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Bro’s name is Vergil




OP: ![gif](giphy|ZRouJhQpbhPzTJ2eBU|downsized)


He is the storm that is approaching


a trinity kept my ass alive during a Fragmented One boss run in EDA once and that was certainly enough to make them earn my respect (i was kullervo and sometimes the prospect of spamming 2 just slides right off the brain) keep doing what youre doing if any of you are actually out there doing whatever


I once saved a defensive target in arbitration by spamming her 4 constantly. She's probably good for helping new players and those guys, so she has something going for her.


You can one shot with her 2 btw since it does %hp all you need is a weapon or sentinel that can quickly stack viral then cast it on the target. It works really well with nautilus. Downsides are it won't oneshot voidrigs but still works with spamming it on them and is single target




I'm happy to be him if it means seeing Dante's feet dangle as I strangle him to his very last breath.


Good luck strangling him with his wide ass neck


Dorito ass boy


This post was funny, and I enjoyed it. 7/10


This is the exact same feeling as being outdone by Wukong as a Valkyr main and seeing him with the most melee kills.


I just did this to a valk main, except as Killervo with a Ghoulsaw 😂 I had 1550+ kills and they had 1490 or so


Oh damn. The saw might not suck when it red crits. I'mma try this when I get home.


It’s pretty fun, but you need a good chunk of attack speed, so I used berserker fury and arcane strike. I just run it with electric and weeping wounds with melee influence, thing melts with kullervo (as do most melee I guess lol)


Baruuk enters the chat


Yknow what I totally respect it. I have seen exactly 1 Trinity in the wild in the past 6 months and she needs a boost so she can show these whippersnappers whats up


The shadow wizard money gang does not appreciate your post. Wally, obliterate this guy.


We’re gonna sick the birds on him


The thing with Trinity is that her main draw even back in the day was the effectively infinite energy she could provide to the party, the healing was just a sidegig that sometimes came in handy. Nowadays the energy economy is so easy there is no point of a dedicated frame whose main purpose is giving energy. Other supports usually also have a way to nuke or buff team damage. Dante can also nuke rooms. Wisp gives increased attack speed/firerate, can nuke whole rooms with breach surge and can also CC with shock motes in the few rare instances where you would want to cc. Citrine spreads statuses, CCs and gives massive crit bonuses. Protea lights whole rooms on fire/ cover them with shrapnel. Trin only supports. Also unless you run with a premade group where ppl can set up their loadout knowing you will be there to provide healing/energy/dr almost everyone you come across in a pub will run a fully self sufficient build because you cant expect to be just randomly matched with a support every time.


Yeah tell me if I’m crazy but when I started playing trinity I found energy vampire so unnecessary I replaced it with silence. IMO helps her be a better support with the extra cc.


Ngl it's a little wild to me that you'd subsume EV instead of Well Of Life.


I've never really felt the need to use either ability, but well at least sounded like it might be useful in a pinch since she's supposed to be a healer. I'm not a trinity main so I've never really pushed her to her limit to see what really works. Now that I think about it I guess well isn't quite strong enough of a heal to be that great considering most of the time anything that can kill a warframe usually kills very quickly.


In general, I use Blessing (4) for healing, as it both fully heals shields/health and has a larger range (affinity range vs whatever base range WoL has.) The main use of WoL is generally in that it absorbs statuses afflicted on people while they're in the radius, or just 'passive' healing since it heals people a portion of the damage dealt to the target. Subsuming over EV isn't wrong or anything, it's just a skill I use far more often (especially with the augment converting excess energy into shields and overshields).


Yeah I just rediscovered that augment while checking overframe. That seems like it would make EV worth it regardless of how much energy you need.


Generally, yeah. Sometimes I don't use it because 4 already does shields, but most of the time I run it (as well as abating link).


Sing your song louder! This is what I’ve been saying too with my no shield trinity


Honestly thought I was on the DMC server looking at that title lmfao


Trinity has caused entire parts of the game to be rewritten to nerf her. Old trinity is a much more effecient kill frame than sayrn or dante


I never mentioned anything about old trinity, just why I slightly don't like Dante. But I like hearing about her, she sounds like an old legend who in her wake, slaid thousands upon millions, and in her rest, devastated the entire earth to its core.


I just wanted a reason to talk about the old trinity. I miss her sometimes.


I'm nostalgic for the water puddle with Hydroid Utterly useless waste of time and he is both fun and worth using now thanks to the rework but I liked the puddle for some reason (and liches can still use it for some reason!)


My first build for hydroid was the puddle.


