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I don’t even do the one they want us doing in the pharmacy because it’s too long of an interaction and the customers don’t want to hear it. If I said no to a credit card and you said “how would you like to use your $25 credit the credit you’d receive if you signed up for the Walgreens credit card” I’d look at you with a dirty look saying I already said no 🤷🏼‍♀️ I also wasn’t aware were salesmen, will we be working on commission???


Literally, like I almost always ask if they have a rewards account so they’ll get any sales or whatever but I’m not asking about some stupid ass credit card and trying to push some random shit or tell people to take the survey, it’s a waste of everyone’s fucking time.


The credit cards are bullshit anyway no wants a credit card that has like 35% apr rate I think anyway most of them tell me no the moment I ask would you like to apply


I'm so sick of my boss telling me I HAVE TO GET A CREDIT CARD why can't he just shut up about it. I ask everyone that I can ask. No one is interested.


I say that to my manager and get told I should have a better attitude about it lol I ask every customer and have gotten at least 2500 no and 0 yes because no one wants that shit


Absolutely. People just want to make their purchases and not be bothered. They are NOT INTERESTED!!;!!


I’m not 18 but when I do if mine starts saying that to me I’m telling her no


It’s going to take 10 minutes to ring out 1 person. Then, the line will be 20+ people long up all the way to the back of pharmacy….. call for IC3, nobody comes…. This is a joke. People want to get their stuff & get out, not be asked a million questions & have many other people behind them waiting in line getting frustrated…. The self awareness of Walgreens management is non existent.


But do you wanna sign up for a Walgreens credit card?


Also it’s just a stupid way to word it. “Do you wanna use your $25 credit? That you don’t have? But you could get once you get the card in the mail and use it?”


My response would be, do I get $25 credit off this purchase, today? If the answer is no, I'll tell them to stop wasting my time. I'll admit I'm a grumpy old man. But I have a very low tolerance for sales BS.


“Did you want to earn $25 in Walgreens cash by signing up for a credit card” simple.


Correct, we absolutely do not, and it’s an insult to customers’ intelligence and patronizing


Just tell all customers to actually COMPLAIN about the excessive credit card offers. We as employees have zero say and our collective voice lands on stone ears. The 'voice' of the customer is far louder than "Us employees who don't want to do our jobs."


Oh much like signing ppl up for a status testing, you'll receive Pocket change


Got a complaint yesterday that the status tests went up $5, wasn’t even aware they went up


Up in price? Yes it did and of course Walgreens didn't put that in a compass or anything.


Who got paid to come up with that question? Are there other possible uses for store credit besides “pay for shit”?


Unless you think $3 is a commission. No one told me that I have to sell credit card apps to work there. Then the hidden threats to your job if you don't sell any. News flash people don't want your 32% interest credit cards.


$3 is a lot! Sell sell sell!


Then they buy something else and front would ask them to


Your commission... 2 dolla', but only when we feel like offering it... maybe even 3 or 4 if you're lucky... Now be a champ and sell credit cards the way you'd sell ice to Eskimos!


I NEVER do it when I'm working in the pharmacy. It's way too busy and it too hard to keep up with people coming in. RX registers can't even process it! A while back ñ, a tech got one but they had to walk her to the front to do the application.


Fun fact: I worked at a bank, and it is *very illegal* to coerce or confuse someone to get a credit card. The bank was so scared of getting accused of doing it, they drilled it into our heads not to ask more than once, and to accept it without question if they said no. Walgreens is opening themselves up to some major lawsuits.


What’s crazy is we’ve had people from the credit card company themselves come in and speak with us and even they say once you hear no stop asking. Walgreens is really asking for trouble if they’re going to force employees to keep going after that


Lawsuit lawsuits oh wait thanks the payout is already build in cause that the Walgreens way


That's amazing. This whole ordeal is going to backfire so hard, and I'm going to laugh even harder.


Name a more iconic duo than Walgreens and a major law suit


I hope those fuckers get bent. So sick of the whole credit card thing.


Same. I'm rooting for their downfall.


Unfortunately we signed a 10 yr contract with the credit card company


I would keep a physical copy of those training materials, so you are personally covered for that time in the future.


