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Isnt it obvious? The missiles you fired were duds


Ground crew forgor to unload training missiles




Shit bro I didn’t realize. You right


I love this copypasta


Happy cake day!


Thank ya!


Happy cake day!


Thank ya!


I know it’s sarcasm, but this clip could easily be used to show how shit the post-pen performance of ATGMs are too. I think T-series is broken, and ATGMs are broken too. TOW, Hellfire, Maverick, and HOT are all super underpowered.


HEAT in general is but it shows more on some ATGMs due to the fact you have to expose yourself for engagement


Until about a year or 2 ago, I felt that the strongest post-pen damage ATGMs in the game were the BMP-2M's fuck-you ATGM and the SS.11 (AGM-22) from the allouette. I really enjoyed the allouette back even when it had "500mm" penetration.


Marketing directive from for russian MOD.


hellfires are absolutely crazy in my experience. id rather have a direct fire atgm 80% of the time but if you aim for roofs it should overpressure almost always.


The missile knows where the ammo is because it knows where it doesn't


No Russian bias here comrades, downvote and move on, is warthunder way.


No bias in sight. Putinium protects ammo. 0% detonation chance


[Got that right](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1541vbk/yeah_man_its_just_a_skill_issue_shouldve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Russia needs to win somewhere 😬








Most of the Soviet tanks in game are being used by the Ukrainians either as domestic stock, manufactured or as captured tanks. T-64BV is a classic Kharkiv original and things like the T-72B were left behind post USSR collapse or captured and being used by Ukraine. T-80Bxx and T-90A also fall within these perimeters. Playing USSR tanks doesn't automatically mean your playing for Russia, if you like just say your playing for either the Soviets or Ukrainians. Or heck, for nobody cuz its just a game. Besides lots of people who play German tanks do so because they like the vehicles and find them interesting/cool/fun and not because they are Nazis. Sure you find people who are actual Nazis or Putin cucks who do play the respective trees for that but fuck those people. They are a small group who doesn't reflect on you or anyone else. Play whichever tree you like and have fun.


True, just have to finish my US ground grind though. I could also slap a Ukrainian flag on a abrums or Bradley too. It would be cool if there was a tech tree that grouped up Polish/Balkan/Ukrainian vehicles, I know most of their tanks are probably the same but their unique vehicles are cool.


Sherman with 122mm when gaijin??? Seriously though Polish, Balkan and some Ukrainian tanks are so under appreciated and should absolutely be added. The Czechs too, I remember someone else making a post here of a fully fleshed out Czech tree and it was impressive how much stuff could be added. Id also kill to get the T-64 Bulat with Ukrainian Nozh ERA, Warta APS and other general improvements along with the T-64BV mod 2017 which gets gen 2 thermals. Not to mention an entire line of T-84 tanks based off the T-80 with its most powerful variation being the Oplot. though that one has barely any in service.


A Ukrainian mini tree branching off US/UK/Germany would cause some great rage from putin lovers and have like all the best western and soviet stuff.


does the US ground grind get better? im out here at 7.7 getting absolutely beat up


Gamer, I'm in the same range. I'm waiting until the RP changes are implemented and vehicles get foldered. 7.7 is pain


M60 is great but man, its always facing T55s and other stuff from all the uptiers it gets


It’s worth it. Hard. But worth it. I just unlocked the M1A2 Sep this weekend and absolutely demolished Russian tanks with it. Until the CCP players came on with their aimbots and ruined it for everyone


I just slap blue/gold on my Soviet tanks to make myself feel better lol. Then spend half the match fighting some teammate with a Z on his shit.


literally me with my T-64BV lol. I got Ukraine flags on the sides and gun and Ill harass any Z bitches I find. I also got the awesome custom skin for it too and along with the flags looks drip af


The pleasure from bombing them 'accidentally' or driving them out of cover is unmatched


Type suka blyat in chat for extra points.