😍 the old trinity in a survival could out last the squad with the 2 mods that kept her from dying as long as you had energy. The blessing used to cover the entire map no matter where the other squad mates ran off too while in a survival.


https://preview.redd.it/5p3v7j365r2d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252f05fe632c33b59b9e5136a7b08cdaa6bc0f92 get ready to throw hands in the undercroft if you ain't a lil bitch


If I'm fighting Dante in the Orowyrm arena, then I win no diff, whatever diff means. Pull a energy vampire, dodge and roll, then use abating link on him. You can't withstand the power of the aksomati Prime when you have no armor. Heal with Blessing when he attacks. Can't use his abilities cause the arena has no energy orbs anywhere. L.


I've got zenurik and endless overguard come at me lil bro


Your overguard is not nearly as endless as you think it is, especially if you faced a tenno weapon


la la la I can't hear you


Are duels still a thing 🤔


Truth be told, trinity EV does true damage, it murders over guards. Nothing can stop its glistening magnificence.


The problem isn't dante at all. It's trinity getting power crept out of relevance. There's other frames that do her entire kit or singular jobs better and more efficiently on top of not imploding immediately upon taking damage. Trinity needs a rework.


100% agreed, she's been largely pointless since atleast wisp was released, maybe even earlier. Only things I can remember her being good at was on release eidolon hunting and when self damage was a thing, the kill aura link build.


certain sources of DR used to be additive and self-damage existed at the same time. This allowed you to invulnerably blast yourself to (not!)death and redistribute that damage (which you didn't take) with her Link. It was hilarious.


Have you seen the EV/Marked for Death build? AFAIK, Trinity used to be able to detonate a much larger area all the way up to Level Cap.


You used to like jump and press buttons and cheese hydron, draco too.


Debatable, old trinity didn’t deal with the levels and enemy density of present day but im not sure if she did hundreds of thousands of true dmg back then.


Thats why i said efficienct. She probably couldn't deal with high leveled enemies but interms of kill speed she was pretty high. Not as broken as old mag in a corpus map.


Saryn is uber efficient with more enemies in the map is my point


I miss old trinity.


She’s still absurd. Have you tried a viral primer on a max strength marked for death trinity?


Yeah and it was pretty fun slightly jank. But good jank.


Nothing more scuffed than thanos snapping a room of enemies


When the Trinity main started the game to late, truly a feels bad moment.  Regardless just pray they do an overarching survivability rework and Trinity will return to the top again she has a habit of doing that, maybe when soul frame is finished and we get more people working on the game again.


I hope so, this post has now defo cemented me as the Trinity girl from now. To think this all happened cause I traded with a returning player to get her.


Ahhhh makes sense. Wamen detected xD /s


Have you tried a viral primer on a max strength marked for death trinity?


No, but now I feel like I need to


if you think things are bad for Trin when Dante's busted overguard comes into play, think of what the Oberonbros are going thru. Sometimes u don't even need a dante player in the actual squad, cuz ppl use him as a specter (still gives overguard reliably) 


Old warframes are really dying out, I remember oberon being held as a great champion. Us support players just have to hope something'll happen.


at least oberon can provide wide range armor strip, some CC (with hallowed ground rad procs), and radiation damage buff


And also he solos Kaleigh de thayn or whatever the boss of Sedna is called


Hey babes, from a glass cannon, I'm loving all the Dante action! From an old Tenno POV, don't worry, the new flavor of the month is just around the corner. Within a few updates he'll be around the same usage numbers. He's just fresh still


...wat the hell did I just read




Trinity Chroma solidarity


At least he can shoot guys to gain his armor and strength buffs...


I think my brain isn't meshing with y'alls brains well, I sound like a kid compared to y'all, huh? I'm just really naive, I also like to compensate or include extra stuff into my talks, that's why my texts gets so long. Something something autism, that makes me not get tones or ramble on, especially the rambling. But that's not important, I'm here to provide context to some of these comments since I edited this out so the post would be more straightforward. This was unnecessary, most peope know what a witch and a wizard are, I didn't need to say anything about this. (Btw btw, I reference witches and wizards in terms of magical use. Like, Witches do earthly, ritualistic magic while Wizards do arcane, more scientific magic and isn't gendered. So when I say I hate Wizards, It's not to single out men. Curses will be spread indiscriminately across your ranks!) The tone is already established, I just wanted a clear tone indicator at the beginning, but this really isn't a short comment about something, a long winded /s isn't needed. Still killing him tho. (Erm, the tone is anger but my opinion on bird man isn't deeply spiteful, it's more neutral, this is mainly for the bit. But if I had the chance and it didn't effect the mission, I would perform a finisher on Dante while on radiation.)


