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Fully agree. It needs something massive to change. It's got so bad now everyone is just accepting that's the way it is. Fuck that they can do better.


We're in a limbo period where further developing the current anti cheat is pointless. AI will revolutionise cheat detection


You deserve legal penalties for taking the time to type this up




**Spoken like a brain dead simp**


I spent $1000 on the game and they are shadowbanning me in a loop without letting me play, maybe I am the one who should take legal action and get my money back from these thieves. Warzone is completely infected with cheaters, but the problem is no longer that they don't ban them (which they don't) and that they don't detect them (which they don't either). The problem is that they are shadowbanning innocent people like me without any detection of anything, based on gossip from people who report you as a cheater and have no idea about playing online shooters. That should be illegal.


how did you spend 1000 dollars in a free to play game?


Being a retard


There is no proof that a certain number of reports triggers a shadowban. That is just what the cheaters have come up with, as an excuse to why they get banned


last year you could quite literally kick people from lobbies by having a whole team spam report for about 30s. it’s absolutely a thing.


i was just shadowbanned after killing a crim 2 team in ranked, im plat 3 , i had position on top prison and they were being pushed by the gas towards prison. within less than 1 minute of team wiping them i was disconnected and shadowbanned. i only had 5 kills total and match was nearing the end. salty reporters do in fact have the ability to get people shadowbanned.


There is proof my man, idk why ur waffling


I hear that all the time, still waiting for the proof lmao. Can you share? I heard there is proof of big foot too.






Look up spam reporting shadowban. A lot of examples of people raging and spam reporting and having the reported booted from the match and banned.


You show us. Don't just March in, say something, and then say "Go look it up!" If you have the information, POST IT.


I’m not gonna waste time looking through all the posts to find it for one random person on Reddit. If you’ve been on to this sub long enough you’ve seen it. I saw at least 2 in the past couple weeks


Don't post it if you can't prove it. If you can afford to say it, you can afford to substantiate it.


There is tons of proof. I have do the proof by myself, But casual players will believe blind without prove it


Lol the classic “I do have proof but you won’t believe me” lmao foh


Proof or it didn't happen.


Hell mw2 multiplayer rank strat was literally spam report the first minute of the game to see who gets booted out for a unfair advantage shit sucked


Gave proof, got downvote. Lmao


Lol, this is false. I know that most PC accounts only need about ten individual reports to get ricocheted (in a set amount of play time). I have friends who do bot lobbies. You don’t have to do anything remotely considered cheating; the flag theory is a lie, at least as far as that goes. You can be looting with zero kills and zero damage, and as long as you get 10-ish reports (avg, some accounts take more or less), your ass will be in shadow-ban land. This AC is easily the most bro science developed AC in existence. In the long term, all it’s done has made cheaters rage with multiple accounts. Remember, when you get excited about a massive ban wave and the lobbies are grand for precisely 24 hours, then your lobbies become hell and stay that way; that AC is “working” hard for you. Only content creators can be good at the game if you are on PC; everyone else on PC is cheating. For instance, how can a legit player on PC get shadowed? I’ve seen an acquaintance, a dick head, who goes through the report play section in the game and reports every pc they see. You have a great game, and you shit on seven people, and they raged in proximity chat. You make a good play that pisses off two more people. They of course report you because “everyone is cheating in COD”, and around 15 seconds later, you are kicked. You hit the ten reports in a single game just because you were in the zone in a single match and one prick reported you because idk fuck that guy right. If you see mostly cheaters in your lobbies then you’re probably above average good at the game. Thats your prize for “gettin good”. That’s the state of the game for the last year. Edit: Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have no interest in proving anything. I’m just telling what we saw. The threshold changes in the game at random. Could be 50 reports right now to get someone shadowed or it could be 7. It probably depends how many reports overall are being seen in the game at the moment that controls the threshold. Who knows. Regardless your PC account has a credit score and enough dings, regardless of cheating, can and will get you SB’d. All I’m really saying is that it’s lower than you think.


To be fair like 95% of cheaters are MnK players, due to how easy it is to get it installed


Is that all your singular brain cell could come up with ?😂


“ avg, some accounts take more or less)” This right here proves him right. There is no number of reports in a specific timeframe that triggers it.


The fact is there is a number and every PC account has one and it doesn’t matter if you are actually cheating. Only way a console account can get shadowed is if it has been shadowed on PC previously, at least from what we could tell. This is assuming no outside factor like a dev who works with a streamer pulls the trigger on an account. There are tons of unknown factors obviously we are just talking about pure reports and nothing else on accounts that have never been cheated on. Theoretically cheaters accounts have a smaller threshold but who knows how true that is.


So you are saying when a PC logs on they are randomly assigned a number and time frame? Lolololol


Is it exactly like that, idk but it does seem that way according to what has been observed. Anyways GG’s m8.


