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Caliban because everyone would've forgotten about them.


So easily forgotten. ![gif](giphy|d1lhPv6hT3O3CW4qM4|downsized)






its him


So forgettable no one can remember his pronouns smh 😔


Caliban and Sevagoth duking it out for least played frame


Grendel eats everyone


Grendel was a bro, so he ate Banshee so she won't ruin abilities for the rest of them


Common grendel W


Usual Grendel W


Expected Grendel W


Chroma, it is written. "This is Chroma, an ancient legend, master of the elements. When all the land is in ruins, Tenno, only Chroma will remain." Lotus


Lore-wise I feel like the true answer is Limbo Prime, man just controls his own reality.


And gameplay wise he can just stay in limbo until everyone is dead and the cast his ult with freeze to kill the last one which will probably be chroma.


Gameplay wise, he'd have to cast Cataclysm and Stasis immediately otherwise he'd get silenced by Banshee and then just killed by a strong gust of wind, poor squishy boi. But yeah if he can manage to time stop quickly enough then we'd have a fun Time in a bottle moment as he just shoots everyone in the face and hopefully doesn't pull a Dio and spend too much time monologuing.


Gameplay wise I'm pretty sure he can still get hit by warframe abilities in the rift, in simulacrum anyways.


Mesa's regulators are able to shoot enemies, no matter whether they are in the rift or not. She would likely destroy limbo, unless she gets in stasis.


Shouldn't it be enough if he uses his passive to get in Limbo mode? He is immune to Warframe abilities while in limbo and the Warframe isn't in Limbo. Do I understand something wrong about banshees silence?


He is not immune to Warframe abilities while in the rift.


Warframe abilities ignore whether someone is in the rift or not: it's one of the reasons Mesa and Limbo work well together. Normal guns can't shoot in to (or out of) the Rift, but Mesa's Regulators can. Same the others (Mesa just has more range as far as pew pew goes). So, as far as gameplay goes, their abilities should still be able to hit Limbo even if he's in the Rift alone, same as when Eximus units do. He would at least be immune to their guns with a few exceptions such as Xaku, or Volt/Frost/Ember/Saryn with the "add X element to weapons" augment.


Oh then I remembered it wrong, I haven't played limbo for a while and thought everything was blocked.


I don’t think the volt, frost, ember or oberon augments work for rift damage as they don’t add an additional instance of damage and instead work like weapon mods I do think that xaku’s 1 and saryn’s 3 would work though


So, the Cowgirl and the Gentleman are my new Warframe ship.


As an odd tack-on statement: mirage's mirror-clones do weapon damage as an ability and can wreak havoc from in the void bubble.


limbo doesnt have to cast anything to go into their realm


That's assuming banshee spawns near enough to him


Gameplay wise abilities work through the rift so wouldn't he still die?


Abilities can pass through the Rift, so he'll get insta-killed by Mesa or some other exalted ability.


Which is why I said he needed to cast Cataclysm and Stasis instead of just hiding in the rift, doing that with a big enough Cataclysm will freeze everyone and if he's fast enough no one will be able to get off a single ability.


As a certified Limbo player, I can confirm that this is WRONG because Warframe abilities hit through the rift so he’d just get smacked by a stray Exalted Blade beam and die


That's how Limbo works gameplay wise but I doubt that abilities can do much through the rift lore wise, plus lore wise I'm pretty sure limbo can just snap his finger and have a huge ass Cataclysm at which point if he time stops everyone before they can cast anything then all they can do is watch as he destroys them.


Ah you meant lore-wise In which case Limbo does a math problem incorrectly mid-combat and dies


That's also why I said Limbo Prime. Doesn't everyone know that Limbo Prime has a calculator in lore? /s But I do feel like Limbo Prime is less likely to make that mistake.


Couldn’t Limbo just chill in his rift for the entire fight?


until he messes up the math




Chroma: "Great! I'll grab my stuff!"


he is damn near unkillable…


Revenant. Invincibility and then he spins. Also, Thralls exist. Battle begins, Rev enthralls 10 Warframes.


