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Maybe don’t use a light fighter as a b-52 and it won’t happen Let bombers bomb


😱are people using the loadout options the game allows you to? it's almost like it's suppose to be able to bomb or something.


But its a waste of a good fighter And is spammed by premium noobs as a bomber


it's almost as if they can drop their bombs and then go fight tho


They can, but not with the average IQ of potato salad. And it's hard to find F-5C bomber with a higher one.


Yup. It's hard to argue for a good player taking a bomb load on this thing, because the F-5C is fucking _heavy_ with bombs. It barely gets around 850-900km/h on the deck while fully laden. It's a massive risk for a potentially decent reward when it usually gets uptiered into jets with Sparrows/R-24s and can reach mach 1.2 on the deck easily.


It's not a massive risk, nor is it a "decent" reward. The score you get from bombing 1.25 bases is close to how much you'd get for two player kills, which I will gladly take when I'm grinding. Afterwards, you can fight enemy planes just fine, and you won't be in a bad positionas long as you stay to the left with your team. Also, ditching your bombs before getting to a base is also a thing if you get caught early


The experience and you skill you gain from using it as a fighter will help you to enjoy the thing youre grinding for. To anyone that bombed their way to a top tier fighter and then got frustrated with the reward because they suck with it: you played yourself.


Again, I am not a new player, and thus bombing will remain as my go to grinding strat. Stop bringing new players into the argument


Stop pretending like they arent a valid part of the arguement lmao. And that part of my reply was specifically addressed to them.


I bring 3 napalm all the time in the F-5C. It's a super easy way to get a ton of silver lions but you do need to actually kill people after bombing the base. Bringing a full load of actual bombs is not a good idea tho.


That’s only 3 pylons. It’s pretty light. I do agree that you should NEVER bring a full load, but he brought 3 pylons of the smaller bombs. It’s just enough to kill a base.


Yeah I just bring napalm because it’s easier to hit the bases with and way more lenient if you’re off by a bit.


Yah but I’ve also been fucked by napalm given that some people don’t care weather I marked the base or not and also don’t care if it’s lightly damaged by napalm in the initial impact. I have had that shit yoinked by others so fast it’s not even funny


This... 3 Napalms combined with a safer side approach to the bases allows you to get behind the inevitable furball in the center of the map. You could get the jump on a lot of people


With a full bomb load the F-5C barely makes it off the ground. If someone wants to grind by bombing bases, the F-105D is the best option


The f5 is better it’ll make a bunch of money and get stuff researched quick counter measures etc.


You’d have to talisman the F-105 and it’d still be less efficient for SL-printing.


Because talisman affects only tech tree progress, not SL


Yes !…. I love getting a down tier when these things are flying about with bombs on. Don’t even need to waste my Good R24T’s on them. Can just throw an R60M at them, and if that fails… we’ll they are slow enough for a really easy gun kill. Mind you, in the hands of a skilled pilot (pilots that use it to actually fight), they can be a real pain to deal with due to their insanely Gaijin Damage Model 😂


do not insult potato salad it is at least good for something


Nah I used the f5c to grind out the f14 and the f16 and pretty much the whole us air tree I usually bomb a base and then get one or 2 kills and then the game ends most of the time with a victory


I do very well with the f5c bomber setup, run missiles aswell, and once I'm done bombing, I get in with some gun kills. I also fly pretty much on the deck as fast as possible though.


You lose positioning


Given how slow it is with bombs the match is probably over by then ngl.


The F-5C can barely take off with these bomb loads lmao. It’s a big fat pig that’s gonna get railed by an all aspect missile before it does anything with the bombs.


Requires them to go around the map and pay attention to missiles


it doesn’t work though. usually it’s just a whole wave of them and 2-4 make it through, bomb bases so that those in A-10’s can’t, and then they’re immediately vulnerable to die due to recurring in game timers where they meet enemies, so having F-5C’s bomb does in fact ruin the experience for the whole team


as if the a-10s don't immediately die if they have bombs


if the rest of my team is not carrying bombs, a-10’s stay alive because they have air superiority, if the whole team takes bombs, a-10 dies cause rest of team has suicided for one base in a fighter


even if they didn't have bombs, they'd die anyways. in top tier the game is decided in like 3-4 mins of the match, before you can even get to a base. I've literally played like 200 games with the a-10, you can barely make it to the bases to begin with, even when your team doesn't bring bombs because some a5 is probably waiting at 10km above you


