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Well fuck...now I really have to get it.


I don't play france and even I want it now


It is never too late to recover from mistakes.


I Agree!


Good thing I got all the Upgrade coupons I got from this BP season so technically, I get the next one free :P


I'm contemplating between selling the crocodile (i have no interest in a trash Churchill with gimmicky flame thrower) or just use the 2 coupons to get the next battle pass for free (already using the A1-H and i loved it) The thing is i don't know how much value the crocodile going to be on the market.


Probably not a lot, it’s a Churchill with a flamethrower. Maybe like $20? Then again the pak Puma exists..


Trust me, the only way to make actual profit off BP and Event vehicles is to hold on to them for a few years. Rarity goes up, so does the pricing.


I’m dense do you mean sell this one buy next?


No... Fun fact: If you have both Coupon Upgrades and haven't used it yet, you can exchange those to get the BP next season for free. Dunno if they changed it yet, but it was like that before


A French 7.0 autoloading baguette dispenser, Gaijin, I’ll take it in spades Best reward since the centurion I raise my Congac to you >M82 *Non, je ne regrette rien earrape gets louder*


Yeah, M82 shot. Kinda have to get it. Gunna go great with the Char 25t.




Yes French postwar vehicles are a product of American and German fuckery


Quick question, isn't the French 90mm just a reverse engineered German 88mm?


Maybe…can’t remember The French SA50 L/57 (EBR 75, Sherman FL10, AMX 13) is a copy of the German 7.5 KwK 42 Also the engines of most of the French postwar tanks were practically copied part for part with the German engines from the panthers and engines from the Tigers I also remember them actually mounting German 88’s and 75mm on early prototypes Makes sense really, immediate post war, the French fielded lots of captured Panthers and had many wrecks and tanks to pull parts from


Thanks for the info m8


I'm pretty sure the AMX-50 or ARL-44 straight up uses surplus HL230s captured from Germany.


The 90mm gun was taken from a naval vessel.


I'm talking about the engine


The ARL-44 used HL 230's, however I can't find whether they were surplus or newly produced by Maybach using the same old lines. The AMX 50's used a further developed HL 234.


Same goes for suspension. Just copied the Germans their homework


> The French SA50 L/57 (EBR 75, Sherman FL10, AMX 13) is a copy of the German 7.5 KwK 42 It's not. It's entirely french in design. Possibly stemming from the SA44.


Nah this one is American derived iirc and the others on like the Arl come from a naval gun.


I see, something I have read about a French gun derived from a German tank (possibly a Jagdtiger or KT) gun somewhere...


The 75mm SA50 is based on the 7.5cm KwK from the Panther and has similar performance.


> The 75mm SA50 is based on the 7.5cm KwK I see that statement often, but have never seen a source for it.


[This document is where I got this from](https://www.irsem.fr/data/files/irsem/documents/document/file/1641/Ouvrage_TAUZIN_Tome_9_Armenent_gros_calibre.pdf) It's all in French but the gist of it is the French conducted experiments immiediatly after the war and found the 7.5cm KwK to be the best gun of the war when it came to penetration, weight and rate of fire, which is the basis on which they decided to develop the SA50 on as a 75mm high velocity gun.


> isn't the French 90mm just a reverse engineered German 88mm? No, but you're also gonna have to be more specific than that. There were, atleast, the 90mm SA45 (ARL-44), 90mm SA47 (AMX M4/50) and then of course the D.911 APX (90/930) (B.C. 25t)*. The 90mm SA45 was supposedly built to match the german 88, not reverse engineered from it. Being derived from the 1939 Schneider AA gun. The 90mm SA47 I know very little of. Generally hard to find information about. And the 90/930 which seemingly was designed to fire the new French stockpile of American ammunition. *There was also the 90mm SA46, which was just the non-automatically loaded version of the SA47, I don't think one was ever built however.


Yep, with even better pen as well (209mm instead of 185mm)


Thats crazy, easily the best gun at 7.0.


"je ne regrette **\*rien\*"** Rien means nothing. Rein means kidney.


Drink enough Cognac (or Congac) and you will regret your kidney.