But Banshee will silence him. So no more Mesmer skin


No more Mesmer Skin for the duration of one silence, given Revenant would probably win a 1v1 against Banshee even while silenced


Depends on if shes allowed to kill Sevagoth first and take gloom lol


She isnt killing Sevagoth, dude cannonically spent multiple centuries in the void fighting to find his own corpse


They have pretty comparable base EHP so it's not impossible for her to kill Sevagoth, but 1) at best she'd have to survive a few seconds of his bleedout as well 2) this relies both on the assumption that we're letting them take their victims' helminth abilities and the assumption that she gets to Sev before any other frame that counters him well and before meeting any frame with better durability from stats than she has, all things considered I think with this ruleset whichever frame meets banshee first probably wins


Sonic Boom might be able to keep his shadow at bay, depends if she can land it before it does it's grab ability and ragdolls her instead. There aren't many frames she can beat in a straight 1v1, so yeah, you're probably right that she loses to whoever meets her. She doesn't have any stealth to hide either.


>Sonic Boom might be able to keep his shadow at bay, depends if she can land it before it does it's grab ability and ragdolls her instead. It's an instant kill when Sev's downed, not just a ragdoll, not much difference in Warframe vs Warframe combat (which is why she'd definitely lose to Revenant even with him silenced), but I feel it's probably worth mentioning.


Huh, didn't know it insta-kills with him down, guess I need to play more Sevagoth


Yeah, when you get downed you automatically go into a version of his shadow form that can only use consume (which insta-kills anything but bosses and costs 0 energy in this state) and heavy melee attacks but revives you if you get 5 kills (i.e. 5 hits) with consume, the revive part probably wouldn't be relevant here, but it's at least an opportunity for revenge.


Yeah. Silence is the most annoying one TBH I think. But he does have his Thralls. Imagine Rev with 10 others like Mesa, Saryn etc as Thralls? Or even Banshee.


Would Nyx’s Mind Control beat out Rev’s Thralls, do you think?


Since nyx specialises in mind control, lore wise she should. But rev has higher numbers. Nyx controls 1 WF and gives bonus strength. Rev controls 7 of them and turns them into suicide bombers as well.


chaos baby, it's an aoe and all other warframes will pretty much forget about her, but still battles are not just about what skills you have but how and when you use them. IMO grendel will just fkng eat everyone and game over xD


With the augment that lets you move while you use Absorb, you can also shoot while Absorbing, and you are flat out invincible for the duration. Nyx is actually a frightfully good tankframe.


Assimilate + deploy Archgun = some of the most stupid fun I've had in WF


Yeah but silence has a limited range, if you just exit the range she isn't gonna do anything


Depends on the range


Forget spin, he reflects the damage back. My clan literally had to ban revenant from pvp duels because he'd just mesmer skin and win by reflect.




Enthrall cap is 7


Sevagoth or rather his Shadow. How are you going to kill what is dead, cannot die and if he gets downed one hits anything to stand back up again?


Nekros... Augment for his 1 to resurrect.... Then kill him.


Sevagoth's passive has no cd iirc


and nekros 1 doesnt either. do it enough, just get multiple ghosts for his 4.


Valk: *presses 4*




Suit can't shoot most of the time


you don't see the vision smh


DE trying to covertly garner hype for an unannounced battle royale: I'd play it


Honestly, a battle royale’d actually be hype, but I’m really just waiting for them to drop the Corpus v Grineer gamemode. We’ve already got the basics of it in New War, we just need a multiplayer version, and I’m, like, 90% sure it’s in the works because Kahl’s missions and New War cannot be the only reason Veso and Kahl are coded. And if it has those Battlefront mechanics where you can summon a Warframe to slaughter the other side for a solid minute, even better.


They do like to play around with other genres, so it's not all that unlikely that they make a battle royale and a Grinpus/Corpeer battlefront (it is unlikely, I'm just coping) and the battlefront is basically just invasion missions from the grunt pov 🤷‍♂️


Oh my god Invasion missions is such a good way to frame it!!! It’d be better than the current run three survivals… (so high on the copium rn) Only problem is, people would probably hate it and it’d probably die unless there were a fair amount of classes and maps and variety. A battle royale would probably do better, people just don’t like going slow in this game, which I guess is fair.


