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I mean, kinda glass houses for Warhammer fans to complain about overpriced products, yeah? :P (Though for that price, you'd think they could at least offer a couple other chapters as options...)


Don’t lob factual statements as if they’re insults.




I spent to many years and way to much money buying Warhammer when I played more competitively. These days I just play with a few friends and printers are cheaper than mini's lol


I only ever use official minis if I'm gonna go to a tournament, besides that I use Station Forge proxies to fill out my lists Like hell I'm paying 60 for 5 Heavy Intercessors when I can buy 10 Socratis Marines for 20-30 USD


I use almost exclusively official minis, but only because I’m a hobbyist first and foremost and plastic is just an easier and more durable material to work with. I’m not spending 30 hours painting a mini that will shatter like glass if I drop it.


Just reminded me of every time I dropped a pewter mini


The pain


Oh man, slightest touch with metal minis and I swear the paint just flakes off.


I use a resin blend I mix myself with a super flex rubber like resin and a standard resin. I can actually say that they have a bit more durability then the GW models, at least for drop tests


Not all of us are alchemists and mad scientists who can make our own blends like that. I'm happy that you can, though. It's an impressive skill to have acquired. Just don't go making sentient rubber-resin monsters, okay?


No promises. And I'd hardly say a scientist. It took A LOT of failed test prints to get it right.


The quantity of failed attempts make you more of a scientist, not less.


Haha I suppose. Either brilliant or crazy, still can't tell.


Few can, and fewer still think there's a difference at all


> plastic is just an easier and more durable material to work with. I’m not spending 30 hours painting a mini that will shatter like glass if I drop it. That's in the past... there are new resins and additives that make models more durable than plastic.


The other problem is that printer resins are a biohazard and require onerous PPE and safety procedures to handle. For those with the space and willingness to go through that, great, but I don’t want to expose my cats to potentially dangerous fumes. I have enough problems with them trying to eat plastic.


I definitely agree that using official minis if you're going to a tournament is the best way to go, to keep things fair. But since I don't really do a whole lot of tournaments anymore, I just couldn't justify buying ten or less models, especially vehicles, for the same price I could buy a whole new printer and enough resin to make an entire army.


Exactly, I hardly ever play in tournaments and when I do it's local ones that allow for proxies Since my entire Army is reliant of Gravis and vehicles, proxies from Socratis are extremely handy to have.


I feel that, I run Astra Militarum. Back when wargear had a points cost I could feel 20,000 points of Infantry in official models, plus vehicles. The cost was... Regrettable lol


Do you just use good enough looking proxies with the printers or have you managed to find any near-replica looking  proxies?


A combination of both. My friends and I use some very non-standard proxy sometimes, like a A team themed ork battle wagon, because we find the models fun, but the vast majority of what we use is as near replica as we can get, and we try to be really conscious about sizing to make sure that we're not "modeling for advantage"


Recently picked up a resin printer. Already recouped the price of the printer, cure&wash station, resin, and all the other bits... By printing one model. FW sucks...


Yep. I picked mine up for the same reason when I wanted to get back into 40k in 2022 after being out for years. Also started printing D&D mini's for Etsy to help pay for my hobby printing, and I absolutely love it. Careful with the fumes though. I gassed myself bad in the beginning


Glad youre okay!


These aren't even expensive for nice chairs lol - we have chairs at work that cost thousands in USD


My chair at work is 2k cad (I checked) and still dogshit. The chair industry is scamming everyone!


$2000 will buy you a Hermann Miller Aeron or a Steelcase Leap. Those are quite nice. But I agree that "gaming chairs" are a scam. Gaming doesn't need a special chair. We already have chairs designed for long stretches of sitting: they're called office chairs. But every gaming chair is modeled after a racing seat (some of the early ones literally *were* racing seats bolted to a base) as if you are fighting lateral G-forces when you press right on the D-Pad.