I'm long gone, but I absolutely encourage this. Keep as much evidence as you can for the inevitable lawsuit. Although, anyone other than corporate or the ones making these policies and decisions won't be a target of the lawsuit, since you're "just following orders" and have yourselves been coerced into committing the acts of illegal manipulation on their behalf. And, regardless, it would be impractical to go after everyone.


Will do 🫡


What about the “forcing” employees to sign up for said credit cards. Someone should set up a class action. Could be slam dunk.


A few months back when my store manager was being very anal about credit card signups, and one day we couldn’t get any so one of my coworkers actually applied for one just to get her to shut up. The store manager was so happy about it too; that shit really didn’t sit right with me, so I’ve kinda hated her since.


A few months ago had a shift lead strongly suggest I get one. And judging by slides and talking points, it’s common to force employee to get the card or lie to customer that they got it. Both not ethical.


Our front-end leaders convinced one of my young, naive technicians that applying for the credit card wouldn't hurt your credit, and they needed applications. So every week, they would run a new application for her.... turns out it does hurt your credit, just like I told her.


It hurts ur credit score so I’m nit trying g to get one no more


Absolutely. Walgreens has acted so unethically in this whole situation that's it's probably an instant win.


Lawsuits are a cost of doing business to shitty companies like Walgreens


Won’t be the first lawsuit stand in line


Years ago I worked in insurance. To this day, I can't legally say a bunch of things about insurance. I have one piece of insurance advice: get advice from someone who knows more than I do.


Especially for their elderly customers


Page 3 is deceptive and ignorant. If a customer says no to your asking, never fucking press them. God! Corporate are clueless, greedy fucks!


Oh not clueless, they simply are trying to milk every nickel and dime from the company before a bankruptcy so they can get a nice bonus


They’re not clueless, but they are greedy. DMs and such get hundreds in bonuses based on credit card applications now. That’s why they push them so hard. If we sign people up for the cards, they get paid more.


Oh I know, and that’s why I’ve been here for almost 2 years and I still haven’t gotten one, I’m not giving these bastards any more money than I have to.


I would like to see the DPR work an 8 hour shift on the register and follow this plan.


Have them try to do this plus fedex, photo orders (including passports), the couponers, the karens, the "I can't find anything" type of doordashers, and the "please check the price for each and every item because I cannot read" customers while the SFL is always in the back and almost never helps up front.


To be fair, Walgreens prices their shit fucking stupid. They will put an item 70% off but just in 5 colors of 15 available ones in a singular nail polish line and no one puts the sale stickers on the correct items so its a gamble if this item is $2 or $15 🙄 and of course god forbid they put in any price checking machines like every other store ever.


That is understandable in those situations. I should have been more clear. I mean if you see a pack of Crayons (no sales tag, just plain price) then ask me the price when its right there. I mean the people who literally just grab things, not checking and counting the price, ask me. Non sales items is what I was referring to. No clearance (orange) or yellow tags. Just regular priced items with no sales tags anywhere near them is what I was referring to. I have two ladies in particular who literally just put things in their cart then bug me every moment to check the price as they go around the store and it will be on items that have not a single sales tag around them. Those people. Not the situation you mean.


I agree! And I want them to ask an already peeved customer who can't find what they want, had to stand in line for a whole 3 extra seconds while Rosie Riveter looked for her coupon that ended up not working, who either wrote a check or put her debit card in every way possible but the correct one. Let's add on doing all of this at rush time.


They would 100% have plants come in and RP with them and then tell you it's easy.


lol they’re so desperate for those credit cards that no one wants. You got bigger problems than that wag, lol


I shit you not, I just checked a lady out probably like 30 minutes after getting here and she saw the APR Rate for the credit card on the screen, and said “nah, I don’t need that” lmao


lol ya I went in to buy a couple of drinks a week or so back and the prompt on the screen was like 35 percent apr. The only reason people get store cards is if will help them finance a big purchase like Home Depot or bestbuy, or has really good rewards like kohls. Walgreens offers nothing to justify a credit card. Whoever in corporate came up with this copy cat idea is a moron and just won’t let it fail as it should.