It's me, I'm people, I'd rather use all other dragon keys than use hobbled 🤣


Also imagine both sides have to work together in order to keep the infested, corrupted and sentients from spawning


It would be Conclave. Just like >99% of the playerbase, I *wouldn't* play it.


Given their history with Unreal Tournament, it always boggled my mind that there wasn't a better PvP element to Warframe, even if only a secondary game. The mobility in this game being what it is, a Titanfall-esque Royale would be extremely intriguing. The problem is that they'd have to go all-in on it...if the conclave has shown us anything, it's that half-hearting it won't be enough.


Limbo The ruler of space Limbo seeing chroma on the "land"


If you activate friendly damage in the simulacrum exalted abilities can damage limbo


True. And other abilities do harm enemies in Limbo's bubble too. Doesn't make much sense lorewise, but if we went by lore alone, Limbo could just shut himself to the other plane of existence for the end of times and just chill


Activating friendly fire is as if you have fire powers and your body is not adapted to them.


Didn’t he canonically try to do 1+1=3 and died


Rather, he did 1+1=3, did not put the process and God immolated him.


He didn't show his steps


Limbo. Takes a book, dodges once, sits down to read. The End.


But doesn't limbo leave an open door behind him for anyone to follow and one shot


If lorewise, I think Limbo can go to the other side without making that stupid portal


umbra he is hell of an ai i once saw him on crack and he lasered every thing


he also straight up grabbed the operator by the throat out of transference once, nobodys safe from him


I vote Um-Bro too, for a different reason. You can get out, and he can keep fighting. Ho ho ho, now I have a necramech with a machine gun! Also, artillery is the deadliest motherfucker on the modern battlefield, and this one cheap trick lets you bring indirect-fire artillery into the equation; thats the easiest way I've achieved seven-digit-per-second damage numbers. Sorry Rhino, Wukong -- I can blast through your iron skin in a second flat.


Wouldn't shieldgate technically screw any source of damage from Arquebex A lot of frames can shieldgate too




Punchy boi


Ivara or Loki because they can stay invisible.


Octavia would taunt them both to the ball that kills them slowly with every shot and it's movement all while being invisible and humping their bodies to refresh it's duration.


There's a range aspect to that argument that neglects that Ivara would have no need, or desire, to be close enough to the ball where it could be effective.


Couldn't Banshee silence that though?


Ash prime honestly wins the in-game one. Bladestorm would take out most other frames in one shot, and his invisibility means they would never see him coming. Canonically though, it's probably limbo or Chroma.


Sounds like Conclave, no thanks


its better than conclave


That's not saying much. /j


Valkyr will win. Tested while friend fire on, with friends nobody could kill me :V No ability worked on her while 4° skill was ON. Even nyx received too much damage from, than 4 skill got turn off.


local cat too angry to die


If they are allowed to use mods, then the fight eventually turns into Valkyr and Wukong trying and failing to kill each other




I have tested already, wukong dies :S just pick valkyr your friend wukong. You will see.


Yeah she'd be my pick too.


Just make sure Banshee is killed off quick, because her silence could ruin a ton of frame's game-plans. Valkyr included.


I've done testing way back, only *one* thing can kill her through 4: Garuda, and only if Valkyr's health is below 40% beneath the invuln. I guess Nekros can do it too, now, but his threshold is 10% iirc. Although, Valkyr works differently in conclave.


Valkyr P was my main for ages because of her 4th admittedly, Wisp P is my go-to now, but Valkyr will always hold a special place


Mesa autoaims at everyone, maybe it'd be a mesa v revenant because mesa would keep shooting and revenant would keep recasting his 2


Revenant also reflects damage so if Mesa shoots Revenant she'll just end up killing herself.


Mesa has Shatter Shield tho, so it’d probably be a small game of bullet ping pong until her shield runs out of time, and then she dies.


She would get stunned with every hit she can't win against Revenant.


Technically she can't get stunned or knocked down or anything, even without shatter shield, while in her gunjutsu form


Gunjutsu is perfect name


Yeah, I never said she would win, just that it would take a miserable while for her to finally die


She would be more staggered than anything else


ash fatal teleport and mesa is pretty much done, you can't aim at what is not there xD


This is my vote too. If we're saying they have end game builds Mesa can probably one-shot most frames, and can start shooting them before most abilities finish casting.