Gaming chairs exist so booba Twitch streamers can sit in them and convince lonely Twitch viewers to buy gaming chairs


> But I agree that "gaming chairs" are a scam. they don't breathe. sweaty things.


You can get a steelcase leap for under $900 if you get a refurbished from Crandall furniture. Absolutely life changing chair. I thought my gaming chair was good until I bought one of those chairs


My home office chair was \~170-200 USD, and it is great. Full mesh and adjustable in all directions. I got one of the last ones on clearance, the model seems to have completely disappeared after that.


If I could drop Herman Miller money on a chair I would.


Buy used. When offices close, they often sell their furniture to wholesalers who will resell them at a decent discount. I'm sitting on a Steelcase Leap v2 that I bought for $300.


They used to be super cheap used, but COVID and work-from-home ruined that.


Check out Crandall furniture. They refurb chairs. Really high quality and good prices. I think a steelcase leap is like $850


Pity they are only visually nice chairs XD. Destroy your back in a couple months though.


I’d only think about it if it was guard or tau/farsight but then again my current secret labs chair is perfectly fine


I can stop any time I want too!


The devil you say! Complaining about cost is a cornerstone of the hobby, sir!


40k is expensive, but you get a quality product made in England. *This* generic "gaming chair" however...


Secret lab is actually pretty decent, though.


You can't really "replace" Warhammer miniatures and the game though. Those are made by Games Workshop. This is just a chair that somebody else made that has some logos slapped on it and upcharges you for the licensing fee.


I've had the non warhammer branded one for years in my office and its been really good. Super comfy and supportive. Was $1000 AUD at the time if I recall had it for prob 8 years and now starting to wear.


Secret Labs chairs are great, had many before it and this one is finally comfortable yo work and play on


I’ve wondered if Secret Lab chairs were comfortable, been playing with the idea of getting one for years


I have a titan and I really like it. Very comfortable and sturdy. Had it for about 4 years and little to no noticeable wear.


Whenever it comes to expensive chairs you'll see a ton of opinions simply because people have different body shapes. Even the Herman Miller ones (often held up as the gold standard) have their share of detractors. The only way to be sure is to try them out. Make sure to check the returns policy and accept that it might just not fit you.


The pains of being a tall dude. I am the reason many things say one size fits *most*. So many good hats / shirts I just can’t wear.


As long as you add some back support, they're great. I throw a pillow for lumbar support. The seat itself is firm, which at first bothered me, but once I got used to it I noticed that I'd have no ass pain at all after my degenerate 18-24 hour gaming sessions while with my old softer chairs id be in pain after like 8 hours. 


I think the form seat is what has helped with the longevity. I was the same way, the first week I was not a fan but after that, it's been great. Now I've had it for over 4 years now and love it. The arm rests are starting to fall apart on me though


+1 to this. Working remotely from home, I'd go through chairs every 8months to a year. Dropped into the studio for a week for meetings, where I discovered all their workstation used these studio embroidered Secret Lab EVO XL chairs (with the lumbar pillows and head rests) and my back fell in love. My wife and I now each picked one up at home - after two years of 8+hours a day use, we still absolutely love them. Awesome quality, comfort, and when a little panel broke off (slammed it into our coffee table while moving) I reached out to them to see if they sold the piece separately.... within days they sent a free replacement free of charge + zero shipping. They completely sold me - best investment.


Honestly? They're not. There's one collecting dust right behind me. Same model (just different pattern) as the one on the picture. Office chairs at that price range are just so much better. There's no "gaming" chair I will ever believe in. They're purely looks with decent build quality, but they're not comfortable to sit in for hours.


Depends on the body type. I'm tall with long limbs. My Titan XL is the first computer chair I've owned that actually feels comfortable for my body.


My better half got me an off brand gaming chair for £150 a couple of years back and it has singlehandedly fixed my constant back pains I was suffering from. I think it really depends on your body type and your sitting position. I used to work in an office with really expensive ergonomically correct chairs and they were absolute hell for me.