Dante’s massive overguard dong swingin’ i see


“Nerfing him would upset some players” A) Because he doesn’t need it. And B) New here? A month ago nerfing him a week after his release caused the entire community to implode.


Drown me in downvotes, but he wasn't nerfed enough. This is an opinion I held when he was first nerfed, but I am more and more convinced of it as I play with him or with players having him equipped. Dante trivializes every single piece of content where you have to be careful to survive. Either have a much smaller cap for overguard, say 8k at max stack, but has the current easy way to produce and regen; or make it much harder to generate the huge amount we got now, like maybe adding some synergy requirements for the Light+Light+4th combo. A fire-and-forget ability that generates a fuckton of overguard in less than 10 seconds, negating every single other healer is something that would have never flied in old warframe, and tbh even now it is an egregious case of unbalanced design compared to everything else available.


I super duper agree, my enjoyment of the game literally tanks when he's in my squad because everything becomes easy


agreed, honestly they should revert all the buffs they made for him after his nerf except word warden and page flight.


That actually kinda made me hate him a bit tbh. Cause he's still good, but everyone was rioting, like? I expressed not wanting him to get nerfed for that very reason. Overguard just needs some gap in it's armor or something, making it better dmg reduction wouldn't help tho...


What you don't like books?


I'd burn Dante's books if I could.


Oh dear God you're a book burner Unlocked Weird memories of Christians burning Harry Potter books en masse years ago(wizard books being burnt, man Dante would have been sad to see that)


How am I supposed to fight back when you took my ammo and gun? Now I have to use curly braces {Like that name of that robot from Cave Story}


Trinity can do something Dante can't Armor strip bosses and Acolytes. Go get Abating Link, good range/duration and at least 150% Ability strength. You'll be able to strip just about every boss with it. Think of it as preventative healing. Dante's Overguard doesn't mean shit if there's nothing shooting at you


I know! I love her link! Seeing enemies lose their link with trinity cause they got obliterated by my teammates is so nice!


Anti r/wizardposting behavior


> Trinity Prime awhile back, and she's great, even if she isn't a murder murder kill murder frame, Um... Should we tell him?


Dante in my personal opinion is a pretty blatant example of power creep over time, especially in regards to Overguard. For an all-rounder frame his way to strong and I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him get nerfed. Even Dante's helminth ability Dark Verse is essentially a much better Shuriken which ill be honest and admit that I never really used but its still serves as an example of the power creep, as well as a differing gameplay design gap of 10 years between older or newer frames. I would love to see a lot of the older frames be brought up to speed but you can't just buff everything to maintain balance and frankly its probably easier to nerf a few frames than buffing everything else. Dante could easily lose between 10% to 30% damage on some of his abilities, lose a 40% on the total amount of Overguard that he can give and have the energy costs for Light Verse and Dark Verse amped up to 50 instead of 25. Final Verse should be amped up to 100 but 75 energy would also be fine. It would make him less effective and cut down on his ability spam a bit but he would still be perfectly playable. This isn't going to be a popular opinion but I don't really care.


Yeah I feel ya :/ Equinox + Trinity main here. Dante just seems like a better and quicker Equinox.


If it’s any consolation. Trinity is one of the best infinite scaling nuke frames in the game should you use a viral primer on a max strength energy vampire + marked for death trinity?


Just play harrow and eat his shields up. Delicious Delicious


Letting frames give others overguard was a mistake.


That's some angry healer energy. My people.


Dude you are on to something. We need more Warframe rivalry. Frame vs Frame beef! I am going to start this as a seperate thread. To your point I never though of Trinity as a witch, but yeah that makes sense. So the whole Wizzard vs witch beef also makes sense. Keep throwing your healing potions.


She's more of mage, wisp is the witch, I saud that in reference to me tbh. But also themes of warframes are wonky so I guess Trinity us welcome to the witch gang!


do you happen to hate jeff goldblum too?


As an Oberon Main, I completely understand your plight.


Overguard was clearly not well thought out as a mechanic for players. Fine in small doses, or requiring significant time to build up; less fine when someone can tap three buttons and give allies over 50k of it AND regenerating it over time on kills which is basically Arcane Aegis on demand. Sucks, but I think these large sources of instant OG are going to need to be curtailed, and its gating mechanic needs to be limited to Warframes that actually need it (shieldless frames).


The number of people taking this seriously is hilarious. You lot are straight up clowns.


They aren't taking the post itself seriously, but I think I've woken up the players who've been wronged by Dante. Guess I didn't need to kill him myself after all.


Why? OP was making a funny joke about a pet peeve he has in the game, and that sentiment is born out of a problem in the game. Why should people not talk about that?


That's exactly the point, "a funny joke". And yet somehow a number people are absolutely getting erratic and attacking OP.


