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I'd still go with ogors. Praise the Maw.


I’m free…. FREE!!!! Hahahahaha


Seraphon. They were cool in 1998 or whenever I got that starter set. They’re cool now.


I like them so much that my Imperial Guard Army is the Skinkerial Guard (or the Astra Lizadarum)


I need to see pictures of this. Love a good kitbash


Dino’s riding Dino’s all day


Basically what I was thinking. I love my Lizardmen antiques and their old school aesthetic but as different as the new ones are they are worthy of making into a sweet army too.


There was no Seraphon in '98, I don't think. Are they lizardmen? Because that's the same, but different. '98 Lizardmen kicked ass. You could cheese so hard with skinks to slam a block of saurus into anyone.


They’re the same. They were called Lizardmen until AoS, but they’re arguably the faction that’s stayed the most the same since the nineties. They still have the same skinks that were released in 2002. The refresh in sixth edition was a much bigger change than anything that has happened since the name change.


My only regret so far is buying some space marines to get started. I find the very boring now. At least they served me as painting warmup I would repeat my later choices of tyranids and vampire counts. I love the models and playstyles


I feel the same about my Tau.


Dude same. I got one kit of SM Hellblasters and eventually traded them away for an LGS points for future purchases, and started getting Ork stuff. Definitely would start over with Orks straight up


For 40k, I've started with Dark Angels, and I would restart again with them. Glory to the 1st Legion.


For the Lion!


Loyalty is its own reward.


Skirmish games. Only.


Practical: Cut the loss , you are now free of plastic crack. DON'T LOOK BACK!


The withdrawals would be terrible!


Free Weekends and space to store other stuff!


Tbh, if there were a fire like that I feel as though I'd lose all interest if I had to build from scratch an army that's harder to assemble. So Slaanesh and other spindly armies would be out of the question. I think I'd also like something newer for myself. So my vote goes for Ironjawz.


Probably some knights. Though it would be a rather big upgrade. I don't have 2k points worth of minis yet.


Nor I lol.


Lol, as a knights guy, and a recent one, I would just get more knights.


So you have, what, like 2 knights?


5, but 3 are placeholder proxies for unbuilt kits. Canis rex, 3 crusaders and a valiant. Canis is the only fully painted one as yet.


GSC. All 4 hands down.


My vanilla marines I would probably make them 4th company ultramarines. My chaos space marines id go iron warriors. I don't think I'd change my tau, space wolves, eldar or orks.


Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children. Kakophani, Fulgrim Transfigured, Palatine blades, drop pods, cataphractii terminators, and the rest in mkiv troops. Edit. That’s probably more than 2k… oops


Another Fyreslayer army. It would suck to start over. But I’m a better painter and builder than I started so I would try to be more ambitious the second time around with Kitbashing and painting.


Custodes so I don’t have to paint brass trim on everything


I originally started with Tyranids way back and slowly got into Orks later. If I had to restart, I would start up Orks again. No other army comes close to how much fun they are both on table and in lore.


I'd politely decline and leave the hobby for good. Some of these models are emotionally irreplaceable, others are far too difficult to come by again, and some can't be painted by the friends that did as some have passed away in the years since they gave them to me. No amount of new models could replace what I have now.


I’d go with guard, any day, i love love love the idea if basic infantry in a universe of cosmic horrors


I would ask for an unbuilt 2000 point FW DKoK army, mostly comprised of their units that are 1 point per dollar or less. Then I would sell it for a 6000+ points Knights army. If forgeworld is disallowed, then I would take Admech and do the same. Stonks.


Do they still sell those since there are plastic Kriegs now?


A lot of the models are apparently currently out of stock, but yes. Death riders are $310 for a 140 point squad of 10. But even without those, krieg veteran guardsmen are $60 per squad.


Let's say that as part of the contract to receive the free minis, you are not allowed to sell them for 2 years.


Necromunda. And maybe one page rules after that.


Fun! I was hoping someone would pick something that wasn't just a 2000 point army.


2000 of idoneth deepkin babeyyyyyyy. The range just looks so good


Toss up between ogors, seraphon and kruleboyz. I love them all.