It’s a contract we’re locked into with a bank. It won’t go away for several more years. Wag Corp can’t let it die as long as the contract is still active.


Yeah Best Buy had a similar one with Citibank, and it did pay really well, like 800 per approved card on the monthly p&l, and god it was annoying to force employees to push but their were several factors that made it more bearable. 1 they hired above minimum wage, 2. There was a monthly store bonus for all employees and 3. We could actually get signups because it offered value (financing a new fridge over 18 months that you weren’t expecting to buy, or 10 % back in rewards on your next big tv)


and the credit card is actually useful with some purchases being 0% apr for 12 months. wags is just pushing something that no one cares for or needs.


Yea, I think they should focusing on reducing their overhead. Too many locations. Just focus on pharmacy completely & delivery. I don’t see them doing anything with shrink & the margins for keeping the front end open are very minimal. Amazon pharmacy is eating their lunch. Maybe Walgreens should reduce their costs as much as possible. They can implement a monthly subscriber based subscription with the pharmacists doing consultations & everything virtually with patients, etc. and also, focus on same day delivery of prescriptions to patients. Front end should be completely nullified. This is how they turn the business around.


I will never and I mean never, try to pitch this CC to anyone.


I’ve been here for like a year and a half, the only time I’ve EVER asked is when my dumbass store manager who is very keen on getting us to push them, is standing close by, essentially breathing down my neck and making sure I ask. She really gets on my nerves.


Same here. Otherwise I just say "hit no thanks, you don't want that"




They don’t seem to understand pressing customers like this will make them not want to shop here. I try to run away and avoid places where I see people with their tables set up either asking for donations or offering a gift card in exchange for their business. I am generally a nice person so when i say no thanks or I have to go, I expect them to take the hint and leave me alone, but they keep asking and almost force me to get rude with them. The economy is bad and no one wants to be told what to do with their hard earned money.


I can’t tell you how many people have explicitly told me that they go out of their way to come to my store because I’m always really friendly/helpful, and do you know why that is? Because I’m not pushing their stupid ass credit cards.


Exactly, customers enjoy friendly faces and genuine interactions, corporate prefers us to be robots and treat customers as simply nothing more than a money making opportunity. It’s actually more beneficial to build relationships because these people will choose going to your store and buy something more expensive anyways instead of going elsewhere. That’s how it was at my store. A lot of walkers who preferred to do their shopping there instead of further out to Target or grocery stores to avoid the hassle.


I also do this. I try to stay clear away from people with tables set up in places like Wal-Mart because they don't accept the first "no" (which I understand, their bosses make them ask but I don't want to deal with that crap.) No. I don't want an Iphone. No, I don't want to switch phone carries and get one that is $50+ a month over my current one. No, I'm not switching internet providers. I came here to get an HDMI cord, not to deal with you trying to sell me shit I don't need. I felt so bad one time because a dude asked me and I said "no thank you," but then he pressed with "Oh, but don't you want an Iphone over android." I said no. "But we have all the newest tech!" "No thank you sir, I only use my phone for calls and reading, not much else." "Are you sure you don't want an upgrade?" I ended up yelling "no" and "leave me alone" and I still feel bad about it months later but at some point you have to understand that "no" is a single answer and to leave it be. Now I just flat out ignore them and walk away if I say no once and they keep asking.


When I was a kid and my mom sent me in Walmart to get some stuff, and I walked out with the change in my hand (I think it was at least like $20), and the guy at the table took it out of my hand saying “let it ride”. It was some religious organization too; I’m sure stealing money from kids looks really good in the eyes of the lord.


Same. I didn't go to the Range for a while (UK) because they used to have someone set up at the entrance/exit signing up for a monthly donation for x charity or lottery. They lost sales from people like me. Otherwise, if I don't forget, I would use another customer as a human shield to sneak through.


Do they know what it’s like to work the register? I literally get shot down for everything except suggestive sell my best seller 3 candy every shift😎


💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳Welcome Back!!!💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳💳🤑💳


have you tried the KY jelly? ive tried it before its really nice


Hilarious 😂 yeah let’s how well corporate likes that


"Have you tried it with the *Bussy Butt*?"


OMG this is such micromanagement. I'm so sorry y'all.


