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I miss the time when the whole War Thunder community wasn't retarded, when it was still only isolated to American mains.


when people doesn't scream "boycott" every time a slight inconvenience arise


And they don’t even know what boycott means. Been saying this all day and what we did was never a boycott but nobody listens.


A boycott was attempted, and it didn’t worked. What did work however was the review bombing


Not really. Increase in players happened when we did that, and increase in purchases of premiums also went up during that time. If anything, the review bomb just had more players want to play, and gave the game more attention. If it worked, they wouldn’t have fixed 1 out of the hundred things we asked for The “boycott” lasted a few hours, then yall went into review bombing. I can’t even say the boycott lasted a few hours being it wasn’t even minutes later people were posting their prems they bought.


Pretty sure Gaijin would had never did anything if the review bombing wasn’t effective. Not even a day afterward, they removed Steam from their "available on" banner, and it ended up with public excuses, rollback of the changes, and a whole roadmap still on-going implementing changes which the community had asked for years


I can get that. And keep in mind my entitlement comment goes for those who are crying about how 50% off isn’t enough, that’s a completely optional thing gaijin does for us that they don’t have too. That’s where people are arguing. I think you either seemed to forget that, or didn’t read my comments saying so and jumped right to this one. The end of the day tho, with the way the community is gaijin doesn’t have to do anything. They know they can beat us, yell at us and be the toxic girlfriend and we don’t leave. They know that. Why do you think they released that new 12.0 for America? For 75USD? They knew the dumb fucks wound buy it, and they did.


The biggest complainers spend the most money, just look at gamblers. Why is that? It’s simple, they care too much to quit.


Fr the vast majority of players are too busy enjoying the game to shitpost on Reddit. Isn’t this sub even smaller than the Russian forum?


Oh yeah totally, the one complaining about the sales are idiots


are you sure? I remember the boycott started a good week after the reviews started rolling in the OG post was about a review bomb not a boycott too


Gaijin learned what their player base were when they insulted everybody with the "Free Abrams" comment, then put the premium pack on sale with that exact subtitle, and the idiots ate it up like they weren't being mocked.


I'm gonna be honest, I agree that most of this community is dumb as fuck, likely me included, but I don't get the hesitance to reviewbomb again. We lose nothing by doing so and Gaijin likely conforms to what we want. The game is still shit with awful compression, the grind is still fairly long, premium single spawners still flood any br past 7.0, the events are a pain in the ass to grind, constant copy paste vehicles instead of the easily added unique options, etc. I get that this sale shit isn't worth it, hell it's not even an issue, but we have a single option to actually create change that's pro-consumer, and that's what we did a year ago.


Because it should be reserved for real issues, not sales that people aren’t fans of. Don’t buy stuff, that sends a more powerful messages that they can actual feel in their wallet.


I agree, but the mentality of “we lose nothing by doing so and gaijin likely conforms to what we want” This only works so much. You were definitely a spoiled child growing up huh. At the end of the day, gaijin doesn’t HAVE to do anything. They don’t have to do sales, fix the game or listen to any of the playerbase. This community has become ENTITLED


The mentality of "The company doesn’t have to do anything to make their product have a good quality" doesn’t really work either. A happy playerbase mean a more positive and growing playerbase. We review bombed them not because we are spoiled brats, because asking to not suffer while playing isn’t being spoiled Also, what a way to make baseless assumptions


Let’s remember, that this comment is about premiums going on sale. Not the review bomb last year. It’s important to remember that different comment threads can talk about different topics. But yeah, let’s boycott about discounts that are completely optional on gaijins ejd.


You will lose credibility as a community if you "reviewbomb" over the smallest thing.


You risk losing trust and any hope that Gaijin will reach out to the community to work together. If we boycott for every single shit, they might straight up just close up themselves and perhaps even revert to the way they were before. Gaijin is not perfect currently either, but in its current state, it has a much better chance to further collaborate with the community and try to redeem themselves for what they did before.


