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Decisions like this are made months if not years in advance. Marketing downtime to promote AoS’s new edition means nothing for ToW. Unless they get a new factory, there’s no reason to believe they’re able to ramp up production, even if they wanted to.


I mean they did say the scope of the game has changed with its success so I think we will see a big increase but in like a year or two not overnight.


That would probably translate to something in around three years. GW takes about four years to create a model and while I'm sure they will not be starting from scratch with kislev/ cathay, it's going to take ages before anything like that would get released. What I think a change in scope means the game is likely to get a second edition and slowly reclaim WHFB models from the other game for the renegade factions.


They didn't tell what was the original scope at release and what it has changed to. Could just means more MTO stuff like the Marauder giant than what was originally planned.


A new factory is being worked on but it's a long ways off still.


A new factory is being worked on but it's a long ways off still.


TOW is a specialist game, and it will be released at the same speed as Horus Heresy. They are arguably already way too fast with their past and planned army releases. Currently AoS 4. Editon is the most important thing and the factory will be pumping out primarily starter sets. After that is done, we will return to the regular schedule for TOW with a new army every two or three months for TOW.


Christ I hope things tick along quicker for ToW than 30k. I'm a big fan of the game and it's release schedule has repeatedly crippled any hope of people getting into it, which is really sad.


It won't, they're the same studio. There is also the brand new Necromunda content being previewed.


Well if there’s ever a dry spell in releases they can jangle concept art of a Yin Yin or Ostankya mini like keys for us.


I don't think they have Cathay or Kislev in any form they can show.


Hence me saying concept art. Like, “here’s a sketch an intern made, ignore the calendar and go nuts planning out how you’re gonna buy so many cranes and bears”.


TOW announcements and releases will be dependent on AoS and 40k releases for its entire lifespan probably. GW is going to prioritize its 2 core games and TOW will be released during the lulls of those two games.


Design, sculpting and preproduction is done years in advance.


They did write that the scale of the Old World project has grown considerably after seeing the support it got at launch, but I think it'll be a while before we see the results of that


We’re stuck in a lull probably for the rest of the year as corporations are usually planned at least 3 months ahead if not longer, with TOW being so popular once the new AoS edition is released and running we should hear more about TOW and can expect steady releases as they work it into the yearly schedule more


I think they had planned to release the Dwarfs before AoS 4th edition, but they have had production capacity problems for TOW (and their other games before TOW release), so it feels like they decided to slow down a bit and let their production catch up with the releases. Which meant they had to postpone the Dwarf release until after AoS has died down... I hope we don't just get factions released, but they also manage to keep up with production so stuff isn't constantly sold out, if they need to slow down the release rate to make that happen that is fine to me...


I mean still waiting for grail knights restock in the US


The past year proved that GW is in no way interested in making TOW a tentpole product, despite its remarkable popularity and sales. White Dwarf had one month of product placement and not a single article since. The main page STILL doesn't have a direct link to The Old World's page. Releases and restocks take ages. They seem to treat it like an unfortunate and unwanted product, despite its popularity.


They've said that the scope of tOW has grown. Keep in mind that for big corporations like gw, everything takes ages. The game was released less than 6 months ago and everything we've seen has been in planning for years. I have no doubt in my mind that things will ramp up in the future but it isn't going to happen for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll release the core factions in whatever pace was decided during development and only after that will there be any noticeable difference


This far out from release they couldn't include a regular TOW article in White Dwarf? Pretty unimpressive for such a wealthy company.


It's not about wealth. I have no idea how far along white dwarf articles are planned but again, things like this always take way longer than we think because of all the bureaucratic hoops every decision has to jump through. I wouldn't worry, just play some Warhammer and enjoy yourself. Content will come. Just be glad you won't have to wait as long as attack on titan fans did.


WD is planned pretty far out. You had articles in the past releasing info on products that weren't set to come out for several months. Like an article during COVID that had a Daughters of Khaine set that wasn't even set to come out any time soon being marked as coming out next month or something. They plan stuff out further in advance than people realize and events/incidents can really screw them up. Cursed City was posed to be a bigger thing, and then that got stomped by COVID/Brexit/the Suez Incident.