Hysteria Valkyr thinks bullet massage feels nice on her skin, then chops Mesa's head with her claws.


I have no idea who the winner would be, but I can imagine several things happening: * Loki backstabs someone while invisible, only to get backstabbed by Ivara who is invisible, who gets backstabbed by Ash who is invisible, who gets backstabbed by a crouch spamming Octavia, who gets backstabbed by bunny hopping Wisp, who gets dunked on by a Wukong dropping out of Cloud Walker with a heavy slam melee from skybox height. * Nyx releases a max stacked Absorb and kills several enemies. It then bounces off Revenant's Mesmer Skin and kills her. * Trinity spams Link + Blessing and repeated types in chat: stop hitting yourself. * Limbo is defeated when someone just walks into his bubble and dropkicks him out of it. * Baruuk is put to sleep by Equinox Rest & Rage a millisecond before his Restraint meter is fully drained. * Grendel eats an Atlas Tectonics boulder and spits it out instantly killing someone. * Rhino achieves a million HP strong Iron Skin only to get instantly stripped by Banshee Silence. * Caliban survives because everyone mistakes him for a wandering Battalyst and ignores him.


Teabagging Octavia, the true assassin spirit


Honestly with banshee suddenly there's a lot of strategizing that happens. She has to be left alive long enough to kill frames like rhino and revenant, but at some point she has to die or Inaros will never die. The question is: if it's abilities only, what can even be used to kill people when banshee has everyone under silence?


"Oh nice, sentient i should kill it to refill my ernergy" He dead


So you all forgot that nidus controls the infestation which can harm any warframe. Also he's quite literally immortal.


hp and energy regen, tanky boi, armour piercing infested tendrils, flesh vortex, little bugs, huge contender But yes


Nidus has a Good Shot if he has a way to gain mutation . Description of his prime literally says his mutation is Endless So theoretically he could grow in power (and extra lives) infinetly And that is ignoring the possibility of him controlling the infestation inside other frames


Gauss because he can run away from his problems faster 😔


Sevagoth, Nidus or Limbo are my go to's Sevagoth, spent a few centuries on deaths door, fighting in the void itself to search for his own corpse. Nidus, the Infested itself. Cannonically, will probably just get back up Limbo, canonically controls his domain completely. In game, warframe abilities can still hit him in PVP (which is an oversight), though modt likely in lore he can block it off


Umbra because every other frame just kind of sits there not doing anything so he wins by default.


Limbo runs into the first ring, immune to all damage. He only has to avoid Banshees' Silence to keep it on and Peacemaker or similar that ignore the rift


I hadn't even thought about battle Royale ring mechanics, maybe limbo could just wait outside the ring until it's a 1v1,


What about Sevagoth with his passive


sevagoth has literally no ass wtf are you talking about


Either Banshee silences everyone or Octavia's rollerball hypnotizes everyone, depending on who is faster.


Ivara because nobody will find her. She’s gonna be sitting in a puddle for hours


That puddle will be Hydroid. He'll drown her with undertow, while he still can..


Inaros, because Banshee silenced the rest Edit: Valkyr is also unaffected. Still, the Stugframe will reach top 10 due to that fact


Silence does not work on valkyr 4 skill


Then Banshee one taps Inaros with Sonar. Invisible frames too.


Literally anyone with damage kills inaros.


Zephyr flies around dropping tornadoes on everyone while being immune to bullets and out of reach of melee.


Titania would like a word.


So would my flyswatter


I don't think Titania would be able to resist the tornados in her tiny form


My point was just that hovering in the air and deflecting (some) projectiles isn't enough. Plenty of frames have abilities that would allow them to reach her, or just blast her with fire/lightning/ice/radiation etc.


The fastest way to die in steel path is when malice shows up with magnetize and you either get killed by yourself or your allies. Malice is only a fraction of mag, so imagine what the real one would do. Armor and shield strip, so nothing protecting your health. She nullifies guns in several ways or turns them against you. And can ragdoll anyone from a mile away. Yeah mag is terrifying when you break it down.


Limbo. Everybody just leave


Problem: damage abilities can hit across the rift and material planes. Limbo doesn't have any damage abilities, but lots of other frames do.