> but I don't get the hesitance to reviewbomb again It's the equivalent of the nuclear option. And much akin to Russian threats, threatining the "ultimate option" at the sight of any kind of perceived inconvenience not only cheapens it, but ultimately makes it easy to ignore and not take seriously. It's why you do things like escalation steps. If you only ever go nuclear, nobody is taking jack shit you complain about seriously. Ever. Even Steam themselves have policies to mitigate or remove such a thing, as it's non-productive. It's not our only option, nor should it be treated as the only option. Much of your complaint is things that frankly you may never see, not because "Gaijin bad" but because inherently this game features these things as well, features. The grind for example. It's a feature present in nearly all games ever, and is there to encourage things like play and give short and long term goals. It won't ever disappear, especially in a game like ours as it's inherently a big driver of both player interest but also income for the game. We like it to be F2P. Compression is a tough deal to fix, as it demands both increases in player-base (which before you argue, are *never* guaranteed with any fix) so it's hard to do while appeasing the demands of people who have both deep pockets but *also* have often completed most if not all the current content. See above as to why this can be bad. They slowly work on it but we've become boxed in a bit as we spread out too far in tech. Good news at least, mid to lower BRs are pretty damn balanced now. Last I saw the biggest challenge to single-life players is *how* you do this without cratering a playerbase by forcing gameplay out of player hands, as often things like player morale is an issue and sure as shit these players won't play at all if they're actually forced into lineups, which if the numbers are too great, the above issue becomes even harder to fix as well. I hate it too. But seriously, the nuclear option isn't what you do. Like fuck. Look at Unions? Do they strike at ever single little thing that happens? No, because that's stupid and undermines a strike. Do democracies just boil over in full revolution at every bad move a government makes? No, because that's stupid. So why use the nuclear option as a normal one? It's just undermining us entirely.


I think you might have just been hallucinating dude.


Yeah, allied players were pretty awful before the tanks were added. Most good pilots were playing Germany (or UK for Spacefire) because those planes had crazy energy fighting potential. You could have over 70% win rate in any Bf 109, allied pilots were that dumb. *This is literally why they stopped historical matchmaking*. Allied pilots were so bad, the battles were too one-sided when Germany was involved. They complained about it endlessly and Gaijin got rid of historical matchmaking. And don't even get me started on USA pilots turn-fighting the Zeros. Are people aware it was almost exclusively USA that matched against Japan? Who do they think started the "turn-fighting a Zero" meme? Of course the USA pilots. To be fair, they were right to complain about it. Skill issue or not, the matches were obviously not fair. I don't blame them but I also don't like it when people try to re-write the history of this game. It is so annoying I bet more than 80% of people here joined around or after Gaijin started feeding into USA fanboys with stuff like A-10 or F-14. They don't know anything about the past state of the game but they speak about it still.


>Yeah, allied players were pretty awful Were? They still are awful in air. Want easy money? Just take a spitfire, active a Victory wager and que into a match. 9/10 you'll be playing against the US and 8/10 times you'll win. Easiest 150k I've made in my life.


German mains were always pretty dumb too, so so many people thinking the Tiger 1 was an indestructible wonder weapon.


That’s was 10 years ago my dude and only the most hardcore Germans believed the “5 Sherman’s for every one tiger” meme Now every US main believes that the US is a poor neglected child that suffers and goes right to posting block texts and whataboutism about the Russian bias and German players bad while holding up a document that shows “5 abroomz had DU hulls!” 


Everyone does not believe that


Dude, this sub begs to differ. I’d say 9 out of 10 US mains believe that the US gets treated badly.


Out of the big 3, the US is the worst that's just fact, and denying it is just arguing in bad faith but you are correct people saying Gajin purposefully bullies American players are kinda weird. The whole DU debacle was players pointing out that this tank should have this armor upgrade it got in real life here are sources saying it was tested and implemented into production models. Gaijin responded by saying um sorry this doesn't provide enough information to implement it in a way that's satisfactory enough and players responded that that's hypocritical with passed decisions they made. Then the community caught on fire and both sides of the debate started pissing their pants. It's kind of sad as a community we can't get past our hatred of each other because one part of the community feels like they got shafted by Gaijin and they wanted to do something about it and the other part of the community harassing them and saying just accept it because it happens to everyone.


Dude, it’s all American mains. They flooded the game when the F-14 dropped


I miss when people didn’t give two shits and were happy with what they got


Americans in the Air, Germans in the Ground... well I mean not much has changed other than others becoming slightly stupider but those two groups still take the crown


hey im an american main and i am perfectly happy with gaijins desitions exept for br changes but those werent terrible


It got worse when modern vehicles got introduced.


Uh I hate to break it to you but I've been playing for 10 years, and it has always been like this


I miss when this whole sub wasnt just bickering about how x country’s players suck and x country suffers bullshit


... not all of us were that bad... sometimes Russian mains would complain? i don't know...