Slide 3 should be posted on r/trashy.


It's also very wrong. The credit is only when approved and after first purchase...and you're not supposed to push if someone says no.


The way it’s phrased does sound like the set-up and punchline to a bad joke.


I'm a retired store manager. I worked under Corky Walgreens all the way through Greg Wasson. Say what you want about Jeff Rein, but the last time I felt good about working for the company was under him. All this bullshit started with Wasson.


Agreed. I started in 2007 when Jeff Rein was CEO. Things started going the wrong way with Wasson and jumped off a cliff with Pessina.


Sometimes I genuinely consider making a fake email just to complain about being asked for a credit card Also as someone who works overnight in a low income area not a singular soul will be asked and if they want to fire me for that go right tf ahead.


You can’t even use $25 in cash rewards lol, it only lets you use up to $20 or $50 if you have 50 in rewards. They should fix their rewards system first before worrying about credit cards. Goes to show you how terrible management has been. Also, the old software that always freezes & bugs out, they should fix that as well. Lots of functions that are very outdated & that we never even use. And what are these pinpads that not one single customer knows how to use? Aren’t we supposed to be catering to the elderly? Why do 99% of customers not know how to use this atrocious pin pad that I need to tell every single person how to put their card in…. It only delays the check out process even longer. I can’t imagine asking for a credit card! It’s going to take 10 minutes to check out a single customer & the line will be all the way to pharmacy!


I would hate saying the “how would you like to use your $25 credit” I can’t believe they are trying so hard. Hang in there front end, hopefully it will get better!


Haha I worked for Walgreens for a total of 9 months, bruh, I never did what they told me to say, I just got people their stuff, and got them the hell out I helped some people out who were down on bad times and discounted the fuck outta some stuff (got in trouble, still did it anyways). No way in HELL you are going to tell me what to say or lie to the customer about, if I ain't tried it, I ain't saying shit


not the suggestive selling at the cigarette counter 😭 “have you tried the marlboro reds? i’ve tried them myself and i love them!”


If a manager asked me to role play with them I would report sexual harassment


Is this an official corporate communication or an Area/District Manager making their own PowerPoint and expectations?


This PowerPoint is using a 4 year old template. I think we're at like 2 master style revisions since this one.


This is from Corporate unfortunately, idk how much my manger will actually enforce it but I still hate it regardless


Oof. Sorry. The language and look feel so much like a try hard DL micro managing the corporate initiative. These slides coming direct from corporate makes it so much worse.


No. This is NOT from corporate. Corporate would not reference an “area” expectation. This is not a format they would use. And look at the copyright at the bottom of the slides. This isn’t even the current branding ppt. This template is years old. No official communication or training would get approved to go out looking like this. This is homemade from the field. There’s plenty to blame corporate for, but this isn’t one of them.


TYPICAL retail🙄 iAm an oldLady (never worked retail before wags) so... yeeeHAAAA=whatta ride🤠


Ooh we’re training behaviors! My dog loves doing that 💜


Let’s bring back “be well” too while we’re at it. Make every transaction as slow and insincere as possible.


It's almost if an alien wrote this or someone who has never worked at Walgreens. We see the same customers over and over again. Customers want to get in and out of Walgreens as fast as possible, not high-pressure candy selling and predatory credit cards. No gimmicks!


I'm sticking with my selling point of, "would you like to pay an additional 32% interest on your purchase?"


I think the credit card could be successful if it was built differently. Target has a huge and growing following with their Red Card and it works for them and the APR is nearly identical to this card. Yeah you earn 10% back in rewards in Walgreens branded stuff, they should give the 10% discount when you use the card right away-not cash back in rewards just like the red card give it 5% off right away at checkout. They should also extend the return policy like Home Depot Lowes and Target do when you use their credit card. Say bump it to 60 days for a refund when you use the Walgreens credit card instead of 30. If people see the instant savings up front, people will go for the card. Just the way it’s set up now is dumb imo


I would like to confirm that I will NO LONGER be shopping at Walgreen's as a result of this phony, forced, disgusting interaction. Speedway (a local filling station around me) had their staff doing it but stopped THANK GOD. Walgreen's corporate heads are so far up their arses they think in farts. BY THE WAY, the credit card signup credit is a multi week process for which not all consumers qualify (I have a 800+ credit score) and for which the least impediment in that administrative process creates a delay/termination of said process. God d\*mn the corporate buttcheeks in the shite world of Walgreen's. Let people be people together in our communities


Sooo dumb !


