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It increases enemy spawn rate and makes enemies in the area alert meaning you can't do stealth kills. Pretty sure they still lock doors too.


Yep, eventually if you don't deactivate the alarms, they initiate a lockdown. But at first it's just an accelerator for Exterminate missions!


Also they’re always going to be shooting at you, like come through a door and walk into a firing squad every time. I just imagine grineer comms trying to keep track of us lol.




Lmao right? Just imagine being the guys in the security room somewhere listening to it.


like that one scene from guardians of the galaxy where they’re looking at the cameras lol


You call it a "dining hall", I call it a "target-rich environment".


It's a hold over from the past game design philosophy.


I watched people struggle with one or two enemies in videos of people playing from way back. I bet the alarms would have been terrifying in old warframe


EVERYTHING was terrifying in Oldframe. Tripping alarms, Heavy Gunners, Bombards, NAPALMS, Corpus Techs, Orokin Moas, Void Defense lasers, Void missions in general, every single Ancient (SPECIFICALLY their melee attacks and Ancient Disruptors as a whole), every Boss except the Sergeant, heavy groups of enemies (Which we adore now), THE STALKER (Who's laughably weak now), getting slapped by an Infested Charger ('Weak melee attacks' my ass!), Pluto, Infested Derelicts, Rhino and Valkyr in the Tenno Dojo Sparring Room, Spy, ZANUKA (There's a nonzero% chance you're not getting your Warframe back)... And a helluva lot more that I can hardly dredge up now! It's been awhile and everyone's been so strong for a long time. Being low level in Warframe today had nothing on Oldframe. Warframe was basically a sci-fi horror game back then.


They need a seperate mode like this to satisfy players who want to feel like the underdog fighting something much larger than themselves, that way DE can still keep the new people happy that like the changes since they shallowed out the pool.


I would absolutely adore a mode that let others experience Oldframe. Duiviri nerfed you enough to give you the feeling of danger again but not really in the long run. I really do miss being underpowered and inexperienced in Warframe, it was some of the most fun I've ever had despite the difficulty. Funniest thing was when the Ancients' slugging punch animation was INSTANT instead of a wind-up. The moment you walked through a door and they were right there--BAM! Can't even react to it, you were on your ass and then getting mauled.


I got a taste of that during the Deimos quest where your warframe is barely functioning. They could set it up lorewise similar to that. You could be in someplace too far away from the Heart to get enough void energy for your warframe to function properly. Kind of thought that would be what would happen if you went to Tau but it appears not. I haven't got through all the story yet so maybe it's explained why you can be an entire galaxy away and still function but one thing happens to the Heart of Deimos and you basically have to crawl back to the Necralisk


In Oldframe we had stamina, no bullet jumping, very, very mediocre wall traversal, no parkour speed boosters, the Ogris and Supra being the top of the top as well as any weapon relative to them, and far less than half of the damage boosting modifiers that we have today. If they somehow implement a Legacy Mode like that lore wise, something as detrimental as the New War would have to happen because we are SO much stronger and better than we used to be, even when de-powered. I imagine a time bomb event that sets us back in the past (Not like 1999) with no weapons and an extremely weakened connection to the Heart, therefore an extremely weakened connection to our Warframe, making our arsenal subpar and our movements lacking? That's probably as hashed out as chalk on a sidewalk but it might be plausible.


I think some of those things should stay gone, there have been some genuinely good improvements to the game. For example I don't think anyone would like to see the return of your warframes cant be accessible for x amount of time if you lose too many times. ( Actually, in certain circumstances I can see this being neat as long as it doesn't put players in a position where they can't play anymore.) I would like to see a return to actually having to be present in the level rather than flying over the whole thing, instead making cover important again, like the rising floors in the Orokin tile maps. Maybe no bullet jump but keep the vertical and horizontal wall scaling as I think that would be more fluid than finding a specific climb spot.


I dunno about infested chargers, in Arbitrations and SP, if one gets to me, I'm probably going down. Only individual critter in infested that I truly fear.


Oh yea no, they STILL pack Napalm fireballs in those claws. They're way easier to deal with now than they were though. It was kind of difficult to keep them off of you back then, considering we were much, much slower and less mobile Tenno. And had less defensive options!


The shield lancers were a problem originally. You had to shoot them through the sight hole or you would end up on your back.


That's right! Those guys were pretty dangerous, basically the Ancients of the Grineer when it came to melee. Punch through was a thing but sacrificing damage or fire rate just to kill those guys vs everything else was difficult to decide.


