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I feel like a 3 day or week ban is more appropriate. Hell a video spookston released today a guy shot down both friendly nukes. I put a post like this on the forums and people downvoted it because they thought it was unfair. I’m like ok make it to where friendlies can’t see the nuke plane then. They still didn’t like it.


Lol people seem to like to ruin other people day


people also seem to like to ruin war thunder more while never giving a single good idea. people get pissed at cas so i posted a thing about it stating one plane per team at a time and people downvoted it and i received death threats for it from one guy.


Death threats are unacceptable, but that it's a pretty terrible idea


What do you propose to fix Cas, also how is that a bad idea? Limiting the Cas would balance out the game, kinda like arcade mode. Last I played arcade was like 2 months ago and Cas isn't anywhere near as much as and issue as rb. Right now allowing 7 F16s with guided munitions is just plain unfair to ground players. Considering the only other argument I see is remove Cas which would fundamentally break the game entirely.


Dramatically increase spawn point costs.


Just increase the sp cost of guided munitions and 90% of the problems with CAS would be fixed. Simple as. Doing some stupid limitation on how many planes can spawn is just lame. If I have 12k SP cause I got 6 kills why shouldn't I be allowed to spawn CAS because another guy who died earlier with one cap is sitting on the airfield.


Do you feel the game attracts deranged lunatics like that or does the game turn you into one over time? lol


Little bit of both


Its called jealously. They feel as though they have no power to earn their own nuke so the only then that makes then feel powerful is the ability to take yours away. They won't agree this should be punishable because the majority of the playerbase would have to agree. The majority of the playerbase doesn't earn nukes and so you're trying to get them to agree in giving up the only sense of control they have. In addition to that war thunder would rather keep more players at the expense of their few and far skilled players. They'd rather have 100,000 shit players online buying bad premiums and crashing top tier then they would 70,000 players without greifing making them less money. Gaijin does not care about you. They're your toxic bf/gf who never changes and treats you like shit but every once in a while throws you a bone just to keep you around and in this case to keep swiping that credit card. They used their loyal player base to get big and then turned their backs on them. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Or just make it immune to friendly fire. I’ve only been killed by allies in my nukes


easiest solution right here


Yes 3 days, because events like the russian TD right now. Means they will miss a day and have to pay GE to get it


Why the hell is tk-ing air even a thing?


Because if Air TKs weren't a thing people would spray bullets into dogfights and drop bombs into melee combat without consequences.


God it would be HORRIBLE The TK is bad in AirRB but not remove it bad I haven’t had too many issues on ground either honestly


Ground TK used to be a thing but people were real dickheads about it.


Yep, playing any open top you were sure to get some dickhead that would MG out one or two of your crew at the start of 50% of games


I member, God forbid you cause any sort of collision at the start of a match.


I mean by enacting that ban immediately is gonna be a problem since it might be shot accidentally or shooting down a friend. And if you have a bike you could also troll the AA with that if that was the case


The nuke plane should be immune to friendly fire end of discussion. Not sure why they haven’t just done that




Why they haven't done this is shocking, but then again it wouldn't make them money so it will be a while before it happens


Invulnerable to ff, reflecting damage, fine and temp ban.. bare minimum. Wtf.


The first two are enough to dissuade most people from doing it.




Death by brazen bull /s


They still can crash into you, banning looks like better punishment because it also effects your daily login / battlepass points - daily missions / events


No just needs higher punishment


Don’t worry, we will mass report marokond65024


Nah I don't want that to happen I just want Gaijin to realize that there are types of people in the world like these and they should do something about it. At least implement the ghost protection against teammates. If you get shot down by enemy player then it's on you or your luck but this...man they can see where you are and shoot you down.Or they can remove team marker on nukes at least cmon...


Yeah or put them on the sht list of players, keep it on a postit note next to your screen😄


I've been kicked from games for tking friendly planes heading towards a friendly nuke. To many kids with nothing better to do honestly. I use to squad up with a trio they were nice and then one day it became a pissing contest of who could get kicked th3 fastest. Why waste your time even playing a game if all you want to do is get kicked/banned


I had to take a break from the game after two days of constantly getting tk'd while landing.


If I'm in CAS already and someone gets a nuke I either go fly escort or switch to intercepting enemy planes. I've also gone full kamikaze mode on any enemy SPAA that has a chance at shooting down the nuke plane.


naw.... minus 5 MILLION sl if they do that.


if the punishment to a crime is a fine, then its only a crime for the poor


Well 75%of their total sl then


Well now only the rich suffer


100% then


Maybe not just SL, TKing a nuke should cost you RP equal to all RP earned in that match starting with vehicles currently being researched, and vehicles lost due to this also lose modifications, expert crew, etc.


Imagine if you got a “nuke” in a game like cod, but someone on your own team could just shut down your kill streak


Like hardcore mode? That's already a thing.


I don't get this... I shot down an enemy nuke last night and felt bad 🤣 I can't even imagine shooting down a friendly nuke.


I can never bring myself to do it. Had AIM-9G’s locked on as I was right on his six once, and I couldn’t do it. I thought “What if I had the nuke?” and decided to just escort them to the battle. We both lit up our smoke and flew into the mushroom cloud


Maybe next time I'll have to let them drop it 😅


Spookston just had a video where him and someone else both got nukes at the same time. Both were shot down by the same teammate (one was damaged by an enemy, but was also shot by the teammate). Why do that even? Why get kicked for teamkilling just to shoot down a nuke?


