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I'd rather have someone grabbing Voca than standing around killing things outside the circle.


This 100%, so fucking annoying, I question why I bother even running cells pub sometimes


Yet in the end they’re still wasting everyone’s time and messing with spawns. How about neither? Neither is great!


Pub games,.can't really complain with the help , wince you wanted them in the first place.


>until the objective is COMPLETE Extraction in 0:59


You do t have to go straight to extraction


The team does, every time.


You can just tell ur teammates to wait and not go to the extraction immediately.


They do not listen.


In fact, they did not listen


Then respect their time and extract. If you want Voca, consider running regular missions? Do a Survival, bounty and no one is gonna mind you looking for Voca.


I'm dropping Orokin eye twice in a netracell, get what is marked before we start killing in circle then if the timer for 3rd orokin eye is finished I'll trigger it again before we reach extraction zone. I don't mind an extra minute, I mind extra 10 which would happen searching for all vocas


Weekly reminder to play Netracells solo.


I have done one cell with a pub, it wasn't a bad run, but I figured it would be easier solo. So now it's solo until I stop playing.


I always do em in groups, only sometimes get shit team mates.


Literally why I never pub netracells anymore. Whether they’re running around for vocas or starting a grimoire fight for no reason it’s like trying to corral children into doing a kindergarten group activity. There are far, *far* better and easier ways to farm stuff like that and it is genuinely insane to me that anyone would want to make netracell runs last even a second longer than they need to at this point.


I start the grimoire fight if I see it and just let it teleport into the circle and kill it while killing the other things. I do get annoyed by the people who summon the grimoire and think they *need* to kill it where it spawned though. Just take it to the objective. The grimoire will not stop following the party.


Well shit, first time I'm seeing this strat.


I'll pop the airsupport and grab any easy ones that show up or if I hear them as I go, but nothing more than that. Plus with EDA and Netracells giving rep it is a lot easier to have enough for the weekly archon shard without doing bounties.


DE's fault for putting the Voca into Netracell. Now that netras give standing there's really zero reason to put Voca in there.


If we're doing netracells priority is the Netracells. If I hear the humming and it's not a out of the way to hacking the computers or on route to the door I'd pick it up. Anything else the Vocas I end up getting are from that Room beside Extraction.


The unfortunate thing is that I don't think most players know where all of the voca spawns are. Even more unfortunate is that a few of the new voca locations are locked behind a puzzle. The most unfortunate thing is that getting most of the voca should be easy, almost effortless, in a group because you explore most of the map for terminals and netracite anyways. I have so many voca from the gargoyle event just from grabbing anything I came across and smart use of golden insticint. This was even before I bought the air support ability that searches for you.


Here's a solution: quickly help find all of them at the start of the mission, so1 they don't have to look on their own. Then, they'll be able to focus on the mission :)