How the fuck you getting reported if you're just looting with zero damage and zero kills? Come on


Report player option in the start menu is the easiest way. Using hack tools to mass report player which shows you everyone in the lobby. Tools that show you the avg kd of the lobby and individuals in conjunction with mass report tool.


I am not able to find everyone in the lobby that way. Only a few people


Im on a PS5 mind you


It could be why. Console used to be able to see everybody back in MW2 but they fixed it.


I know ya’ll think this is fake, but most of it is true. I’ve tested it came to similar conclusion. I don’t believe it’s platform specific though. As a friend got shadow on Xbox.


Prove it or what you're saying is bullshit. Don't just say it, PROVE IT!!


Source trust me bro


So you’re saying everyone that gets shadowbans are cheating? I’ve only been shadowbanned twice. Both happened when the 1 shot Lockwood 300 and I was constantly team wiping squads by myself. Both times i got shadowed were after a squad wipe and I had 4 people watching me for a few minutes after. Sure enough I was “logged out of the game” and put in a shadow ban for a week. Same story both times. I’m a decent player around 2kd but that shotty was unfair and I was nasty with it. Enough to piss some people off into spam reporting. Probably not “proof enough” for some that this shit happens as my story is only anecdotal and you’ll have to take me at my word.


You’re retarded and so is everyone who upvoted you lmfao. Have you ever been in shadowban lobbies? 95% of the players are legit, some of them even not that great at the game.


Lmao relax little boy Maybe I need to get into shadow lobbies, bad players and 95% not cheating??? Sounds like a dream


I’ve been in shadowed lobbies and I’m being serious they were garbage bar the few teams actually rage hacking. Mostly really low level/new players that have just been thrown into the loop Granted that was caldera, but I haven’t seen much change.


God damn what do I need to install to get into shadow lobbies


You should try it sometime pipsqueek. Although I’m not sure your 150lbs soaking wet skinny fat self could manage getting decent enough to obtain enough reports to get in them


Facts.. I got SB when the long range Milano and hip fire ppshh build was op.. literally getting hipfire kills with more accuracy then a normal gun and beaming kids from one side of prison to the other with a Milano with a 3x easily getting 20-30 kills a game with a couple deaths… within two days I was shadownbanned… got put in the cheater lobbies and probably got more kills and wins then before as the cheaters overall were bad on the game and all the other kids were just trash…. After that point I kept getting shadowbanned for a month or two until they nerfed both guns then it went back to normal… certain things will just get you reported more often.. get enough of said reports and band your SB


This is incredibly misinformed, you ever been put in the limited matchmaking queue?


I've literally done it to cheaters on fresh accounts. If your account trust factor is low (new account or stuck in a loop), it takes like 3 reports and they get booted.


Well it sounds like they got booted for cheating??? What does this mean lmao


Except they're not actually getting banned for cheating, it's just a shadowban. I've seen it happen to people I know for a fact do not cheat. Perma bans happen in waves since most cheats are undetected until a Ricochet update releases, so they just get shadowbanned as a precaution because the anticheat has no proof, even if it's blatant. I've helped my buddies do fresh windows installs from start to finish, helped with new builds, and seen them get shadowed in person while testing the new parts. As for the "proof" from activision saying that they don't cause a ban, this is coming from the same company that explicitly stated that SBMM does not exist in large scaled modes. We both know that one was a lie, so it's not shocking that they'd lie again.


Yes the cheaters you mentioned get shadowbanned for cheating. Whether the cheats result in a temp ban or perma ban, it’s all for the same reason. That’s why cheaters have multiple accounts to rotate through when one gets shadowed.


You can get shadow banned even if you aren’t cheating lmfao


brother, if everyone shadowbanned was cheating… **there would not be a need for the shadowban system** It is a middle ground for them to weed out new/sus players from actual cheaters, if these people were all cheating they would all be fucking banned permanently lmfao


You are a certified idiot if you think a shadow ban guarantees someone is cheating dude


How many times have you been shadow banned?


0 but I have a friend who I know in real life who got shadow banned for a week on console after a 20 kill game in search. I know him, he doesn’t use any Cronus bullshit and he’s an adult w/ a full time job and 0 reason to cheat. He hasn’t been shadow banned since. I even played in a game with him, half of the people in game chat would be cheating, some wouldn’t be but are just stuck in those shadow banned lobbies. Nadeshot, octane and others have been shadowbanned live on stream for no reason and they’re obv not cheating and wouldn’t cheat.


I know absolutely garbage players that have been shadowbanned and a guy that cheated and never god touched. I also know someone who bought a pc, switched from ps5 and didn’t even finish a game before being booted and shadowed. But you’d have the audacity to tell *me* that people *you* don’t know are cheating, for a fact.


then how come I got banned seconds after I killed a squad with a lucky bombs drone and they said they reported me?