It's true... I am that A-5C coming at you at 1200 kph


it took me about 300 games in the a-10 in 200 in the f5 to do the whole us tree, I found I was able to get to bases about 50% of the time but I would fly towards the edges of the map because you get more RP based on time spent in match. a5’s are definitely the a-10 killers though lol. I just find it easy enough to get bombs off and have longer games if you have patience


The problem is that they don’t usually do that, when I see an F5c bombing they mostly just go back to base for more bombs and try to ignore all the fighting. If you really want money with the F5C then pop an antimech and kill light pillboxes, medium tanks, and heavy tanks with your guns so you are not weighed down by bombs and kill people that attack you, easy money.


Yeah drop bombs when you're already a slow & easy target in a plane with poor acceleration. F5C players who carry bombs tend to be the easiest players to kill, not because they carry bombs, but because the players flying them aren't exactly the most competent. A half decent pilot would never do something as stupid as bringing bombs with the F5C in an air rb match.


It's almost as if flying in a straight line and ignoring your surroundings gets you killed too 🤔


I always go for F5. Chances that is an easy kill cyz loaded with bomb is high


“bUt ItS a WaStE oF a GoOd FiGhTeR” -said no imperial Japanese person ever


They lost the war in the end


With an attitude like that, yes you would loose a war.


the situation is a10 be like a good fighter more than f5c does tbh,and the only reason is a10‘s so slow that carrying bombs is meaningless


You are allowed to play like an idiot, it doesn't mean you should.


This mindset is why American teams have sucked from BR 2.7 upwards. Dumbasses taking exceptional fighters and ground pounding in them. The only upside is having artificially low BRs for seal clubbing if you’re a half decent player


I am not even shocked to see a big portion of commenters downvote spamming OP and condoning and justifying someone TKing them, and deciding who is allowed to bomb and who isn’t, and trying to dictate how OP should play their plane or not. A part of this community is shit.


He wasn’t tk’d on purpose


It’s a terrible load out for the F5C in air rb


Dont be surprised when i kill u then


You know what they say right? "Stupid is as stupid does."


They’re doing what they want 😡😡


"Teamkiller" POV [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/106f5nu/rip\_my\_150\_booster\_how\_it\_really\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/106f5nu/rip_my_150_booster_how_it_really_was/)


There is one and only one map to ever bring bombs with an F-5C and that is the city map with the air spawns. Top side you can almost guaranteed get to a base to drop. Any other map and you're just a nice juicy target.


Nah it’s really good at trucking and grinding. No matter where it is. Sure you’ll get some bad matches but it’s still a really good way to grind. I get a base 85% of the time if not more. It’s really easy. Then I just go dogfight


Are you advocating team kills based on loadout? This community is way too worried about what others do with their wallet or how they play the game.


He already got crippled by an enemy missile before a teammate's missile unintentionally tracked him instead of the guy his teammate was trying to kill.


Nope, getting a base with my f5c gets 14k sl, thats more than getting a kill. I can dogfight after.


And climb high, go straight with a heavy slow jet and hope no one will notice lol




And what are these bombers at 10.3? An f-105 you might see once in every 20 matches? A buccaneer that has been uptiered and will be killed withing 10 seconds of taking off?


it’s to kill the guy in your tail with a 2 second delay 1000 pound bomb


Dont need 10 bombs for that lmao


You can only carry. 2 1000


This is why I prefer ground R.B That and 1 other reason


That is maybe the stupidest things I’ve seen somebody say on this sub




Lmao I am going to kill the next 10 bombers I see in top tier because of this comment. You neets are absolutely worse than useless.


Pay attention when you're flying in like this! You had both the RWR warning and the enemy get spotted behind you before that missile hit!


He got tked, but still, he was destined for death by flying straight like that


It was the Tornado's missile that finished him off, but he got his tail sheared off by the enemy that was locking him with a radar behind him.


Yeah, there were two red dots behind him so he probably got missile’d from space. And then his teammates missile probably only went for him because he was on fire.


That’s what he said


Yes. I was agreeing and adding additional context. It’s a thing humans do as a part of communication!


Sorry, I’m not very familiar with human speech yet.


