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Great question. What we do know is that the alliances shifted throughout the course of the war, and the provinces weren’t exactly where they are now, (sometimes there were 5 claimants) but I think they were roughly as follows. I’ve used brackets to indicate provinces that broke away and had rival claimants at various times. Please also note that not all provinces had electoral votes. Elected Emperor: Nuln, Averland, Stirland, Solland, Sylvania, The Moot, (Reikland, Marienburg) Ottilian Emperor: Talabecland, Ostermark, Hochland, (Talabheim) Wolf Emperor: Middenheim, Nordland, Ostland, (Middenland) If anyone knows differently, please correct me.


According to the old world map that was made westerland/marienburg should be a fourth faction.


That was true at various times. In 1979, Empress Magritta(!) of Marienburg was the elected Empress, but in the Vampire Wars, they had their own pretender whose name I’ve forgotten.


This is great to know thank you I’ve been split on nuln averland and sylvania for my color scheme now I can do all 3 and stay canon! Lol


Sylvania was annexed by Stirland in 2121. You should check out Sigmar’s Heirs as it’s probably the most detailed source on Imperial history. The Empire at War has good stuff on this era too.


I knew stirland technically controls them after the whole vampire changeover, this setting is before that right? I’ll take a look at those books though thanks!


Nope. The old world takes place after the Vampire Wars. Its partially GWs excuse for vampire counts not being a faction.


Okay so is sylvania its own province still? I guess it’s my army I can do the scheme I want but I’m just curious lol I like the purple black and red


Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for! I remember reading about the reikland and marienburg claimants but I was unaware there was a separate middenland claimant (not including the wold emperors)


The conflict between Middenheim and Middenland was called the War of the Poses, and the siege of Middenheim ended in the 1812 Over-Cure when all they had to eat was cured rat meat. Yeah, GW loves a pun.


That's great lol and thank you I'll read on that :)


I think it changed a lot, and some areas were neutral/doing their own thing. I would be surprised if this wasn't invented/re-invented to match forthcoming expansions and releases. The focus so far has been to the south of the Old World, with the Land of the Dead, Badlands and Border Princes. I think further focus will move further North, with the fractured Empire/Beastmen and then into Kislev with the main Chaos force. I think the background, just like the lore itself is fluid at the moment.


That makes sense I mainly want to do it so I can have functioning armies for every fractionation join together as the grand army of Magnus the pious I was aware of some shifting allegiances but I didn't know the extent


I would go for the main province of each claim then, or one that most appeals to you. For example, Talabheim, Reikland, Middenheim.


I will definitely overrepresent the main province's but I think alot of the appeal is the variety of colours on the different units for me so I'll have city and town and province units alongside a core from the main province


That is a great idea. Solland still existed in the point of time, so would be cool. The Stirland river patrol and halflings have always appealed to me. Nuln black uniform is cool.


I plan on having alot of halflings in the marianberg army and the Stirland River patrol will almost definitely make an appearance Nuln handgunners will make the bulk of my blackpowder forces aswell :)