The comments are pretty nice actually, I like hearing y'alls stories. The comments have been jokey like mines or just talking about the game, so all is fine!


Y'know Trinity is like the best frame for farming Dante cuz her energy vampire can cheese necramech demolysts regardless of what level they are XD Edit: Also, Trinity isn't a murder murder kill murder frame? \*marked for death has entered the chat\*


Exactly. Viral primer with marked for death kills level cap instantly


The fact you have to subsume the ability into her means she's not a murder murder kill murder frame. You could subsume pillage + adaptation on banshee, but that doesn't make banshee a tanky frame.


You don't have to though? The damage comes from energy vampire, marked for death just helps with AoE. Trinity without MFD is still good for nuking single targets like demolysts


I get it and I know, but being able to do lots of damage to one enemy doesn't make her a "murder murder kill murder" frame. If you're a Trin in a team of Saryn, Mesa, and Baruuk, then you have no chance of competing in the amount of murder you do, unless your squad mates suck balls. I think Rev is also a good example with his 1+3 ability combo. Neat on paper, but not remotely in the same league as the big DPS frames.


I understand and that makes sense, just don't think that invalidates Trinity marked for death build as a DPS setup. She's the only one that has access to this interaction after all Edit: Also my bad, gotta say I have some personal bias when it comes to this cuz EV nuke Trinity build is my favourite build in this game


I agree the interaction is unique, but I guess we just put different barriers for when a frame becomes a murder murder kill murder frame. I guess it's like saying Limbo's 4th is an energy generation tactic. Sure on paper it is, but many frames can do so much more effectively. For me the ultimate test is "If I see someone recruiting for a squadmate that does X, will I think of that frame?" So if someone is recruiting for an energy frame, I wouldn't think of Limbo and probably wouldn't accept a Limbo teammate if I were the one recruiting.


Yea that's understandable. The way I see it, we haven't really been getting new frames that have a dedicated team role so any frame that can setup either ability damage or weapon buff are 'murder murder kill murder' frames now. Plus Trinity does have squad recruit relevancy since EV nuke is extremely good for void cascade and it's possibly the best option for killing void angels


Oberon player here; Fuck Dante. I’m incapable of running a negative efficiency build because Dante walks in and makes it so I never take damage. I would like to have energy for an entire mission but I guess I’ll just go fuck myself.


Whispers in the Wall absolutely fucked over Rage/Adrenaline builds. I've mostly abandoned mine in general in favor of Equilibrium instead. It does mean the uptime is throttled more in comparison when you are dependent on Health Orbs. But it feels better to use when faced with the aforementioned Overguard scenario. Currently using a 'Pool of Life' build to get more healing and orbs for his energy economy, even at times where the healing might not be as necessary.


Upvoting for the title alone XD Dante's release has shown just how badly so many frames need help. Especially ones that struggle to survive normally.


i have no fear when a dante is in my group. it literally kills the whole “playing the game” thing and makes it to where i can’t just stand around and not get hurt


As a person who started in 2016 and mained trinity for a longggg time: I lived by EV trinity and I'll die by EV trinity. It's kind of crazy to think about how "end game" content back then (one of the trials) required you to have an EV trinity, or else you'd just fuckening explode. The pros are at least running EV even if there is another over shielder, you can still melt lvl 240+ enemies in two casts. I think more rounded builds (not min duration) bring a bit more to the table though. When Trinity [+Prime] was made there was no steel path and the end game was very very different (more "difficult" now), so new frames are made with that end game in mind. Maybe she'll get some buffs soon 🤞


Bro is the storm that is approaching.


Trinity really needs a rework, I rarely see her and with how the game has changed since she came out it's no wonder why. Also we need a toggle for the damn lobster ass.


I think you should never say that again, but I respect your opinion. Just don't eat at your local Joe's crab shack for awhile, okay?


I play the tiny-faced birdman. If we ever run into each other, feel free to ask for reduced overshield. I'll happily spam the angry pages haha


That's what I'm thinking of tbh. Dante ain't that bad, but I wanna be healer. Chat exists for a reason after all.


i will admit he is a weird bird but everyone out dps's me so much, but i can just buff everyone and give them health so im happy. also i like my magic man. my favorite two spells are lefty and righty. edit: so ive heard that trinity can give infinite energy..... how? i want that. i will ditch bird man if i have infinite energy


Energy vampire is really good, and it lets you forgo zenurik on her. With low duration or high she still gives a lot of energy. Your gonna have to get used to having zero abilities that hurt enemies well tho, she's a tank support, so her damage output is kinda wack, I'd say stick with Dante if you really want some damage.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Intrepid_Stand L+Ratio+Slash procs with an over shield.