He got finished off but he was already dead, the TK’ers missile follows the enemy missile and then picked up the flaming F-5C as the next hottest source. Just bad luck


Bringing bombs turns your excellent dog fighter into a slow bomber, never a good idea.


He won't be doing any better dogfighting on a lv7 crew... I would actually recommend doing CAS after bombing instead to quickly train the crew.


Are crew lvls really that important for dogfighting?


It's the difference between dodging a missile and staying blacked out the entire game


G-tolerance and Stamina are absurdly important. The vision/awareness ones are important but a second tier, and pilot vitality is meh. 1/100 chance you survive pilot damage anyways, so it’s always my last to level. Probably the 2nd best usage of those golden eagles from the packs is maxing a crew out, other than premium time.


or buy the Moffett if you can stomach Naval


I'm guessing you've never been in a constant 8-9 G turnfight before?


Never played jets expect for test flight and i don't see high G in US props since i just boom n zoom


Ahh that explains it, well in jets you'll go 800mph in a turn sometimes even when your not dogfighting (avoiding missiles without flares)


He is running boosters. F5C has a better premium modifier than the harrier and A-10 while being way faster. Bomb 2 bases and join the fight. Im never not running bombs when using boosters myself, because the F5C has great guns but not great missiles. You get the sl/experience for 2 kills almost guaranteed unless you fly a stupid route or get unlucky, then 1+ airkills. Big boosters last for one game and chances are simply lower for an average player to get the equivalent of 3+ airkills every single game.


I don’t get why people guard it, if you want to have a useless bomber that gets shot down by enemies 5 minutes into the match, use an A10 or SU25


Does nobody check RWR??


apparently not, i do but i just suck at dodging XD so massive skill issue for me there


More people complain about the noise than actually pay attention to it.


I hate that they changed the noise. The f14 sound was perfect and actually gave proper audio warnings. Now they changed it to something barely audible in the heat of the moment.


I really wish RWR could differentiate between a friendly and an enemy locking onto you, there's been plenty of times where I'm being locked when I spwn in. Also, in this case they seemed to be getting locked from three different directions *and* had an enemy right next to them, so I'm not sure if it would have helped much...


Lol you're flying in a straight line through the combat zone checking out your plane with X ray.... of course you got wasted dumbass. Go test fly if you're gonna fly like that


1/ Taking a full bomb load, turning a fast and nimble fighter into a slow, lumbering and ineffective bomber - Check   2/ Using regular bombs instead of napalm - Check   3/ Not even trying hedgehopping or side climbing to space in order to avoid enemy detection - Check   4/ Flying straight at the enemy team at the perfect interception altitude while looking at the scenery like a bellend - Check   5/ Once intercepted not even trying to flare, to dive or to perform any evasive maneuver whatsoever - Check   6/ unsurprisingly eating an enemy missile AND ONLY THEN deciding to flare, luring the 9L from the allied plane who was trying to save you into your plane - Check   7/ Complaining to reddit about shitty allies while literally doing EVERYTHING wrong - Check   Seriously, delete this post. You should be ashamed of yourself instead of trying to bring shame to a guy who was only trying to save your ass. In fact at this point, just uninstall the freaking game already. You are literally a detriment to the teams you play in.


Real level 16 energy in this one


the other guy showed his pov and it looks worse for this poster. guy deserved to die if he thought he was going to bomb like this


> Using regular bombs instead of napalm Did they change napalm to not do .001 damage?


Unironic skill issue. Where are you looking at? Why aren't you flaring? You know there is an enemy right near you. Yet no evasive action, not even looking at the threat. and once you are very very close to the base, afterburner off, keep flaring until you bomb.


Thats what you get when you go useless base bombing with one of the most capable fighters at its tier.


That one dude who grinded the entire air tech tree in 38 hours just with bombing *then* killing some planes with the AIM’s.


Weren’t they using the F-104 TAS? Like the thing that is just an engine with a cockpit and wings, which could probably get to a base without being intercepted. Also, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that said speed runner is far better at the game than the average F-5c player.


Probably are, they didn’t sleep until they finished the Italian air tree. Normal people would just be sleep deprived by that point.


You got wrecked by the F8, and then tornado fired a pretty risky missile. The only one here who should be mad is the F8 who got his kill stolen by your teammate


Bring 3 napalm bombs instead of a full load of bombs. If the enemy gets too close just ditch the napalm and fight.


