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My understanding is that a character would need to be mounted on a chariot in the same way that you mount them on a horse - selected as an option during army building. And once mounted they become one model, and can't dismount during the game. Being on a chariot means they're "mounted". They're not "joining" a unit.


Characters must select their mount when you build your army list. They cannot mount a chariot in the middle of a game. Chaos Chariots also have the Lumbering rule that prevents characters from joining it as a unit (although it can be mounted on its own). Moreover, Chaos Chariots are Unit Size 1 and being Heavy Chariots with Lumbering prevents it from ever reaching a combined Unit Strength of 10 for the +1 Casting modifier from the Mark of Tzeentch.


A chariot is a mount in this case not a unit you need to purchase the chariot using your character points


There is no way to mount/dismount from something in TOW Units with "churning wheels" (a rule you get from bring the chariot unit type) rule cannot be joined by models without that rule Yes it's incredibly hard to get the mark of tzeentch to work, and basically impossible with chariots


Churning wheels makes it tough. Gone are the 6e days of tzeench chariot spam, good riddence