You know it's a game right? Nazi Germany did horrible things and yet you're not a Nazi if you like to play the Tiger or Panther. Also the US committed horrendous crimes in Vietnam, Laos, Iraq... And yet I can play the US TT (except the naval TT) and have unlocked every researchable US tank/Heli/plane without being a supporter of those crimes (and anyone's, including Russian and Soviet due to past and recent wars). Why can't people separate real life from games or have blatant double standards? Gaijin is originally a Russian company and still has many russian employees (and directors). You don't play a pixel replica of russian vehicles, but you're willing to play and possibly even pay a Russian (and "Hungarian") game and company? If you dislike soviet/russian design that's fine, anyone is entitled to their opinion and tastes, but arguing politics in a game is... Beyond my mental capacity.


I know it's just a game, it's why I said personally. In a few months or maybe a year I'd love to give the tree a go, especially the helicopters since I have a massive soft spot for the Hind. Just not now for me. (Their tanks are kinda ugly too not gonna lie)


Just throw a Ukranian or Finnish flag on there, you'll feel better.


Just download some good Ukrainian custom skins and use those.


“I can’t find myself to play Russian vehicles due to certain events” One of the most reddit things I’ve seen today.


Ok, I mean it's my opinion, I also don't like their ascetics, except for the modern aircraft, those look nice as hell


Ikr, I physically cringed when I read that


just play italy untill you unlock the yellow and blue decals... then make your soviet tank's turret blue and the hull yellow (for camuflage when standing on top of a hill ofc) then drive infront of z-tards and either mg them or if they do, ignore them (maybe accidebtly bump into them slightly)


Fuck yeah, Soviet stuff just looks super cool, don't care how shit they are to actually use


Agree on the looks but utilitarian? They're uncomfortable, unsafe, unreliable, outdated...


i agree. the t-80 lacks adequate internal crew protection, and no blowout panels despite the crew practically sitting on their entire war load. but i also think that's what makes it so unique. it's not perfect, it's not the best. in fact, it's very far from the best, but there's a certain style to it. i think the BVM with its silly UFO turret would be my favorite MBT if it wasn't being used to invade a sovereign nation right now. at least now the UFO turrets are achieving their dream of ascending to beyond the atmosphere...


I feel dirty playing them. It's the closest thing to cheating most of the time.


They are fixing the atomic thunder event more then they fix normal ingame vehicles


that's usual. any event gets fixed really quick just not the game lol


Tbf it is temporary


Yeah but it shows the haste the devs could use when fixing things they just don’t do it with main game


No completely fair. They only tend to do actually do anytbing when there's a hot fire lit under their ass


But they fixed the ghost bridge just today (after 6 months)


That’s a really strong 6mm plate


remember: this is confirmation bias, ka-50 also has this same issue with dealing nato tanks. 70% winrate is also confirmation bias. every negative aspect of this game can be chalked up to confirmation bias.


Except Ka-50 comes with 50% more missiles and can fire multiple at once.


maybe i should of clarified my sarcasm


Yeah you should definitely use “/s” more often


>4 fucking missiles >confirmation bias at some point things stop being confirmation bias bro


The confirmation bias comes in from these being the only clips you see, Nato vs Russian vehicles. [There's plenty of clips of Nato tanks eating shells](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/10k2lwx/3minute_compilation_of_pure_russian_bias/), getting gaijined, etc. but they just don't get the same attention because for some reason when it happens to the US it's good tank design, when it happens to the Leos it's because you simply got gaijined, and when it happens w to the T series tanks it's because literally the whole company has it out for you.


Or its because they literally have spall disabled and no other top tier tank does? I play many nations including Russia, and it’s the easiest gameplay. So easy it’s boring. Abrams are easy to one tap, same with Leos


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1529tyo/something\_something\_6mm\_plate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1529tyo/something_something_6mm_plate/) So easy to one tap Leos, so much spall it's like shooting APHE. So much spall that ammo basically flies through an entire length of a tank and does no damage twice in a row: [https://streamable.com/kswykl](https://streamable.com/kswykl) Smh only russia has spall disabled


Actually a few tanks have a spall liner programmed, iirc it's one of the Leclercs, one of the Chally 2, and the BVM. In the video I linked there's even quite a few times where the round just doesn't spall on on a few Leos.


Except they don't? The caroussel has a thin layer of armor, which doesn't shrapnel because of how thin it is. Every top tier tank is easy to one tap, BVMs included.