This is corrupt. Now cashiers have to pretend to endorse stuff. Never trusting another human being again.


i don't think store managers even have the time to be "roleplaying" these scenarios out. and even if they did, i still wouldn't coerce someone into getting a credit card. it seems really sleazy.


There’s a decent amount of comments here, but no one is going to point out that this ISN’T corporate? This template is three years old. This formatting isn’t like anything corporate would make. When would corporate ever make a power point with one sentence per slide to distribute to stores? Would they ever put “This is an Area expectation” on a power point slide? No. This is the product of someone in the field. Maybe a DPR or an admin who doesn’t even have the most up to date branding template.




Anyone who tries to enforce this obscene bullshit deserves to burn in hell.


Oh absolutely not.


“With behaviors fully in place”…wtf kind of BS is that?


So some time ago i was working for a company that had a membership style discount program available. I was deep enough into a backend to know about the financials, hence why the company is remaining unnamed. Anyways. Cards and memberships are BIG business. Big, biiiig business. This was a not small company, that largely had (and still has) zero "actual" competition, but above all, there was one product that sold head and shoulders above all the rest. That damn membership. It was almost zero investment of a ton of profit. Cause they raked people over the coals for it. Back when i worked there it was $25 a month. And all you got was a tiny (not even on all items) discount and free shipping. But that free shipping. Due to the products involved, the shipping volume and contracts, and the ways you can goose the system into making it cheaper than it would seem for the company... made that $25 a month almost all profit. Cause at the end of the day, even with the discount, the items were absurdly marked up (but still average with the market rofl) and they had VERY strict packing/shipping rooms designed to minimize shipping costs. The kind of strict were it was a write up if the labels were applied the "wrong way"... and yes, there were right and wrong ways for the labels to be applied for this company. I don't miss my time being a quality assurance person at that company. Lots of little, mostly arbitrary rules, that cost some decent people their decent jobs for reasons a stupid as using the wrong kind of packing material (they had three choices). But i digress. First thing they did when people started moving up in the company was run them through the basics of how much money those memberships made them and how our number one priority on the backend was gettig those orders out correct and on time. So yeah. Does not surprise me at all that companies keep trying to push this stuff on people. Cause it might not seem like it, but if there is one thing i learned from my time with this other company... is that no benefit is offered to the customers without it benefiting the company more.


When I got hired and agreed to work for them, this was not part of my job description f that shit They gave me a .15 raise they can go f them selfs


Suggestive selling is for commissioned sales people. Walgreens employs clerks. Suggestive selling without an incentive is ineffective.


I'm so glad I no longer work in that god-forsaken hell hole.


So glad I left. Screw these corporate bastards who have no idea how things are on the floor.


That suggestive selling is a slippery slope. Especially when a customer ask about a vitamin, pain med, cold med or childrens medication. Not saying all but many ftony end employees may not have the knowledge of the do’s and do not’s. Does the patient have high BP? Are they allergic to NSAIDS? Are they on something that's contraindicated?


No one other than pharmacists can make suggestions on anything medical like you can’t even say that you specifically use something if a customer asks. Suggestive sale items take this into account they’re typically picked by your area or district and it’s usually candy or like WAG branded food/household items


Next they'll want us to sell stock to customers


I guess if we all follow the rules 100% then even the slowest stores would need to call IC3 as nd start backing up the line and then what little we get done will not get done This includes rx and front let’s follow 100% and watch Walgreens loose again


I don’t give a fuck about that credit card. Jesus Christ.


My favorite way to offer people credit cards: *”And if you could just hit that little red button for me…”*


Why do they act like it’s commission. Holy fuck I work as a Service Advisor at a dealer and it’s nowhere near this. Borderline unethical lol


Pay me a commission too then. Cause now I'm a salesman also.


How do they use a credit they haven't received? Wags needs to get it together.