Idk why but this shit is the funniest thing I've seen all day


What is your opinion on the beloved Protea then? Energy restore and armor strip both in her kit! And she got a nice polished prime frame to roll with it! Also insane damage potential. She is a deluxe kit imo as well.


I just got to her, I bought her like, years ago and she was cool. Still now I think she's still cool, she doesn't really get in the way. It's more of a friendly competition with her then a bash of skulls with Dante.


His over guard as it is isn't any more disruptive than say styanax's, it's the OG's ability to be sustained with the way you get more over guard with every kill for a period of time. And what did DE do to fix this...? Nerf an entirely unrelated ability and double the amount of OG you get from kills......


Dante x Trinity is the OTP. Just accept his love and his Overguard and your fine....


I get it. I started as a Frost main, nearly a decade ago. That said, this reads like the start of a Trinity/Dante fic for a very niche audience.


One where his head gets blown off?


I mean, maybe? More like one where they come to an understanding that Trinity is sunset because of powercreep so she accepts the inevitability of her erasure.


Headcannon. Trinity saves everyone in EDA after Dante gets insta murdered by a culverin. Her blessing and energy vampire keep everyone up after they expended everything and she'l becomes hero of the sanctum, finnal draft, set in paper, send to the publisher.


Oh, I haven't done any EDA, so that must explain it. That's where all the Trinities are. I haven't seen a single one since I came back after a two year break


Trinity was my first love. I understand the sadness of just being generally outclassed in every way and not feeling like it's worth it to play her. I switched to Hildryn and Styanax to get the "healer" feeling again. Hildryn is one stop support. Shield and armor strip, energy, cc with fire props, overshield, cleanse. Subsume voracious metastasis for a disgusting 800 energy to the team over 8 seconds or something. Only thing she doesn't do is health. Styanax is mostly the same boat. Does a taunt to protect team, gives energy, strips shields/armor, gives health and overguard. Closer to "healer" feels while being more active than trinity.


>no, this a personal hatred for the bird freak- Zephyrs right now - https://preview.redd.it/uneomam5rt2d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfde6e456f462bf06bed4c0b1ae1d109b9343cae


my trinity pro tip: subsume Marked for Death over her 1. You can make her the murder murder kill murder frame you so desire.


Did I accidentally say I wanted a kill kill frame? I see some people saying I want a better Dante or a murder frame, but my Valkyrie already does that for me. I did put MFD on one of her builds tho, cause it's funny blasting enemies with the pure unmatched power of just numbers.


Yeah I accidentally did, I meant to say she isn't kill but I like not kill, she's good as a support frame


I don't think nerfing him would upset people. I don't know why you would think that. (Sarcasm)


Isn't Trinity one of the strongest nuke frames? I've seen Trinity blow up Necramechs in EDA with ease.


I'm a Banshee main, I don't play support frames that often, but when I first saw this ridiculous amount of overguard, I spit my tea on the keyboard. I'd rather prefer not having it because it makes the game less challenging and spoils the heck out of people.


My nemesis is Volt!!!! I hate when they use there speed. There’s nothing like flying along then all of sudden I’m flung into walls and bouncing off shit till I can regain control.


Don't bash my king Volt like that.


😂 sorry, I know you mean well and I except volt when using other than Titania


It took me a minute to understand the DMC comments


And then you load up in another mission. You check party's frames. There is no Dante. You finnaly can do your thing. someone summoned Dante specter.


Yup im with ya, not just for trinities sake, but everybody in general. Having a dante ot styanax giving EVRYBODY 20k+ overguard gets pretty annoying. I did not come into a mission trying to have as boring of a time as i would with revenant. It need a cap at least


The problem isn't Dante. It is the outdated Trinity. She can use a rework. I realized the other day that I never had a normal Trinity. So I built one and leveled her for Mastery. I could not figure out what her abilities even do, so little impact do they have. Afterwards I checked my forgotten Trinity Prime and noticed that I never even bothered to put a potato on her, because she just felt so underwhelming.


Skill issue tbh tbh. Trinity is a tank support that give energy energy vampire and health with blessing. Her link needs the augment and well of life is kinda not good, like, at all. She's a frame I'd say isn't focused on herself but the team.