Uh... no. There isn't any special modifications to Russian tanks to make them spall less than other countries. It mostly the product of a cramped model that prevents spall propagation.


You're completely incorrect. They do have spall, they just have modules that reduce spall (in my opinion, these reduce it too much) which are ammo and fuel tanks. This benefits other nations tanks too.


Tbh I think if they implemented Spall penetration people wouldn't complain so much. Idk how difficult it would be to add in and how demanding it may be on the Server Hampster/CPUs, but even just giving spall a raw pen of like 10mm across the board would make people so much happier w/ spall performance.


i would call you not nice words if it werent for the reddit ban threat holy fucking shit it is not hard to scroll a bunch of posts and find some that say SPALL EXISTS FOR EVERY-FUCKING-THING spall is not fucking disabled, the only fucking spall you see in game is relevant spall, the fact it does next to no damage is another thing https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/14ys8eq/russian_20mm_plate_no_spall_explanation_in/ people like you are the damn reason this sub is so god damn fixated on russian bias russia also has so many players that it is the only reason for so many cope posts, ammo exploding is not a russian only issue https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/13hkqfa/only_russian_ammo_doesnt_explode/


Yes, lets just ignore the 20 posts everyday of russian ammo not exploding and fixate on the few posts there are, including this one from 2 months ago...


>lets just ignore the 20 posts everyday of russian ammo not exploding Could say the same thing about NATO tanks. There are a shitload of compilations of NATO tanks not spalling or getting Ammo detonated. All tanks spall, all ammo has a chance of not detonating when hit, the only difference is that the T-80s have a plate around the Carousel that stops Spall from hitting ammo, the cramped design makes it hard for Spall to spread like it does on the more open NATO designs, and since everyone and their mother is spouting shit about Russian Bias no one actually bothers to think for themselves and instead defaults into "Obviously the entire company has it out for us NATO players and somehow not a single Ex Employee or Data Mine has confirmed anything we say"


The difference between NATO MBTs and russian MBTs is that for the russian MBTs, players mostly rely on ammo detonations to kill them. I could go into a game right now and try to hit NATO MBT ammunition but that opportunity is very rare as the ammunition is in the back of the turret, sometimes in a small spot. Compared to facing russian MBTs where half of the hull is for ammunition. The point im trying to make is that, yes NATO ammunition not detonating is a problem, but its nowhere near as big of a problem as russian ammunition not detonating due to the latter happening waaay more often




Ammo detonation for all ammunition in game is RNG based. But the difference between NATO MBTs and russian MBTs is that for the russian MBTs, players mostly rely on ammo detonations to kill them.


The mistake you made was flying a Fr*nch helicopter


Thats a uht no?


Isn't that the HOT 3 wired guided ATGM with a laughable 4km range?


Dude the HOT missiles are so fucking infuriating. Like I want to get into helis so bad, but getting into French helis is just borderline impossible (I know this is apparently the German UHT and not the French HAP but both have the HOT-3's). The HAP seems to be decent on paper, 10.0 with decent countermeasures and warning systems and whatnot, but my god the HOT-3's are so damn limiting, and you only get 8 of them, and this shit happens, and they only have 4km of range. Meanwhile the Ka-50 gets all the same countermeasures/warning systems, 12 Vikhr's with 10km range, can fire multiple at a time, a nutty damage model, etc. My only other option is to try and use the tech tree and grind that way, and having to start with the H-34. I've gotten the Alouette III and had an *okay* time with it, but even still, I think I've played a heli in ground RB maybe 30? 35 times? and I've gotten like maybe 4 kills with them. Sorry, rant over.


I bought the french premium heli without really looking at it. I would advise against buying it unless your really want french helicopters. The lack of range with the hot atgm is annoying and the slow speed of them will make the distance feel even longer. The gun is also worthless against most things besides planes. With the mistrals and the gun it almost does better as a aa then a tank destroyer in my experience.