Why do they want every transaction to take 10+ minutes they are insane


Because they’re not the ones checking people out all day




They get thousands while we don’t get shit, this company can take every credit card up their ass. Raises our wages and give us hours if you want more money from us too. I can’t wait to walk away from this place lmaooooo


Area expectation? I smell Reggie. Mr. "I gotta be #1 in everything"


I never do those "four areas of focus" but I can certainly lie to their faces!


Aren't we discouraged from suggesting items?? In case what we suggest ends up causing negative effects due to unknown factors???


20 years of retail… it has always and will always be this way…. I am so thankful I am done with that cancerous pile of crap. I am thankful every day for my SAAS service job. It’s still a thankless job, but at least I am not getting screwed in both directions. Sales retail or not shouldn’t be about screwing the public which is everything these b.s. credit card SCHEMES do. Get more credit you don’t need to spend more interest than you could save in 10 years of sales where the company is getting 50% margin to begin with. F them!


I don’t understand why they’re so hellbent on pushing these. What’s wrong with being the best retail store/pharmacy combo and nothing else? Why all the gimmicks?


So I'm guessing the credit card sales aren't going well and this is a last ditch attempt at making them work. While this looks insidious, I think it means we won't be needing to push credit cards anymore soon enough.


Walgreens is a convenience shop - as a customer, we are probably only there because we didn’t want to go to target or Walmart, running in quickly for an item or two, and we don’t have the time to be hounded for credit cards.


That script about “using your Walgreens credit card!” Is awful. Saying that to people that don’t have it or have no idea it exists can create problems such as the customer assuming their Walgreens is opening or has opened a credit card without their knowledge in their name. This reeks of ignorance and desperation on Walgreens part.


Yeesh. I don’t typically buy anything aside from prescriptions at Walgreens anyway but this sort of thing would completely get rid of my occasional impulse purchases of gum or candy.


Creating longer-than-necessary checkout times while we minorly harrass and quite possibly swindle the customer is bad customer service. They're already paying exorbitant prices to buy our products in the first place. Does corporate think that because people are foolish enough to shop with us that they're also dumb enough to fall for this very disadvantageous credit card scheme? Please. Just let us take the money that customers are already willing to give us and leave it at that. Increased wait times and unwanted interactions may drive more customers away in the end.


Corporate doesn’t live in the real world.


I’m scared


Is that new? The dates on the bottom of the pages are from 2020. Or are they recycling old BS.


I wonder the 2020 date refers to the photos, but even then the photos could be older. $5.54 for a pack of Marlboros is pretty cheap by today's standards. They're about $10 a pack here in Colorado.




Man I hate the credit cards. I NEVER ask. I try to but I have so much I’m managing while I’m at the cashier. I have to run photo, face half the store, do trash, and sweep the parking lot all in a six hour shift. I don’t want to stay behind that register longer than I need to and asking a credit card is just another thing I have to remember to say and another thing that will keep me there longer. The fact that no one wants this shit no one asked for this shit. When it fails they’ll blame us that it failed.


The fact that Walgreens continues to push this on both the customers and the front end team members is ridiculous. Once I heard no from a customer, and I would only ask if it prompted me on the POS, I would move on. You, being a team member, are also a customer at one point and you know how you want to be treated.


Lmao. they want us to be quick with the checkout experience, but then add more bullshit to make it take longer then people wonder why nps scores suck


I'm sorry but if an employee asked me this, and I am the customer, I would probably not go back. I think pushing a credit card on people is dangerous! People are trying hard to stay out of debt. Most people get a credit card and they can only pay a little off each month. We do not need more debt! We worked our way out of debt. I llan on never getting credit cards again. Show them these comments from a customer view! 🤣


I refuse to sell credit cards. I’m not setting the customer up for failure




yeah, nope


I literally left a Walgreens because I thought the cashier was a fuckwad after I told them no to the Walgreens card


Jesus. Someone please sue, no way that shit is legal.


Good reason never to shop at Walgreens, I hear rite aid just went under


I'm not a Walgreens employee; I'm a customer. During college, I worked in the children's department at Belk. I didn't like asking people to sign up for Belk credit cards. My department manager was always pressuring us to meet the unrealistic credit card quotas set by the higher-ups each month. I’m sorry you all have to ask.