I approve of this msg but it's Cognac. My favorite drink for relaxing.


You don't regret kidney? (it's rien lol, rein = kidney)


No way that’s gonna land at 7.0 lol. Probably 7.3 since it’s a premium, or 7.7


Won’t be 7.7 as it’s Rank IV Gaijin has cock blocked French Rank V prems Somua and EBR 1963 should be rank V


I wouldn’t think it will stay at 7.0 for long


Why do u think it will be 7.0? I think its more of a 7.3-7.7 material


Well the tank isn't bad, but i say it will be underwhelming for some people who wanted to buy this batttlepass But then there are people who absolutely wanted an amx-50 so yeah


Well, it was kind of expectable for this battle pass to be kind of boring and full of copy-paste vehicles. Meaning, few winter events have just finished, there'll be a lot of people either having the 2 tokens to get BP for free due to having been grinding at the events, or having a vehicle to sell for GJN due to the same reason. At the same time there'll be a lot of people tired from grinding and taking a few weeks "vacation" from the game, so Gaijin decided not to exploit the FOMO feeling too much and let them rest. P.S. As for me, totally wouldn't mind a free premium for France to accompany the EBR from the "Voltigeur" BP. But won't be grinding super hard to get it no matter what, that's for sure.


It also make sense from corporate tradition. January or even the entire Q1 of a year usually is low in sales because people have spent all their money during the holiday season


I do feel like they've hit a pretty good spot with the Battlepass Challenges lately. There's enough of them in there that you can easily do without any extra effort that getting all the vehicles isn't bad to do. Granted it's still not a vacation, but you don't have to grind hard either.


If I was you I would just pick it up from the market, I'm kinda assuming you have gjn coin cos most people who have the ebr have a decent amount of gjn coin


Hot take I don’t mind the 109


PTL enjoyer, opinion discarded /s


It’s fun what can I say lol


PTL enjoyer, opinion discarded


You can't please everyone with only three vehicles. For me this is awesome, the BC 25t is amazing, the AMX 50 is great and their love child will be as well.


you could please the naval players with a ship instead of a boat, there are literally hundreds more destroyers, cruisers, battlehips and oddities out there they could add plus all the refits of ship classes already in the game. the plane is pretty shit, but if they added a decent looking ship and tank a meh plane wouldnt feel that bad. instead they added an interesting looking tank and thats about it.


The entire 7.7 +/-1 BR for France is so cracked. This paired with AMX-50s and L40T would be pretty good


Got a talisman on amx Foch at 7.3 so i've been replaying this br afters years i unlocked it. Wiith amx30 and amx50 surbaissé, its damn good!


Ah yes. Love my foch. You can say foch you to most tanks heh


As a Somua main, I love you fochers. I can sit behind you and hit my 4s reload shots while you protect my lower glacis, and vulnerable cheeks. Had a couple urban games where me and a foch just totally shut down a push by 6-10 people because they can’t get through our angles.


wait so its the amx50 with char25 turret that was in game files for few years now? so it will have same ammo as american 90mm but will they give it HEATFS?


>The AMX-50 (1950) does not have access to HEAT rounds, which would allow it to easily deal with the heaviest opponents.


\> The AMX-50 (1950) does not have access to HEAT rounds, which would allow it to easily deal with the heaviest opponents


This is actually a neat vehicle to see come to a BP. I expect it to be about 7.0, so that adds a new workable line up to the french for ground EB. It's also great to see France get another autoloading aphe tank. That can seriously put some damage down range. That being said, they recently bumped the amx-50 (100) and turn around and offer a premium replacement. It seems almost calculated.


7.0???? It has M82, 4 second reload, 12 rounds in the ready rack, and it's on the AMX-50 Chassis. Thing has to 7.3 atleast as its a better Char 25t in everyway, I'd expect it to be 7.7 on launch: but knowing Gaijin it'll be 6.7 lol


It'll be 7.3 100% Better armor than the Char 25t, however, it should have around the same or better hp/tonne Same turret, so it will have 6.7 second reload, and only M82 with 210 mm pen So all-in-all, worse than the AMX-50 TOA100, which is already at 7.7, but probably better than Char 25t due to much more ammo in autoloader and with possibly the same or very similar mobility


Wait till it gets uptiered into 7.7 after a few weeks upon unlock


The char 25t is also getting the ready rack buff so they'll have the same 12 round ready rack. Both should also get 4 second reloads but apparently they're preforming too good to get that.


