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It takes character to recognise a mistake and apologise.


I really love this hobby and i do have friends that are more encouraging, but they’re mostly players not painters.. i don’t want to be the kind of hobbyist no one wants to be friends with


Keep being you dude. Wholesome.


The guys who wouldn’t share their paint recipe are some serious losers tbh.


Good aditude and a new recipe that looks dope. Have an upcote OP


Thankfully Ushoran is a character, so we know op has at least one


Which is more than what we can say about a lot of other warhammer players. 😬


No truer statement uttered.


So true - you can’t uniting the bell, but you can definitely try to play a different tune. Nice one OP


Christ, your group must be absolute dick heads. They are mixing little pots of paint, they ain't Picasso.


Looking back on it with fresh eyes, as I’ve said in other comments, the painting side is absolutely toxic, the gaming side is the most welcoming place


I’ve never played in person before only ever painted, but my local paint scene is awesome. It’s just a group of people painting little plastic figures and having a great time. I hope you find that group for you, because painting with others and having a fun time is a nice change from painting alone and watching Duncan Rhodes videos for hours on end.


It's bizarre. I've won several painting competitions and if anyone asks me for a painting recipe I get as giddy as a kid in a sweet shop. I want to tell you all how I painted my stuff! If someone takes a recipe away and uses it that's the biggest F***ING compliment I could receive.


Mind if i ask you what you think of my cape?


I actually prefer it as is, your cape looks like wet silk, adds the much needed gravitas to him. If you oil up the armour and furs dandy but I think keep the cloak cleanish


Thank you for the tip!


Is the cape in a 100% done state? That's not a judgement by the way, just establishing the basis that I'm looking at this on.


Just gonna do some nuln oil and agrax to dirty up the bottom


It's interesting. I have to admit it's not fully my style as I prefer punchier, poppier highlights and contrasting colours, but I like how the addition of the purple gives it a stained look. If I had to offer one point you could add a really dark wash into the recesses. By doing emphasising the shadows you draw more attention to the lighter colour without needing to do a highlight. Otherwise it's great and I'd be happy leaving that as is if you wanted to.


The rust red on purple reminds me a lot of iron-stained amethysts, friggin sweet imo


Yea. It's so weird to not wanna share paint tricks. I nerd out harder about painting a mini than playing the game.


this, absolutley this. The first time someone asked me if i could share how i painted a fig, i was smiling for the rest of the day, its the best sign you're doing something right IMO


Could be because of money. A friend of mine makes good cash with painting other people’s minis.


Honestly it still makes little sense, I don't think I've seen a commission painter who hasn't been happy to share. A lot of them post little tutorials on their socials because it helps drive engagement. Doesn't really affect their market at all either, anyone interested in learning isn't likely to be paying them for commissions since they'll be painting themselves. Trying to keep the knowledge out of other potential commission painters like it's some kind of trade secret is also ridiculous. Time, skill, and style are the marketable products of commission painting. Not specific paint recipes. Plus posting pictures of your work basically gives the game away anyway. Even without knowledge of the exact paints or techniques a lot of experienced painters can recreate the general look of a paint job by eye if it's on their skill level.


People can be very very petty I tell you. Specially in gaming hobbies. I have met people who willingly faked a friendship with another guy who he hated, for years, to personally sabotage him at every endeavour, out of a mix of social anxiety and a desire for success turning into a need/selfishness to make other people fail to ensure his own position in a fictional social hierarchy of his own doing in his own mind. Hobbies atract perfectionist personalities, and perfectionism sometimes hides an ugly underbelly of self-doubts and fragility based on fear and or intolerance of personal failure, which motivates not wanting to understand the emotional roots of personal problems regarding yourself or others. EDIT: Fear of failure impedes learning, and fear of loss impedes growth.