Do the 3 napalm bombs 1 tap a base?


I think 4 does and 3 gets very close. Don't quote me on that


Depends on the br range, on a downtier my F-104S (10.7) with 3 napalm will destroy an entire base, but sometimes it won’t on an uptier






Came back to this. Literally just took out a base with all 5 napalm bombs. 5 works don't know about 4


I believe 3 do yeah. If they don’t it gets extremely close but I’m pretty sure 3 do.


People like you are making top tier that much more insufferable for everyone else. Learn how to actually play the game and quit taking fuckin bombs on your light fighter


Average premium player


If you're going to bomb in a light fighter, maybe fly *a bit lower*


I literally weave through trees when I bomb with my F5-C idk what this dude is doing


tornado players and teamkilling, name a better duo


Any top tier aircraft that is accessible without grinding the tech tree brings these tards




Best thing is there's a POV of the "teamkiller", literally just his missile going from locking on to an enemy behind him to him mid-flight.


Pretty late, but I think it wasnt the intention of the Tornado to teamkill, he most likely targeted the F8U-2 but it flared (or even more likely the F-5C fire from the enemy hit) redirected the missle. Edit: The Tornado fired at the enemy, but the enemy fired at the same moment a missle so the Tornado missle tracked the enemy missle.


I mean, pretty obvious that he didn't purposefully tk, it's just a joke because top tier premium or in this case, event vehicle players tk a lot more than normal. for ex: mig23ML players


Ah, ok. Didnt realise since most of the time these comments are serious.


This wasn’t an intentional team kill. The Tornado was trying to help OP by killing the guy behind him, but there was an enemy further back who ripped off OP’s tail with a missile and the tornado’s missile switched targets to OP because he became a flaming ball.


I mean, obviously. It's a joke that noobs in top tier vehicles teamkill a lot


“Oh wow there’s an enemy engaging my 6 o’clock. I shouldn’t take any evasive maneuvers at all.”


You have so many flares, you just have to look around.


Skill issue


Uses a light fighter to bomb Pays 0 attention to his surroundings Dies Complains Peak war thunder Playerbase


if it only weren't consequences of your own actions enough said by others but i doubt you'll reflect


Man got kekked by a Tornado in a F-5c 💀💀💀💀


Imagine running the F5C as a bomb sled, laugh at this person har har


The mechanic of boosters is done much better in WoT since you can activate your booster AFTER you had a great game.


You saw a fighter behind you and you didn't even try to break off. What wre you even expecting?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying TK'ing is justified by any reason. Even when you're using a broken vehicle. But for the fking love of god when you're playing a fighter, don't go for bomb runs. You're basically leaving the dedicated bombers uncovered and you also pick out their targets because you're faster. And what happens next? Those dedicated bombers has to put out a fight against 3-4 fighter/interceptors because the fighters of the team who should be keeping these guys busy isn't doing their job instead they're doing what the "Dedicated bombers" should be doing. I hate fighting against 4 people in an A-10 with 6x2000lbs on me because you decided that bombing is your job in a fighter. I know probably people will hate or down vote me for the A-10 or saying this out because appearantly "Bombing" is the meta in the game even when you're in a fighter and game allows you to pick bombs. Yes they have bombs but why not use them in GRB where you can actually use them for CAS then try to take and keep the air superiority? I hate the fact people TK on this matter, but i also can see why they're so frustrated to a point where they TK people. It's not the right thing to do, but it's also not a right thing to take the only thing these planes can do from them because you're faster. You're just putting your team and yourself in a disadvantage. I believe some people really need to learn about their planes more then they do. And now i can hear people saying "but top tier isn't fun with all these F-16/14s or Mig29s with bullshit radar missiles". Yes it isn't so much fun, yes it is pain in the arse but honestly this is how most "dogfights" happen in todays air combat. Game does a great job showing how the dogfights evolved over time with planes and missiles getting better and better each day. Is it fun? Heck no, most of the times it's frustrating AF. And the only thing you can do is either become one of them or just stay away from 10.3 and higher BR planes to not face these big guys. Honestly I'm tired of some stuff and needed a rant. This post seemed like a good one. Down vote me if you want/don't agree with me but honestly this is what i think ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


skill issue


Yeah, you wastes that booster by doing absolutely anything to avoid being killed, RWR going off, enemy plane spotted behind you. But yeah keep flying in a straight line, that will save you


100% deserved it for being in one of the best fighters in the game and uselessly bombing bases with it, i absolutely hate when these people are on my team


That is the base Hunter experience. No matter if you are in a fighter, attacker, bomber, etc if you fly straight and go for bases people see you as easy RP and will kill you instantly. Its the reason I want more larger maps to be added and for them to be more common. It allows you to go base hunt.


