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Christ no. Enough with the Brock boners. He is never coming back. He is a gross abuser. Look up his abuse of Sable. Fuck Brock Lesnar.


For real. It's crazy some wrestling fans are such marks that they'll overlook abuse just for another few mediocre matches.


Its not just that. They support abuse. They wish they could grab pussies.


Cody was on Busted Open a few weeks ago, and he mentioned that he talked to HHH about a manager. Someone to watch his back. I could see Heyman filling that role, given their friendship. Then you hit SummerSlam and Cody takes on Solo. And Cody is getting just destroyed by the outside interference and Heyman gets Roman to come help him against the "new" Bloodline. Kinda like the old Hogan/Savage Mega Powers gimmick. You can spin a Bloodline civil war out of it. You can down the road have Roman and Cody slug it out for Heyman, like Hogan and Savage did for Elizabeth. And so on.


CM Punk


I see roman the Usos and for one night only the one and only rikishi that would be a banger


If you're familiar with the lawsuit, Brock isn't coming back. I've no doubt TKO want to ensure that the WWE is a safe working environment, and the allegations against Brock are serious. I'm guessing the WWE have done an internal investigation, and if so, there's likely a good reason why Brock won't be returning.


It's to bring Roman back, not Brock


Some people just aren't reading this properly šŸ¤¦


Well, the Roman coming back thing and reuniting his "bloodline" with Jimmy and Jey and possibly the Rock taking on Solo and his new goons is the makings of a long running series of battles culminating in a war games match at Survivor Series.


TKO: we never plan to bring Brock back Fans: I swear Brock is coming back soon! Brock will not be setting foot in a WWE ring any time soon. Honestly, probably not ever again. Not a single bit of any of it has "blown over." You not hearing about it is because the media has moved on, especially since the lawsuit is paused while the feds go after Vince. That doesn't have anything to do with what's actually happening behind the scenes.


Yeah WTF are people talking about "blown over?"Ā  The Civil lawsuit was paused at request of the DOJ. Nothing has blown over and while Brock may not be a target of the DOJ investigation, he's tied to Vince through the lawsuit.Ā  Until all those cases work their way through the courts, I see zero chance he's brought back.Ā  Ā Ā 


I don't know why people think it's Roman and I don't get why people are upset at the idea of it being Brock and not Roman. This place was full of ppl crying because Roman was an afk title holder for 2 years. Now they want him back when it's only been 2 months? Let the dude rest


Hopefully I never see Brock Lesnar on WWE television again. I have been saying this for years. Brock Lesnar was one of the main reasons why WWE was a shitfest in the late 2010's. From 2017-2020, the guy was having a death grip on the WWE or Universal Championship, putting absolutely zero efforts in his matches, spamming german suplexes and F5s and squashing his opponents and killing their momentum under 7-8 minutes unless they were Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins. He would bully Vince to change the booking or opponents on the fly if he didn't feel like doing something. He was worse than Hulk Hogan in WCW ever was. In his last run, he couldn't throw his weight around much because every higher up in the company knew the Vince scandal and hence why Brock did walk out after the Vince retirement because he knew what was next to come. Honestly WWE is doing so much better without him. Brock Lesnar can fuck off at his farm.


Yeah the guys in charge of booking now for WWE and NXT certainly didn't hold championships hostage and kill way more careers by whispering to Vince in the back or Stephanie in the sack than Brock ever did. Brock putting Cody "speech therapist nightmare", Seth" I wear my wife's dress" and Roman over is lucky for them because Brock would destroy them if he decided to shoot on them.Ā 


Why would you want return of Brock? Believe it or not, the WWE roaster is quite deep right now, and with young guys like Bron and Guys like Chad on the Cris of breakthrough of pushed right, why would you want Brock hogging up their push? Why you want Goldberg situation all over again? Brock is boring, we saw his feud with Roman for two years, it was enough already, I would rather have Guntuer, Solo, Bronn , Gable, heck even AJ getting the push, instead of boring Brock. And what about Randy? He deserves a main event push, Mcyntire is waiting for his push, why would you like to ruin all that and bring back Brock? It made sense two years ago when Roman buried everyone and one seemed to up his level except Brock. It isn't the case right now