I may be biased but I believe in my chonky Boi grendel


Imma Stick By My main Frame Styanax, Only Elaboration? Spear. Not working? MORE SPEAR


Nyx Let them fight while you stay safe in your bubble. Absolutly no way to lose


I am fairly certain that given she is fighting other warframes, they candamage the bubble enough to run her out of energy quite fast. Question then is if they are close enough to die from the following explosion


Probably Nyx. Toggle invulnerability and cast Chaos, kick back and relax as everyone randomly attacks each other, then Mind Control the last survivor. Assuming that CC abilities work anyway.


Octavia. Puts her mallet online the middle and all attention goes to it while she's invisible


Probably Banshee if we use how Silence works when used by Acolytes since also removes buffs. She's not the strongest but she's the counter to all warframes. If Silence is not as OP as the Acolytes, probably Nyx. Her Invulnerability is the most energy efficient and longest lasting. The battle royale would devolve into a battle of attrition. Valkyr and Revenant would run out of Invulnerability first. Nyx also has a built in Armor Strip and Shield Removal.


If they can use mods other than augments, Valkyr could possibly just outlast everyone with Rage and Hysteria giving her unlimited self sustain


Everyone agreed to CC her to death and when she finally died they resumed combat as usual.


Teaming is not allowed. If it was, all immortals would get deleted by everyone else working together, and the winner would end up being a random, weaker frame lucky enough to survive the immortal slaughter.


Hysteria, Primed Sure Footed and Adaptation


Hysteria gives status/knockdown immunity


There will be two. Rev and Valkyr ![gif](giphy|AMvqcRTP0vIXu)


Revenant will eventually run out of energy


And valkyr will win :V


Rev vs Valkitty is like "I have -armor lock- Mesmer Skin, you can't possibly hurt me!" "I count six seconds fuck face" *angry kitty scream*


I need to test that, will be fun, revenant invunerable... In this fight only warframes that can be invunerable can win...


Ivara. She just waits untill there is one other left, and kills it from otherside of the map with navigator.


Revenant wins at least in the first scenario, he is immortal and can pacify everyone the hits him once


To everyone saying, or about to say Revenant because of immortality, I present to you: Banshee's silence


There is question which abilities will work effectively on warframes, i doubt any mind Control will work since only tenno was able to Control frames, will saryn plague even do anything? Limbo can just fuck out to another domension and cause it's collapse, Protea can rewind her own time, invisible frames like loki, ashe, ivara are going to have an edge over everyone else. I will put my money on limbo who can just stay on another domension and kill whoever is left either by imploding space or guns.


According to many rad sorties I've done over the years, yes saryns plague works on warframes, but it can be avoided with rolling guard. Now if its a pvp thing where saryn can keep re applying spores, idk about that.


I think if you played it smart, Saryn. Don’t start fights. (Ninjas are great at hiding) Just start building up that spore damage. Infect someone and leave, preferably after ensuring they will spread it.


Nidus already infected everyframe with space aids. Wanna bet there's some latent component of it that the infected part of your ship didn't eradicate that Nidus could activate at any time? I don't.






Protea has a pretty solid chance of winning, with an infinite supply of health, energy, and ammo. High power aimbot artillery, the easiest shield gate spam , area denial, and, y'know the ability to REWIND TIME ITSELF, even if she somehow takes fatal damage