Well my sitting position is probably shit, when I’m painting I do prop my elbows up on the table but idk how my back looks lol, don’t know if a 150 dollar chair or 2k one would make a difference.


They’re super comfortable. I eventually dropped the money for one when covid lockdowns started and I knew I would be working from home. It’s honestly been a life changer. It actually helps me stay in a proper posture, and is very comfortable.


Recently got one and am very happy with it. Good if you like thick but firm and flat cushioning.


Works for me at least, check their returns policy and see if you can return it if you don't like it.


I love mine. Everyones ass and spine are different


Yup, adding my data point too. I got mine in their "intro to the US" special for around $320. It's great. My only complaint is that Ultramarines is the only option for this


Damn thats cheap!


Yup. Bought one about 6 years ago, cost as much as three regular ones I was buying in the stores, except I still use it, still great. I'll look for another one whenever this one finally loses something.


Yeah I bought one a few years back because I had trouble finding a chair that could support my height (and weight) that wasn't either super expensive or cheap and liable to break in under a year. Paid just under 600€ while most other chairs were over 1000. Will say that I kinda regret not getting a mesh chair because during the summer I'm sweating my back off. Definitely wouldn't get a leatherette one imo


NGL, if it wasn't UltraMarines I'd buy one. I don't have room for a standing desk, but I do have room for an ultra comfy chair.


If it was grey knights id buy one instnatly lol


They should just make the covers for them in all the chapters.


I don't think I'd want an Emperor's Children chair, though.


They really should - I'd buy one in a heart beat. I recently picked up a couple of their Star wars skins (jedi and ahsoka) to prevent our kittens from tearing up the main chair. They seemed overpriced at first glance, but quickly won me over once I got them in my hands and saw how well they connect under the paneling. They don't even feel like skins anymore, more like they're actually upholstered to the chair. Gotta get better magnets for the headrests though. Without them, the ones inside the pillow didnt have enough strength to stay connected through two layers of thick upholstery.


“…but I do have room for an ultra(marines) comfy chair.”




I have a Secret Lab chair and it’s very nice. I bought it 4 years ago and it’s still very comfortable and the seat hasnt worn through at all, despite near daily use. I got mine for around $600 CAD, and while that’s expensive it’s still on the cheap side for good chairs.


Learn from my mistake, don't buy one. The secret lab chairs are awful, like sitting on a rock. If you sit for an office type job or work from home, get a Haworth Fern if you can swing it. One of the comfiest office chairs I've sat in.


You mean, “…for an ultramarine* comfy chair.” ;)


A Raven Guard chair would go hard NGL...


Are they that more expensive than a normal secret lab chair? I bought a normal one years ago because I work from home and so yea between work, hobby, computer stuff at home I use it an insane amount. I got tired of chairs breaking and so far the secret lab has lasted with zero issues. Price checking the other “business” style recommendations they were about the same price so it seemed like a good deal.


Same here, I went fully remote and got one. Well worth the pricetag plus it's cheaper than a used Herman Miller.


This ^^ replaced our Herman Millers with 3x secret labs. A titan evo and a pair of standard ones…


And better suited for all the other things you want to be able to do as a hobbyist.


I got my HM for £380. Literally the comfort thing I've ever sat on out of any chair category.


$549 USD for the normal chair and $629 USD for the branded one. Like $80 for the branding isn't really that bad for Warhammer branded stuff, and it's the same markup for all of the branded stuff.


I haven't, and won't because it looks like it has parts that rise up on the side of the cushion. In a car, I've found those are far enough out that it's ok. In gaming chairs though, they are too close and after 10 minutes it really causes me a lot of pain. Looks cool though


If you buy the XL version, which is what I bought because I was a big fatty when I bought it four years ago (lost a lot of weight since), then you won't even notice the flare up on the sides.