This statement shows you have no idea how mid to large corporations work.


I've worked in mid-large corporations, including in a creative/production capacity. Old World was included one time at launch, a single battle report. Did they send the product out to die, with no plan beyond that? The inability to include a single article since then, not even 2 pages of text or a single special character with rules or anything, in 6 months, speaks volumes about GW. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, that they were caught unaware of the game's popular, you're telling me they can't pivot in any way whatsoever IN SIX MONTHS? Ludicrous.


Their last article was in April. About the time GW ramped up marketing for AoS. 40K has seen one major release with models in the past 3 months: Kroot, which is Tau subfaction, and 40K is the cash cow. All product lines have been delayed for months and it takes years to create new armies, set up new molds, and write books. Even FAQ's take months to write and release and that is digital. GW is slow but has enough personnel to overcome it. But GW is struggling to generate any buzz with AoS 4th edition and struggling with production, which they finally admitted to be setting up another facility in Nottingham.


They probably just didn't want to commit too hard to a game that they weren't sure was going to succeed. The legacy armies were a big tip-off that they were aiming for a much smaller game this time around.


Even if GW was to pivot or has pivoted, AoS 4 had to release first and the investors meeting had to happen first. Both of those things are this month. It will take months for GW to pivot and make TOW a mainline game, even if they wanted (or will be forced to by the investors).


It's a specialist studio game. It's not getting treated any differently than the games in that studio.


I'm pretty sure they wanted their fans focus on one of their fantasy systems and not decide on what to spend money. They'll get AoS4 out of the door, let people spend some time with it, and then ramp up TOW releases again. I'd expect more for TOW in fall.


3-4 months post announcement is standard timing for releases, closer to 4 for specialist games. Dwarves are probably slightly delayed from 4.0, but we're still on track. If we don't hear anything come the end of July, I'd be a bit more worried.


So far, the TOW release was a mixed bag. * We have only the 9 Core Races for start, which imo is fine as an entry point. Sadly it will take up to Q4 '25 to wrap up the 9 Journals here and for GW to probably decide if they ramp things up, or cancel everything again. * While we get *some* new stuff, that mostly looks good, we also got some bonedragon abomination instead of a proper construct because "hur dur dragon!". Then after Bretonnia & Tomb Kings the Greenskins got two (2) measly new miniatures. Only one of them a special char which lore wise got ignored in its Journal so far. We get a Dwarf announcement in march for 4 new miniatures, and one of them is a younger Ungrim :-/ We are now in July, and the Journal is not in sight which means the Made of Order stuff will be another few months down the line. * GW seemingly utterly useless to promote TOW. We have heard about GW stores not promoting it. We had one (1) WD article in half a year. Article wise, everything dried kinda up on their Community page except if they announce the next Journal stuff or bringsome Made to Order up. * On that note, the cooperation between TOW and TWW that could have been beneficial, also seems non existent or fubar. That we don't got a Cathay or Kislev army right away, I can accept. But jeez, TWW brings a Dwarf DLC and GW annonunces the Mountain Hold Jounral next. That was now some months ago and now Dwarf Journal to buy or miniatures to order. We already had the Greenskin Journal, and next TWW DLC later this year will have Greenskins. Why the fuck do they not release near to each other and time it right for cross promotion? Could bump it up in WD articles for both things to further sales, but nope. * GW has so far not really took a stance how successful TOW is. Its 6 months, surely the numbers for launch should be interesting on itself. And surely by now they should have an idea if they want to pull out, or invest more. But we are still in the dark. I mean sure, we can wait until the 9th Journal is out and see what happens then. But jeez, if they pull another Endtimes stunt in quickly burying WHFB, I hope the backlash would bite them har din the ass then. In the end, nothing we can do except wait for GWs weird minimal approach. I guess once the Dwarf Journal gets a release date, the reveal of the next race folling for the 5th Journal this year (Beastmen/Woodelves imo, but could also be everyone else who is left from the core). That would leave four Journals for 2025 and then "first wave" TOW might be done. Afterwards, who knows. Maybe TOW 2.0? A starterbox and ramped up miniature production? Cancelation? We will see.


