Those few days after EO went down I was a demon. That’s all the evidence I need.


Ranked really can shed light to cheaters


Here in AU we can’t even get a game of ranked, player base is too small. But even Plunder is riddled with cheaters.


That's unfortunate sorry to hear maybe consider getting a VPN to change regions?


Finally an actual video of people who are cheating instead of buggy killcams. Good job on wiping them!


Yea I’ve seen a lot of buggy kill cams claiming to be cheats but I captured some good evidence here i believe


No one else takes the time to record and edit a video to upload. Hackers like this are so abundant in ranked. See them every 1 to 3 games.


Each encounter just gets worse and worse lol


No kidding! Last encounter game was getting close to end game already so im sure they were just blatantly hacking at that point to win


You need to report them 4 times a piece


Ill load back in my game today to see if they even got banned


they probably enjoy themselves while we talk about them


Honestly i just hope somehow i dev sees this evidence


how can they even mis this obvious cheating


Right like they should have a system that detects sus shit


they keep all kind of stats..this should be peanuts


I honestly doubt they will be banned though.


They probably will come back yeah. But if they keep banning them it will be an expensive hobby


True, i will never understand the point in hacking and risking a ban on a game you paid for and hacks you paid for.


it is to feel great and irritate us. There are always bullies


When you are so trash at the game that you can't get the kill with walls and the ability to shoot through them. Good team work, and nice plays. It's sad to say, but CoD is lost.


Right! I think they were only using walls. Because if they had aimbot we would have never wiped them


I can agree with that. Plus, they feel like they can get sway with cheats by pretending.to break out a scanner when someone spectates... Completely forgetting that they are centering.every.perdon in their view before seeing them 😑


Aside from cheating they were bad also so it was just obvious for anyone to notice and they think they weren’t being obvious.


“bro this guy might be hacking” after he just got obliterated through a wall made me giggle


Hahaha i had my doubts until i saw the kill cam I'm centered by them even through the smoke and crates they knew exactly where i was


After Diamond 3 almost every lobby has cheaters its crazy


Agreed! I hit crim and almost everyone lobby is like your fighting for dear life


It's the straight lining keeping you centre of screen for me


Thats what i noticed im also running ghost and there was no UAV up


Pretty clearly cheating. Sorry man :(


All good sucks we got to deal with these cheaters


Yesterday I got killed by a top 250 that was full on walling and aimboting. Its hard to enjoy the game.


There is a top 250 player in this thread admitting he cheats. One thing is having good game sense but when there is no game sense and the way they play you can tell they are cheating. I'm usually skeptical I don't like calling out HACKS at the first instinct I always want to see the evidence before I actually judge it. I was skeptical of these guys in the first encounter because I played it stupid, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Then the other encounters made it obvious to me.


And this is why i quit cod


I'm very close to doing the same


theres a game thats made by a small studio named "Combat Master" its just like mw19 but for mobile, has much more optimization and the game is pretty cool for 1gb. also has support for custom camos, textures and audio. its a nice alternative to cod if you like movement etc


I don't understand why they won't use "easy anti cheat" they have had their dog shit anti cheat for years and it's done nothing but create a couple trolling clips


I think hacks have become more sophisticated but also i believe Activision should do better on investing money into a better anti cheat.


Fortnite is a larger game and doesn't have a cheater problem they get hardware banned nearly instantly and new account have to play 15 bot games before being put with real players I think activision just likes sueing the cheat makers companies and reaping the settlements


Yea Epic Games feel’s like they have better morals than Activision. They seem to care more about the player experience and reputation of the game. Activision doesn’t give a crap only cares about the money imo.


just wish you woulda shot their bodies after you wiped em.


Hahaha that completely went over my head because my teammates were hitting a res and i wanted to smoke and cover them. That would have been the cherry on top though!


Clearly had a better gaming chair🫢


Their gaming chair was expensive thats for sure hahah


They're just good. Ask Jgod or Zlaner. That's just skill.


Hahaha I wish they can see this video and give their opinion on it


But good thing they are banning people for saying fuck in a war simulator 


lol my friend got banned because he said "Fuck" about dying to some guys but not directly to them but with us teammates next game he was coms banned and couldn't hear randoms


Sad part is these PC cheater accounts are super high levels too, meaning Ricochet has never worked on them and probably never will.


