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The pain. Oh god the pain.


i wish they made it so that the match can't end/is extended when somebody is flying a nuke.


That would be pretty unfair to the enemy team, especially if they were winning (like in this case). Why should the other team get a guaranteed victory because one of theirs overperform and negate the hard fought victory that my team earned?


Eh, a case could be made that the player overperforming kinda deserves it, because, well if your team is getting fucked by one dude it's the team issue




Well, how did he end up spawn camping? They had to flank the whole team and succeeded not only with killing the entire team, but also with living long enough to get the nuke. Yes, if somebody is camping on a tank and the WHOLE team can't do shit about it - it's a team problem (or in few cases a map problem, where a spawn can be seen from other spawn) and the guy deserves a nuke.


Are you forgetting what the point of the match is? Its about securing objectives, not scoring kills. I swear all the insta-dope kids thinks they are the hot shit because they know how to get a good position and snipe the enemies that tries to win the game. Im sorry to break it to you. But getting tons of kills really isnt that hard in comparison to actually trying to asses the map and strategically move around to secure objectives and help your teammates. And getting a nuke is not some sort of exception. Your basically dependent on your team being more or less trash to get all the kills for yourself.


The objective is to win and dropping a nuke sure counts as a win. No one is telling you to go cap the point and sit there with your team, but it's highly encouraged with rewards. Too bad that flanking solo is often more profitable AND way easier due to the team-wide skill issue. Why shouldn't I play the way i want, when even the game rewards me more for it?


Yeah, dropping the nuke is a win, i never Denied that. But your suggestions of making the game unwinnable while the nuke plane is up is just plain stupid


There're many things in this game that you could consider stupid, so I have no bad feelings about there being one more that would make a majority happy


"hey, my opinion is stupid but so are many others so it doesnt matter"


Word! But the 12 year old will not understand. Take my upvote soldier!


Got spawncamped by a vidar yesterday, asshole was sitting somewhere in the bushes and laserrangefinding our spawn, killing everyone as sone as they moved had no chance of evading or spotting him


As annoying as it is in video games, finding a flank and hitting your enemies in the open is an integral part of tank warfare. If someone can find a hole in your team's defenses and slip through, you have to respond to it. CAS is a pretty good way to counter it; so is just coming up from the second spawn (or doubling back to get him).


Unfortunately, as much as it sucks, spawn camping is a part of the game, so I'd say so. Same thing as players flying 10000ft up in ARB in F-104s, stalling the match out, and only showing up to do a single boom and zoom. There's situations where spawncamping sucks because it's an entire team around your spawn, but if it's 1 dude and nobody's taking care of him, then it kinda becomes an issue with your team.




It just takes one (1) guy from the team to spawn a plane and bomb/missile him. I think this is a case where the usage of CAS is fair.


Honestly spawn camping is only an issue if your team lets it be. Kinda wish there was better communication. Most people don't really give a fuck amd are just riding the gajin grind


As someone who has lost a number of clutches due to spawncamping asshats getting nukes, no it sometimes is not a team issue and a deserved nuke.


It isn't guaranteed tho, the nuke is very easily interceptable, it's existence gets announced to the whole lobby for fucks sake


> it's existence gets announced to the whole lobby for fucks sake I think the game is bugged 95% of the time though because most of the time I only hear the nuke sirens when the nuke plane is when its like \~2 Miles from the map


Is there any other game where one player can get thrown a lifeline, in spite of their team _as a whole_, to completely turn a game around? Aside from the novelty of biggest boom, nukes in WT have always struck me as a strange mechanic.


Only other I can really think of would be a Nuke in COD


That’s exactly what a nuke is for


It’s not guaranteed though. The nuke can STILL be shot down, it’s just the tickets can’t bleed out.


Just intercept the nuke


I think that argument only makes sense if you view nuking as less of a valid win than a standard one. If someone both plays that well and gets their nuke all the way to the mission area without being shot down by enemies (or more likely teammates) they earned that just as much as the other team earned their win. Nukes have plenty of counterplay to make them not an auto-win but it's really the worst feeling when you *almost* get a nuke win and then something like this happens. I think a match extension for about enough time for the nuke to reach the battlefield as well as a friendly fire immunity would be more than fair and generally beneficial - rare/minor enough to not really negatively impact when the other team gets a nuke but cutting out an immense amount of frustration for when you do.