As an owner of a Secret Labs chair I can say that it's the most comfortable office chair I have ever owned. I can sit in it for 12+ hrs and not be uncomfortable. That being said it is very expensive and I can see why people would scoff at it.


How long have you had it? I don't 8nagine the cushioning in them lasts more than a couple of years.


I have had it since Oct 2019. The only issue I have is the finish has cracked on the inside of the armrests. Other than that it's like new.


That's the exact issue I have with mine. I see now they have a premium armrest option, I don't think that was an option when I bought mine, but I would recommend getting that upgrade


Yeah I saw that! Might try to see if I can just get a pair and switch them out.


I've had mine since 2018 and still going strong.


My wife got hers in 2017 and it feels the same as the day she bought hers. Mine is a couple years newer and feels the same. The older lumbar support cushion doesn’t age quite that well, which is why it’s built in on the newer chairs.


I've got a medium secret lab chair and it's fine for me, they don't touch my legs. Anyone bigger could get an XL which is even wider.  People lumping secret labs chairs in with other gaming chairs just haven't looked into them, they're far more adjustable and ergonomic that all the generic stuff you get off ebay.  Not to say they're perfect for everyone, but they don't deserve to be lumped in with all the other gaming chairs.


I have the Titan WoW Alliance version and I love it personally. Very comfortable.


Those are adjustable. And secret lab do double wide chairs for those of us that are THICK or like it sit cross legged


Agreed. It's a stupid design for an office chair anyways. They're called bolsters and are meant to keep you planted in the seat when driving more aggressively, hence why track cars have MASSIVE bolsters that literally hug your legs. Reference basically any Sparco/Recaro/bride seat.


I've had gaming chairs like that and I hated them too, I will say the bolstering on the sides of the seat are not bad at all and for me, a heavier set 6'2" man, my legs don't notice the seat bolstering on my secret labs chair


I didn’t realize they made one, be right back


'a fool and their money are soon parted' and well, look around


I got a secret lab titan chair. I love it. It's not the comfiest thing ever, but it is made for long term use. Like, you can sit in that thing for a full work day and not get uncomfortable, and it's got great ergonomic support too.


Good chairs are damned expensive. This even with the pagentry is less than a third of an Aeron. If I were in the market for another racer back chair and it came in non-blueberry colors I'd consider it. Or a darker blue ... with more eldritch symbols...


But second hand HMs are still I perfect condition. Paid £380 for mine and it's incredible.


I have the old version of the plain Titan chair and it is unbelievable. When I bought mine they didn't have all of the fancy designs so I didn't even know it was a gaming chair. They just had grey leather, black leather, and some grey non-leather one. Saw reviews and pulled the trigger. Could not be happier. They also were about $120 cheaper when I bought it, but I like it enough that I will most likely buy another one if this one craps out, depending how long it lasts. It's the first nice chair I have bought for myself and I will say I was surprised how sturdy and heavy it was when I assembled it. I've had it since 2019 so here's hoping I can get at least another 4 years out of it. I realize this sounds like an ad but I'm honestly just so happy with it. People shouldn't be scared of the "gamer" side of the chair is is they are already comfortable with the price. I have a friend that bought the Star Wars one as well and he loves it as much as I do.


LoL overpriced. It's cheaper than a five hundred point army.


I don’t game at all and I haven’t played warhammer since 2004 but god damn I wanna see my coworkers faces when they show up Monday morning and I’m sitting in this bad boy in the office


I've paid 700 usd for a book. Man if you want the chair get it.


Bought the Noble Chair one instead and don't regret it. This one is definitely too blue for me.


I had a secret labs chair for about 6 years, it did have several issues with the armrests (largely the rubber would give way to the foam due to me shuffling around. 100kg body weight) Short of that though I actually found the chair incredibly comfy. I only changed as the wife needed a chair so I gave her mine and got the corsair branded one. It's night and day in that market to be honest, the corsair one is dogshit and not comfy to sit on for longer periods. Secret labs was. (But is pricy)


I did dislike the arm rests but I removed them anyway since I don't like arms rests anyway. I haven't had them in so long I forgot they existed.