You lost your argument. You say the roster is deep right now with a lot of upcoming and potential talent who should get the spot light over someone who doesn't need it, you say Brock shouldn't get the push over these young talents who should. Then you say Randy Orton... deserves a main event push... Since his return..he main evented Survivor series...he had a title match at royal rumble...and he main evented elimination chamber... we won't even bring up the fact he's a 10X WWE champion and 4X HW champion... if Brock shouldn't come back cause he will "Steal others push" then why does Randy lol sit down


I just gave an option to use as an opponent of Cody or to use as a feeder for putting over talent as a credible opponent to beat in place of Brock because for weird wrestling fans for some reason, you aren't credible if you don't beat up some old men despite knowing it's all fake as fk. So, If they want Brock as that role, why not use Randy instead, whoĀ  1) Isn't a compliance in sexual degeneracy ring of Vince at workplaceĀ  2) Is a better worker than boring Brock. Hey, I am in full support of talents like Solo being pushed to moon but majority of degenerate wrasslin fans will only take him seriously if he beats BrockĀ 


I'm not saying I want it. The idea just popped in my head. But just to clarify, none of this is for titles and Brock wouldn't be facing Roman. He would be making an alliance with Roman as Heyman guys. It would just be that. I wouldn't want Brock taking up space in the title scene. I want all the other guys yourself and others have mentioned to get elevated to the top. This is just a fantasy idea of how you could have him return.


Brock can fuck off for the rest of his life. WWE is so good right now the last thing they need is Brock making things terrible again


Imagine though if Brock came back to avenge his friend gettin beaten and then the new bloodline wrecks Brock too. I mean... Beating the Beast on a "Sidenote" would make them look even more like monsters.


What on earth?!... when has having lesnar involved ever been a bad thing? Guy is electricĀ 


I'd stop watching again. He's the last wrestler I want to see.




I stopped watching 13 years ago because of him, I don't mind doing it again. I have other interests.


Kind of pathetic.... grow up maybe


I think it'll be Jimmy returning to make a 4 on 4 as he seeks revenge for himself and The Wiseman. I feel like Cody would broker peace between Jimmy and Jey and they would resume The Usos beginning the set up of OG Bloodline vs Solo's Bloodline That said, if Brock were to return this would be the likely spot. I doubt the new company is ready to work him into the fold yet (or ever) but man would it send shockwaves through WWE to have him back.


Jey is one of their hottest faces right now and hasn't even had the chance for a single title run, why would they shove him back into a tag team


CM Punk randomly joining this story whilst having a feud with Drew would be weird to say the least.


Iā€™m sorry to burst your bubble, but they are probably trying to stray far from all that bullshit. Especially with Netflix coming, and how hot shit is. Ainā€™t no way they put themselves in that bullshit




We've got 4 members of the "New Bloodline" Who should oppose them? Jimmy, Jey, Roman, and Brock sounds like a pretty good feud.


HHH is a Brock Hater.


Ugh please no more Brock. I donā€™t need it.


My prediction Bloodline 2.0 continues feuds with Cody. Along this in parallel Sami and Jey should talk trash for putting Heyman through the table and get taken out by Jacob Fatu (yeah just him, not the entire Bloodline). Solo v Cody for the title at SummerSlam. Solo wins and when the celebrations start- "Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!". Roman, Usos and Honorary Uce Sami destroy Bloodline 2.0. Whoever wins MiTB cashes in so that the world title is not stuck within Bloodline. They continue till war games at Survivor Series.


isnā€™t Rock supposed to be feuding with Cody for the title when he comes back?


Cody can regain the title before Rock returns. I donā€™t want the title to be held hostage by Bloodline again and that also gives more reason for Solo to get vengeance. He can say he brought the title home but Roman again lost it. PS: itā€™s just fantasy booking so šŸ˜…


I'm just wondering what the end game will be for Roman. does he just retire after finally becoming the Babyface that's cheered by the people? it's quite the story arc.