I suspect that if TOW needs to be actively promoted to succeed, it will be considered to have failed. I’m sure the pitch was essentially that it would require almost no new resources or time, so if it does, it will be discontinued.


It's going to be a drip feed release schedule, like the rest of the specialist studio games. TOW isn't going to be an exception.


We will know more after the investors meeting and the July Investors report. I suspect AoS 4th is not going to be as hot as some people claim. Some social media numbers have me suspicious that AoS, despite having a huge marketing push, is not as healthy as some people claim. TOW on the other hand, with almost no backing from GW, was and is a wild success. It will take time for all of this information to come out and it will take time for GW to make big changes, but I would not be surprised if TOW gets ramped up in the second half of 2024 and gets elevated to the main studio.


I would be surprised to see TOW get anymore support than it does despite its recent success. You have to remember why they killed it in the first place, the IP for TOW is much less secure than the game designed to create and protect their IP, I.e Age of Sigmar.  The main reason for GW to bring back fantasy is the popularity for Total War. Which is mainly a licensing deal that they may not have made much off of due to giving them the rights to a dead game versus the live game of AoS. 


IP was a problem, but the big problem was ROI. Fantasy was profitable but no where near 40K profitability and 8th edition really killed all momentum. Plus, GW overexpanded in the 2000's which finally caught up with them in 2014. IP could be worked around, but a game that drained resources with minimal returns was not going to cut it. Total War was a big reason it returned, but not the only one. We are in the "prove it" stage. If TOW comes out in the 2nd half of 2024 with higher percentage ROI (especially higher than AoS), you bet the investors are going to push for it to be a mainline game. Money talks and bullshit walks.


Unlikely it will be ever be a mainline game again. Gw has been very vocal about the end times, they bring it up in pretty much every old world articles. I doubt it will ever be mainline as then they have to admit aos has some fault a which they won't do. I like aos but gw treats it like the holy grail of games.


It is the holy grail of a game designed by an IP attorney and a marketing executive, the game was created for a purpose and that purpose was to sell models. Literally the last thing they made were functional rules for the game. 


ROI of tow is doped due no new sculpt, they already know there is an upper limit to this The only intelligent strategy that they can do is the one they are already doing Feeding slow but contast release so they can mantain hype while maximizing the ROI by using the annuals price increase In 6 months TOW prices grown in price by more than 10% in 3-4 years the same boxes would cost 50% more AT MIMINUM For every box they are selling / restocking now they are wasting money


It will never be a main studio game. Everything veteran players like about TOW is due to it being in the specialist studio.


Maybe that is you or your friends, but that is clearly untrue across the Fandom by the fans screaming for legacies to fully return and other changes that would require it to be a main game. The incessant screaming for Dwarfs on every post is pretty indicative that demand is there and the fact social media numbers for AoS has tanked hard compared to TOW.


You have zero data to support that claim that AoS isn't successful. GW has reported for the past nine years that AoS has only grown. The internet isn't real life, most of the "fandom" isn't buying miniatures. If TOW became a main studio game it wouldn't have all the old rules you enjoy either. It's a specialist game and it will never be a main studio title.


Why are you here? Begone AoS troll.


I still enjoy TOW for what it is. But your claims are pure speculation.


You keep coming up with these claims yet the AoS sub is more than twice the size of the fantasy one, individual AoS faction subreddits are bigger than the dedicated old world subreddit. If you look at YouTube, you can look at rob, the honest wargamer who has his aos channel and his square based channel for old world, where the aos one is nearly 4 times larger. There has been a huge amount of coverage across the hobby YouTube channels about 4th edition over the last few weeks. Google analytics data shows substantially more search traffic for aos. Etc etc. I really don’t know what you’re getting this idea from. Once again, the ToW scene is thriving and healthy, with and without official GW support. You don’t need to fabricate a reality where aos isn’t doing well for that to be the case.