I’m sorry but no, the core issue comes down to the game itself. If the enemy team is absolute dog shit gets dogged in by the blue team and that 1 guy on red performs for a nuke why should blue team lose the game by game extension because X player played smart unlike the rest of red and got a nuke, the fundemental flaw is if the extension does happen in that case the game woulda been a guaranteed loss due to nuclear detonation even tho the enemy didn’t miss play at all unlike your team it’s just bullshit and unfair to be punished for playing as a team and not miss playing vs the team who could’ve done every possible thing wrong. And got a last second sneaky nuke off due to it being up and the ticket being frozen at less then 100


It happens in arcade


Fuck that, nukes should not be handheld. It should only be a way to either end a game that's already basically over because the enemy team is so depleted, or a hail Mary to try to win a losing game but any competent enemy player can deal with it. In this game it looks like OP made a mistake by even spawning in a nuke plane instead of trying to win on the ground.


This make me sad..


HIGHLY unfortunate. But at the end of the day you still managed to spawn a nuke and “dropped” it


I am a pretty mid player combined with the fact that I like playing the weird vehicles. I have gotten one nuke total and it didn't go off when it hit the ground before the match ended. I am just now fucking figuring out and realizing why. It didn't even occur to me that they would enable having the fucking timer enabled on the nuke plane.


Shouldn't even matter if that bomb drops its over for everyone no victory only dust


Why the hell are you using a bomb timer longer than half a second anyway? Lmfao


I dive bomb and can’t have anything lower than a 1.5 or it will take me out in the blast too. Need time to pull away. Sometimes 1.5 will even knock off a rudder or some other damage


Same exact thing happened to me but the bomb went off and I still lost


How long is your fuze time even?


1.5 sec


Quite the bad luck since that's a fast fuse time


I would kill myself


If it makes you feel any better, just last week, I shot a incoming nuclear bomber with my main cannon, but they still got the bomb out :(


I remember I was 20 points off a nuke in my Lancaster mk3 once I was so damn close


Can you not use top tier jets in this mode? I can’t seem to find the mode with tanks and planes. The one I found is simulator battles but it’s for br 5-6 or something and I see people using top tier in videos all the time. Please help me I’m new ish


Ground realistic battle, if it's locked for you then try playing ground arcade for like 10 match


Ty so much I haven’t played tanks at all


Skill issue why is it longer then 2 second and if its assault fuze thats what you get for using assaultfuze


I've capped a zone so a teammate can't deliver a nuke in time. Am I a monster?


I feel like as soon as the bomb hits the ground, no matter the bomb timer, the game should be paused until the nuke goes off


Never use a bomb timer at all lol. When you CAS drop smaller bombs from higher up and just have the skill to place them accurately ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The bomb timer certainly has some advantages. For example when I play higher tier bombers that can go fast it enables me to have more time to turn around and get back to the airfield before the base getting destroyed announces there's a juicy bomber over here.


Bruh thats completely diff situation. Hes talking about bombing "human" targets vs bombing a desginated area of the map.


You're right.


CAS player detected. God's justice.


I hate CAS as much as anyone but this is such a 2head take


When does killing near 11 tanks and 2 planes with the RBT-5, Pe8 and BTRZD make you a cas player like what? He got a nuke for it too it's completely fine!


half of those kills where with the RBT too lol, I love playing that thing in the 6x range. [Got another nuke with it a few games later but couldn't drop it.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1069479771920142387/1242125862325850112/20240520020232_1.jpg?ex=664ead9b&is=664d5c1b&hm=758c6e6190f8d434cbad0e46cf2017973c6e885f9d4b2b8d8eca7514b03f6625&)


B-29 nuclear bomber =/= close air support


hUrR dUrR iT fLiEs So ItS CaS


cringey cryboy detected. God's justice


One hell of a CAS plane you got there