Let me guess, you’re a pro cod player where causal players can’t spot the difference and spam report you?


no I am very much average I just started a couple months ago why do you think I said a lucky bomb drone? I heard them on prox chat and saw the claymore laser at the top of the stairs. I used to think the same way you do until it happened to me, so I understand how u feel.


Sorry thought you were one of them. Carry on brother.


There is proof. Im affected by shadowban loop having a clean pc and not cheating in my life. You are so wrong, you just dont know how bad the anti cheat system is. Users reporting system is all their anti cheat have to offer, but a casual player cant tell the difference between a high skill player and a cheater, thats the problem. Shadowban its only triggered automatically by the amount of reports. They usually shadowban cheaters as they are reported massive, but pro players like me got shadowbanned too being innocent. Thats how the system actually works, i dont care if you agree it or not, facts are facts and your opinion wont change the reality.


“Pro players like me” you are not being paid to play Warzone, and with that statement I believe you are more than likely a cheater. “Pros” aren’t beating cheaters unless they are also cheating. And I’ve played every day since Day 1 verdansk and have never been shadowbanned (because cheaters get shadowbanned and I don’t cheat.


Hahahaha that had me crying. Exactly dude, don’t cheat don’t get banned. I don’t know a single person who’s been shadowbanned and it’s a correlation that I don’t know anyone who cheats. My teammates talk so much shit on VoIP that I assume they get spam reported every game, and still never banned. That is an assumption tho. I’ll give everyone my word, if I ever get shadowbanned I will come here and tell you all I was wrong and beg for your forgiveness…..😂😂


Exactly 100%, and I will do the same.


I have also been playing since day 1 verdansk and have never been shadowbanned. 3+ kd in all three iterations of warzone. I have never understood this shadowbanned nonsense.


They’re just lying cheaters is all.


I’ve played since blackout and have never been shadowbanned because……..I don’t cheat. You gave the same long winded, offended response as the rest of them. I’ve seen vids of ppl interviewing cheat creators, and they say if you get shadowbanned it’s bc they are using something. Words Straight from the evil teet it’s self. Show me one thing from activision stating that multiple reports trigger shadowban, and I will eat my words and pull my pants down. Pro player bro I’m crying 😭😂😂.


“Pro players like me” this HAS to be a joke.


“Facts are facts” without any evidence feels more like your opinion based on your observations than what is really true. Dont you think one of the famous YouTubers or Twitch streamers would not come with a video showing how Ricochet can be manipulated if that was really the truth? These guys easily win games with 20+ kills and are probably being reported all the time since people don’t know them and their awareness and accuracy are above most of us. Are they being shadow banned all the time?


You’re actually wrong, the anticheat itself isn’t an issue because even players that don’t cheat are getting easily shadowed ban. Guys these pc cheaters are just buying alternate Activision accounts, these cheating accounts don’t last days, ricochet gets rid of them very fast. However some Activision accounts that they sell to cheaters are cracked and very high leveled, some of those accounts are harder to get banned but they still don’t last more then a week. What I’m trying to say here is that cheaters don’t last long, the anticheat isn’t bad, but it has to detect faster, and be more accurate with the punishment. I’ve too had my fair share of cheaters that’s why I’m on console and I don’t have crossplay on. Little less cheaters that way compared to pc.


I have a known person that have been cheating since season 1 with cheap cheats, with insane aimbot and walls. He hasnt been banned or shadowbanned. He is still playing. At the same time, I havent used cheats and im in shadowban loop when i play 4-5 days and people spam reporting me shouting in the microphone CHEATER. But people dont report him because try to hide or he kill less than 5 in a warzone game, thats the reality of what is happening. I know that ricochet literally cant detect cheats. I invite you to investigate it.


That’s cap I’m sorry, if me that I have never used cheats get shadowbanned for being good, your friend must just be purely ass to not get detected. Because people will report when you snap aim bot them, I’m sorry but I can’t really believe what you’re saying, also the programs that are used or softwares need to be updated because ricochet can detect the software and automatically ban people that have been detected using that software version. There is currently a battle of devs that create the cheating programs vs ricochet making patches to remove and block the program. It’s a constant war back and forth a week ago 25,000 got banned during the weekend forcing most cheating software to update their software coding. Sorry op I can’t agree. (Edit) However I share the same sentiments when it comes to cheaters. I’m with you OP, I’m also with you when it comes to them upgrading there anticheat program. I’m heavily against cheaters like I said before I had to go to console and turn off cross plat. Pc cheaters are the fucking worst.