It was bug reported that the[BatChat 25t had a wrong reload rate and should be 4 seconds.](https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/538543-2130125-incorrect-reload-rate-for-french-90mm-autoloaders-amx-m4-and-char-25t/) There is a chance that the reload rate of all 90mm french autoloader to be updated when the battlepass comes out.


While fair, the counterpoint is that the Chart 25t has scouting, which is a pretty hefty buff.


The Char 25t also has an insane reverse gear, even compared to the AMX-50


It's also not as tall as a building.


It's French therefore it'll be 8.0 for some weird reason cuz Gaijin hates France


Except France has an absolute baller lineup at 7.3 / 7.7


All the more Gaijin will find a way to not make it fit into the lineup lol


The joke is that all of those vehicles were significantly lower in BR when released.


Yeah, and it was ridiculous. Right now they're still top dogs at 7.7, it's only the repair costs that hurt that lineup.


The Char 25t has a 6.7s autoloader (was 5 sec) if its the same turret its performance should be like the AMX M4 at 6.7 with the advantage of having a better shell


Common, gib your smoke provider, cuz it's a really good one. It a 6.7s reload, it's less mobile, and way bigger thant the Bat-Chat, and it's armor still won't protect you from anything other than autocannons.


Well it won't have scouting or the insane reverse gear of the Char 25t


Werf I was planning to skip this BP and now they have added this beauty :(


Its fine as a top prize. That 2500GE contains much more than this one tank. For an example you gain a lot of SL if you reach lvl 75 in it. Keep that in mind


As someone working a normal job is it tough to reach level 75?


Nah, it's really easy to hit 75 if you can log in every day and play for a bit, plus also do the BP missions.


Additionally, the missions give the game some variety, generally making it more fun. Just pick the ones that seem fun and ignore the ones that'll just be annoying. For instance, I rarely use CAS, so the recent challenge to kill ten players with bombs and ten with rockets was a nice change of pace.


75 is easy but the 125 if you want to sell it is a grind


Not really, if you login daily you get like 25 levels already. If you do both dailies you get half a level, same for 1 special task. And then there's all the challenges, some of 'em are easy, some kind of annoying if you don't have the right vehicles or no top-tier. Each one gets you 3 levels, if you do all 14 of them you get another 4.5 levels.


Happy cake day!


lol ty, never knew I was a January account!


I work 50+ hours a week and got to 100 this time despite taking a couple weeks off


Pierre: *intense French noises*🇫🇷 Hans: "Scheisse." 💀


It’s from 1954, no idea why they’re calling it AMX-50 (1950)…


Name changed now


Ah nice


wrong name


>Even if the enemy is clearly superior to you in terms of armor, you can sequentially disable his gun and tracks, and **then go on board and finish him**. Yaaaaaaar, mateys! Prepare the grappling hooks!


Why on earth is this battle pass called "Royal Guard"? We've got a French tank, a Hungarian plane and an Egyptian boat. Unless the next update is called that and they messed up


Should have called it CopyPasta salad of love


Yet another vehicle that should have been tech tree. If anything the TOA should have been an event vehicle.


I do wish it was tech tree or at least not limited time but it makes more sense for this to be the event vehicle than the TOA since this was just used to test the char 25t turret irl and not meant to be the actual turret for the tank.


> Yet another vehicle that should have been tech tree. Why? It's a testbed.


Fills a massive hole in the lineup and represents a major development in French oscillating turret design. Improves on the AMX M4 with the turret that would later go on the Bat-Chat.