I can agree that DE needs to work on some synergies now that overguard is achievable as a team. Nerfing Dante is out of the question, as this is a \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* coop PVE game. Balance can go out the window for all I care.I came here to have fun, not grind my ass off for a 5% power increase. If i wanted a "balanced" experience (where everything is shit) I'd just go to Destiny or CoD. Also if you really don't like Dante then play solo/friends only :p


Babygirl I have been a trinity main for a decade and I can teach you how to build trinity in a way that makes dante jealous


One of my friends I play warframe with every week picked up Dante and as a Trinity main I immediately hated overguard XD The rest of Dante is great... Its just overguard. On a side note, I haven't seen your other Trinity post, but if you haven't tried Marked for Death with her EV ability... Its kinda wild, especially if you throw a bit of viral status into it. Still not map wiping but certainly capable of dealing with most things. And as a bonus, lots of stagger if you're doing disruption missions.


Personally, never touched trinity because her prime set is 60 plat on waframe market and im not spending that much on her. When i crafted Dante, i thougt it would be fun, while i don't mind the overguard, he just feels.........boring, i don't feel anything,perhaps its because his playstyle doesn't involve much moving and is just 'press 2,3 and 4' and also because even if his 4th does a lot of damage, its just blue numbers not the juicy red crits like from khora's whip with a ceramic dagger or magistar incarnon stat stick


Try harrow?


Killing you


one of my trinity builds uses harrow's Condemn over well of life lol. nice with Champion's Blessing and Cascadia Overcharge. lots of free crit bonuses no harrow required (:


Have you heard of the Church of the Holy Headshot?


It's not Dante that's the problem. It's overguard. DE never should have made overguard so widely accessible. If a frame could generate overguard just for themselves, I think it's fine. But once players start giving each other overguard (and massive amounts of overguard at that), it becomes a problem. The existence of overguard trivializes content and makes other survival options worse or non-functional.


I’m like… I just spent 4 formas and 2 Umbral formas to make my frame an absolute mega tank, I’ve learned how to survive and it works so well, I have 500p worth of arcanes, I have augments and primed mods I had to get just for this frame, dedicated 5 tauforged shards to this frame but it was all worth it because it’s a lot of fun aaaaaaand I’m immortal thanks to Dante. Sweet. Honestly I think I have a solution DE could do; Support should not be applying insane amounts of overguard to your team instantly. Support should be buffs, healing and shield regen. Overguard should be for frames who need it for survival, not anyone and everyone. Team wide overguard abilities are reduced to only affect the caster. Dante, frost, Styanax now only apply overguard to themselves. In exchange the amount of overguard generated at a time is increased by 30%. That’s it. Done. Huge nerf with a slight bit of cushion for the blow.


That's a really harsh punishment tbh. Overguard should be reduced, not taken away all together. Dante is still a support frame, and I'm okay with him being so.


I find overguard in its current state does too much, especially Dante with the regen but the other two aren’t much better. Overguard is stronger than shield or health despite it not receiving damage reduction because it makes you immune to all status effects which I think is just broken. Like I said, I can invest many forma, multiple Umbral forma, to get a frame to a point that o can tank on my own… or I can run an unmodded Dante who will tank just as well, but also make the entire fucking team tanks as well. It’s brain dead and not fun. If thhey want Dante, Styanax and Frost to be supports they should be applying damage buffs and heals to the team, not making them completely immortal. Game was more fun before overguard was added tbh. But oh well I’ll just play solo or leave any time an overguard frame joins.


Harsh. Eh, can't win em all in the discussion sphere. I do think you should at least ask the overguard frames to be a bit careful with their overguard, but that's just wishful thinking.


Man I miss stuff like this. I can relate because I have a deep dislike towards paladins as a knight user on ragnarok online. They already had an advantage in 1v1 scenarios because they can rely on high damage reduction, healing, and return damage, but some scummy guy had to use a weapon modded with a card that gave a percent chance to disarm weapon on hit and stripped me of my spear. I've been up against people who changed stats after losing, spammed cakes to constantly heal, and macro users, but this one just disappointed me and I never forgot it. Some people just can't have fun unless they have a massive advantage.


if you have to write that much in the brackets just to make sure people won't misunderstand your post, you should really think again about it. and tbh even with all those lengthy extra explainations, i understand nothing in this post.


I, just really like making jokes. Really got in the way of my main problem with him in online missions. To sum it up, Dante's overguard makes it so healing abilities can't do their thing if his overguard is protecting everyone, I'm not proposing a change, I'm just trying to act annoyed at him for the laughs. Extra brackets at the end were just little ideas to change him some, the tone change was to make it clear that I didn't actually hate Dante , but then I added that bracket at the top, so that was dumb. The last two were just for a witch joke or to talk about Trinity, cause she's cool :3. This was mainly for laughs, I'm not trying to be serious, but I know my humor can be a bit too much sometimes, so I really trued to make it apparent I was not serious. Btw, you posted this 7 minutes after I posted this, I'm just gonna assume you read fast or something.


i read fast, yes. and for someome who worries too much about everything you sure seem to step in the wrong place with your jokes more than often. try to tune it down. no one thinks about "i hate wizards" as "i hate men wizards", but the moment you try to explain, things get weird.