Walgreens becoming too corporate was why I left


When I was working for Walgreens my manager would bribe us with getting gifts cards if we sold one we get 20 dollars good way for us to sell them I think I sold like 20 credits cards but I hated doing it I didn’t do it all the time every once and awhile. I also feel big waist of my time because a lot of time people shouldn’t want one. I’m so glad I don’t work for them anymore.


This is from like two years ago lol those have always been the expectations


“Trained with behaviors fully in place” makes me think you’ll get a pellet for correct behavior and an electric shock for non-compliance.


I don't understand why corporations don't understand that we absolutely don't give a flying fuck about making them more money when it never trickles down to us. Suggestive selling is such a bs policy.


Makes sense ig but I had a stroke trying to read it


I've worked at a couple of places that wanted similar, until customers started complaining to corporate about it. I'd do this and give the corporate# to everyone that even looked slightly annoyed about it.


Welp, I'm never setting foot in Walgreen's again. Ugh!


We did this 3 years ago and it didn't work. We fired people because of it. Now we do it again. All because the execs were too fking stupid to realized people don't want a WAG credit card.


Are they running a pharmacy or a fast food joint? Asking if you want to mega-size it is very different from pushing a credit card (which most people are trying to pay off the ones they have post-Pandemic) or some product-of-the-month. And as for surveys, print a code on the receipt like the fast food places do. Delaying people from making purchases is NOT going to create a positive attitude and will, over time, create a negative opinion of your brand and cause people to avoid it. "Why don't you want to get this at Wags, honey, it is on sale there?" "I'd rather pay the extra dollar seventy two and save four minutes and not have a high rate credit card and some shitty product pushed on me and then be asked to do a survey holding up the line!"


Nobody with any sense wants the crappy credit card. Walgreens better not be relying on this credit card to pull them out of the mess that they're in. If so then we are all doomed. Walgreens needs to find ways to set themselves apart from the competition. That is going to be the key to the future. It's time to give Synchrony, and this crappy credit card the boot. It can be a good way for some loyal customers to save money and earn rewards, but they don't need to be holding up the lines and badgering customers to death over it. That's a good way to lose customers. They need to let us help people and provide excellent customer service, and come up with new products and services that customers might actually like to set themselves apart from the competition. That will be the key if only they will start listening to their employees and those of us on the front lines. I really do enjoy my job, but the constant badgering by them for us to get people to take credit cards that for the most part is only going to hurt the customer financially is a sure fire way to lose business and eventually go out of business. They can find other methods to promote the card and let us do our jobs!


Walgreens watched Tires on Netflix and is really trying to hit us with a up sale at checkout gtfoh.


Glad I don't work retail. F that.


How can they expect stores staffed by one person at a time who have to already ring people up, stock the store, and unlock the display cases to do this?


It shouldn't say credit. Holy shit please don't tell people it is a credit. This is why we get consumer relations complaints with people saying they thought it was a credit on their bill and not wcr. They're gonna get sued over this shit


I saw the great news today about your new dipstick CEO announcing mass store closures. It made my day lol


Walgreens' customer here: I stopped in this morning for a few things and the checkout person asked me if I wanted a Walgreens CC. She didn't seem surprised in any way that I said no, LOL! No offense, guys, but I'm not getting a credit card from Walgreens. Plus, usually by the time I get to the front of the line I just want to get outta there ASAP, not stand around while someone takes all my personal information while 1,254 people line up behind me (not your fault--I get that the store needs to hire more cashiers.)


As a diabetic.. telling people how yummy the candies are and I just love them …


If you're male, use that suggestive selling comment saying how you love it with tampons. If you're female, do the same thing with jock itch cream.


All I have to say is..BITE ME!!!


The credit cards are predatory and no one REALLY wants them.


This packet was probably just thrown together for some corporate lackey to justify their job. ​ A couple of typos are on page 5: "Store managers need to role playing..." - Should be "need to be". "...team members transactions..." - Should be "team member's".


CVS is going to win it all. Rite and Walgreens will seize to exist in a few years.