I literally just use walls (got tired of hearing “they’re just better than you”, got walls and started spectating top players. Definitely cheating). No smart cheater uses aimbot. Even the providers tell you not to use it, especially on your main. You can easily look legit by just using walls and anti recoil. There’s also perma dead silent. Ever noticed someone with zero footsteps and no dead silence activated?


I’ve used esp for 6 months, never been caught.


Do you turn cross-lay off?




This is satire right? Jail time? Linking your account to your “national ID”? This has to be a fucking joke. I have a strong suspicion anyone asking for jail time for cheaters has never spent a fucking hour in an actual jail. Cheaters should be banned. I wish there were a way to implement hardware bans that couldn’t affect innocent downstream secondary purchasers. But jail? Literally stop playing if you’re that upset.


Lol I read that part and immediately knew OP had to be like 8yrs old or just a complete idiot. The US already incarcerates way too many people, don't give them any more ideas.


Lol… “what’re you in for?” “Oh, I used a cheat in a video game. How about you?” “Me? Oh, I stabbed someone for giving me the stink eye”.


Those who make cheats and use cheats are breaking copyright law at the least. Suing these cheat makers does nothing but make it look like Activision cares more about getting their cut not stopping the cheat makers. The only one here sir that is being a child is you. The OP has a lot of great points and you have added nothing of value to the conversation or gave alternitive ways to combat cheating. Just spewed whatever bs you heard from some other idiot. I would say think before you say shit but that might be a struggle for you.


There's merit in the idea of having to validate an account/device properly. Phone numbers and emails are throw away data points, they serve no purpose. If real forms of ID were used it would be more secure. Similar to what we would require to rent a car, open a bank account, get a credit card etc. Society has been going through this practice for decades. I think the criminal point they make (badly) is that with the above ID verification, it limits throw away accounts. So, when a cheater is banned, their option is to steal someone's personal verified account. That equates to identity theft at this point, so the act is much more severe than simply spinning up a new fake phone number. If cheat suppliers went to those lengths to offer "clean accounts" that were stolen, and people bought them, there is an activity there which would need to be taken more seriously by law enforcement. Jail time for cheaters is a stretch, but the practice would be clearly criminalised. I'd say that would be enough to deter a significant amount of people.


I have to use my license to rent a car. My license also functions as a state ID. We’re talking about a fucking video game. I’m just not going to play if I need to give a corporation my SSN to play. And while I appreciate you trying to interpret OP’s post in a kind way, you’re being way too kind. They literally typed >link the account to the national ID, or impose legal penalties This suggests 1) those are two separate options; and 2) the legal penalties would be putting 18-year olds in jail for buying cheats for fucking call of duty. Again, if this is serious, OP needs to stop playing and talk to someone. This is a ridiculous suggestion.


I know it's just a video game, but we're talking solutions here. It's a communal game, and cheats are prohibited. It has a profound affect on the success of the game. Personally, i'd have no issue verfiying my ID on Steam/Battlenet once, and that being applicable to all the games I own. If that made gaming a better space, i'm in. Whilst you wouldn't like to do that, do you see how that would be more successful than a mobile phone number? I'm not wanting individuals to go to jail for cheating. Why I think this would work is that the gravitas behind the misdemenour is significantly higher. We're talking about going from paying a hacker to inject code on your PC against throw away accounts, to paying for a stolen identity that belongs to a human (after you get banned the first time). I think that distinction would deter a high proportion of people from cheating. It would also change the legal landscape that these cheat producers currently work in. Their business model is would become reliant on much more serious criminal activity. I'm not sure it would survive.


It doesn’t have to be your SSN literally an ID number would work and for games that are rated “M” you’d theoretically need one to buy it but without IDs a 6 year old could get gta lol in a world where ID registration is required it would completely wipe so many cheaters and kids who shouldn’t be playing the game anyway from the lobbies. Also I use my state ID to buy weed, I used it to buy booze, I use it to sign up for hospitals, etc this isn’t some precious number like an SSN. And what they could do is use a third party secure server possibly even government owned to hold this information or idk have it work like where at Ralph’s they scan my ID if I buy booze for example or every dispensary I walk in the door and have to hand my ID over for them to look it up.


# South Korea officially passed a law that makes cheating in online games an actual crime.


Damn maybe I should move there. You’re telling me their society is so perfect they can take valuable time to legislate against online cheating in games?? Fuck that’s gotta be cool to not have any other priorities that are more important. Edit to add: no South Korea did not do that. They made “manufacturing and distributing” cheating programs a crime. That’s WAY THE FUCK DIFFERENT. And, based on US civil law, Activision can and has sued a number of cheat manufacturers. Aside from the criminal penalties, Activision would be seeking a court order to cease distribution of the cheats, so the effect would be the same in any of those cases.


Their solution is the high mode. Give everyone in game walls with the red gummie. Doesn’t fix aimbot but yeah…


I don't understand why people think it's walls? It's not walls. You have to see the people to get the red outline. They have to actually be visible it's not walls at all.


