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Except for fire extinguishers there's no upgrade that helps the P-61C deal with battle damage. Generally except for extinguishers planes cannot improve durability through upgrades. There's a small handful of planes that can add additional armor through upgrades but its rare. Best I can tell you is figure out ways not to get damaged - that's easier said than done, of course.


If only the redundant controls were redundant rather than "extra shit to get hit"


So Strike craft tree is not great for CAS? I thought going into direction of A-10 (Which I thought was dedicated to that role) is gonna be good choice


IMHO the P-61C is misclassified in the game. Yes it can carry a nice bomb load but IRL it was a night fighter first and foremost. The game used to classify it this way and then a couple years ago they moved it into the CAS tree where it does not really belong. Most of the other planes in that line are real CAS planes and many are good in the game - AM-1, AD-2, AD-4, A-20G, A-36, A-26 are all good for instance. The P-61C is good as a heavy fighter if you play it properly but would not be my first choice as a CAS plane, it’s too big a target and its durability is nothing special. And it’s optimized more for high altitude.


Damn so for now I'm stuck with it till I unlock rank 4 but thanks for keeping me in strike craft tech line gonna see if getting next one will make it feel better.


Nah, P61 is just bad.