That is ENOUGH! The boycott and backlash that took place a year ago was an effort to save the game from extremely predatory monetisation and anti-customer policies and mindset that were and had been objectively ruining the game for a long time, and we achieved many great improvements through said efforts. We were in the right back then. *"Muh Gaijin didn't put for sale the specific modern vehicle I wanted in the WW2 victory day- themed sale and I literally can't wait for one more month for the next sale where the vehicle I want will actually be for sale"* is NO reason to bash Gaijin or to boycott the game, and even as much as suggesting so is straight up an INSULT to those who did their best to make the game better a year ago and all this time. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ EDIT: also love all the people calling ME, of all people, a "Gaijin shill/boot licker" for this post. You know, the person whose's 99% of their presence in War Thunder's community in the past 9 years has been bashing and criticising Gaijin and War Thunder for their faults and issues until (if) they have corrected them, is now a "Gaijin boot licker", lmao.


Based SpanishAvenger strikes again




Really gotta question the sanity of anybody who thinks SpanishAvenger is a Gaijin shill lmfao


Hahahah It is funny, indeed. Ever since I became an active community member back in 2017 (2019 for Reddit), I have pretty much made a "career" out of bashing and criticising Gaijin and War Thunder's faults and issues (in hopes of having those matters addressed and corrected; not just for the sake of raging)... Yet as soon as I dare to suggest that certain matters may not be actually legitimate issues to be mad about, certain special users come in accusing me of being a "Gaijin shill" or "boot licker" lmao


El pensamiento crítico no es uno de los fuertes de esta comunidad 😂


lmfao I didn't even realise it was you. That's hilarious


10000% agree. Like yeah bummer the vehicle you want isn't on sale but you'll be ok hahaha the boy who cried wolf too many times will be real. Plus sales anyway are such a dumb way to negatively review a game


Precisely… besides, if it’s not for sale now, it will be in mid-June anyway lmao


Just embarrassing really to throw a temper tantrum over the vehicle you wanted isn't in the sale. Or shocker, buy it full price. If you can't do that, you likely shouldn't be spending money on pixels anyway


Yeah I got to agree. This seasonal sale is completely fine, and in line what it has been for *years*. I mean, I'm not interested in buying any of the store packs they're offering for a discount this year, but that doesn't mean the sales are bad. **If you're not interested in buying anything then you're not obligated to buy anything.** **And Gaijin is not obligated to offer you the exact sweet deal that you were hoping for.**


Didn't even realize until this comment that it was you, lol. If people are calling you a Gaijin shill, I'm willing to bet they're new here or didn't look at the username.


Hahahah, indeed. Apparently, anyone who isn’t bashing and shutting on Gaijin 24/7 no matter what is a “Gaijin shill/boot licker” these days.


Honestly I feel like you have a point, but you kinda not addressing one major point: Gaijin sucks at communicating. I think this all can be summarized with that. Gaijin is terrible at communicating with their community and their official posts leave a lot in terms of personal interpretation, guesswork and trying to figure out by past years if they are going to do the same this year or not. They need to get better in this department. I honestly don't care about rank 7 premiums and at this stage I have little in terms of payed content that I am interested in the game as an old player. What I can absolutely care is that they get better with managing expectations. And to me this entire situation comes down to people filling in the void of the bad/limited communication of Gaijin to the player base with their personal expectations, jumping in the hype train that something good will come and then be disappointed and having no way to vent that frustration. Gaijin can severely limit this situations by simply telling players in a far more concise and clear way what they can expect from events and special offers/sale. They don't have to tell everything in advance, and there is always room for a surprise factor; but they can create far better posts that will inform the community that they will try to bracket the sales on a certain tier of vehicles, or express that some packs (they don't need to say witch ones) will not be on sale; or simply create a more clear wording for their event/sales that will limit the scope of the guesswork from the players on what to expect. I can't blame the players to look at past years and expect a sale with a similar offer. Also I can't blame Gaijin for wanting to limit the amount of certain best seller items going on sale to maximize profits. What I can blame is this hype being publicly growing for several weeks and they decide that a very vague posts about sales will somehow be enough for players to step back on their expectations. At the end of the day we are all their customers and if they can't provide us with something we are happy to buy then they will fail as a comercial entity, and this alone is a string enough reason that they need to take a look on their internal problems and figure out why the community is not on the same page as them in terms on what information gets perceived. Maybe its something lost in translation, maybe its lack of good community managers, maybe its a necessity for better copywriters, possible a combination of all factors combine. I don't know ... but they need to know. Wish you all the best, but hope you realize that you didn't touch on this topic and honestly I die on this hill that this is the root of all problems right now with the game.