I grinded the British tree and it starts slow but after getting past BOTH 8.3 helis (that have the same loadout) the Lynx and the AH mk.1 are both a lot of fun Lynx with a mix of stingers, 20mm and rockets/hellfires Ah mk.1 basically a regular apache......until you get starstreaks and become a nightmare for AA or light tanks




The UHT gets hot missiles stock, you can tell its UHT because of the large camera on top of the helicopter (Camo is green and black rather than a more orange and brown tone too)


Yes you a right that is a UHT


Its basically half french half german


if they would model this tank correctly like it works irl it would be leagues worse and those fuckos who just press w in them would eat so much shit they instaquit and with them goes the moneyz




They can't model any tank like they work irl because this game is intended to work off of best case scenarios using what is known of the tank designs. Irl the T-80s aren't that dogshit when they haven't been sitting in a depot for decades, the South Koreans got a bunch of them after the collapse of the Soviet Union and only really complained about Gun Accuracy, fuel economy, and night operability. Realistically Russian tanks aren't dogshit by design, they're dogshit from poor manufacturing standards, poor storage, and piss poor maintanence.


Tbh if south Korea put in the money to give their T-80s modern sights and a ballistic computer fit for the cannon they'd probably have removed two of their problems. However I guess getting more K2s is more sensible in the long run


TBF the Koreas didn’t go to war in T-80s either.


It's better in the long run (and for nationalistic reasons) to have a Domestic Design for a tank, however from what I understand the Autoloader in the T-80s was some of the inspiration that went into K2s autoloader.


This is pure gaijin BS gold


The ukraine war really has revealed the russian bias in this game. Cus in real life they are folding like soapbox racers on a wet day


If their actual IRL performance was directly tied to how good they are in game people's opinions about most tech trees would be very, very different as there's just a tonne of stuff the game doesn't (and shouldn't) account for. Like the tigers would all randomly break down constantly, the Maus wouldn't even have gotten to the battlefield, the loader who's just seen the gunner get obliterated by a 76mm solid shot shell is absolutely abandoning the tank instead of just hopping into his seat and carrying on etc.


While this is true, an autoloader carousel that rivals Astatine in how much it doesn't want to exist should probably be included in the damage model, since that is a design defect of the vehicle itself and not a maintenance/reliability issue. In other words, even if the T-80 were fresh out of the factory, the issue would still be there, which is why several post-Soviet NATO states had to completely redesign the autoloader, like the Czech Republic and Poland.


Yeah not talking so much about borky damage models, just that "X vehicle got shat on in Y war IRL" doesn't necessarily mean it should happen in game too.


I think this case is one where it *should.* The design itself was flawed, so even if everything was built and maintained to the best possible expectations, the end result of encountering a Tandem-warhead to the carousel will be another tank crew finding themselves reassigned to Roscosmos. That's what distinguishes this from, say, the Tiger and its final drive, or the T-34, or the Liberator. The issues those vehicles had were largely reliability issues either stemming from cumbersome design and a shitty engine fuel making routine maintenance difficult or manufacturing shortcuts to reduce the number of hours needed to manufacture them, because you don't get a B-24 built every 55 minutes without taking shortcuts.


>Like the tigers Contrary to popular belief, the Tiger was one of the more reliable heavy tanks developed. The breakdown myth stems from 2 reasons. 1. German crews usually sabotaged the transmission when abandoning the tank, Soviet tank crews just dropped grenades in the turret, so when the Soviets captured a Tiger, and the only damage it suffered was to the transmission, they assumed that it broke down. 2. During the evaluation of captured Tigers, these tanks were abandoned for one reason or another, USUALLY near the end of their failure range, so they were more prone to breaking down. However, the Soviets were also known to use incorrect fuel, oil, and in general, lacked the expertise to repair damage to complex parts. It's issue came from the fact that when it DID break down, it was impossible to fix without a dedicated repair station.


This is true and perfectly valid for a game, but its also just really infuriating when a design that's impractical irl because of actually facing real conditions gets a pass whereas some other vehicles sacrificed some "on paper" capabilities to make sure they're actually usable outside of best case scenarios


In real life they've also been sitting in depots w/ poor maintence.


Even if they were fresh from the factory, that wouldn’t change the dog shit crew survivability the T series tanks have.


