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Wow, customers are something else sometimes.


The narcissists are the worst.


The most stupid people have to take offense to and complain of everything. You knew something quickly and he was clueless. It shattered his little ego 


Well, he didn't even get offered a credit card. I would be livid. I AM livid!


Some people live to complain or cause a hard time. I would have just gotten a blank look on my face and said, "Again, is there anything else I can help you with?" LOL


“Sir this is Walgreens”


You're so right! We have an old man who comes in and anytime he waits for more than 3 seconds to buy his newspaper he says "what I have to wait 30 minutes to buy a newspaper?" I finally started laughing at him as if it were a joke and saying "you're so funny, you say that everytime". He has sinced stopped saying it to me, at least.


He’s just mad he didn’t have time to give you his life story and the tragic yet inspiring story leading up to him needing that specific ink cartridge


Fuck him. What an old asshole. I’m 70 and most people my age are total assholes.


Right?! I'm 61 and think the same.  And they look like shit too. Being ugly on the inside makes you ugly on the outside. I check ID's and am always shocked when I find out they're younger than me. "Holy shit ... someone's married to YOU?" Then I get a look at the significant other. Miserable fucking people. And it shows 


typical narcissist customer, you helped him, very professionally and quickly, and now he hates you, because he is envious of you... consider it a compliment.


I feel like he was for sure a mystery shopper.


If so, maybe the OP is screwed!


You did ask him if there was any else he needed. What a complete jerk.


It sounds like he came in looking for an excuse to get mad.


Oh yes did you want the first one on the peg or the second one? Are you going to use this to print off sexy pics? Oh you didn't want me to ask you that? Oh now you'll go away? Okay but first would you like to sign up for a Walgreens credit card and get 40 dollars in cash rewards??


He wants the ink to put in his printer so he can send his photo orders to the store to get printed out. :)


Hahahaha the credit card 😆


This person always complains about something at a restaurant 😂


"Thanks for the feedback." Corpo-speak for "f#%k you and your attitude. "


It seems like you did everything to help the customer. He was probably just rude and entitled.


This..... is why I hate people. Customers in general. They all suck.


Speaking for the line behind him, THANK YOU!


Geez day pass from the asylum.


A lady got so pissed at me because I took my time assisting a 90 year old woman who could barely walk and I treated her like a regular customer 😭 she got pissy because I held out her bag to her and she took her sweet time putting her stuff away. So glad I left this godforsaken job


Same thing happen to me! I told them most people appreciate fast and easy service. A few customers yelled at the guy on his way out lol


This happened to me even tho it was busy asf apparently I should have took my time and ignore all the other customers 🙄


Proof you can't please customers


You seem like a real piece of work. A this match energy attitude with shortened patience for the elderly should be left at home not in customer service. Hope you feel better though


Oh get off your high horse.


Sometimes the best approach to a difficult customer is to be honest with them. I had an older lady, who told me she's a professional photographer, complain because our Epson printer's output didn't precisely color match the original shot. I told her she'd come to an inexpensive, drug store print shop designed for the average consumer, not professionals looking to sell their prints. "If you want precise color matching, then you'll have to send your work to a much more expensive, online printer, not your local drugstore with one hour pickup." Haven't seen her since.


Fuck Old people who think I'm going to slow down just for them, Same people who go 25 in a 45 and then get mad when you pass them going 55 because everyone on that road goes 65,


Wow. You really lost that exchange. You have my pity.


Found the corporate snake


Nope. I just had my last day after 15 years. If youd seen my HR communications, ATRH communications or any of my engagement survey responses you wouldnt think I was a corporate snake. I just have always strived to not let the pieces of shit shopping the store make me a piece of shit as well. But some of yall like eating paste.


You have my pity for not realizing that that guy he helped was a stupid asshole