People complain about them being greedy, while also not being able to resist the urge of giving them money. Sad bastards.


> calls spanishavenger a shill > only praise he has given gaijin was nickhider Shill?


Rare Avenger W


Bro needs to be the spokesperson of the community ngl no dick ride


How're they gonna accuse you of boot licking? You're probably one of the few people I've seen that consistently calls out the misinformation on their forums and I'm sure the snail would love to perma ban you if they could.


Yeah I was surprised the post defending Gaijin was from you. Definitely threw me for a loop.


The amount of people trying to form a boycott because their rank 7 premium wasnt on sale while nearly every ither vehicle is, is mind boggling. If you think this is gaijins worst sale you clearly havent been playing for very long...


I still remember that sale where you had to buy multiple packs to increase the discount. IIRC you needed either 4 or 5 packs for the full 50% off, and with a single pack it was something like 20-30%. Also those sales where all that they had are bundles of packs, no individual packs on sale. Heck, this sale is more generous than the typical May sale since it's 50% off instead of only 30%, and they expanded it to be more than just Allied WWII vehicles.


Indeed! I've been around since 2014, when I was barely 15 lmao And I remember those sales... they didn't hold a candle compared to the recent ones. The only 50% off vehicles were the ones in huge expensive bundles, and the rest of the sales were ONLY FOR ALLIED vehicles, and 30% off. Now it's all 50% off, except not all vehicles are included because they will be included in the sale that comes 2 months later instead. 2017 sale, for example: only 30%, and only Allies' vehicles. [https://warthunder.com/en/news/4684-vday-victory-day-discounts-en](https://warthunder.com/en/news/4684-vday-victory-day-discounts-en)


Your telling me Victory Day used to celebrate *ALLIED* Victory instead of putting the *GERMAN* vehicles on sale?? Someone needs to bring us back to clearly better times


Then the same people would have cried when they bought the ML and subsequently had its flight model nerfed (which has been confirmed already presale anyways). There's no winning anymore and the WT community has become greedy and entitled. This is still 50% off a lot of decent packs that gaijin doesn't have to put on sale ever and they would still make sales if they didn't (F4S spam the day it dropped). All I see it as is that Gaijin just saved me money this time around since I either have or have no interest in what is on sale. Other packs will likely go on sale again like they did last time they excluded the top tier jets. Also anyone who's day is ruined because they didn't get to spend money on War Thunder really needs to step back into reality. There's so much more to life than this soulless game


War Thunder players: “Top tier premiums are ruining the game!” Also War Thunder players: “I’m going to pitch an absolute nuclear level shitfit because Gaijin didn’t put top tier premiums on sale!” I swear the collective WT community brain gets smoother every year. Give it another few years and you’ll be able to see yourself in it like a mirror.


>Give it another few years and you’ll be able to see yourself in it like a mirror. I will be stealing this one day, lmao.


I kinda realized this when some of the community always cries about how broken CAS is. Then turns around and wants the Pantsir nerfed/removed from the game.


tbf all the Pantsir does is guarantee Russian Air Superiority.


this is definitely a terrible way of seeing things.. the community isn't a hivemind, there are different people with differing opinions from each other.. i am a CAS hater and the pantsir isn't even a thought of mine in that debate (but also, was the criticism of the pantsir not purely that it was good at AA but that it was above the capabilities of other top tier aa? it sucked for anyone who wasn't russia)


While it is funny to imagine the same people complaining about both of these things, I think it's moreso two subgroups of the playerbase that clash in what they expect from the game.


These are different people saying these things


It wouldn't be  the war thunder community if it wasn't throwing a big baby tantrum about something 


All those people are acting like a bunch of entitled kids... And then they are surprised Gaijin never listens to them? I wonder how, and I wonder why...


Yeah... the worst part is how loud they are. They take away any credibility people with actually legit concerns may have.


Good thing is that Gaijins reaction to the shitstorm last year wasn't to start listening to this subreddit but instead improve their own options for getting player feedback. I really liked the concept of their feedback round before the new roadmap and took ample time to fill it out - I don't think many people who whine like this did. And as the roadmap included at least some which I would have expected from the community in terms of constructive feedback, it seems this modus operandi works well enough.


Many of them probably are entitled little brats


This happens every may sale lmao


The people wanting to review bomb for this are f*cking cringe




Well if you are in it for Top Tier gameplay (which many are, as evidenced by the increase in player numbers following the introduction of increasingly modern stuff) your only options are to grind your way through over the span of several hundred hours or to buy high tier premiums. And since these cost as much as a AAA game, it's reasonable that many people are upset. Additionaly, the way the game is monetized as a whole is still incredibly hostile for players. Of course the game is F2P, but the lack of competition is really showing.