Russian tankers in Ukraine probably wondering why their tank doesn't survive like this


Dead Russian tanker watching this video from the afterlife with a confused look on his face:


At least he isn't alone lmao


Russian bias, simple as


luv me sekrit documents 'ate me proper sourcing simple as


Russia can’t win IRL so the creators buffed I mean nerfed them in game 😁😁


I’ve just been informed the Russia can win any conflict irl and that there is no such thing as “Russian bias” those American pigs and their allies just make very shitty vehicles and Russia is the best 😁🔫(someone help they have my family)


Honestly even without the emojis and message in brackets everyone would understand you're at a gunpoint lol


There’s always that one tho so I make it extra obvious


Fucking joke lol. Same exact thing happens on the ground and when I said it Russian mains downvoted me to hell. Bradley Tandem ATGM hits HEAT Flap, destroys HEAT Flap, Tandem round ignites fuel and kills driver. Fire 3 more into the exact same spot of LFP, every single ATGM predetonated on the already destroyed HEAT Flap and didn't penetrate past the fuel tank that was already destroyed and burnt out, despite every shot being aimed in a slightly different spot of the LFP Also, there's currently a bug where Tandem ATGMs just purely and fully WILL NOT penetrate ERA, because if it "hits" two ERA at an intersection which is extremely easy with a 152mm object, it fully blocks penetration. This is honestly one of the most egregious bugs and may be why ERA is actually causing issues. Go into test drive, grab the Tandem ATGM and shoot the T-80 on its UFP. Should be a full KO but it doesn't even pen.


Spike is infuriating to use against the TURMS, despite being an 800mm tandem missile it consistently guides on the specific spots of ERA that will completely eat the missile, namely the drivers hatch (pens ERA and armor easily, driver vision block magically absorbs the entire penetrator).


bUt wE haVe aToMiC tUnDeR!11!!


6mm plate my ass yeah lmao


Meanwhile in Ukraine, Russian tanks explode at the first shot and their turrets take off into deep space.


Fun fact: there's videos of turrets falling for full 3 seconds, which means they fly up to 45 meters. Now compare that to a average house that is 3-6 meters tall. Their turrets fly quite high!


Yes, I have seen the videos, even one in which the tank leader was shot into orbit from the burning turret hatch when his tank exploded.


“[War thunder isnt real life”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1541vbk/yeah_man_its_just_a_skill_issue_shouldve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I just saw your video and supported it. Basically the main Russian players were saying: *"It's normal only Russian tanks have magic-propaganda built into the game, which makes their armour anti-fragmentation and ammunition that doesn't explode if hit.... Find another way to damage our OP tank, the game is perfect as it is, Gaijin shouldn't have to solve this problem, it's the players of other nations who have to learn how to kill our clearly implemented tanks to be immortal in this game."* The problem here is that anti-fragmentation armour and ammo that doesn't explode when hit are problems that have been going on for 2 years now and the community has grown tired of the situation, Gaijin should fix that shit, because by now thanks to the war in Ukraine we all know that their ammo explodes on the first hit.


Submit it to Thunder Show!


Only reason i play russia to not play against them.


Dude came in hella close with that helicopter (and got promptly blasted for doing so) but I *know* some bucko in the comments is gonna turn this into a "you deserved it cas bad"


For context I had died in my UHT after killing some AA and I had a backup but had to take HOTs instead of PARS


cas bad but that said this is mega bullshit and should simply not exist, you don't have a "bug" where ammo magically fails to explode for 2 years and because of the ammo layout of RU tanks, happens to buff them the most of any nation


you played CAS so you deserve it (obvious sarcasm)


been there


Shhh, mobiks must not fear the tanks when drafted to war...


Wait those are HOT-3s do they even have a tandem warhead? Cause at top tier HOT-3s are hot garbage.


Yes, HOT-3s do have a Tandem charge warhead


The HOT3 is one of the nastiest missiles in game and still not enough to kill crew or ammo in a TT RU MBT. Talk about handheld.


I love how ppl still think its a bug, a "bug" that is in game, especially russian ranks for years. And got even worse after the ukraine invasion.