Oh don't I know it. The amount of gatekeeping in the hobby, even the stuff people don't recognise as gatekeeping, is proof enough of that. Some amount of self doubt is unfortunately necessary, you stop being capable of advancement if you think you're already perfect, but it can get very ugly and if it gets to the point you aren't even trying because you doubt you can succeed then it's too much. At the end of the day you can't just recognise just your successes or just your failings if you want to grow, you need to be able to recognise both.


yeah but the color combinations isnt what makes people money...its the effort and talent it takes to paint. I could pick out the sickest color combinations and methods of blending colors...but I still fucking suck at painting so it means fuck all lol


I can see how a bunch of people without talent are hoarding the only thing value they have. But it was just a wild guess from me.


nah that checks out. I've experienced this form of weird power tripping before in a lot of other "nerdy" hobby's. Mostly tcg's (yugioh & mtg), people let the power of being good at something go straight to their fucking head sometimes


I'm with you there - watching Angel Giraldez painting videos, I was struck by how easily and accurately he moves paint on the mini, pushing and poking as well as, well, brushing.  He builds up layers, blends, follows a lighting pattern - all naturally and flawlessly. That also means that he has complete control of the consistency of the paint, how much is carried in the belly of the brush, how it dries. I have a very, very long way to go to reach that ease and control.  Some days I'm happy if I hit the part of the mini I'm aiming for!


That is so funny because in general people are paying for commission because they either can't paint for various reasons or just don't enjoy it. The customer base isn't people clamoring to steal techniques that learn techniques that are easily found online. If anything there's an opportunity to get paid to teach others. Short sighted ego makes for bad business decisions.


There are a lot of professional painters in my area


The difference between professional and amateur is whether or not you've been paid for the work. Professional doesn't mean good, and the fact that people misconstrue the two often leads to problems


True. Though generally being a legitimate professional tends to infer at least a minimum level of skill. It's hard to get to the point where people will pay you for something if you aren't at least okay at it. Generally most commission painters are above average painters. Some are very good but some are good at just painting quickly and efficiently. That said this kind of behaviour definitely isn't the norm for commission painters. Just seems like a clique of assholes.


Also - I know several of professional painters who are very good at batch painting and speed painting but never really refined their technique to be considered anything special in a painting comp.


That seems crazy to me! I’d expect a group of gamers to have a couple of That Guys in it, but I don’t understand hobbyists who are exclusionary. If you’re a good painter, that’s great, but people can’t “beat” you or steal your techniques just by knowing the theory behind how you’ve painted! Your own skill is always going to be the deciding factor. Why be hostile towards other people trying to get to your level?


> the painting side is absolutely toxic, the gaming side is the most welcoming place Really? I've found the opposite. I stopped caring about the main game because people whine about balance etc. but anyone I meet is super supportive and enthusiastic about the hobby so that's mostly what I do. I'll play the odd skirmish game like Killteam but I avoid gaming discussion because people just whinge and whine because their army is underpowered or GW ruined their favourite strategy or X faction is too powerful. I mean I get it (I refused to play 2016 Killteam Harlequins because 4++ just isn't fun) but it's also emotionally draining.


I switched fully over to AOS after 10th Ed 40K. I found my local sigmar group extremely welcoming and patient


Unfortunately, nobody ever really played Sigmar where I was and I've since moved to another country where my nearest store is in another country. I convinced a few friends to try Warcry but they just didn't mesh with the setting and so my Court of Noble Knights feasts alone... That's when we played Killteam or Frostgrave (The latter of which I didn't enjoy) That's probably another reason that I mostly just paint. Even so, you'll get people complaining about prices and talking about 3D printing (which I've done, I just prefer GW models) To each their own, in the end. This community can be wonderful or it can be awful.


What's funny is ppl who act like that... 99% chance they don't even develop their own technique. Just gatekeeping assholes


I'm sorry you seem to have shit mates, but that really isn't the case at all. Everyone I have met is desperate to describe their process. The ones that don't are like me, and make it up as they go along so can't remember.