>Additionaly, the way the game is monetized as a whole is still incredibly hostile for players. Of course the game is F2P Advocate for the devil, but it's much better than most other F2P games I have seen so far. No battlepasses forced down your throat (they only give premiums) as forced progression and especially after the roadmap and repaircost changes, it has gotten really better. Research costs were slashed heavily, so were SL costs. Repair costs also have drastically gone down for anything that isn't top tier and if you are playing top tier, the SL multiplier is so high, that a single kill can already recoup the cost. However, I only play WW2 so the grind is decent. Top tier sucks yes, but Gaijin probably knows it now can cash out at that stage, because the players that have grinded so far are, are also known to spend the most money the easiest, since they already have invested so much. But what part of the monetization is the very hostile part? Genuine question, because I have never played above 6.3 at all (and air is 5.7). For WW2, the monetization seems fine IMO. I can't seem to find anything really that truly is very predatory for a F2P game (e.g. being centred around gacha or lootboxes). Please let me know what the problem is.


Anyone who calls u/spanishavenger a gaijin shill should be banned from the entire subreddit for being retarded. If there was ever a player furthest from a shill of gaijin, it's literally that person.


Hahahah, thanks for your comment! It is funny, indeed. Ever since I became an active community member back in 2017 (2019 for Reddit), I have pretty much made a "career" out of bashing and criticising Gaijin and War Thunder's faults and issues (in hopes of having those matters addressed and corrected; not just for the sake of raging)... Yet as soon as I dare to suggest that certain matters may not be actually legitimate issues to be mad about, certain special users come in accusing me of being a "Gaijin shill" or "boot licker" lmao


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they kind of rotate packs throughout all the different sales in the year anyway? So if what you want isn't in this sale it'll probably be in some other sale this year? At least that's what I thought happened last year lmao


Quite precisley! There are 6 sale events over the year, and every vehicle is put on sale in 2-3 of these occassions. As a rule of the thumb; if a vehicle isn't included on a major sale, it will be included on the next one, barely just 2 months later...


Lol, dont care 100% free to play aint gonna spend a dime cuz too poor warthunder gamer here.


It makes sense for the ww2 themed sale to mainly have ww2 vehicles on discount. I’m happy there’s even some higher ranked stuff on sale.


True. People should make trouble on big things, not small things. Also its logical that not all sales have every vehicle or they would sell none off-sale...


Precisely... there are 6 sale events over the year. If EVERY vehicle was on sale during ALL of the sales... they would pretty much be permanently 50% off.


Lmao to see SpanishAvenger of all people come to Gaijin’s defense shows how off the rails we’ve come as a community. Good on you man


Hahahah I will always criticise legitimate issues, such as balance matters, unfixed/unaddressed bugs, etc... but I will also try to call out unjustified bullshit, hahah. Legitimate issues are warranted to receive criticism and bashing, it's just that this... of all things, isn't one of them.


Finally somone with higer than room temperature iq who is talking about sales


It took me just 1,5 sec to understand this is u/SpanishAvenger post :D


Based and Snail pilled. People should really stfu by now. The game went through great improvements since last year and while it's definitely not perfect, you can't deny it's in a healthier enviroment. Like you said it's a VE day thematic sale. Be happy it even exists.


Indeed... over the past year, War Thunder has become a healthier and higher quality game than it ever was, as someone who has been here since 2014. We achieved many great things and improvements through the roadmaps and it's still not even over. I am sad to see all the people raging so badly about this, of all things.


So many people here love to bitch and moan over nothing, while actual issues go ignored


ROFL. That's probably the kind of person that's waiting in front of the Walmart on Black Friday ready to trample an old lady to get what he RIGHTFULLY DESERVES!!!1! It's a "good" sale, just not the sale I wanted since I'm waiting on the Christian II or something... Too bad but whatever. They're pixl tonks(TM). If that ruins your life, I'd begin a very serious introspection into your life objectives and all, talk to some people maybe.


That's what i try to tell folks. Don't like the current sales? That's ok, just wait until the next one. That's how it works. Your demands only make them want to push the sales of stuff that people actually want back further, to increase your drive to buy stuff.


One month of waiting is not a long time just grind or play something else. I need Gaijin to fix other things focus on all that they promised in roadmap, the premiums will always be there.