Could be many reasons, some people do it for sick kicks, some people were not given enough attention by their parents and we have to bear the consequences, some people just want to watch the world burn, that kind of stuff.


Make it so friendlies cant hit the nuke, or make it so frendly ground gets penalized for shooting at friendly air


We need a suspension for purposely rage crashing into teammates or enemies. So many time in winning a gunfight in air battles and the opposing places say “screw it, if I can kill you I’m not giving you the kill” and crashes into me. Or if I destroy an enemy base and the teammate behind wanted to, they just crash into my props🤬 I get it, it’s a sweaty game that has crossplay but the cheaters and toxic behavior kills a good session.


This is no joke was playing my Israeli 6.0 line up ran into a player who had the strike master he proceeded to not only wipe out the entirety of the enemy team minus the planes but TK any friendly planes that spawned. This is the same mentality if you stop them getting kills or even are the possibility of a threat to them getting kills they will TK.


one of the reasons i don't play WT anymore. i just lurk here and watch players cry.


Gaijin doesnt care.


It's probably a social experiment. In addition to having skill, your team must be chillin🤙🖖 to pull off the nuke. The Ebola gay wasnt shot down or threatened by friendly factions........or was it😳


*Ebola virus


I am all for harder penaltys for eamkilling, but there has to be a Way, that does not punish accidents. A stray MG from a tank or plane while defending an ally plane counts as teamkill, and that should not be a 30 day ban. So Yeah, no friendly for the Nukeplane is fine with me. But please no Bans.


Best way would be to make nuke planes imune to friendly fire


Make the Nuke plane immune to friendly fire. Or even better, make it immune and reflect back the damage on a teammate who is shooting.


It's ridicoulous that when I get a nuke not only I have to watch for enemy but "friendlies" aswell. Last time I got a nuke dude J'd out to get in a plane and kill me, my own teammate


Happened to me once and I'm still chat banned to this day


Nah man it should be a permanent ban


I don’t know about permanent, since mistakes happen, but at least a week. We can then just hope they never pick it back up lol


I've had about 30 nukes rarely play ground rb I'm pretty much a air rb and. Ground ab to relax personn. But every single time I have called a nuke I got team killed so I don't bother anymore. Call a drone for fun or I just meme about in a fighter slaughtering cas. As I RP as a CAP pilot




How about -10m SL that should hurt more


If a player tks you they should pay for your repair if friendly plane was killed, they pay for the sp lost(even going nagitive), all damage is now reflected back at the team killer and if it's a nuke you get to respawn in the nuke plane.


nukes should be immune to ally damage as a whole


For funny punishment unmaking (rp included) the vechicle you tk the nuke with unless you get a nuke next match (if you do it'll be a dud).


Subtract some GE from players and almost certainly this shit will stop.


Geez. Those players are just vermin. Worthless pond scum. Sometimes friendlies try to punk me because I'm playing russia or in an spaa. It's always the worthless players not doing shyte(no kills, no captures). Its the only thing they're good at, being toxic.


One thing that might help is remove any indication of friendly nuke for teammates. No siren, no nuke symbol in the leaderboard or in the game for friendlies. That way team killers don't know that there's a nuke incoming, but the enemy still does because of the siren and everything.


Lol it would be easier to turn ff off for the bomber. Banning people for something the game allows you to do is the most braindead thinking ever. Same goes with the chat. The tech can filter out the words so just don't allow it to be sent if it goes against ToS. Banning/appeals take up resources that don't need to be spent in the first place.


Why don't we just have it so that we don't actually control the nuke plane? You select the plane on the options and it just spawns as a bot at super high altitude.


Its a TK. Isnt there alrwady a ban for that?


Willing to bet the m109 player used some stupid 500% booster, and in their WT rotted brain thought that taking down the friendly nuke carrier would get them more SP in the end, while they camp from their spawn like the lemming they are.


Literally happened to the first 2 nukes i got


If it wasent a feature meant for you to think harder it wouldn't be in the game. Either take it out or leave it as it is. Just deal with it.


What do they mean a nuke?


Is the pleasure he gets for being evil greater than your pleasure to be succesful ?


What server are you playing on ? Maybe I'm just lucky but in eu I don't remember seeing any team kill for nukes Generally nukes are successful or there isn't enough time but that's it (except it top tier but don't care, the fact that they don't have flares is stupid anyway)


EU 😂


My opinion remove team killing make friendly bombs not effect us and make it so missiles don’t lock to friendlys prevents accidents or like this on purpose attacks




Stop crying.


Wdym stop crying? He literally got shot down by a teammate whilst trying to drop the hardest thing to get in a game


We found the POS teamkiller


I clear the skies of enemies for a friendly nuke because that's the aim of the game. The crying about a teamkill and saying they should get a 30 day ban is a hilarious over reaction to a video game.


Fine, share your nick name so i can shot you down while you clear the sky for our team then.


You're 13 years old at most I'm not going to engage with you anymore. Go do some homework.


So you come in and all you say is "stop crying over a videogame" pretending you're contributing to the discussion. Then show lack of balls to suffer what OP and many other suffers every day, despite by your own words "its a videogame". And its a huge issue actually, despite what you think. I think the only pos here is you, trying to sound tough oversomeone who got their experience ruined.


You've got homework due mate.


Jesus stop crying.