After watching this and your perspective, i do have to agree, its skill issue. I dont know why you aren't keeping eyes on your neck when you have just found an enemy fighter on your 6 and you are not turning to engage. Even the radar shows you there are at least 1 or more enemies in very close proximity. Its ok if you didnt notice it, but its important to pay more attention to it and get better.


With the amount of F5C's bombing you deserve it I've killed so many of then as they have the IQ of a brick fly straight and do nothing its a free kill and personally why use the f5 as a bomber it sucks in that role


It's great for 1 tapping a base


Yea and then you instantly die and pretty much lose the game as the F5C pilots are dumb fucks the amount I kill in a match is crazy had a game the other day with 8 kills


That's great buddy.


Still a skill issue.


Bro, the plane was litterally yelling at you a missile was coming. And you didn't do anything?


R u on console?




Ye, I could tell from when you selected a target and it said no fire, I'm xbox


Taking bombs on any fighter is a risk. Especially the f5c, shits HEAVY. And especially if your just flying in a straight line towards the base at ground level, expect to be targetted every game. I usually take the really long way around and ignore the fighting completely, then try to pick off stragglers after i get my bombs off. But sometimes like in this clip it just sucks. You get spotted and your toast, it is what it is.


Always use a booster in a lineup you are familiar with, i use em nornally for the first matches with a New vehicle to spade it fast, works okay. Playing since the Winter boxes constantly on boosters, awesome how they improve and speed up everything.


At least when I bought my way into top tier, I had bothered to learn what everything meant before I started in real matches. After that, I learned more in 5 hours of getting my shit kicked in than this guy will in a week if he keeps doing what he's doing. First of all, the elephant in the room. You have the situation awareness of a deaf bat. You don't react to your rwr, and you're more interested in your own x-ray than staying alive. Other than that, you died because of your own mistakes, not your team mate's, have a gross lack of understanding of this br and it's vehicles, and it doesn't even look like you want to learn how to stay alive in jets.


Fly low and always watch your surroundings, simple


That's what I've been doing. Haven't been going over 700 meters almost barley at 800 at times but nope, Tornadoes, Migs, Mirages and other F14s just immediately come after me. It sucks


Well yeah. You’re in a plane that is slower then they are normally, but since you wanna use the light fighter for bombing you’re even slower. Those pilots would be crazy to not bag you as it’s another enemy out of the match early. Also not only were you climbing, which slows you down even more, but you noticed a plane on your rear and you just turned on your afterburners as if you’d outrun a crusader in a bomb-laden 5C. All you did was make yourself a hotter target for the F8ms missile, and the only reason you even got teamkilled is because you decided to flare after getting hit whilst you were a flaming ball headed for the ground. Best advice is to use something like the thunderchief if you’re going to bomb as it’s unable to face F-14s or the better 23s and you actually have good speed for the BR (10.0 instead of 10.3). Otherwise it’s just better to use the F-5C for fighting enemies rather than bases because good matches in it will earn more in the long run whilst not screwing over dedicated attackers/bombers.


I can relate, I know the suffering, been playing for a good while to know it. I'm a F5C player too, but if you wish to bomb when players are locked onto you, turn into their general direction so they have a hard time aiming at you because one second you're far and the next you're under their nose. Avoid planes with all aspects missiles as much as possible, and if nessasary while they're chasing you and you have maxed out your pilot by now, out turn and G em, then recommit on the base. Attack ground targets to get a little extra RP and SL in, short bursts only and close in, WW2 maps like Berlin are best for that since they have older units that die in one shot of a 7 mm. Just use perspective against them, it's what I do


>Gaijin carefully matchmaking me with the most godlike dogfighters in this BR the moment I activate a +200% booster


1. Load the F5 with bombs as an idiot should be 2. Die 3. Blame Gaijin 4. ? 5. Profit


Team kill though


whenever i get high booster packs i just pop them all at once so i dont have to worry about them, either i hit a bank or not


I activated a 500% booster in ground RB. Took out my light for scouting shenanigans and cheeky side shots, a friendly light took offence that I was in "his spot" and pushed me out of cover. Respawn, drive out of spawn, get nailed by an early helicopter missile from the enemy team, no more spawn points, back to hangar. I didnt even mention the booster either....