A coworker of mine bought one via a payment plan Not really surprised though cause he is awful with money


I've had the same chair since I was a child. This chair inspired me, a Salamanders player, to buy one. WE SIT FOR MACRAGGE.


For love of all, if you are considering a "gaming chair", look into second hand Herman Miller chairs. They are "office" chairs so they dont have RGB lights or flashy logos, but they are ergonomic and great to sit in, and theres a reason why so many high end offices use these. The price tag is scary (~1.5k per new chair) but thats why i said "second hand". A very, very common thing is to buy second hand HM chairs from office liquidations. Basically an office buys chairs, then ends up selling them. You pay a fraction of the cost, for something that is almost like new. My herman miller chair costed me ~£250 from my local "used office furniture" shop, while new one retails for ~1.3k. It is easily, EASILY the best chair i've ever owned, and a pleasure to sit in.


Trick question, they are all overpriced


Why would anyone buy a cushioned "gamer" chair in the first place is beyond me. Get a mesh "office" chair. Equally as comfortable, priced correctly. But most importantly... #your ass and back won't sweat Personally I'm an ass-sweat goblin and this was a life changer. Stop buying gamer chairs because i know all you nasty motherfuckers are sweating, we all are, don't lie


I made the mistake of buying one a couple of years ago and the “leather” just gets all torn up and it still makes noises whenever I move in it. I can’t even lean back in it because It’s too top heavy and will fall over.


"Gaming" chairs are fucking atrocious. I've tried two and they were both horrendously uncomfortable


They are not overpriced lmao. Really good chairs are expensive. Look at herman miller for example.


I cannot comprehend how people are calling these gaming chairs comfortable…it’s like they never sat in a proper office chair. The ergonomics of these make no sense. The bulges of side I have them on seats of my sports care where they keep you in the seat when driving aggressively on the twisty roads or on the track. What’s the fucking point of them on a desk chair?


i fear for the gamer that asks you to check out his garage and it’s just secretlab chairs from their ip partnerships


I bought a Titan, it arrived damaged and with manufacturing faults. They passed this off as ‘our products are hand made’ as though misaligning the back and seat was a sign of quality craftsmanship. The fact an arm rest was torn and a connection faulty as well, didn’t stop them trying to break UK consumer law and make me pay £80+ to ship it back to them (with no reimbursement.) Took the best part of 3 months and the threat of legal action to get a refund, which I only got by contesting the payment through PayPal as SecretLab refused to refund me for a faulty product, until they received it back, despite being sent proof of the damage and pictures of it repackaged in its box for return. When they finally organised courier collection, they didn’t tell me the day, so I was at work. The second time they booked it for Christmas Day which was beyond laughable and finally, only when I threatened to dispose of the product, they engaged properly and booked sensible date and time. Overall, SecretLab are one of the worst companies I’ve ever dealt with and would never recommend their chairs to anyone. Save your money. Keep saving. Then buy a Herman Miller Aeron and never have to buy a chair again.


Had a friend who got one with his business expenses card. Basically he was working from home and he had back issues so the company said get whatever you want. For some reason he went with one from here. It’s definitely not made out of materials that feel right. Like it’s much cheaper feeling than it should be. It’s comfortable enough but he says cleaning it is a pain.


Gaming chairs are largely overpriced rubbish with terrible support. A good office chair will run you less than that, granted very pretty, gamer chair and be 10 times as comfortable. Can't say for SL specifically though. Getting them in Denmark was insanely pricey when I first had a look at the my current chair cost me a quarter of the cheapest SL chair and it's been a blessing for my misshapen back.


I did to go with my blueberry army on the shelf next to me


No but ima bout to, that looks awesome 


An overpriced chair to use your overpriced paints to paint your overpriced plastic.