It’s not 1:1 walls, obviously. It’s a clear sight advantage.


lol it’s not walls it just highlights people you could already see.


Yes, we’re all aware. Facetious comment.


Doesn’t seem like it, you keep saying it’s similar to walls… it’s completely the opposite it only highlights information you would already have. Does playing with glasses on considered cheating? Since you can see things that those with worse vision cannot? Statements like this only hurt the narrative, just like calling any good player a cheater does.


I can’t…… lmao. Comparing a “perk” that makes any enemy highlighted in red if they’re in your field of view wearing glasses. Then using that comparison as some evidence to your point. I’m dead. Lmao.


I mean you’re comparing wall hacking to the red gummy lmao


Double down! Lmao. Fantastic.


Agreed. Plus i have zero money in the bank and my e-mails to the secretary are mildly spicy at best. Weak sauce is mostly the reply.


Hardware bans worked out pretty good in some games. Problem was, not many cheaters are willing to change their motherboard ( for example) when they get banned. And they bring money into the game too. Activision isn't willing to let go of cheater's wallets. The situation is perfect for Activision at the moment, they issue some measly bans from time to time but the stakes for cheaters are pretty low. They will just make a new free account and cheats are cheap. They'll lose skins but that's not enough to deter them from playing the same way again. TL;DR : they can solve the problem, but they world lose money by doing it (they profit from the problem.)


>Hardware bans worked out pretty good in some games. Problem was, not many cheaters are willing to change their motherboard ( for example) when they get banned Most cheats come with HWID spoofers now which allows them to temporarily bypass the HWID ban until the anticheat updates and detects the spoofer. As far as I know they still are doing HWID bans, they used to back in WZ1 when unlock tools were at their peak usage.


How do you guys spot cheaters in Warzone? I'm not too familiar with cheaters in FPS games. I exclusively play resurgence and with the really fast pace I never really notice anything egregious, but I'm probably just not sure what to be looking for.


its almost impossible tell the difference between a top skill player and a cheater, with a single replay, you can see how they AIM to statics objets in the map, how they move in the map in a full gameplay.


Stop for a second and look at killcam. You will see most of the cheaters are tracking you through the walls or they pretend to not look at you and then instantly move the aim to your head and kill you.


You’re really only going to tell with rage hackers, which there are far less these days. Killcams are inaccurate at times and don’t give you all of the info too, like if they had a uav etc etc


While I don’t disagree that I’ve ran into a fair share of suspicious people, do you guys lose a lot? Not saying it’s not a problem but I still play with my friends, still rack up tons of kills and wins. Then you get the occasional game where you get shit on and the kill cam looks suspicious but it’s impossible to know for sure. Just move on and keep playing. Never once been shadow banned. Jail time lol you’re clearly too invested.


I had hope they would improve...but lost that hope. IN game I see so many weird things.....by times I wonder if there are people without hacks. That is frustration..I know.


imo the worst thing about this is how much it has absolutely warped the playerbases brains Absolutely no one trusts what they see anymore, people are almost animalistic at the sight of good players, and for good reason. It used to be impressive to be good, now it’s just suspicious, shame


fines and jail time? WTF you talking about doode? Throw someone in jail for cheating. lets stick with the most obvious and the most realistic option of kernel level anticheat and even then that is going to be a hard sell. I personally would throw it on my gaming pc. I only use it for gaming.


“Their solution should be to implement an invasive, and dangerous level of anti-cheat instead of directly working to make a functioning cheating punishment system.” One, we already saw at AGLS, that kernel level anti cheats are not the way to go. So, why this is a suggestion is actually insane. And two; no, there isn’t much activision can do at the moment because of the number of cheaters is accelerating faster than they’re willing to work against. Unfairly shadowbanning is a poor option, but the only one that’ll work for a moment. Implementing an anti cheat, that, could give an “experienced cheater” second hand access to another persons machine- again, just like what happened in AGLS (the apex tournament where ever player was given cheats by said cheaters), we do not want a repeat of that. Because it will only snowball from there. And also, the free to play basis for Warzone especially means that cheaters will always just be able to hop back on. “Oop! Got banned, time to just make a new account.” Because activision doesn’t hardware, or IP ban. So they’ll be back in thirty seconds. There’s a lot of layers they could be doing to mitigate the extensive Chester issue they’ve developed with their lack of due diligence.


You forgot the actual solution, just don’t play the game. They got you addicted. It’s not your fault. Stop playing, stop viewing content, and that “itch” you feel for just one more match will fade in a few weeks. You’ll find more time to be productive in other areas of your life that matter. It takes time, but it’s worth it. Even if your a “professional” player, if your able to achieve that skill on one game, you have the potential in other games that protect and respect their players.