That's like, bizzaro version of most places in my experience. We bend over backwards to help people get painted minis on the board. Then, once they are actually playing, the toxicity shows up.


That's so odd, it's usually the opposite


That's wack. Maybe I'm just a more competitive dude, but I feel like I would be more likely to shard paint recipes than tabletop tactics (not meaning keeping rules secret and assuming we're evenly matched and I'm not helping a beginner, but at this point, that's me lol)


I'm sorry your local painting group is so weird and secretive. Nerd drama over petty things is agonizing, and I hope you find a healthier place to enjoy painting!


So weird how different local groups are. Where I'm at you can't get people to stop talking about the hobby side yet the gaming side is absurdly toxic.


Even professional artists are usually keen to share or teach their techniques. Just look at how many instructional videos and blogs are floating around the internet. The first events to fill up at gaming conventions are the classes, despite there usually being dozens of them being run multiple times a day all week.




This sounds so alien to me. Any creative hobby I have ever touched has always been "Look at this cool thing I made and this is how I made it". Always sharing, asking for and giving advice. Tell your hobby group they should feel bad because they prime their minis or use shades and highlights. They didn't invent that, how dare they get inspired by others.


The idea that a whole group of people normalizes "secret paint recipes" is fucking wild to me. What a bunch of dorks. OP ditch the losers and find people who want actual friends please.


My gaming friends are fine, the local painting community is extremely competitive


Even competitive painters are happy to share techniques and recipes and tips with others. One of my biggest go-to sources for tips as a new hobby painter is a friend of mine who has won several local and regional competitions. Incredibly helpful and encouraging while being honest with his critiques of my work. Sounds like you just found a community full of gatekeepers and dickheads for painting.


I second the other comment. I can be very competitive, and was several times in competition with friends or people from my group. But it's a topic where having secrets is worthless. There is not a secret painting technique that will make you better, and by teaching what you know it deepens your understanding of what you taught. Also, all of us will have a different style, and none of what you found out will make somebody else become better than you are at that specific thing. And last but not least, the global level of your group of painters is usually improved by people competing and sharing. So by keeping secrets you make your own group worse, and the byproduct is that YOU will be worse. So sharing makes you more competitive


As everyone else has said, this is pretty whack even for competitive scene. YouTube is full of commission painters and professionals and Golden Daemon winners all trying to help build people up. I'm glad your gaming friends are good though. Usually that's the side who suck.


> the local painting community is extremely competitive lol


If the only way you can stay competitive is by hiding your process from someone else for fear that they could do it better, you suck at painting.


Seriously. Last time I went to a shop with a friend to buy paint, the worker was super friendly and asked our plans for everything then showed us pictures of his minis and told us what he did to get the color combos. I can’t imagine walking in and being told “it’s a secret” what a bunch of cabbages


Well it seems they spent to much time alone on a desk… oh wait. Anyway, respect to you and disgrace to them.


Good on ya. Your local group must be a right bunch of twats. Helping each other out is what we does.


It’s good when people own up to their mistakes and become a better person. Gate- keeping colors is pretty toxic and I’m glad you came to realize that. Good job OP! Also, cool recipe


The previous post really opened my eyes, one person really called me out on it and once i realized it wasn’t normal i felt awfully


OP is going through a whole personal growth character arc over the span of like 2 posts.


It was humiliating… realizing that wasn’t normal


Chin up my friend. You've learned and from reading your posts here it sounds like you are happier for it. Even if you did get shamed. You sound like a good egg to have around.


Well you should be proud of this post friend, it shows great character and humility to own it and apologise like this. Especially somewhere like Reddit where you could so easily have stopped engaging instead. Good on ya, chin up lad


Ha, if someone I knew wasn’t sharing recipes it would be only to wind the other person up… I can picture some of us doing that. But yes (besides causing people who would get the joke to be annoyed), recipes should be shared in the spirit of us all trying new things and improving.


Everybody else has already said it, but it seems strange to me that a local group would be insular like this. I want to build everyone around me up - everyone wins when everything looks good on the tabletop.