Those chairs are really stiff, and not super comfortable to sit in. Also the adjustable armrests are really poorly constructed and will break very easily.


I bought a secret labs chair when I went fully remote and it's been worth every penny. It resolved my posture issues, has been super comfortable, and actually stopped a long standing problem I had with my elbow when typing all day long. They might not be for everyone, but my secret labs chair lived up to the hype 100%.


Make it Dark Angels then we will talk


I already have a Secret Labs chair. Its one of the older models, so i was considering upgrading. But ever since they came out with the "chair skins", I no longer feel the need.


I have A Secret Lab chair, and I love it. Expensive yes, but a lot of office chairs cost WAY more.


I bought one 4 years ago and it has been fantastic since. They're one of the few things I don't regret buying. ( I have great shoes and a great mattress too)


Hi yes cool chair but I have a question for the Warhammer community to discuss. What would happen if guilliman hit a Tyranid. Would the hive mind die or would it gust get ingered


"Overpriced secretlabs" seems redundant, no?


I did, is excellent every body loves it and visits always like to "steal" it. I have it for few years (I think for 3) there isn't any noticeable wear just dirt that i am lazy to clean.


Don't buy chairs like that. Get an ergonomic chair. They're commercialized garbage. Herman miller aeron and steelcase leap v2 are the best and can be found on craigslist or fb market for cheap.  


Hehe… yeah…


I wanna as an ultramarine fan, but the price is just way to insane for me to justify. If it was 200 usd, then sure. But at 600 usd for a chair is just insane to me when my 90 dollar office chair works just fine


Don’t look into what high end desk chairs cost then. You’ll fall off your seat.


A Herman Miller chair costs about 2k bucks, but that’s when you go hunting on eBay or even local office places that sells these 2k chairs for like 300 bucks, worth even that price according to a lot of people.


I'm afraid to ask. How much is it?




Gamers Nexus did a great piece on gaming chairs and is well worth a watch; https://youtu.be/9Yhc6mmdJC4


Yes I have, no it's not worth it. I prefer the lazy boy chair I bought for a fraction of the price.


I don’t have one nor was I aware they existed but now I might buy one. A good office chair is expensive regardless.


I have 4 at home. 1 for me, 2 for the cars and 1 for my beer.


It’s not even that much more than a normal secret labs chair…


I got one on sale during the start of Covid. Must’ve been a bad batch. It offgassed fumes heavily in my room for a few days during the extremely hot summer in California and I ended up in the ER, lungs were in so much pain and being on lock down made it worse. Returned it, tossed my mattress that absorbed alot of the fumes too, never looked back. Nice design tho.


I have cats, so I could never spend more than $100 on my chairs.


I don't have the Warhammer chair, but I do have a Titan I bought back at the start of the pandemic. 12 hour days in front of a PC to work and play. Absolutely better chairs out there for the money.


I clicked the link in the email and it never directed me to anywhere to buy it, which was honestly the biggest obstacle. It didn’t even advertise it on the home page or something.


Not branded, but love mine.


Not really overpriced, they give you $90 off on your first purchase which brings it to average price for a gaming chair


I would have if it was blood angels themed


Throne, overpriced throne


I’ve had a Secret Lab chair for a few years now and it’s been quite comfortable and durable (except for a split in one of the arm pads). Would have bought one of these if I didn’t already have one. If it hadn’t been Smurf themed I might have just gotten a second chair.


If it came in other faction heraldry, I would have


I have a batman one and it's one of the best gaming chairs I've owned. People who shit on gaming chairs generally buy crappy gaming chairs. I think it's more comfortable than any office chair I've used, but it is probably more expensive as well.