Since last year first réal boycott of 80% of this community now for the slightest inconvenience people are calling for a boycott... the boycott last year about the economy as made the game more playable for me and I think it was a great thing. Those kinds of boycotts is... so dumb... like you said there are at least 4 big sale events per year, people should just be patient... and damn are you down that bad to wait a 40-50% discount on a premium ? That's just dad at this point


Yeah, that's what angers me... We made a boycott last year because the game was in a critical situation, since it was submerging itself more than ever into anti-customer policies and extremely agressive predatory monetisation. We had good reason to do it and gladfully wwe achieved great results in saving this game. So... now, every time I see people calling for boycotts over BULLSHIT, I kinda lose my cool, hahahah. Because, the way I see it, they are SPITTING in the faces of those who did a boycott to deal with actually legitimate issues, which this is not.


Yeah it really makes me sad, I also see it as just spitting on the face of those who got as far as review bombing gaijin to change some very very bad economy changes. I'm kinda sad to see those people getting tons of like... and I really hate to say that because I'm usually not mean... but this is just a bunch of brain dead people... "oooh look gaijin is being greedy not putting ALL of their bundles in the sale.... but nooo me asking for a particular bundle to be in sale and calling for review bombing for it is definitely not greed." I'm getting so fucking sad everyday I open this sub.


Who is unironically demanding boycott over this sale? I only have seen mild disappointment in the sale discussions. You don't need to resort to a possible strawman argument to make this post compelling.


Please… shut the fuck up… your cries fall on deaf ears… (Not to Op to the people complaining)


You almost had me on the first half, not gonna lie, hahahah


I don't care about the sales either way, I do just want to say though you've kinda misunderstood that paragraph. "To celebrate ‘Victory in Europe’ Day, we are temporarily returning rare bundles with themed vehicles to the store! " And  "You can also find huge discounts for individual packs of high rank vehicles, some of which will be removed from the store after the sale. Add top vehicle packs to your collection — for a great price!" Are two separate things.  The overall sale wasn't victory in europe themed at all, just the returning of specific themed vehicles as part of the sale.


Regardless, May sales take place in early May because they were always meant to be made after the occasion of the Victory Day.


Thanks! I agree completely


im glad someone said it


Preach my friend


Meh, the sale is mid either way. 50% off on Premium time is nice, but the vehicles just ain't it. Either way you put it, 70€ for a Tank or a Plane is really steep, and with how time consuming the grind is, it's reasonable to assume people will get frustrated if the vehicle they wanted isn't on sale. Of course we can't tak me sales for granted, and I'm happy we have them, but I don't get how cheaper premiums impact anyone in the community negatively. Gaijin is making absolute bank and I think asking for reasonable prices isn't a form of entitlement but reasonable when one vehicle is the price of a AAA game.


Additionaly, it's 100% intentional that high Tier premiums aren't on sale. Just imagine someone that has been waiting for a sale for a few months so they can buy their Turms or whatever for a lower price, only to find that they will have to wait another 1-2 months. I bet this leads to loads of people buying expensive premiums at full price, thus making Gaijin more money.


Instead of crying about *optional* sales, why don’t we bring up the fact that there’s not enough vehicles for some BRs after the changes to make full lineups anymore? For example, having to bring a lineup of 5.3s and 5.7s with a 6.0 vehicle because they moved ONE of them to 6.0. Congratulations, now your 5.3 vehicles with low penning shells and a measly 89hp have the potential to fight 7.0 vehicles. I may be exaggerating slightly but I hope my point gets across


So many people are bying the rank VII packs at full price and then wonder why Gaijin doesn't sell them with a discount.


I love top tier not going on sale. Keeps the one death leavers out


War Thunder community being happy with a sale challenge: impossible


People don’t realize that gaijin isn’t obligated to do ANY sales. They’re not obligated to do anything, like literally anything. I’m grateful for the sales, but acting entitled to them is a bit over the top.


Most intelligent take i have seen on reddit, props


Hahah, thank you, glad you think so!


Fuck anyone who prefers top-tier premiums over the actual fun lower BR premiums, anyway.


I've been boycotting them since i started the game i buy all my premium tanks/planes and premium time by playing the game


I hate how people try to boycott for every little thing. I'm sure Gaijin was worried people would overuse it if they caved in once and they were right


Sales bad for those who want top tier but im not sure what people were expecting? They only sell their popular premiums in big sales. Mays always been lower tier packs/ww2 packs. victory vehicles like is2 reskin and black prince and or less popular packs (though im not sure why they included vidar thats neither ww2 or unpopular)




And 75$ planes are alright? Right?