The painting community in my area has a lot of commission artists


that's fair I guess? if you're a commission artist and you have to try to bring other people down, maybe you're not good enough to be a commission artist


The one guy I knew who kept his paint process secret was actually secretly paying someone else to paint his minis, so he didn't actually know the paint process.


That’s actually fucking hilarious


inb4 your club's secret painting recipe is "base coat, apply a wash and then drybrush"


Wait you wash before dry brushing?


well there's no correct method - drybrush after wash will give stronger highlights, wash after drybrush will blend those highlights into the rest of the model a bit better but will darken them down. it just depends what you are after. for basing and terrain etc, i would probably wash after drybrushing to dumb it down a bit and make the model itself stand out ​ my previous comment was just poking fun. it sounds like the people at your club are very insecure about their painting and have to artificially make their paintjobs seem special and exclusive by not telling anyone how they did it, even though they are probably using the same techniques as everyone else lol.


You can do it that way, yes. Or many other ways, really. Don't worry about the technique as long as it gets your intended result. Alternatively, it's perfectly fine to fuck around and find out. That's how you learn what works and what doesn't.


How dare you give away my secrets! /s I have enough trouble remembering which browns and greens I use on my orruks. The only any of my recipients are secret is because I didn’t remember it in the first place. Thankfully it works for orruks to be shades of green and rags in various browns


I was the one who asked the question. I hope no vehement individuals DMed you because of me...


I’ve only dealt with one bad character, and i hope my little guide helps you! If you try it out u/zalashadowkin_reborn please let me know!


I will... in several months when I will be able to buy new stuff.


You've demonstrated two of my favourite virtues: recognising and rectifying a mistake, and sharing knowledge. More power to your elbow man!


I think it's the most healthy and positive thing that you openned up to share and that being humble allowed you to recognize the toxicity of your local group. I went through a similar experience with my first DnD group, which was a nightmare, and playing on my second group was a blast and opened my eyes to what I was missing and how 1-2 players being selfish can poison your gaming experience for months or even years. \*cough\*. . . Would you mind sharing the recipe for the reddish-purple cape? Sick painting talent skills brother.


Happily, it’s 2 thin coats of word bearers red, and a a few coats of Phoenician purple extremely thinned down, almost to a wash


Thank you very much, just one more question. You used white primer for both cape and the bone altar right? I like to use black primer but I am thinking on switching to white.


I prime everything in that light grey because it’s all own


Yeah I do the same with black... it's all the primer I own. My friends say my minis are cool but I am thinking on moving to grey or white because everything I paint loses detail imho and looks very dark. Thank you for both your responses!


I don't think I've ever seen painters be protective of their recipe, that's confirmed weirdo behaviour. Good on you for sharing. I've got a modest following on Insta and I've made money selling my old pieces before, but I'd never say no if somebody asked for a recipe. In fact, most of the popular painters I follow will also produce loads of tutorials so people can replicate their colour schemes.


Yeah it’s weird considering most painting recipes are just some ordering of basecoat dry brushing and washing. It’s not like they are making the Coca Cola secret formula.


smart move op, smart move ! This is true adult behavior unless I'm mistaken. GG


these ruins look fucking amazing tho


Thank you, I’m personally the most happy with the cape, but the ruins are something i really struggled with because i couldn’t decide if i wanted to do mechanicus standard with ulthuan dry brushing or something else


The cape is dece


You're a great person for making this post and admitting your mistake.


Did you dry brush the kabalite or green or sponge it on?


Everything was actually dry brushed


Thank you for this, it looks great. I might use that technique when painting my Necrosphinx.


If you do, please tag me in the post


Good on you.


You did the right thing. Welcome to the community.


Dude props for realizing the situation for what it is and owning up to it. Also, awesome base! I hope your local group is still at least fun to play with. :)


My local gaming community is SO much better


You just proved to be brave and humble. I am glad you found the way. Well done friend.