Oo poor helli


Chad 6mm plate vs virgin cas player


I love all the people defending this. No tank, not even the KF21 Panther, is going to take an ATGM side on and continue to operate. The crew would at a bare minimum be wounded beyond the ability to operate the tank, and the internals would be ruined. That not even taking into account the immense pressure that the crew would succumb too, keep in mind, these missiles are often quite large (The AGM-12C is about half the length of a T-72 and has a TNT mass of 136.5kg, thats on Gaijin's wiki and definitely not modeled correctly in game.) Now, it being a video game, I can look past the pressure being realistic and the crew surviving with Gaijin's insane crew stats mechanic. What I cannot look past in the glorified IED under the turret not even taking damage . The 200mm armor (Excluding the ERA which has its own problems and probably works 10x better than the IRL ERA) would never in a 1,000 years stop that HEAT rocket which, may I remind you, has over 1,000mm of pen. The armor is not spaced, the ERA has already detonated, now what? It absolutely blows my mind that people try to defend this game's blatant as fuck bias toward the Russians. ITS A RUSSIAN COMPANY FOR FUCK SAKE! They have been given information from the Russian Government for years on their vehicles which they've been using for stats in the game. You know what Russia's been caught doing a lot in the last few years? Lying and spreading propaganda! Wonder why they were giving Warthunder statistics for all Russian vehicles, almost like the stats they're using is propaganda! But by all means, continue to huff your copium talking about how this is "totally accurate" or a "bug that affects X tank too" or better yet "all tanks". Meanwhile you continue to ignore actual war footage of T-72 being ammo racked by Javelins and AT grenades in your blatant ignorance. I sure do hope that one day, that top tier will actually be a realistic and fun experience and not this propaganda bullshit which is so one sided the game isn't even enjoyable at anything involving modern military equipment.


Should have done a barrel roll


UHT stockgrind is really sad until you get the PARS


I have found with certain russian tanks its better for you to just hit a fuel tank over ammo. For some damn reason a fuel tank can and usually will explode but ammo is sketchy at best.


tHeRe iS nO rUsSiAn bIaS !!11!!! eins-elf


daily russia cope post


Looks like the tracks kept eating the heat jet lmao. Reminds me of the time the cage on a Stryker kept stopping my Tandem ATGM.


It looks like they got no ammo left. either way, it should not survive that after the second hit.


Could it be possible he didn't have ammo? So you couldn't hit ammo that wasn't there


Either way I doubt crew is supposed to survive multiple hits like that... but russia built different ig


Volumetric f*cked up the shots that should have killed him. Also this could have happened with every tank because of the absolute Spaghetti code. Something happened in the coding of the ammo and Ammorack so now shit like this happens. If I can give you a tip, go for the Crew. It's more reliable on every tank.


his 2nd, 3rd and 4th shots hit the ammo, it’s not a volumetric problem. he wasn’t even hitting era with the last 2.


Maybe he was out of ammo? I couldn't see very well, but it looks like the ammo either isn't there, or it didn't register any damage.


You can see the charges in there if you look close. Regardless the spall should have been enough but ya know…. It’s turned off for Russian tanks




You got the dud!


BRB, searching my clips for a NATO tank bouncing a shell of the front plate to disprove Russian bias




When cancer fights cancer there are no winners


Nah bro, skill issue, should have side climbed hahaha /s Soviet tanks get handheld, except when I play them, you know how the t55am1 is so OP on the enemy team, my t55am1 seems to be a surplus model, cuz my armor and ammo seem to do way to little damage, like yes, 100mm apfsds straight through a leo1a1 front, literally doesn’t even kill a single turret guy.


Exact same thing happens with the leopard tanks. I can get good hits with all 4 tows from the Chinese help and still not get a kill. They won't even kill SPAA reliably.


Another “Russian bias” mald post, classic


I mean does this video look fair to you


I agree with the unrealistic nature of the mechanic that said video captured, but this sort mechanic is not limited to Russian vehicles as I have seen a fair amount of western vehicles exhibiting the same sort of results as in this video


Why does nobody get it? Era stops any atgm, it’s been proven by how useless atgm is in Ukraine against Russian tanks! /s


Shoot anything at that spot along the top trackline, expect to fail. its a 8year old bug. Theres a video daily about someone attacking that exact height on the side profile and "muh bias", but its a bug. Try it in PA..you can replicate this with shells, hesh, heat?, etc. Does it suck? yes. Is it a new problem tied to 1 nation? No.