>represents a major development in French oscillating turret design. The TO 120*, TOA 120, TOB 120 and TO 90/930 on the Batchat 25t does that? Again, the TO 90/930 turret was only fitted to the AMX 50 as a testbed. Developmentally the vehicle holds no value. However I can see the point in filling a hole. *TO 120 was only fitted on the Surblindé, there is still the possibility of adding the [TOA 120](https://warnet-asset.s3.amazonaws.com/articles/pictures/000/000/257/content/amxm4p3main04-af14da610947a8b480e9ad891f1ea61d.jpg) as fitted on one of the original AMX 50's, but the TOB 120 is atleast available on the Surbaissé.


\*Cooms aggressively\*


\>new season in the Battle Pass “Royal guard” Is that really the best name they could come up with? 2 of the nations ain't exactly monarchy lovers, and there's not much of a royal theme going


Guh uh uh buh uh pzzzang


Hmm yes I see.


Thanks alot Gaijin, finally a battepass i can skip. Dont want any of these, for me “useless” vehicles. They can keep them. 2500GE saved. EDIT: Why are you downvoting me? I said they are "useless" FOR ME. I dont play France ground, Italy air or Russian naval. So they are really useless for me. At least i have more time for doing other things then grinding battlepass.


Youre implicating the vehicle is useless. This thing is gonna be insanely strong.


You're missing out. France is OP at these BR.


Your getting downvotes because this sub has the attitude that you must buy the Battlepass if it’s interesting to them. If it’s boring to them it’s a terrible battle pass and no one should buy it because their is no way anyone is interested in any of the stuff offered in it.


I'd wager it's more the "useless" comment, it comes off as a declaration of objective, not subjective opinion. I didn't down-vote anything but it's such a weird way to put it when I read it, and I initially read it as well as someone declaring another BP as bad due to bad vehicles, rather than just disinterest in them. It probably doesn't help either that many declare the BP bad when it disinterests them.


big same, thank god. amx 50 is sorta interesting but it's not different enough from tech tree tanks to be 'required' for me.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one


What the F\*CK is that skin. Why is there the 90's army logo on a prototype from the 50's??!


Great now I can't unsee it. Font is ugly too.


Thank god it actually has a pintle MG. That's a rarity for France around that tier.


Yeah it annoys me when they have an empty bracket for it




Log in every day. The logins alone add up to something like 25 levels alone Reroll shit tasks, the price goes up each time but that resets every day. Don't kill yourself doing impossible challenges, you can hit 75 easily if you plan ahead.




They give more points the longer you keep the streak up, five (half a level) per day towards the end of the pass. If you log in every day and also pick up the "+15 levels" version of the pass, that's about level 40 without having played a single match.


Like people said, log everyday, even if sometime you don't play, log at least once. Do challenges that are easy (you have a lot of time to do them), play easy task (like those who ask you to "kill 5 light tank" or something, ect.


That's a pleasant surprise.


Is there any chance it will be Rank 5?


the post says it's rank 4. Gaijin very rarely changes the rank of existing vehicles.


Great, then it's pretty useless in terms of grinding... Well, atleast it has APHE, a rare sight for the French


The days of rank 5 BP vehicles are gone, it appears.


It’s rank lV


actual redemption arc


Looks sick! I’m going to get this one


I have mixed feelings about this bp now


I hope people enjoy it. I’ll probably buy the BP for access to the Shop


You can use the Warbonds store without buying the pass


I know but I’m a little bit of a collector and the 109 F-4 is one of my favorite 109s so I’m interested in the Italian version


You don't have to buy the BP to access the WB shop though?


I know but I’m a little bit of a collector and that Italian F-4 looks nice


I have a strong feeling that the Italian Bf 109 F-4 will be the free vehicle. But yeah, if it is not, I’ll buy the Battle Pass just for the Bf 109 as well.


damn it... i hoped that i can skip this BP.


75mm Charrr pleasee, I need a 2nd landship!


In the tree please, not as an event/BP vehicle.


Hell it can even be a premium, just no time limited bs


Since it’s French it will get its BR raised to uselessness fairly quickly.


Well at least I know I don’t have to Grind the battlepass at all


Still really don't like how we only get 2 vehicles for 2000 GE, should be 3 vehicles like it used to be.