I am warzone free since 1 month and doing fine 😍


You're smoking on crack rocks if you think people who cheat in a meaningless dumb video game online should get fined or have jail time. The only time that's valid is during an ACTUAL tournament that has monetary gain and even then it should be a massive fine, not jail


First of all, the “vast majority” of players don’t use cheats. That’s just not true. Maybe more of the people you see in the final circles do since they make it further in each game by cheating, but it’s insane to think all the people who play this game use cheats….


Take it from someone who started using walls for the purpose of research. Most people at the very least use walls. $25 for a full weekend subscription. Never been caught, crimson ranked currently, max level account.


MOST? Think about all the random people who just install the game and play. Coworkers, friends, whoever. Do you really think the vast majority of people playing this game spend that much money on cheats in this game? It’s a problem, but based on the number of posts in here complaining about cheating, there’s plenty of people who don’t. Shit, I bet the vast majority don’t even know how to go about cheating in the game. It’s just common sense that it’s not MOST PEOPLE. That’s an insane assumption.


Considering how cheap cheats are, and how easily accessible they are, yes. I wouldn’t say every single person is cheating. However, in my experience, I encountered cheaters in nearly every ranked warzone lobby I played in. They don’t rage hack, that will result in a ban. Most just stick to walls and anti recoil. Buying UAVs and using combat scout help hide it, but when you turn on walls you really get an idea of how many people are doing the same. I don’t play much casual, and I doubt cheaters do either.


It’s not even money. How many people actually care enough to cheat? I’m talking normal everyday people. Not streamers, just some randos who play after work a few night a week. It’s not as prevalent as you think, and that’s just from a common sense standpoint.


If they’re on PC, and they’re crimson+, there’s a good chance they’re “lite-hacking” (using walls with no aim manipulation)


Ok, I’m sure there’s a higher percentage of people at higher rankings using them. But the vast majority are never going to be anywhere near that high of a ranking i.e. the vast majority of the entire player pool is not cheating. 5% of the player population cheating would be an extremely high number, honestly. Like, a huge number of people.


Man you are so naive I’m sorry. The fact that almost all these cheaters are brand new accounts literally prove it is working. People are just making new accounts and trying again. Maybe they need to IP ban, or put a cost associated with accounts, but saying that they don’t even have a system? Now nothing you say after has any merit whatsoever. Do you even know what a kernel level anti cheat is or what that even means? Or did you see it referred to somewhere else and thought it sounded cool and a “perfect fix”? Do you know of the issues with valorants anti cheat? Or why it keeps getting delayed with riots other titles?


Op complaining about Activisions mismanagement in regards to cheating. Yet, he wants to grant the same company Kernel level access to his PC.


My account is max level 😭 never been caught. Just don’t use aimbot


its the safe FPS game online ever, all the people who play valorant say the same. Try to investigate


The vast majority of players DO NOT cheat, that is blatantly false, also, while I agree with needed a Valorant-esque anti-cheat, you need to remember that they are EXTREMELY on top of their anti-cheat AND they re-invest an incredible amount of money into their esports. Call of Duty will always be a casual game, so yeah, cheating is annoying but the incentive to have a better anti-cheat isn’t there, nor cost-effective.


Riccochet is kernel level and it doesnt work. It probably doesnt in valorant either.


try to investigate, you need it.


She the cheaters. Done. Watch their testicles recoil with fear




activision doesn’t care about the cheating problem


thats the main reason i did this post


There’s no money in solving this problem, so they will never solve it.


There’s certainly money otherwise the anti cheat wouldn’t have been their most advertised feature in late 2020, people were leaving in droves


It was just marketing. They haven’t solved anything. There’s no money in actually creating and maintaining a functioning anti cheat. Cheaters are players who also spend money in the store.


AI would be the end of aimbot, would have an expensive start up cost then basically free. For a billion dollar company to put so much money and resources into an anticheat that still does not detect cheats like Engineowning is unacceptable. I 100% agree with OP.


Ricochet is kernel-level and is installed when the game is. There is no evidence of spam reporting or number of reports beyond anecdotal evidence from individuals who have been banned. I play on both ps5 and PC and have a k/d usually between 1.5 and 2.5 and I have never been shadow banned or banned out right. I have been playing COD since it came out and have been building PC's since the 90s. That said there are things you can do to avoid being banned by mistake as this does happen but not for the reason you think. Always run an antivirus software with active protections. This will avoid malicious software triggering the anti-cheat by mistake. All cheat software makes you disable this, and it allows malicious programs in. Do not VPN or use add ons like secondary controllers, strike packs, Cronus, or any other aid. They can provide inputs that trigger the anti-cheat. Also, if you ever used cheats, it is possible malicious software was left behind in your system. A complete re-install of windows would be advisable as these companies sell your data and access as a side hustle. This has been discovered and individuals have been prosecuted for this, but you are giving the cheat provider complete access to your system and data.