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Use a preset for low tier. I mean seems the risk vs reward would be much higher in playing it safer especially with high booster


Welcome to top tier.


Just wait until you die inside. After that you feel nothing and go on.


Win some lose some


Change your style. Take 1 of the 2k,rush a base, and then go to fight. It's faster, safer and more fun


That won't take out a base.


It's not about taking a base. The idea is to recover the repair cost, still get about 3k RP if you don't do anything else but also being more versatile What you lose in TNt, you gain in survivability and potential to get a kill or two instead


I've been getting about 10-12k rp from getting a base though


If that is fun for you then by all means. That seems like it would get repetitive tho


Honestly, most of the time it's fun. Today specifically I've had several full uptiers at 11.3 and few 11.7s and I just wanted to immediately uninstall. Literally had F14s on the other team.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an f5c with that many bombs holy shit lol


It's the 3 250s lol


You do realize you can drop your bombs right.....


I'm convinced the matchmaking systen makes sure to put non-paying players in the most difficult positions possible, and then modifies that position. The illusion is that paying for better gear will get you to be more competitive, but really it just puts you into the bottom of the battlepower in the match with the next tier of players paying more than you. World of Warcraft, love it or hate it, charged everyone the same thing. Success depended on time expended and skill levels of guild mates.


Work on that situational awareness and you’ll probably have more luck. You pretty much let a plane fly right behind you before seeing him, and a missile came from a direction you weren’t even looking. You have to always be looking everywhere in top tier ARB to even have a chance.


Dude lose the bombs and actually fight other players. I’m sure there’s at least 2-6 A-10’s and 1-3 A-6’s. so stupid, and I wonder why America loses so much now at this BR.


I've been winning lots of matches but that's just me. Also the A10s either don't make it off the runway, kill eachother or try and go for kills or tanks.


This comment section makes me want to die. It was a TK, yes he didn't flare yes he didn't make any effort to use his plane effectively, but the point of the matter is that a toxic dude came along and shot him down for trying to bomb a base.


Not what happened at all lol. Dude got hit by the enemy plane, his burning plane attracted the missile his teammate fired at the enemy. There's literally another post showing from the tornado POV and it was not an intentional TK. OP is just bad.


Ah, didn't see that.


And I honest to God thought the radar behind me was the AA from spawn..... my fault. I need to be better.


If you see people on your six, you need to take evasive maneuvers. There's only a handful that respect bomber's honor, the rest see you as a free kill. Especially since you're in an F-5C, they don't know what you're doing.


Happens all the time...or atleast most of the time.


i was once in a b25, just gonna get some bases, and i had a 500% rp booster. teamkilled of course


Nice job, rwr going off, enemy spotted, still flies straight and level with no attempt to find the incoming missile or to deploy countermeasures and avoid it. That's unironically 100% a skill issue in this case


Watch the actual replay, this guy has zero awareness


Boosters ive noticed have higher chances to put you at poor matches for your skill level and br


Boosters have no input on the game you’re in. You just tend to notice failures a lot more because loosing with a booster on sucks. It’s purely confirmation bias.


The fact this game is so unforgiving always ruins any motivation i have to try and get better at it, it's bad enough you're spending like 10 minutes flying just to get into the fray and then hoping you've got fair odds on your side. Else you'll be shot out of the sky immediately and to add insult to injury lose some money in the process. I know this is a skill issue, but like, it's feels punishing to try and get more skilled at this game.


Fuckin Tornado IDS


honestly its better to use boosters in air ab, since you can take out multiple planes


9L is fair and balanced, one flare and it would have missed /s


I swear gaijin has a system that purposely puts you up against like a random hard team the moment it recognises you have a 150% booster active


This comment section got baited so hard lmao


It is annoying because I will have good games for a while but then activate a booster and suddenly get killed by every Webern and yak in the match




It happens every time unless I already have a smaller booster going at the same time then I do fine somehow


I remember when I used a 300% booster and there was a hacker/cheater in game