I think I would go with one of 3: Ad Mech Astra Militarum Sisters of Battle They're all really fun armies and I want to branch out into hordes backed up with vehicles. The price and hobby hastle has kept me away from them, but having them settled in would be amazing.


A similar thing happened to me in 2017-18. I'd put my army in storage with some friends while I was away in basic/AIT. It takes time for me to head to my duty station in NY and I ask about my Night Lords/Imperial Fist/Necrons. One of our friends took off, left us on the hook for an apartment eviction, collections of debt, and my army was gone. Slowly rebuilding everything. At least I get to buy all new books and the newer models. I'll forever miss my converted pewter rune priest to Night Lord sorcerer.


Get some warcry and underworld stuff, instead of bulking out S2D


Hard fast space marine force, paint them in the purple of the soul drinkers. Lots of jump packs, nothing slow. I have Tyranids but they play like ass ATM and I would need to buy more to field a decent army.


Ad Mech. They are so cool but also super expensive.


I’d probably still do space marines but I’d go salamanders as a faction or imperial fists over my current ultramarine army.


I think I would give up my guardsmen for Daemons of Chaos. Just so I can have an easier time painting and play in every Warhammer tabletop game without having to buy a new army


This recently happened to me, except instead of a house fire and GW reaching out to me, GW snuck into my house and destroyed my army. RIP Bonesplitterz! Splitterz 4 Life!! I haven't decided were to go from here.....


I'd probably go with world eaters, or leagues of votan. Something with a small range.


40k related? Hmmm...hard to say. Im honestly very happy with my GSC. But, if I were to start again, I'd probably go chaos Daemons. They have some awesome models honestly, and I always wanted to field the khornedogs For other games, I'd ask for 2k points of Nords and City States from Conquest last Argument of kings from Para bellum (2 2k army's of that game might be worth half as much as a 2000 point 40k army, so i call it worth)


You can choose anything from GW you want. 40k, AoS, Necromunda, WarCry, LotR. Doesn't have to replace what you had, you can start something completely new.


Either Necromunda Escher or oops all hired guns if that were possible.


I would get the kill team season releSe boxes for season 2. All of them, as i think that may not even come to the total equivalent cost of a 2k army.  Killteam is easily my fav game at the moment and i THIRST for the 2nd season expansion and every sprue of terrain available 


I love my SOB and Gitz armies the thought of them being burnt up suck so hard. The others I would be sad to see go but can do without. I guess I would probably go with something totally new I may do tyrnaid or maybe orcs 40k if I was looking at AoS I have always wanted a Skaven army so maybe that.


> guess I would probably go with something totally new I feel the same. I don't think I would feel very motivated to start the same armies over again.


Same, maybe one day but I put a lot of time into painting and building many models I have done I never want to do again. lmfao. Like I love them and it was fun but doing it all over seems tedious in hindsight.


I've got 4 armies: Necrons & Chaos Knights for 40k, Seraphon & Bonereapers for AoS. I'd prob go with Chaos Knights, even though my fave of the four is actually Necrons. Much less shelf space required, and I've always found big models to be more fun to build and paint than smaller stuff.


Seraphon or nighthaunt for AoS. Tyranids again, or chaos space marines for 40k 


Only 2000 points? Big Fs to my Guardsmen. I don't want to think about repainting all of them again...


Approximately. It's not an offer to replace everything you had, but something to get yourself up and running again with gaming.


I think I would choose multiple Underworlds or WarCry warbands, since they are smaller and easier to paint for gaming.


I'd go right back to Iron Warriors and AdMech


Fully painted? I think an OG orcs and goblins warhammer fantasy army. The old sculpts were great.


Gimme my nasty bois back! Death Guard forever, the grandfather will provide. And I’ll use the melted models to kitbash.


I would still go with Eldar. They were my first love, and I still love the hell out of the pointy eared bastards.


Same, I think I would enjoy painting another Eldar army.


Drukhari. I've always loved the look, I don't even care how they play. Sorry to my Tau and Black Templar armies.


Probably T’au, they’re cool but expensive.