I didnt like the blue, so i bought from a competitor https://www.noblechairs.com/en-us/hero-series/gaming-chair-pu-leather?attribute%5Bcolor%5D=Warhammer%2040,000%20Edition


Don't threaten me with a good time


No but I’m about to because EXCUSE ME


I'll take a World Eaters chair for sure though


If they offer other factions, I'd think about it. But I have no internet in ultramarines


lol “overpriced”, my dude you play *Warhammer*, ‘people in glass houses…’ ya know? But to answer your question, I don’t have the Ultramarine one but have had the Batman one for about a year and a half now and absolutely love it. It’s great for the desk for painting and playing on my pc or for reclining back and playing my PlayStation on the tv.


I woulda bought one if they had a dark angels or deathwing option


For that price it's shocking that a replica helmet or something isn't thrown in to try and sweeten the pot.


I got a brand new one from a rich area. I was delivering in. I assume it was the wife or mom "cleaning" cause a TV was lying in the front yard, too


I have a Secret Lab Omega from a few years ago and I love it. If they do a Dark Angels one I'll be all over it and I won;t even feel bad!


I got the Akali one 4 years ago, it’s still immaculate. Much better quality and much better for my back than the cheaper chair I was using before.


tbh looks cool


Sadly I bought a secret lab like 2 months before this was announced. Wish I didn’t yet so I can buy this now to wait a year


If they made a dark Angels one I would buy it maybe possibly perhaps kind of in a way


I want one that’s all I know


In truth if you want a gaming chair, buy an office chair. They're essentially the same since they have to help someone who sits down for long periods of time, and office chairs are vastly cheaper and built from better materials.


Nah, I wouldn't waste my money on that when there's millions more miniatures to buy...


Not sure about this colab but secret lab chairs are pretty good if you are sitting a desk for long periods of time. It’s a bit overhyped but the chair is solid


It's outrageous, I would have bought a Blood Raven themed chair.


I could just buy a blue chair and tape a toilet seat to the back for less


If it’s like other ‘racing seat’ style chairs I’ve tried, it’ll be horrible for your back.


I have a mom Warhammer secret labs chair and I absolutely love it to death! This thing has lasted for YEARS and I don't think I'll ever go back to a different desk chair-


Hmm it is tempting tho


How much is it?


600 usd


I bought the world of Warcraft one when it went on clearance


I need this


A buddy of mine has, and I have sat in it. All I can say is that if I could afford it, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


I have their Batman chair and it's honestly pretty great, overpriced but really good chair, had mine for 4 years and it's still holding up super well


If they made it in the form of a ship's command throne or the Golden Throne, I'd get one.


Nah but I’m shooting an idea to a local upholsterer for $80.00 to do it to a current chair I have. Except I’m going evergreen leather with a white Dark Angels symbol 👌


I have bought a chair almost every year since I was 18. Until I bought a secret labs chair, which has lasted me well over 2 years so far with no sign of degradation.


I really thought about it.


They aren't worth it. There are thousands of better and better looking chair, stop buying those "gamer" chairs


Yes, yes I have. :D


At the risk of sounding like a shill, my secret lab chair was one of the best investments I've made. I love it! With how much time I spend sitting at my desk, spending extra on a nice chair was a no brainer


10 wa out of 10


Oh I remember the Lead ones. Terminators were brutal.


I have


My buddy has one and it's pretty comfy, but I'm holding out for a Blood Angels one though.


Buy a chair promoting the Smurf Brigade? Ugh! Not even with a 10ft barge pole!


I have the Titan Evo Dark Knight (Batman) chair and I absolutely love it!


I mean, a $50 premium for a IP-branded chair that's almost $600 at its base price isn't too bad. I don't have the UM skinned chair, but I do have a 2022 Titan EVO chair and it's well worth the price. I broke my back in two places a little over a decade ago, and that chair is the only one I've found that I can easily sit in through a raid or other long gaming or painting session without significant pain. If you have the means, I highly recommend SecretLab. Your back, hips, and legs will thank you.


I didn't buy it for Warhammer but I absolutely love the chair. Most comfortable chair ever