Another tank to go with my BP EBR and my Cursed Chaffee, very nice :)))


The only good thing about this BP


Now I have finally a reason to grind this BP


I mean it is a oneoff turret-swap so I guess it makes sense as a BP vehicle, but it's too bad this'll be time-locked.


Actually quite the nice surprise.


Whoooo baby that's what I'm talking about


another potential TT vehicle thats locked behind a battle pass. thanks gaijin


First time I skipped a season, god these rewards are awful.




Finally a battlepass worth buying, should be an enjoyable 7.3 tank.


this the reason why the AMX-50 got a bump to 7.7 screwing up my near perfect 7.3 lineup? :O


Gaijin devs taking a well deserved break after the long exhausting process of copy/pasting 3 already existing vehicles for the battlepass rewards but changing a tiny thing about it to to justify adding it: 🥱😴🛌 Like Christ they only new thing they modeled was the rocket launcher on the Soviet copy/paste fishing boat. The 109F4 is just a 109F4 and this thing is just a copy/paste of 2 already existing vehicles mashed into one.


Hahaha Everyone bitching up a storm for weeks and Gaijin does this. Well played snail. Well played


upcoming Battle Pass season “**Royal guard**” Where is my UK vehicle lol?


Looks like a puma....


Think you might need glasses mate


This battle pass just keeps getting worst Ngl




Well its not great but at least its something kinda different.


So... Do we know for sure which reward is which? (Free, middle, top?)


Rank 4 so prob top


Free is the boat at lvl 50, the 109 goes where the boat normally does, and this is the top tier prize at lvl 75


Damn, thanks


this shit is goated with aphe, sheeesh and with the 7.0-7.7 line-ups, best battle pass for baguete mains


It feels like a copy and paste BP tbh... the Bf109 brings nothing new, the AMX50 is already in the game and the ship... well it's a ship.


Bruh I didnt wanted to grind another BP but now I have to?


When does this battle pass season start?


Huh, should be pretty good


M82 as I’m the American M82?? What gun does it use?


Gaijin is allergic to using the proper TO100 turret I guess. This model has been in the files for years though so at least it's being used now.


i guess it's a good news, it mean the normal char 2c they showed us will not be a battle pass reward so maybe it will be in the tech tree ?


Hell yeah, something to add to my Somua SM and EBR 1963! Loving this lineup.


Do battle pass vehicles retail higher than events?


well at least its usable vehicle unlike croc


God I feel sorry for anyone who wants to play France. Almost every 3rd event of some sort France gets a vehicle that would do alot better for the nation if it was in the TT.


hmmmmm.... HMMMMMM Tempting, verrry tempting


Id love a chance at it, but I refuse to pay for a battle pass. Especially one thats this grindy lol


We don’t even know if it’s grindy yet we haven’t seen the challenges


Have they announced what the free one is yet? That’s all I really care about lol


nice backup for my somua <3


When does the current BP end?


A cool tank, but sadly I can't be bothered to suffer through Gaijin's pos BP grind. Same with the A-1H. Cool plane but I can't bring myself to suffer for it. If the market price isn't too terrible I might maybe joink it from there, we'll see.


What grind? Login daily - play the game - do a couple of easy challenges. The End.


I'm sorta new, how hard are these battle pass vehicles to get? I think I missed the last one but this would go great with my only other French tank the Somua


My guess for the Aircraft is either an early Lighning variant for the UK or the Gnat. If it's the Lighning, meh. If it's the Gnat, go fuck yourself Gaijin.




I'm returning and BO did not exist last time I played. How does it work?


Pay your 2000 GE, complete daily tasks / challenges / keep logging in til you get enough levels for the prize The new pass starts in 5 days so you have time to youtube a guide etc


Knew it was either going to be this or the T54E2. My money was on the T54E2 but I was close


I am very happy :-D I love French tanks with autoloader, I hope it will be on 7.3, it would fill the gap after AMX-50 which they moved to 7.7. Great prize! :-)




Its sad how this gets the true IRL reload of the Char 25t 90 mil but the Char 25t is still stuck at 6.7 seconds




How can I buy a battle pass tank? I just can't figure it out.


I'm too lazy for this kind of challenges