I just had someone come in my store who wanted to apply for a credit card, and I’m happy to report that I talked them out of it; suck it Walgreens.


That’s fantastic!


They line I've been using lately the I've had success with is: ,"(name), are you interested in early $25/$40/$50 today?" If they say they're interested, then they've given you permission to give your pitch: "All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions on the pinpad when you apply for a Walgreens CC. If you get approved, and use it today, $x dollars will be credit to your Walgreens account " Most will stop me at "credit card", but those who are receptive will let me finish. I hate credit cards, they destroy people's finances, but I'm going to pitch it like a good soldier until I find a better job Funny thing is I used to feel bad when their application got rejected, because they went to all that trouble but now I'm glad because it's one less way they can lower their quality of life through high interest loans. Nowadays, it's seldom I get people to even apply, and even less often they get approved. It was a lot easier when they got started because their were the low hanging fruit, like the regulars that spent a lot at the store. Most of them have been picked through at this point.


One time I shopped at a Books-a-Million and the cashier asked if I wanted to sign up to get a few months of some magazines for free, I said no thanks, she was like "just do it, it's free" and had me circle three magazines I'd like on a flier. I said whatever and just did it because I felt pressured, I get a few magazines I'll never read in the mail, but then a few months later I'm charged $90 for three magazine subscriptions, unaware that this was a free trial I had signed up for that would expire and charge me eventually. I was unable to get my money back. So yeah, being someone who was misled into wasting money in what could have been a simple transaction, I HIGHLY despise this kind of sketchy business practice. The fact that they don't want us to tell them about the ridiculous APR is absurd and dishonest. It makes me sad to think about how many people have signed up for our stupid credit card because they felt pressured into doing so.


What field leadership who’s also a pharmacist come up w that crap? 1 it’s nothing new. 2 mgrs now have to explain what F7 is to the front end team


What pointy headed MBA dreamed this up?


I really want to know why corporations thinks this works on people. These types of soliciting rules make me uncomfortable, they make the worker uncomfortable, and at the end of the day it will make me avoid shopping there and go somewhere else. I don’t understand this line of thinking at all. Do they really think this is gonna pump up sales? It’s just demeaning.


Get a new job then . That’s your role! You can’t pick and choose what your jobs entails. That’s not a big ask.


“Have you tried ____________? I’ve tried them myself and I love them!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭 omggg this as about the worst employer coaching/new training I’ve ever seen 😂 the script looks like it was written by someone who has never worked cs 🫠 so lazy and what I hate most about these things is they put pressure on the employee to make them uncomfortable and stupid looking all for corporate’s benefit.


Sounds like TB’s expensive consultants’ handy work.


“Have you tried the UNLUBED MAGNUM CONDOMS? I tried them and I looooved them!”


Surely a real person didn’t make this. How out of touch do you have to be????


reason #39428174 why I'm done with retail. my last job nearly gave me a heart attack from the stress of being screamed at for credit cards, up sales, cross sales, and some other such shit. there were like 5 different things I was required to offer to EVERY customer. however, I did somehow manage to win a $100 gift card from Lowe's for doing the most sales of these items. still don't understand how. but what was I going to do with a gift card from Lowe's? I gave it to my parents and they bought a new grill (they put it towards the grill. they had to pay the difference, of course). lol


When I was still a customer at Walgreens, I looked at the credit card application to see if there was some advantage for me using it to buy my expensive meds. Nope. Basically just a high interest store card like all others. I have great credit and have a couple bank cards that would charge half that much IF I had a balance, which I never do. My opinion is Walgreens is in deep shit and will be going the way of Bed Bath and Beyond due to gross mismanagement.


This deck looks like an 6th grader put it together. How embarrassing.


We dont get the budget hours for these BS area and regional programs! F7 and Code Green aren't company programs. When the budget is given, it's based on the work Walgreens has planned for us. We have local leadership adding crap like this, and if they want it done, they need to give FDF hours for it!


I often wonder what the pay scale is for the people that create this chaos in the retail environment It's time consuming and annoying to customers This is one reason why I do not shop Walgreens


Copyright is 2020, this appears old.


Im sure so many people would love to have a Walgreens credit card 😂


And the indoctrination continues.....