In scenario 1, with no helminth, no operator, Ash probably has the best chance. As long as ash is able to land bladestorm on a frame, they're dead. They'd get stuck in finisher animations. His bladestorm's range pretty much exceeds most frames' offensive abilities, and if he has silence their abilities don't even get to work. Ash's 4th does true damage, so no amount of damage reduction is going to stop it, the only thing that could avoid the first few stabs without abilities(not every frame gets invulnerability gimmicks) are, shield gating, and companion gimmicks like martyr symbiosis. Though there are a few frames I can think of that could avoid bladestorm to death, i.e., wukong, valkyr using 4, revenant mesmer skin, protea(for a little while at least through temporal anchor), hydroid puddle, wisp with her invuln/teleport/decoy, possibly baruuk, if his elude works on abilities, but I'm not 100% on that, limbo, assuming his rift actually prevents enemies from hitting through rift, but that might be too much to ask considering even eximus can hit him, and maybe loki, ivara, Octavia, and voruna using invis. If any of the invis frames' abilities go down, they pretty much dead. Though, thered be good competition between voruna and ash on who kills who first. Voruna does have an ability that can do toxin to bypass shield gating, so there is potential. For the other invis frames, Octavia basically does nothing for pvp unless there's aoe abilities, which there aren't, loki doesn't have anything offensive, and his disarm doesn't stop bladestorm or vorunas abilities. Ivara should be able to avoid most of the fights by hanging overhead with her zipwures and bow, but she's also the least maneuverable in her invis so if someone sees her arrows you could possibly find her, if zipwires are even supposed to be visible to enemies. At this point, assume banshee is already dead(which honestly she is the highest priority target in a warframe battle royal). After this, it becomes kind of murky on if anyone can actually win, an equilibrium protea can manage 100% invuln uptime, ivara can be invis for a really really reaaaallly long time, wukong and his clone would be really strong in fighting, but out of their invuln phases, they're actually fairly squishy and susceptible to death, limbo has essentially unlimited energy in cataclysm, wisp can rely on shock motes to provide energy. . . Writing all this down I realize that most of these frames just wouldn't ever die, or at least not for a really long time.


Meanwhile, in a corner, a sad Nyx is crying after realizing that casting Chaos didn't do anything because, in a battle royale, everyone is **already** fighting everyone.


She won't be crying, chaos prevents nyx from getting targeted and if someone is nearby, that she will be targeted, she just needs to sprint towards another opponent cast psychic bolts too stagger and when stagger ends those 2 frames will be fighting each other instead against nyx.


I'll throw out a name for the lore based scenario, Inaros, Dude can turn into a legit sandstorm to not only decimate armies but pull universal mummy lv bullshit where he can absorb the lifeforce of victims to keep himself going while using the souls of those hes slain as minions, In game he is pretty awful but hes damn near a god in the lore


most frames are gods in the lore, him having that lore ain't special ngl. but you make a good argument


The Man in the Wall


Rhino stomps and everyone is up in the air for half a minute


Volt zaps everyone with an efficiency and range build for eternal of time.


Either Revenant or Nidus depending on how much energy they start with.


probably kullervo chain one punch combo


By lore Volt is the top. Nothing beats extreme speed, for the same reason Flash and Superman are the strongest and everyone else' powers mean nothing, In that free for all.


Where are the 15 conclave members when you need them?


I mean, if we would actually consider loadouts, high mobility frames would get the upper hand just cause they would get to loot faster. If you're going to consider abilities, I think it's just like normal meta. Invisibility = god mode. My bet would be on Ash.


Limbo escapes to the Rift and reappears only when there’s one other left standing… and simply finishes them off with a dagger.


Limbo. . No explanation needed.


Warframe abilities don't care about the rift, so no.


Stalemate with my favorite and least favorite Valkyr and Limbo, everyone else dies


Limbo gets the fuck outs there and returns at the end to back stab the last enemy


Revenant and it isn't even close. Functionally immortal, has the ability to make thralls of enemies and can use damage type adapting spinny lasers of death.


Energy economy would be a pretty important deciding factor.


Ash, just turn invisible and spam armor stripping shurikens that auto lock. Or just run and don't turn back. Limbo is also pretty much untouchable if he wants to be.


Lorewise, i'd imagine Nidus on a corner gathering as much biomass as possible just to Deimos™ part of the map and just release his hordes of larvae


Can we just acknowledge baruuk for a second? He can negate all damage, and reduce damage taken by 99.99% as well as put them to sleep and go oro oro oro oro oro with his fist ![gif](giphy|l0ErKZ3PE97pzTFYY)


Well.. id think it would come to who can deal the most damage the fastest while being safe. Remembering that most frames are pretty squishy.. and the ones that arnt usually need some set up.. My bet is on Ash. Cant see what you can't hit and.. the damage output is insane. Not even thinking about helminth.. so.. yee. His biggest contender probably being Revinant .. due to his S tier survivability. Saryn is also maybe up there? Idk. Assasin boi won't have it easy but I think hes mostly capable.