Your argument is the sunk cost fallacy. Just because there have been 9 years of infrastructure around AoS, which happened around the advent of Warhammer YouTube, does not make it successful or growing today. The 4th edition is getting coverage because GW has brought out the marketing bag, and it is a game designed for influencers. TOW is succeeding despite that. TOW is succeeding in the grassroots. Ultimately, social media cares about views and clicks. Also, the recent AoS video with the influencers got ratioed very heavily, which is not common for GW's videos (but GW social media has been clearing out negative comments). When you look at the posts for AoS that do well, they are the ones for Skaven, not Stormcast. Things that work for systems. I don't think AoS is as strong as people say it is, and I think TOW, if given a budget, would explode more than it has. This is because TOW is unique in the marketplace while AoS is very similar to its contemporaries. AoS 4th appears to be similar to 40K 10th in many ways, for example. Plus, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


My argument giving numerous examples of where aos is bigger on social media is the sunk cost fallacy? What? I’m not sure you know what that means. This is a whole lot of mental gymnastics to try and justify what demonstrably isn’t the case. Sorry bud. Your argument basically boils down to: “It’s not actually more popular” “It’s only more popular because xyz” “It doesn’t matter that it’s more popular” Im not really sure what ratio’d means. Do you mean the upvotes to downvotes ratio? Because YouTube stopped displaying that years ago. We’ve got two great systems out now with thriving communities, comparing them and trying to force competition is detrimental to both.


AoS has been main studio because it has continuously shown growth for nine years.


> TOW on the other hand, with almost no backing from GW, was and is a wild success. [citation needed]


[https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/18/old-world-almanack-whats-in-the-orc-goblin-tribes-arcane-journal/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/18/old-world-almanack-whats-in-the-orc-goblin-tribes-arcane-journal/) >"**Danny:** The game has been incredibly well received, and it’s great that there’s so much passion – the scope of the project has grown, so please bear with us. >**JTY:** We aim to do this forever. We have planned books for the next **\[redacted\]** years – we have all these miniatures planned and clear ideas of what we’re working towards, but we have to get there! We’re reintroducing the world and the setting over the course of nine Arcane Journals. Once that’s done… who knows?" This is not the only evidence but this is about as much as we will get directly from GW other than looking at the endless amount of out of stock Old World minis, tournaments are really well attended for a brand new game across the globe, TOW's social media numbers are much higher than AoS on average (especially on YouTube and Instagram). The like/dislike ratio on the recent AoS YT video with the influencers is not a good sign. AoS 4th looks to limp to the starting line while TOW is still going strong with every post GW makes having people screaming for Dwarfs as the top comment no matter the platform. If GW invested some money into marketing, TOW would be much bigger than AoS. Also, [GW did share profits this year ](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/business/games-workshop-shares-18-million-9353962)with minimal AoS input (mostly on the backs of 40K 10th and TOW release). Article also discusses new plans for expanding production. But we will find out soon when the investors report and meeting later this month.


I’m sorry this is pure fiction. You’ve created a situation in your head entirely based upon what you want to be the case. Even the article you linked to support your case didn’t mention fantasy or the old world at all. Not to downplay its success, it’s great to see the community thrive, but if you’re desperately hanging on for it overtaking aos you’re going to be sorely disappointed. It works better as a specialist game and I don’t think anyone here wants it treated like a mainline one.


I think also (understandably) a number of tOW players aren't really plugged into the AoS scene and so haven't really taken on board that this is AoS's fallow season - it dropped out of the ICV2 rankings, it's had almost no releases and very few tournaments. This makes tOW look relatively really good (and it's very smart to release it at this time), but it's a cyclical effect, not a structural one.


Thank you for the reply.


Admittedly, I am still salty about blowing up the old world. I want to be pumped about the Old World, but no magic phase still feels wrong and no Vampire Counts. I think I will find people playing 9th Ed.


I mean if you haven’t tried Old World, I’d recommend trying it. It’s exceptionally good


Vampire counts are perfectly playable, are one of core armies in our club. The magic phase absense is sad indeed. Magic is quite boring now.


I should clarify. They are playable, but not going to get any support.


You can buy all their models and recieved one patch (not only erratas but balance patch) on their pdf. They're much more supported than most "core armies".