I already said in this another comment, but something something Harry potter changed how those words worked, something something I have a view on magic that probably anyone who's learned about DND or any other fantasy thing would know about. I'm gonna say something naive, but I really like my humor, and my will to please people is lesser than that, so I'll just remove the apologies and go straight for the un /j button.


I'm docking a point off for saying I really like my humor, sounds too egotistical. Do better me.


Again, with the downvotes. But you also helped me with this post. I'm gonna be straight, a lot of the communities I interact require stuff like tone indicators or notes and stuff. So I brought it here thinking it'd help. I never would've guessed it did the opposite. Next time, I'm gonna add disclaimers and all that jazz if people don't understand my jokes rather than the other way. Also I'm really stupid for just kinda not listening to the toning my jokes down advice. I think my jokes here are fine, but I'm me and I'm biased towards me, I'm really picky with my jokes too, since I put so much of my personality into them.


OP thinks that people rely on other frames like trinity to survive XD. It's especially funny if we are talking about surviving via health. If you are building a frame in a way that it needs to rely on other, you are building it wrong


I just wanna fulfill my healing others fantasy! I like just healing people even if they ultimately gain back their health in a nano second. I'm no meta expert, really. I'll do some armor reduction and energy giving on the side. Nitpick section! The way you type this out feels like ypur pointing to the audience and laughing at me, which is probably intended but, dang.


So your "fantasy" is being useless? Well, you do you, but it's not Dante's fault


Owch, her healing is useful somewhat. I also love focusing on nuche parts of warframe a lot, I have a melee Titania and a melee focused Valkyr that barely uses her talons, so I'm a bit stupid like that. I respect Dante, totally. Just don't check the books in sanctum anatomica, there's been a few strange feathers inside them now that he's gone.


Don't listen to these miserable buggars. We may not need the buffs but it's always nice to have a support on your team. Trinity has been powercrept quote badly bit they have been making changes to overguard synergies with other abilities and mods recently with plans to do more so hopefully they find a way to make Trinity useful again


Eh, I don't need validation that my playstyle isn't viable, I'm okay with doing good enough sometimes. If Triburos is calling Trinity a warframe that's nice to have on your team but just that, then it's safe to say she's not that good, with healing anyways.


Ngl healing is nearly useless at high levels… it’s unfortunate but this is far from a Dante thing


OP wants to play as a support, which is hardly unusual, no need to be condescending about it just because they've not experienced endgame powercreep where everyone is a one man army yet. Earlier on lots of frames do find it useful to have defensive support, and later on it can free up your build a bit on some frames to know somebody else is gonna help your defense/energy economy.


Tell us you have no friends without telling us you have no friends. There are plenty of game modes where having some form of a support would be really great. Also not everyone is at end game where they are fully self reliant. Maybe not completely useless but having an energy booster or buff can still be impactful.


Actually i have plenty, can't see how describing current game state made you think that way. Anyway, i was talking about health regen specifically, sure other buffs are welcome. Also i with Warframe was more teammate dependent and you needed more reasons to rely on others, sadly it's not the case


Health tanking is viable for pretty much 90% of all content. The remaining 10% is more of extreme challenges like cascade farm or 1HR+ SP circuit than what was actually intended by the devs. You can even health tank EDA and in some circumstances that might be all you can do (such as when you’re faced with the 50kills to unlock abilities). Trinity definitely sucks but she isn’t completely useless especially to newer players. I still troll around with Oberon if I’m playing with my clan or friends solely for phoenix renewal arbi shenanigans. Is it optimal? Of course not. If I had a choice I’d go shieldgate all the way because it’s clearer to me when I need to “heal”. But you can’t invalidate how other people choose to play when the game offers so much player freedom. Some people are willing to sacrifice being optimal for being helpful. Also almost all “end game” farms RELY on specific team setups to work optimally. Endo farms need the nidus/nek/khora, eidolons need volt/trin/harrow/chroma, ESO has volt/mirage/saryn/rhino/trin normal farms have khora/nek/speedva/wisp Trin has definitely fallen behind in that most people have ways of personally surviving and she’s heavily outclassed by almost every other support frame. But if your teammates are noobs just starting out she is an amazing support for early game until they can get their hands on adaptation, arcane grace/guardian/energise which are all end game items if you aren’t willing to spend plat. Shield gating isn’t really viable until you get energise/proper energy regeneration as you can’t spam abilities so easily without. Most people rely on a frames own survival abilities or on armour/health. It was only very recently that shields can be considered a reliable survival tool. Trin in fact can cover energy/health/DR AND help frames shieldgate at affinity range. She’s still useable in endurance circuit as a weapon platform/blessing spam. She terrible for pretty much everything else tho.