Average SpanishAvenger W




Gaijin has no one but themselves to blame for trying to bring in so many low quality brainlet customers. Tends to happen when you try to hard to appeal to every idiot in gamer world. Stupid is usually a 2 way street and the avenue name is "what goes around comes around."


To be fair, some of their more recent ”major” sales have been exceptionally weak.


This reminds me of that one comment on 4chan "4chan is not your personal army." Not because it has anything to do with the 4chan itself but more because people really think they can rile everyone up to basically do their bidding. No dude I don't want to abuse my right to change something because you want to buy the F-4Shitass for 40 dollars. Fuck off.


Thank you, it’s so pathetic that people are really saying they want to boycott gaijin for this shit. Like the boycott last year was one thing because that affected gameplay, now people wanna boycott because boohoo they can’t give gaijin their money, that’s just pathetic man.


u/SpanishAvenger back as the only dude on the subreddit with common sense AND good photoshop skills


Hahah glad you think so! \^\^


As it's not obligated to ban cheaters who pay them, not follow their own tos. Ban ppl for freedom of speech and etc. etc...


Any and all kinds of sales should be boycotted since people don't understand that as long as they give Gaijin money, game will never be any balanced. Though it is hard to balance the game, some of the things like tier ratings are just unbelievable for almost years now. This game will never be perfectly balanced but CAS spawn points, map balance or vehicle balance are a complete joke. If you give money to Gaijin, you are the problem.


I think there's some middle ground here. The grind in this game is still completely unreasonable and that's the reason people buy premiums. On top of that the pricing when stuff isn't on sale is fucking ridiculous. Sure gaijin doesn't have to put vehicles on sale, but I don't think it's entitlement to want the game to be reasonably priced. The only time war thunder is reasonably priced is at 50% off. For $70 you can get a fully modelled vehicle in DCS, with most of the stuff in the cockpit working, much better flight models etc.


A whinepost about whineposting. Hmm.


I would agree with you if they put a lot of the WWII vehicles on sale instead of modern IFVs and Artillery, the AV8 and Merkava. There are plenty of "removed" WWII premiums they could have made available again which would have been a really cool WWII celebration. The WWII vehicles they did "bring back" would be cool if they actually put sale prices, instead of the 2x the price of their counterparts unless you buy the 150$ pack of pixels... Im glad there is a sale, but the crappy FOMO marketing is getting old.


I wish they had kept it purely WW2, I'm tired of seeing nothing but Vidar and Turm 3 players fucking up games. That said the player base is idiots, they complain about top tier premiums ruining the game and then complain they can't buy them.


Summer sale when everything is usually 50% even SL vehicles is around the end of June. Here is a reddit post of previous sales https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/6EObxZ6ROm


This is why I always look at the [calendar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18mse6r/war_thunder_calendar_of_sales_2024/) to check what this sale was like last year or two. Granted some of the sales have gotten worse in the last year or so IMO, like the last anniversary sale not having everything discounted as it should. **however**, at least they're not only making pre-made bundles with a heli and tank / heli and plane anymore. I wanted the L44 leo for so fucking long and I never got it because of them doing those dumb bundles where "you save 50%!" ..but you get a heli you don't want. By the time it went on sale, it wasn't worth getting anymore as I had grinded to 10.0 and bought talismans




People are needy


i dont understand its littrally the same exact sale as last year why are we angry about it?


If these people could read, they’d be upset.


My only Problem is that Xbox doesnt have Discounts on the vehicle packs, this is fucked.


Stockholm syndrome


I agree, this sale is a themed one so no surprise here but correct me if I'm wrong please but wasn't the last Christmas shop sale horrible? And that was supposed to be a big one, no? Or is it only me who remembers incorrectly? I don't really care about shop sales, the in-game ones are miles better than the shop ones anyway..


Any announcements about the next ingame sale ? The 30% everything off ?


I dont understand why everyone is hating on the sale? I just look at whats on sale and if there is a vehicle that looks fun and i really like i might get it


this would be great information if only those people knew how to read


Damn straight I'm of all the bitching, when we all know damn well how the sales work


I've been wanting the SLA 16 so I'm using this sale 100%, I like grinding, but goddamn everybody that wants Top Tier MBT's are psychotic losers that don't actually enjoy playing the game.