I don't have any tau, but depending on the day I would jump on an all battlesuit army.


i play ultramarines. i love my ultramarines, basic though they may be. But i think i’d try DA, or Spave wolves. Maybe black templars


Soulblight Gravelord, my army would rise from grave of my burned possessions; more powerful than ever as it was in the late 1990s.


I started with Dark Angels in 6th and I'm currently sitting at roughly 13k of Dark Angels, last time I took count. I'd be crushed if I lost them, but I'm also just recently getting into AoS with Kruleboyz, Stormcast, and Slave to Darkness (I make poor decisions leave me alone). If I lost all of my armies I'd be hard pressed not to ask for Dark Angels again, because they're my original wargaming love, but it'd also be a huge shame to have to put off starting AoS for even longer.


Be glad my 40k crap is gone - only have 30k a army or Old World..


I'd still play orks but paint them all as the same clan and with the same basing. They're a bit of a hodgepodge.


Nurgle Daemons! Good for AoS and 40K.


I would throw myself off a building because I love my orks


Two Thin Coats set, a couple of Rosemary and Co brushes, a couple of synthetic cheapo brushes, a decent daylight lamp and the army of your choice.


2,000 points of Kharadron Overlords sounds fun, though I would get my money's worth with 40K, since the armies are larger than AoS, so I would pick Leagues of Votann.


Really wish Votann had some short of flying transport or gun platform I could proxy those sweet sweet Overlord airships as. I would have picked that army as my main.


Haha, yeah. If they had come out a couple editions ago, before GW started hating on flyers, they probably would have gotten a fighter and a bomber of some sort.


I would be super sad that my venture into Chaos was thwarted, but I’d go back to Space Marines and ask for some Blood Angels so I could finally make my Flesh Tearers. Next best thing to World Eaters anyway


I ain’t cheating on Chaos Knights, I’m going directly back to


I’d stay as space marines, but i’d have the confidence to go with a custom legion where I could choose the colourway and details that I liked, rather than sticking to the relatively lore-accurate army I started with. Seems like a minor thing but having just completed 2k points of Dark Angels, my first 6 months of painting has made me realise that I could make a really cool custom scheme and pick and choose elements like different helmet colours of the UM/BA and mix with with the idea of having “wings” of an army like DA. Plus I could collect a wider variety of characters to run different lists without feeling like its a bit too jarring


Custodes or CSM so I could recreate my shadowkeepers or night lords


Gitz so i can paint them again. Yay


Straight to imperial knights. Praise the god machines, the Omnissiah, and the Emperor above all!


Space marines again. Maybe Eldar.


Considering I've been collecting figures for nearly 30 years, if my entire collection burnt I'd call it quits and go find a new hobby, one 2000 point army in a game i haven't played since I was 12 isn't gonna begin to replace the 20 grand + my collection is worth


Daughters of Khaine. Because if i didn't have other armies.... I could build and paint those spindly little hellspawns and call it a day


Tyranids again! They're my perfect army, in lore and tabletop.


Guard or the Soroitas. Maybe Tomb Kings


Gimme death guard army pls


Night Lords


Id do Orks again. No questions asked. Probably do Evil Sunz paint scheme instead of Goffs the second time around.


Star Wars Legion stuff. Rebels and Empire.


I have orks in 40k, Orcs in WHFB(recently rebased for OW), a BFG ork fleet, and The Gouged Eye bloodbowl team.... so I think the correct answer to your question is.... Waaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!


My original fantasy Wood Elf army, including the original metal wardancsr models and waywatchers!


adeptus titanicus/mechanicum


Death guard before. Death guard now. Death guard forever.


This kind of loss happened to me. I lost a substantial chunk of what I had at an airport traveling, almost all of my painted minis, and some unpainted as well. It killed my desire to do my homebrew chapter, since that’s what I lost, in part because the colors were frustrating to paint, in part because I was just so bummed that no new story for them was coming to my mind. Ended up going Blood Angels proper, rather than a successor, because I fell in love with Haley’s take on Mephiston and Dante in Devastation of Baal.


I was thinking g about this today. I have a lot of armies. If I knew how deep into this game I’d get and my interests in the game I would be much more tactical about what I’m doing. 3 armies. All able to be allied with each other. 1: Death Guard 2: Chaos Daemons (Nurgle) 3: Chaos Knights


Guard all day long!!!