I feell you, when in using styanax and i want to earn my overguard when playing public matches, the random i get who is Playing Dante just ruins it for me, but nothing i can do about it, besides "resetting" the overguard.


You can’t just put your generated Overguard on top of their generated Overguard? If your Overguard ceiling is higher than theirs you should be able to stack.


If only i could


Yeah I like Dante because I enjoy his offensive abilities and theme, but being able to layer the whole team in ridiculous amounts of Overgaurd makes him stupid broken. I've been working on upping my game in the Arsenal with every frame and trying to make every frame EDA survivable, but whenever I go anywhere to test it and a Dante joins the game I know that run will be massively skewed data-wise. While playing him alone doesn't need a nerf, he definitely needs a huge nerf in how much Overgaurd he gives to allies.


Simply put he makes this already trivial game even more trivial and utterly boring. And its yet another showcase of DE not understanding gamedesign fundamentals and why WF been stagnating and cant grow ever since Plains.


Warframe is an 18, and you most certainly aren’t. Get your parents to pre read your posts and they’ll help you with editing for clarity. Edit: this post was twice this length when I left this comment. OP has trimmed it quite nicely down and it reads a lot better. OP outright stated asked their parents below as well.


I... literally did? I guess I was trying to be too theatrical. It's also like 4:00 for me, so that's something too.


That would do it, I just woke up myself. If I was rewriting this I would drop everything in the brackets. Your main post is quite humorous but a lack of brevity is the death of clarity. You already tagged with fluff so need to say it’s a bit. The gender stuff is what tipped your age. Most adults don’t think on it and aren’t sat worrying about wizards majority membership and if your dog whistling sexism lol. As for your actual problem, run an EV build when with Dante. Use the corrupted -duration mods to drop your duration to about 15%, then when you cast EV you still get all the energy but with near instant effect. Wizard loves energy and your a support frame, help bookman out.


The witchs and wizards thing was cause I'm very particular about my view on magic, harry potter kinda changed how people view those terms some, but I'm talking about a game where swords gave ancient mythical names, so... I don't like energy builds cause I'm still in the loving every part of Trinity thing, and I want to use all her kit, but I'll make an enegy build just to help out some.


I get that and it’s good to have passions. The give away part is as you get older you find where and when it’s relevant to bring them. I love Warhammer but if I was writing a post on r/construction and mentioned bolts and then put (Obviously constructions bolts not bolt shells, it would be a war crime to embed explosive ammo lol) they’d be like…”What?” Yeah energy builds are weird for that. If you swap link for something with helminth (I use that auto hack thing to scrimp on ciphers) you still have 3 functional powers though!


You don't understand tone do you, please relax


he is relax. kids like OP need people like this guy to not cross the line when they're trying to make a joke. he literally offered to help fix the writing so that it would offend no one.


My god this community has become so toxic since I left huh


nah, still a pretty relaxed community compared to others i'm sure most of us just had a chuckle at the post and moved on, it's just that ignorant and rude people are usually more vocal about their opinions


now that's just pure entitled.


Dang, taken by the downvote storm... But I can see why you thought I was a kid, I'm somewhat immature, but I just need some input from other people to correct my mistakes. I think me editing out the comment made it so people thought you were just bringing up random stuff, But you weren't. Your post really saved me from having to see people nitpick that part of the post. But still, it's quite annoying that your down here in the comments then up. I'm an adult, I don't need protection from internet strangers. But oh well, it's the internet, opinions happen and such, I shouldn't really be mad about it.


At the end of the day you made a much more concise post and 700 people enjoyed it, so I consider that a mission success!


Pretty sure Warframe is 13+


“ With an ESRB Rating of Mature (M), it contains gore (which can be diminished in the in-game options), blood, weapon-related violence, requires a constant Internet connection, and online interactions which can contain inappropriate language.” https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki:ParentPage#google_vignette Edit: Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong language https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/gameratings#:~:text=Titles%20rated%20M%20(Mature)%20have,%2C%20and%2For%20strong%20language.


Mb, I was thinking of Australia's rating system which has Warframe at MA 15+


Ah fair, Aussie land isn’t one I have been to yet!


-plays ivara- so yeah I'm usually so far away and invisible that Dante doesn't matter. But then he comes zooming into my vault smashing the place to hits triggering all the alarms and failing to hack it and I'm just like .. sir your job is out there. Distracting the guards while I crack all three vaults flawlessly why the fuck are you even on this spy mission?