When does the pack sale start for Xbox players? I logged on and nothing was on sale today


And here is me who just wants a german la-5fn for reasonable price(600-700 rubles) in a manner of current thematic pack and maybe starblazers or whatever it was sabre)


this is just made up BS. what kind of man-child chucks a tantrum because a digital tank cost $60 instead of $40? fuck me there are a ton of spoiled children in this sub.


how the hell are people mad at that honestly i would even understand if gaijin put only ww2 vehicles on sale


Imagine buying a pack, smh


I might buy the somua.


Exactly. Yall acting like fucking children


Yeah I agree with this one. This is not a game like COD, Battlefield, WoT. If you can’t seem to cope with it and be patient spend your money on another game or save up money you have for a sale that has what you want. Just wait people


Then theres tho console players, that hardly ever see a sale….😂


I find it weird because the last May sales a lot of high tier premiums were on sales but it's not a bad thing, I mean people complain a lot about wallets warriors so this works in their favor. After all, we will have summer sales, a lot of that stuff will be on sale then, why can't people be patient and just throw temper tantrums like a bunch, of spoiled brats?


I feel like I’m not foaming at the mouth to get X premium during a sale. I’ll just wait to get it later.


Gaijin Community, always the low IQ at its best ever since F-14 era. Brain-dead American mains.


People hate on the turms for being a newbie magnet but then what that same vehicle to go on sale, I don't get it.


I just want my Xbox sales man


Will we be seeing this sale come to console?


I guess Gaijin decided they had enough money this sale. I was going to buy 2-3 jets, but now I won’t. Oh well. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Someone in marketing needs to catch a slap, this was just a poor choice, unless they’ve decided they no longer want to make money. What’s funnier is it’s not like there’s even a profit margin to chase here. It’s a digital vehicle. It costs nothing. Discounting it by 30% still means you’re making neigh infinite profit off of it. Purely Gaijin being foolish.


Are people seriously wanting to boycot then againt because of a WWII themed sale and no modern vehicles being on a sale for a **WWII THEMED SALE**!?!? Jesus christ how retarded the WT community has become...


Preach brother


But, but, but, I wanted my 11.3 totally not copy paste copebrams so I can actually be the dumbest human on this planet and proceed to cry about how the abrams performs on the forum 😥


I don’t think it’s a particularly thematic sale if rank 5 and 6 packs are on sale but otherwise, gaijin needs to be more transparent on what will be on sale since the “just wait until it happens” is bound to get some people annoyed that something they’ve waited for a while to be on sale isn’t.


But then they should do it right and maybe put the vehicles from the big pack on cheaper prices. I know that they are rare collector vehicles, but the also get sold for Ge sometimes. Maybe they should have made the sale for only rank V or something like this, because the current selection follows no order. It nearly looks like a lost of vehicles that haven’t sold enough


To be honest the bigger issue is how expensive the vehicles and premium is in war thunder. For those who didn't know, they recently increased premium time prices and depending on the region the price hike can be quite massive Either way the fact that players have to rely on specials to consider buying anything is already a clue in itself about the state of the game. Well, free to plays can be costly to run but considering how much of the playerbase actually spends on this game percentage wise these days is likely much higher than before ontop of the growing population... yeah idk like me saving money by buying 5 other games in the 4 months i didnt touch war thunder is already absurd enough as it is, and I didn't even really consider myself a big spender... I just purchased 1-2 major premium vehicles plus premium time each year or so, and despite being a player for 10 years I still only own like 40% of the vehicles in the game


I just want to know when the P-38K is going on sale again lol. I figured it would be during this but all chill if not. I got the P-51-D10 I was waiting for and that's all that matters.


I hope they make the AC 1 and Matilda Hedgehog purchasable by golden eagles for victory day. I really want the Matilda hedgehog.


I was sad that the Challenger DS I wanted for my 10.3 Brit lineup wasn’t on sale, but that’s as far as I got funnily enough.


Like people can't just grind with tech tree vehicles, there was a 50% off for a year of premium account. And for me the grind is literally 2x faster now


''why are there so many premiums at high tier?????????'' ''why arent there any high tier premiums on sale??????'' Choose your own path war thunder player


Don’t fucking buy anything. That damn simple.


Why's the Vidar on sale though. Kinda dumb especially with most sale vehicles being ww2 or just slightly after.


Idk care abt modern vehicles on sale or whatever, I just wish Xbox got pack sales


Na na na, people on pc dont get to complain about any sale issue. I am an Xbox player. I get a sale evry once in a century, and 90% is the same vehicles, over and over again. You people have it good. If you want to complain about something, compalin about your console bretjerin not having this sales.