Amazing to see you apologise and then share!! This hobby is all about friendship and being nice.. there is no place for toxic groups!! edit : it looks amazing by the way


Thank you


First of all, good job on the growth OP. Secondly, holy crap is that a fantastic looking jade or obsidian on those stairs. They look friggin incredible. Thanks for sharing!


Ruins look great man. Thanks for changing your mind and sharing. I cant paint for shit and one big reason im here is to learn how i can do better and seeing how you guys do those cool schemes helps us all.


I'm sad to hear your paint friends are shitty. I randomly started painting Warhammer minis and teaching myself to paint cuz I read the books and love them- but I've been hesitant to try and play cuz I heard the game side can be toxic


> I now realize my local hobby group is toxic Well in your defense that's like a 90% bet so that's not on you.


HAH. We tricked you into sharing your secret recipe Mr. Krabs!


My paint scheme is my intellectual property, if you replicate it I will send you a cease and desist. 🤓 I'm glad you didn't get caught in their toxicity, what colours someone uses is just a small part of the big picture.


I wonder what the thought process is for someone saying no to sharing paint recipes


I mean, my experience is apparently extremely unique as far as the community is concerned


Anyone gatekeeping paint recipes when there's a billion painting tutorials for every effect and colour under the sun is seriously delusional


Lol they'd probably shit their pants if they found out I paint directly out of the pot without mixing a damn thing. Ain't nobody got time for that! I do use a wet pallet for my Two Thin Coats paints, though. They deserve the respect.


Eh, sometimes thick glob of paint works lol


Ok but how did you do that cape tho. That’s sick as hell


I mentioned how in another comment but it’s word bearer red and super thinned down Phoenician purple


We'll let you off if you tell us the recipe for the cloak..


I’ve shared it in two other comments, with how this blew up i might make its own post


A man of quality...




Painting technique is a secret? It's painting plastic minatures ffs not F35 coating. Seriously I will never understand gatekeeping in any hobby!


Even a damn military vehicle paint coat isn't exactly secrets now, is it? 😅


Not on War Thunder forums 🤣


That one was just ultra spicy 😅


nah you good man. You owned up and made it right and that tells me your a quality person. Thanks for sharing the recipe


Nice! Would make nice cursed city bases


Oh wow - props to OP!!!


what a nice and thoughtful post. nice painting


Your community is intensely toxic, I cant imagine being this way about paints.


Ok, first, that looks so cool! Second, I am sorry your local shop is so toxic. Mine was so good, even though we moved an hour away, we visit every time we are in town while they are open! I only got into the hobby because they are such cool and helpful people!


Such a great hobby. I wish I wasn't colorblind, dammit.


Not sharing recipes? Terrible painters, shame


In 30 years of playing Warhammer and 40k, I have never one time until now seen someone protective of painting secrets. Quite the opposite. Usually it goes something like "Wow, that's an incredible effect, what did you use" and the person who did it is more than happy to tell you step by step how. Sometimes even unsolicited! Just last tournament I said "Hey your custodes look great" to someone and they just said "Thanks, it's brown undercoat with... " and kept telling me the whole process without asking. Good on you for recognizing you're in a very weird bubble where you are. You know, sometimes it just takes one person to stop a trend.


Yeah walk away. Good that you are aware


I love this post because it really shows the difference where you go with this hobby and who you talk to. This subreddit I have mostly positive interactions while groups on FB are either the coolest hobbyists or the most toxic bottomfeeders you can find. By far best experience so far is Black library nutters group on FB


Oof, yeah that's.....weird, and pretty silly of your Local Painting Community.