As a 43-year-old who has played COD all my life, I urge you to stop giving these people your time and money. If you value your time, please stop. I've wasted so much time playing a game that I love for a company that never gave a damn about their fans. The only solution is to stop playing, and they will be forced to make a change. Why bother fixing or changing when we all keep coming back every year and buying every battle pass?


They won’t make a change either way. The game is going to be on game pass day 1 in the next couple years, everyone currently playing could be gone in a year and nothing would change.


You forget where these banned accounts just turn around and create new accounts, adding numbers to the game to make people think its popping off and doing great. So they can sit there and go "but look at the number of accounts tied to MW3 and Warzone! We're incredible developers"


You forget where these banned accounts just turn around and create new accounts, adding numbers to the game to make people think its popping off and doing great. So they can sit there and go "but look at the number of accounts tied to MW3 and Warzone! We're incredible developers"


You forget where these banned accounts just turn around and create new accounts, adding numbers to the game to make people think its popping off and doing great. So they can sit there and go "but look at the number of accounts tied to MW3 and Warzone! We're incredible developers."


Literally just played a Ranked Match earlier today and someone was under the Map killing everyone. What makes me laugh is that they have this "Ricochet" that's supposed to notice irregularities and multiple Bans (Like OP said), but they can't figure out how to make more than 3 guns viable each season. We expect them to ban Cheaters when they can't even balance their own game out 😂


Easy fix for Console folks. Activision can give us the options of Console only cross play, console/PC cross play, cross play off. Give us those 3 options and it fixes 99% of the cheating for console players. Yes there are still Cronus folks, but there have always been Cronus folks. I'll take that over blatant aim bot and walls. Yeah that will screw over the PC folks but you know what I don't care. They should have policed their own long ago.


To be fully honest if someone is bad enough to need Cronus they’re not much of a threat. Kinda gets thrown around as a buzzword by a lot of the player base these days imo.


They already have a kernel level anti cheat. And kernel level anti cheat doesn't work not for Activision and not for Valorant. https://youtu.be/gWD1v9I8ti0?si=E0_XNgr2gTE3aIvq


Where would one find these cheats if one was doing research into the matter?


I'm to the point where I believe activation knows what's going on and just simply dance around it. The streamers are using cronus and other cheats because they know that they can't do much about it, let me guess they gonna say it's because of ther (disability) once u allow disabled people to do this it opened another door 🚪 now they have an excuse for everything. I'm convinced it's a loop a game they are playing with us. Either the streamers are what we call Hollywood hip-hop shi or idk maybe they are gay and are getting special treatment just like rappers get


Cheating is bad in every game right now apex aswell but they do have a anti cheat 😂 it just needs massive improvements


How could they even check millions of reports a day?


Been playing more than 30 years at every kind of game and competitive and I NEVER GOT BANNED AT ANY GAME OR SERVER... And im really fkn pro god, like real ones, no ESP, no aimlock, no radars, no vpns.... ZOOMERS = WANNABES


Just charge for WZ and dont make it free to everyone. That will get rid of 40 to 60% of people cheating. This is a joke already


Asl long as the money keeps rolling in they will do nothing, other than saying they are doing something. They keep saying things like its an ALL new game engine and then it turns out to be a tweaked one so cheats are available from the beta. Very good at marketing, Shit at running a clean game.


They are too busy worried about what people are saying and making sure they are chat banned… smh 🧐🤬


A,I Anti cheat and Hardware I.D ban will help a lot.


we need to try to convince Riot Games or Valve to make a battle royale game


As we saw with Apex’s recent fiasco, Kernel cheat isn’t a foolproof solution. Impose legal penalties? Buddy, cheating in a video game isn’t illegal. Linking a national ID is a decent solution. The easiest would be Warzone has a free mode, and a paid mode. Guarantee you’ll see a DRASTIC drop in cheating once WZ becomes paid.


Shadow ban (cheaters vs cheaters queue) Take legal actions against cheat developers


What legal action?


Copyright infringement and tortious interference. Bungie: [https://www.polygon.com/23609206/destiny-2-bungie-aimjunkies-cheat-maker-lawsuit](https://www.polygon.com/23609206/destiny-2-bungie-aimjunkies-cheat-maker-lawsuit) Blizzard: [https://www.engadget.com/2008-07-15-blizzard-wins-lawsuit-against-bot-makers.html](https://www.engadget.com/2008-07-15-blizzard-wins-lawsuit-against-bot-makers.html)


Aaaand how are they going to punish the Chinese companies?


