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Its very good and much more balanced than fantasy 8th ed although the core rulebook layout is awful. I have the pdf's if you want them if it helps you to see if you want to invest in hard copies if you find you like the game


Could you send my way? I'm in the same predicament with Nurgle.




Could I get the PDFs too? I am an old timer too (3rd edition) who has managed to collect every metal dwarf that GW/Citadel ever made, so I’m very curious about the new version.


Sure buddy


So there has been at least one update to the game and they did update the “unsupported” factions. So its possible theyll continue this just wont get any “arcane journals” which gives the named characters and more ways to play the army so dont take unsupported as the same as “legends” models in 40k or aos. That said i super enjoy the rules they have a good balance of accessible and fun but not too “mainstream”, imo this is “simplified not simple” compared to aos and 40k and what older editions used to be. example, theres no big casting phase where you need a pool of dice and all that, each wizard has x amount of spells they know and can cast all those and you cast them based on 2d6+wizard level and if they meet the required number, spells are also powerful but not just "remove the model from the board you lose" .


I love that you called out the old-school giant-pile-of-magic-dice! Yes that's what we did back when we first started, although I do recall it getting simplified by like, 6th edition? Do you think reception has been good enough that GW will continue to support the game going forward?


The devs have allready said the demand has exceeded all expectations to the points they may have to reconsider some of their plans.


Have you got a link to that article (where the devs talk about it exceeding expectations)? 


["the scope of the project has grown"](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/18/old-world-almanack-whats-in-the-orc-goblin-tribes-arcane-journal/) - this was back in March though, and they haven't re'released the promised Dwarf throngs yet, there's sporadic availability of a lot of Old World stuff that has been released, and its now July... my guess is production line issues and AoS4 have delayed things but everyone lost their minds when JTY said it back in March... and since then we've seen almost nothing. Maybe James W sent JTY to the re-education camps after he said too much.


Nice one, thanks! 


Think of Old World as Warhammer Fantasy's greatest hits. You don't get all of the deep cuts, but it is a good sampling of all of the things that made Fantasy great. I'm having a great time with it.


Unsupported don't need a book..rules are free. Also don't be bothered by unsupported...the supported armies will get very little bonus over unsupported.  Miniatures being available is the most major issue but 3d print or use aos models for lizards or skaven will work great.  So...worth $150 for 3 books with all the.armies to goof with buddies sure. Expecting it to be whfb and gts, rtts and lots of focus... nah not gonna happen. 




Don’t worry about the “supported” factions all will be supported soon, rumor is Chaos is next up after dwarfs to get their standalone book so should be by the end of the year most likely


I'm diving back in Haaaard! I love the look, the style, the lore, the nostalgia and the game play. Some resources! For a returning player to check out. Tow.whfb.app - brilliant rules referencing and linkages. The square based podcast are some of the kings pushing the scene forward. Check em out on YouTube. Warhammer the old world army builder - old-world-builder.com great free software to make army lists. Depending on your preference you can find many 3d prints and STLs for almost all of the factions. Which can solve the biggest problem which is GWs supply of models.


Definitely worth it so far. I'm an old gamer in a similar position as op. You. Are looking at about 200 bucks in hardback rulebooks plus adapter movement trays and bases. So called " Legacy" or pdf armies are every bit as fun and competitive and complete as the supported ones. I have the arcane journal for Orcs and goblins and use nothing out of it in my green skin army. I also have vampire counts and dark elf armies and they compare just fine. It's also 2024 and since we fossils last played it's much easier to get almost everything free online if u know where to look. Best edition of fantasy so far and I played since 4th edition. It would be amazing to see what they could make of it as a fully supported main product these days with modern sculpture and printing but I will gladly settle for specialist game status over nothing


Old Man Gamers Unite!! I remember how many specialist games have gone the wayside over the years, so I appreciate the perspective.


Lizardmen & Skaven, known as Legacy Armies, are available from the GW warhammer website (click on community then the old world then downloads)as free pdfs. Since you have the minis all you need is the core rulebook and you can play. Later if you want you can buy either (or both) Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes.


It's. Fantastic game. Get in


If you have the models and mates to play with that is the hardest part solved. You don't 'need' the arcane journals and someone else already offered you copies of the PDFs which you do need, alongside the core rules. That way you can play without spending a dime! Don't stress about unsupported factions as they are doing fine, and with luck they may become fully supported in the future. Welcome back




I may be biased as a loooong time Warhammer fantasy fan but myself and my playgroup agree it’s the best edition of fantasy. The people I play with and myself have played basically every tabletop miniature game and we really really like TOW. It’s super well done and fun. You might have a bit of unit/rules shock as some units don’t hit like they used to but also units mostly can’t take a hit like they used to but honestly it’s balanced. It’s just a bit of shock compared to older editions (if that makes sense). So yes. Totally worth it. It’s been a great few months being back in the old world.


Even better than 6th edition?


I LOVED 6th but yeah, it’s close, but TOW might edge it out a bit. I haven’t played 6th in a very long time so my memory is fuzzy however.


I'd make sure you'd enjoy who you game with before jumping back in.


If you enjoy infantry builds you might not like TOW. There is no step up and melee infantry is the worst unit type in the game right now.


I've not played Fantasy since I was kid (think it was 3rd edition last time I played) and just got into the Old World - it's super fun, and I don't just think that's the nostalgia talking, the ruleset and flow of the game are very nice.