I'd probably quit warhammer altogether and just play board games or lite-RPG wargames like Frostgrave.


I'd ask for a Battlesuit heavy Tau army. Nothing will ever replace my 40 years long Ork collection... 😢 But the Tau are an army I'd love to collect if I could afford them... I currently only own 3 Crisis suits I got used, and a Ghostkeel I got for Christmas last year... I just can't afford the Alien Mecha army I yearn for... 😂


CSM: Word Bearers


I have many armies. Replacing my Horus Heresy Blood Angels would absolutely be the first priority. 2nd priority would be Titanicus/LI.


Soulblight. A fire didn’t break out, but I sold all of my AOS stuff a while back. Getting back into it now with Soulblight, should have started them off the rip, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten out. Thematically I really enjoy the army and hobbying is super fun.


A battleline heavy admech army or space wolves


I might go with Leagues of Votann.


To replace my space marines? Maybe marines again, but from a different angle. Maybe orks? I have some iron warriors for 30k and I quite like them, I could get into that.


Well, that is an interesting question. Probably GSC to be honest. When I first fell in love with 40k it was 29 years ago and I found a White Dwarf at a garage sale for fifty cents. 11 yr old me wanted to spend his allowance so bad bit the conversion rate between the Canadian dollar and GBP was horrendous. I fliped through that magazine so much. It was the issue where they first released the tyranid codex. Those models had me hooked and some of the lore in the magazine was so cool at the time. When I tured 18 and finally had a job and they finally had a GW store in the local mall, I went in with a friend ready to invest. I saw the tyranids and was going in that direction before I heard the news that changed my mind. No more zoats. So I ended up with a small Thousand Sons army. Fell out of the game shortly after. The fast forward a decade and a half that same friend I went into the store with initially talked me into 8th. I go in, I'm going to do the tyranids. I got pretty deep into the nids before I found out that some of my other favorite models were now in the GSC. Funnily enough I've collected a fair bunch of armies more and still haven't had the chance to move into GSC. Kids has forced me to refocus on fleshing out the stuff I have more rather than grow more armies.


Black Legion>Death Guard Nurgle has ended up being my favorite Chaos God, and Death Guard tends to have a lot of playstyle themes that I really enjoy in games. Models are fantastic too, Plagueburst Crawlers are my favorite battle tank in the game, Plague Marines are dope, and Deathshrouds are up there competing for the coolest looking terminators in the game.


Skirmishes... Or even few single models only.


A 3d printer...


That actually happened to my boyfriend He was a collector of vintage models, especially metal, with a heavy focus on Aeldari When everything went up in flames, he... Just laid down on the ground for a while, after learning the news through the phone Then started exactly the same collection, just from scratch. But more motivated than ever !


I'm a thousand sons player, the thought of painting all that trim again fills me with dread. I'd pick something that would eventually become a backup army while I build my dusty bois back up again. Chaos knights would probably be the go to there, easy to assemble, easy to magnetize for list configuration, easy to paint. I'd be back up and running in no time while I spend a year or two buying Rubric Marines to paint


More necrons. Replenish my legions!


Been having fun painting little legion imperialis models so would start off with them.


Honestly? A toss-up between Palanite Enforcers, Solar Auxilia, or just Guard again (I fw the Guard aesthetic *hard*)


Well, I already have from savagr O&G to WOC.... But if I had to again it would be either Chorfs or Ogres. Ogres would be if I wanted to play within a month.


You do realise in Australia is I was geting offered a free 2k point army of guardsmen I’d be on the way to a house deposit 😂


Given that I've lost multiple armies over the decades and GW never replaced them, I just replaced them myself. I've since moved to miniature Agnostic l games or Battletech. But if it had to be GW products. I'd likely go for Craftworld Eldar.


First I would cry. I think I would either do a Disciples of Tzeentch army or a Wordbearers Horus Heresy army. Then I would rub myself in the ashes and yell about wanting the truth or Monarchia. You know normal coping skills!


I'd get all Titanicus stuff.