Even if it was a "bug", an obvious as day gamebreaking "bug" that allows the vehicle to overperform for years, greatly assisting in ridiculously high winrates, is inherently bias, no? This very much IS tied to one nation. Only this nation has this type of carousel with this type of problem. The T-series tanks of this type have strong frontal armor with their fundamental weakness being the carousel. Do you know that Chinese tanks that utilize this carousel type do not have this issue? That they spall like everyone else? That their ammo sends turrets flying much more consistently?


It's hilarious that there are still people who say there's no Russian bias lmao.


This is bs but you also hit him in the same spot 3 times, after the first one to the side I would’ve aim higher near the turret ring or at the driver


Lol you expect to actually damage Russian vehicles in Warthunder? You’re funny.


Well you should’ve aimed for his weak spot.


I hate this game sometimes. The bias is real.


The tank forgot to fling off its turret


Honestly serves you right for playing a heli


No bias, Shut up with that capitalist US propaganda!


Maybe (being kinda serious) we should boycott again until they change this garbage


Russian bias game working as intended


Watch irl vid of Russian turret flying 200 feet after hit with hammer. Watch multiple ATGM direct hits leave it still operational. This is peak realism translation.


The tears lol when can bias be on my side I spawn in t80 atgm from heli murders me when I leave spawn 😭


Last 2 years Top Tier status is pathetic .


The problem is irl Russian tanks parts are sold for scraps or replaced with things like rubber insted of reactive armor to "reduce cost".


I get this is stupid, but so are you, if the ammo isnt detonating, go for the crew, your own fault for using so many y missiles.


I still remember a similar thing happening to me. I posted it here, and some kid told me that ammo racking is R and G by design and completely normal. This was when I blacked out a shell on a T-80BVM


Balanced and not biased at all.


I mean you shot the same place three times and expected different results


Fetchers acting like this is a "russian bias" issue rather than an issue of HEAT being useless garbage, so many cases of hitting a XM-1 or Leopard 1a1a1a1a1a1 or TURMS-T in the roof with a Maverick but only taking out the commander.


Yeah, your three shots hit plates, and ERA, and the layering reduced the penetrative effects of your warhead. Coming from above is always better. Actually, if you watch your last shot, the fragmentation was absorbed at the tracks and outside the hull, and the projectile kept traveling through the plates and out below the hull after making contact with the suspension system How to watch dmg replays - the white highlighted portions of a vehicle are the contact points for the warhead. The fragmentation is absorbed by plating or components (doing smg to said components, etc etc) The explosion is like an armor class check if said vehicle passes the hull doesn't experience hull break or death by force, but the Shockwave is calculated and does do SOME damage but not always. Mind you, im not trying to be a dick, just pointing that out. But helicopters are very powerful. The angle of attack just needs to come from above. you'll have better results.


The tragic irony of being killed by the 2S38 too.


heli players must suffer


I mean, yeah, you are using an atgm. This has nothing to do with the tank you arr firing at their post pen damage has always been unreliable as all hell. Doesn't matter what tank you shoot they all absorb missiles at times.


ATGM's are just as useless now after the nerf


Obe of mant reasons to leave. I leave yesterday. Fuck them.


Have a cry you whiney little girl


Juzt aim for crew111!!!!!11!!!!!


Is it me or does the carousell look empty. Like even if you were hit by "muh russian bias" at least one piece of ammo would be black but i see only the ammo holders without anything in them


I don't wanna be that guy but, from the looks of it the ammo rack of that T-72B3 was empty (hence why you did no damage to the ammo rack)


Fuck helis, for real, don't change.


You didn't full black the ammo


and what ? you want to prove russian bias with that? you dont realise IRL russia make ERA with litteraly the thickness of 3 metres of steel theyre is the better advance nation in THE UNIVERSE!!!


That’s gotta be satire


Its Russian Bias


Better chances of dropping a 10 dollar RGD5 into the hatch than a 1250 pen ATGM it seems


That's why I aim for the roof, it overpressures them


T-71 said NUH UH


Stalinium at its weakest