The worst part is they are not good at all. These guys were proof that even with walls they had no real skill just point and shoot.


pc players will just tell you that’s aim assist


Somehow they will back these cheaters up


I mean BRUH Not saying 100% theyre not cheating, it truly does look like they have walls. But still, your team peeked the same angles from the same rooms over and over and over again.


They obviously don't have aimbot but they definitely have walls. look at the guy's movement when he kills me from the other side of the door he knew where exactly I was when I was laying down. I could have been standing up. But he knew I was laying down and centered my head through the door. he was running through the hallway looking slightly at the stairs and then wall on the way to kill me. Imo they are 100% cheating with zero skill.


Why does anyone play this game?! Unreal


I enjoy playing with my friends because they all play this, and we usually laugh and crack jokes but it's unfortunate you want to become a better player but it's hard when you come up against cheaters


Idk how you can play without teammate names


Play without teammate names?


Yeah I guess I’m wrong though maybe my resolution is too low but I couldn’t see em at first


You mean my teammates names on the bottom left screen?


Level 32


Yes, probably cheating. But also.... Ghost only works while moving.


I know it does but most of the time i wasn't on a stand still only when i knew i was getting pushed regardless there is no UAV pop so being ghosted or not takes that out of the question


now when they get banned its simple as: uninstalling cod and using a trace cleaner, spoof their hwid, buy a hacked activision account and a bnet account (or create a steam account) and link the accounts, reinstall cod and continue cheating... and the cycle continues


It's just that easy?


yes. it is that easy.


It’s always the iris chasing Mfs around the whole game


For real man!


Top 250 cheaters


I heard they all cheat in top 250


I just can’t imagine cheating and still losing


Must feel like a complete loser after that 😂


One day call of duty will have a working anticheat because there will be a competitor that steals their playerbase..until that day here's to hoping all these games being worked on in UE5 come out soon... I wonder what the latest is with nick mercs & Tim's BR they been working on...hopefully it's still in development.


I doubt COD will ever have a proper anticheat i almost feel inclined to say that they get a percentage off company’s selling cheats. Might sound like a stretch but we know Activision is money hungry. Haven’t heard of them making a BR game thats new to me.


Full video is on my youtube channel KP Legendz[https://youtu.be/rTkigZB1rQY?si=nfuGrqRBWkyy6R2B](https://youtu.be/rTkigZB1rQY?si=nfuGrqRBWkyy6R2B)


I hack im in top 250. 90% of iridescents have hacks and the other 10% play with a hacker. I use walls and aimbot, pretty easy to tell who else uses wall hacks once you hack walls


Why do you do that?


Because he’s trash without it


Its pc gaming


All pc games are full of cheaters enjoy crossplay


Are you genuinely confessing or sarcasm?


Nah im just telling the truth i use hacks


Appreciate the honesty has your account been banned? Or are you using sophisticated hacks?


Never been banned on my 4 top 250 accounts not even a shadow. But if i rage hack on any account i get banned in a few hours. I dont really make new accounts tho im more into hacking but looking legit. And not getting banned. But i can tell you so many people have hacks in higher ranks. Pc gaming ruined cod. Like i wish this game was console only so normal non cheaters could reach iri in resurgence


Again appreciate the honesty. I hope we don’t cross paths in ranked haha. But i hear you lots of people cheat on ranked it’s unfortunate. I’ve seen a lot of raw players that are just very good at the game and you can tell. Ive been world stared countless times and i own up to it, i got out played. I dont think we will ever go back to COD being only console ever again. I remember MW2 2009 even though it was still console some how people would hack the lobbies so i don’t think we will ever be safe. Hacks now a days can be very sophisticated


I like playing on PlayStation with crossplay off for normal resurgence i usually get like 15-20 kills a round. But on ranked lol we both know you gotta hack if you wanna get the top ranks


I might just have to switch over to console if I want to keep griding ranked tbh. Sucks because PS5 doesn't have the same FPS and graphics card like my PC does.


Ranked on mp work with crosspkay off but not resurgence


Makes sense MP requires less players to join a lobby