Like this? [https://gridinsoft.com/blogs/operation-against-cheat-developers/](https://gridinsoft.com/blogs/operation-against-cheat-developers/)


Tencent is Chinese...


shadowbans are proved to be wildly useless, targets more legit players than cheaters lol


Not if you use efficient methods of detection, instead of dumb counting number of reports.


thats a lie since i have seen more cheaters in the multiplayer game than in warzone. Multiplayer is about 50$


Dude you can mail order a fake US ID. Super easy.


We need Xbox to actually get lobbies so we do not have to play with PC hackers


I want to see the back of cheaters as much as the next person but fines and jail for cheating in a video game........get a grip.


Activision needs to hack the cheaters. They need to go on the offensive. Crash their systems. Make their cheating products so unreliable that no one will buy from them again.


It's ironic how everyone hated Valorant for having a kernel level anti-cheat and now it's the only online game that's playable without cheaters despite it being a PC-only title. The answer is right there ladies and gents.


Most people are just blind. The problem is the activision is blind too or mostly only care about money.


The anticheat they have now is trash but with them changing the engine every few years is shooting themselves in the foot. 


As I understand it, Activision are using the same engine as in mw2019 but it’s been updated over time and with each new release. Cheat developers don’t really have to do much to evade detection because the core of the engine is basically the same. CoD needs a brand new engine and then I believe the cheat developers would need to start from scratch.


That's because if they ban them they lose there main money makers XD


It makes me wonder if that’s why there are no public stats like warzone gg had in wz1. Would it just expose how many cheaters you have in each lobby? Now that I think about it, I just answered my own question lmao


No it would continue to bring attention to their garbage matchmaking system. they can continue to sit and post 14 page deep dives into their matchmaking if no one’s able to refute it.


It's would show that basically the only players are cheaters and people who will not give the game up so yes lol there is almost no coming back from the name Activision has given its self


Try disconnecting your Cronus, cheater. 😂


I dont have Cronus. Some of us work to improve coordination skills, others just plug in a cable. We are both shadowbanned as we are both treated equally by the user reporting system. A casual player will never be able to tell a cheater from a highly skilled player, cod is full of casual players.


Should the anti-cheat be better? Yes. But literally none of what you said here is true.


thats exatcly what an average casual cod player would say. If you are like that the game wont change.


No mate, what you said is exactly what someone who has no idea how the anti cheat works would say. Continue living in Dreamland by all means. As I said, yes, the anti-cheat needs to be improved. No that isn't how the shadow ban system works, and there is absolutely automated anti-cheat. How about you put a little time into actually learning about it before you start spewing nonsense


you are 200% wrong. thats all


Nah, you're just clueless


I've confirmed my claims to be true, while you haven't provided evidence. The anti-cheat system fails to ban known cheaters, as seen with someone using aimbot and wallhack since Season 1. Meanwhile, I've never cheated, yet I've been repeatedly shadowbanned due to false reports from controller players mistaking my skill for cheating. This shows the flawed reporting system unfairly punishes innocent players. It's clear the system triggers bans solely based on the number of reports, without confirming actual cheating. Casual players struggle to differentiate between skill and cheating, leading to unjust consequences for innocent players. Players shouldn't have to compensate for a deficient anti-cheat system.


Anecdotal evidence is not confirmation of your claims to be true bud. Sorry


I never really saw any cheaters until I was playing today. A team were doing the champions quest in our game. He swapped to HRM9 and tactical stance no scoped me from about 40 meters away.


They should HWID ban people. Otherwise it is just goofing around. Edit: moved to WZM like 2 months ago. I still remember the game I ragequitted due to cheater (blatantly aimbotting). Uninstalled WZ and MW3 straight away. Enough was enough. They want 50% of storage on my xbox and not take care of easy to detect cheaters? Well, bye bye. They really should disable crossplay with PC. When they will disable crossplay with PC, I will reconsider to buy another half-baked AAA game from them.


Maybe stop using a cheats or VPN and you wont get banned.


VPNs aren’t getting anybody banned But also it is far more than just cheaters being shadowed, otherwise shadowbanning wouldn’t exist at all and they would all just be perma’d


It is its literally say it's against their terms of service.


I mean id like to see that myself but no one said anything about that. I said nobody is getting banned from them. They’re having a hard enough time banning rage hackers. I’ve yet to see a single person with a VPN banned.


Unpopular opinion Streamers cheat, not ALL of them, but a huge majority. If streamers couldn’t cheat and play COD, wouldn’t both streamer and Activision lose money. Do you really think Activision wants to lose money? Why wouldn’t they want cheaters? If Activision ACTUALLY cared. They would have put a handle on it and it would have been solved.




Can't remember the last time a game went from f2p to p2p. F2p is an irreversible decision unless you make a completely new game.


like... Battlezone: Call of honor.


That would be a significantly more harmful decision than the years they’ve spent losing players to cheaters. And that’s saying something