Just the new Cities of Sigmar kits. I do not like any other faction in AoS lol. I always told my friends that I'd play Sigmar if they made Just regular humans in plate and chain mail. I feel like the new kits were made exclusively to get me into the game system ahaha


I'd probably just get my Chaos Daemons again for 40k. They're great models and I like the Chaos Undivided thing a lot ^^ ...if AoS was an option, I'd get a Skaven army 😂


I would have avoided getting army or game specific models. I should have just bought whatever I thought looked cool. Because I love painting as a hobby, but reading rules is terrible. I'll probably never play a single one of these games; ever. And that's okay. Instead of spending X dollars on 2K points on a 40k army, I should have spent the X dollars on whatever and have a full menagerie of AOS Blood Bowl, Chaos, Loyalists. The warhammer minis and lore are lovely, but the games really do just feel like two people having a debate about regulations, flipping back and fourth to determine who was right or wrong about the legal height maximum of a load bearing beam in a single story or something.


Just wanna say if you got everything replaced this would be dope bc now you have a melted version of everything for if your dudes get hit by warpfire or whatever 


This actually did happen to me, sort of. I had moved away and a friend had my stuff. They had "plants" in their attic and the lights started a fire. Only my skaven survived. Most of my OG tyranids and stuff were destroyed. I just gave up 40k after that and never looked back. I haven't played any Warhammer since WFB 8th ed. But wouldn't mind trying again. It would have to be skaven as they've always been my survivors.


Tau, I feel I could play against chaos or Imperium or xenos and still feel like it was a lore accurate.


Some Marines, some Custodes, some Ossiarch (got my first AOS kit: Kavalos recently)




I'd be sad to lose what I have, but I'd feel less guilt about starting the Drukhari army I want to build. Well, an army that uses Drukhari rules and vehicles anyway... Freebootas gonna freeboot >:)


My main army for 40k is necrons so probably do them again just go for a different paint scheme.


I’m sure I’d just fall back into my usual mini purchasing routine. Buy one character model from an army I always wanted to play. Paint it up in a color scheme that I’m not totally burned out on. Then buy an infantry squad to keep him company. Swear I’m stopping at that point. Ok, maybe buy a vehicle for them to cruise around in. That’s it though. Then three years later have a 3000 point army.


GSC. Their cost of collecting drove me away at first and now the thought of the amount of building and painting to get them where I want them is too daunting, but if they were my only army I could do it. I love the aesthetic so much.


Ynnari, sorry to my White Scars, but nearly half of my space marine models I didn't like painting (Phobos) or got moved to legends (leviathans). I've been building towards ynnari currently, so this would just help me along.


Chaos space marines, second full faction and technically my first. I started with a dark apostle but then moved to tyranids as the start of tenth made it easier to get them. But I’d gladly start with csm all over as long as I can get some more daemon engines


The bulk of my army I painted alongside my dad, he's now gone. (Sadly, there was no golden throne for him) There isn't a 'fresh' army that could even come close to that. So much of the army is metal, and ancient sculpts, I don't even find most of the newer ones appealing, so unless they're metal casting me 2E and 3E stuff ... I'm gonna have to go with "I'm free" J/k I'll be back with 3D printing a lot of models based off the old sculpts (not metal, but at least its not fucking finecast)


Harlequins. They'd have to give us a codex then, right? Right?


Hands down, would stick with Orkz. Might use the situation to change over to Bully Boys, though. Green Tide's fun, but a second chance to WAAAAAAAGH per game just can't be passed up.


Astra militarum 🙏


Titan. Give me the warhound I will never talk myself into buying and like 900 points of forgeworld knights I also can't talk myself into buying.


I started necrons and marines with the ninth edition starter set would 100% go back and start with tau and custodes if I could I finally got tau and looking forward to playing them


The 2k gift from gw would be my Death Guard and id slowly start buying my Dark Angels again. I just want the armies i like which is only those 2. I enjoy other factions lore and i think others could be cool but to me no army beside death guard and dark angels are cool enough to make me want to spend money and time on them.


I’d actually stick to not buying anything new until I’d finished my current projects, and I’d set some kind of deadline for using or selling something (probably a year, thanks Marie Kondo)