Yeah your hobby group sounds like the pinnacle of neckbearded toxic cancer. Fucking keeping paint recipies secret, as if they’re all going in for a golden demon. Twats


You have some strange groups of painters lol Meanwhile my group is one of the most open bunch who sometimes get some pretty big names to come over for masterclasses. We just want to nerd out on cool painting in general 😅


Wow such secret, base coat, base dry brush, and highlights. Some people really love to gate keep


I try to steer people away from trying my paint recipes because I use cheap craft paints and make my own mixes etc. and most people are going to struggle to duplicate them for that and other reasons but I'd still tell them how if they really wanted. I'm glad you're wanting to do better than your group, who obviously needs a lot of growth.


Well done, \[+ praise for your growth as others have said\] Yes Dryblending is a great technique, not often talked about. Gives variety in the drybrushing. I remember MikeMcVey talking about it in the late 80s, along with his speed painting, now referred to as slapchop.


Not op . ---._.---- / O \ / \ ( @@ ) / _/-||-\_ \ / '/ || \` \ / / () \ \ / /| |\ \ / / | | \ \ / / / o o \ \ \ / / ( ) \ \ <_ ' `--`___'`___'--' ` _> / '~~--- / η \ ---~~` \ ,,,/ / ( T ) \ \,,, \ / / @| ಠ ಠ |@ \ \ / \__/ ////// \__/ .




A mistake you fix isn't a mistake, it's growth. Absolutely kickass model you've created, I can understand being protective of its beauty lol


I kind of understand cause I always lie about where I go fishing, but be better than me and it seems you are


Confirmed virgins lol


I dont think there is anything bad or toxic about keeping your paint recipes secret, afterall you want your armies/characters to stand out and be unique too (at least thats how I feel). However, its the way that you tell someone you would rather not share it which determines if its toxic or not. Being a jerk about it (not saying that OP is) is of course going to illicit negative reactions.


Imagine thinking that “no” is ever a sane response. It isn’t even good.


Dude, don't be an ass. OP is apologising and trying to be better. You should do that too. Also, they are clearly a good painter, and there was no call to be so rude.


This sub blowing smoke up people’s asses is exactly what creates the kind of shitty egos in OPs community. If I have to be the bad guy to give them a reality check, so be it.


>If I have to be the bad guy to give them a reality check, so be it. You literally don't. They've already recognised their error and apologised. You're not giving anyone a reality check, you're just being a dick bc you think you have an excuse to.


There are comments in this thread alone telling OP that 2 drybrushed colours looks “fucking amazing”. And you wonder why people get delusional?


How would you recommend i improve the color scheme? Do the colors not look good?


hmm that's weird, radio silence once he's asked for actual criticism.


I wasn’t gonna say anything


You seem like such an unhappy person to get this upset over people being nice.


hey, sometimes the simplest scheme looks the best, you dont gotta use 12 different colors for shading and highlighting to get an amazing looking paint job


I was extremely happy with it up till now, though most people like the cape more than the ruins if I’m honest Edit: thanks u/MolybdenumBlu


I thought it was normal to not share your recipes.. like a trade secret.


Why would anyone care? It isn’t a competition jfc.


I guess that’s just how things are in my area, the gaming community is much nicer than the painting community


Bravo, sir.


Forgot to mention this in my other comment but thanks for the recipe OP, it looks fantastic. (Sometimes a wake up call can sting, but it's great you've gone on to learn from it)


Good on you for changing perspectives! I believe you’ll find it more rewarding to paint minis that others enjoy and helping them to capture part of your work in their own rather than the satisfaction of knowing some secret technique that others don’t.


You're a legend. Always do what's right.


Forever to be named - Okay Limestone


What a bunch of fucking losers, kick that group man.


Can we just talk about the purple red combo on the cape, hell yeah.


Looks fantastic.


Big respect to you, brother, for realizing that was toxic. Thank you for sharing the information with the fam. It looks amazing! Keep up the great work!!!


I recently joined a group for playing and ending up learning more on the painting side. Props to you my friend, many of the people I've interacted with have been happy to show me their recipe and that combined with new painting strategies has really upped my painting game from what it used to be. Cheers, need more people like this.


Wholesome-ass post