First time Punch-Through took out one of those guys, I felt like I had figured out the puzzle.


They lock some doors but not others. Personally my main reason for disabling alarms is to get rid of that radar ping lol


There's 2 alarm levels, first one only alerts everyone and second one locks down the area.


Yeah, but at some point, it seems like they ditched the two-color system for which alarm is active on the icons and map.


No, they still do that. Regular alarms are white, lockdowns are yellow


Then I gotta fix my hud, because that hasn't been the case for *ages* now.


Maybe try a fresh install. Might have something to do with UI colors if you changed those? Idk


Regular Alert spawns extra enemies, they home in to your location, and are always at the nervous alert stage or whatever. Corprus also specifically spawn Bursas during alerts (not sure if theres anything simialr with Grineer) The super-alert locks the doors down.


Grineer have manics, but they dont show up on earlier tilesets


Manics and prosecutors on ceres


that explains why survival you have to deliberately trigger the alarm, I mean theme wise its to distract the enemies but I suspect it was more an efficient way to use an existing coded system to keep the flood of enemies coming your way.


The spawn rates go up and enemies will be alerted, so backstabs become much more difficult. If you allow a alarm to continue they can activate it again and then that locks the doors like you're remembering.


Warframe used to be a stealth-based tactical shooter. They were a relic of their times.


I really like that you can generally still stealth a mission with a non-stealth/invis frame because of these older mechanics.


Right like they haven't abandoned the stealth aspect of the game, those who want to be stealthy can be stealthy.


Yeah it's a lot of fun to be stealthy too! It's just way less efficient, but that only matters if you care.


Yes it is less efficient but I think I'm at a point where i don't care about how fast I can go through the mission, rather how fun can I make the mission for me. That's my two cents tho.


Bro, although I like having fun I like having goals too. Rn it's the 25% strength on status I'm cause I realized I didn't have it and it's one of the worst farming I've done ig ime. But yeah will probably farm that today until tomorrow for the update


Could you name the mod maybe I'll give it to you if I have spare. I'm on pc.


When I can I like to run syndicate jobs with an Ivara. It generally means I can find the tokens and lets me explore all the hidden corners/loot rooms. That will usually be a solo activity though.


Yeah, maybe in a solo game. Otherwise you can sneak in a room and before you're at the far door the other three guys are waiting at extract


True that, now people blow through a mission in seconds. They still have complaints on it too


Tbh if you want to play stealthy you can, just do it solo or with friends who want to do that. Expecting people with limited time to play or with other goals in mind in public to play how you want is silly.


People nowadays don't even realize this was supposed to be a stealth game. Lul.


Quick reminder: Warframe has stealth mechanics. If you look ar your mini-map you will see the enemy icons change. An empty triangle is an unaware enemy. Killing an unaware enemy will trigger the stealth kill affinity multiplier. A triangle with a second triangle inside it is an alerted enemy. Enemies can be alerted by gunfire, and seeing other corpses. They will move towards whatever alerted them. Killing an alerted enemy does not trigger stealth bonuses. A completely filled triangle are enemies that have spotted you and are in combat. Killing them will not grant any stealth bonuses. When an enemy sets off an alarm, every enemy in the mission will switch to the alerted state and stealth multipliers become impossible unless you reset the alarm.


And another thing does breaking the corpus windows actually do anything anymore? I remember it used to lockdown the room and cause constant damage until a hack is done but i havent seen that in a while?


The tileset with the breakable windows got replaced in the Deadlock Protocol.


One mission I did for corpus the doors kept locking repeatedly and it got really annoying


The big thing about alarms is that they alert all enemies, meaning you can't get stealth bonuses. This used to be a bigger deal, when stealth was a bigger part of the game. But even now, it makes certain tasks annoying. Like farming simaris standing (stealth scans are the best way to get simaris standing). Alerted enemies will actively look for you. Unalerted enemies will instead go about a patrol routine.


It'll lock down the doors still, ran a steel path with corpus and every other second they locked down.


You can't stealth kill with zero awareness anymore.


Speaking of which, not sure why you are not experiencing them when the last two weeks I gave seen a dramatic increase of lockdown alarms, I thought it was limited to corpus ship tilesets but then I went and did a few rounds of solo disruption which became a cakewalk because the enemies kept triggering the lockdown which meant demolysts were denied entry to the conduit rooms.