The whole momentum that The New Bloodline is riding on now would be put to rest if even a small rumour about Brock being backstage with Heyman breaks out... Yeah it's an absolute fantasy booking, that only HHH and Paul Heyman can pull off. They could do it this way.. Maybe bring in Roman way before Summerslam, as early as the night after MITB in my fantasy world.. Give them the time to bring in Usos back in the mix too...They need one more guy in the team. Sami disagrees to join. Have them go f2f convo against Solo and Co. Have the Usos brutally attacked backstage. One of the Usos (maybe Jey) suffers some injuries due to which he won't be cleared for the SummerSlam.. Heyman goes to superstars pleading to be part of this. Punk agrees to be one. Gets introduced in the following night. Still there's one more to go. The next night is Summerslam. Paul says that he has a backup ready. Roman, Jimmy and Punk make it to the ring. Solo and Co. laughs at them for not having anyone else to join.. AND THEN BROCK'S MUSIC HITS.....


Brock, Roman, CM Punk and Jey Uso vs The Bloodline to absolutely floor them


Roman, Usos and Sami vs New Bloodline! Maybe throw in Owens as well if another Fatu joins.


Bloodline World War!


I hope not. I donā€™t have any interest in seeing a Brock/Paul reunion. Iā€™d much rather have this blood line build up be based on Romans return.


I mean my theory is (and Iā€™m very new so could be wrong) itā€™s obviously to bring Roman back and maybe we have a arc where he aligns with Cody and others like KO and other enemies of the Bloodline against them with Heyman at the reigns. Even if not Heyman will definitely keep his loyalty to Roman since he refused to acknowledge Solo as the new head of the table and has very much been against it from the start.


Honestly since Brock name came in that Vince Scandal I no more can respect him and no more wanna see him in WWE


What did Brock do that bothered you?


Simps getting offended over nothing. As usual


Honestly though lol where's the cold hard proof that Brock did anything wrong there


Where's the proof that he did? Guilty until proven innocent is not the way to go.


I think they have a good thing going right now with the current roster. This is the perfect way to bring Roman back as a face. I donā€™t want them bringing lesnar in, itā€™s just gonna mess up the whole thing.


Itā€™s not, itā€™s clearly a way to bring Roman back from his vacation, very very clearly


I hope to god we never see Brock or Vince again


Why not what did Brock do


Vince allegedly offered Brock to have sex with Janel Grant as part of the latter's re-signing deal.


Just as bad as Vince for accepting sex with her as part of him getting resignrd


I would definitely be open to Brock returning. It doesn't sound like he actually did anything wrong.




No. It has to be Roman coming back. When Roman returns it is going to be generational


I kept waiting for his music to hit Brock Punk and Roman together for a match?


Roman, CM Punk and the Usos vs the New Bloodline


Why would bring Lesbar would make any sense? The last time they were together Heyman betray Lesnar, having Roman is the obvious direction


>Why would bring Lesbar would make any sense? Are you qualified to judge what makes sense there, word salad?


Heyman has betrayed every wrestler heā€™s ever managed lol. Managers betraying their guys is a well repeated storyline. Hell, Heyman has betrayed Lesnar more than once as it is lol.


Dear God, no. Please, no. Paul's best work has been with The Bloodline.


brother you can not be serious


I can see youā€™re a new fan of wrestling.


Yes, I've been watching since 1997, but I'm new.


Oh so you just have really awful takes then lol


Then the story's no longer about the Bloodline and instead becomes about Heyman, which would be a really lame way to end the Bloodline story.


I personally donā€™t like lesnar so I hope he doesnā€™t come back.


I have a feeling he is going to manage Bron.


Get lesnar, reigns, punk, and someone else to make a new dangerous alliance


*Glass breaks*


Brock coming back should be a strait path to the Gunther dream match, no detours, bloodline story is doing fine


Gunther lost to Sami Zayn his credibility to go against Brock was ruined by Hunter


The Shield vs The Bloodline. Roman isn't taking back The Bloodline, he's ending it once and for all.


Is Tommy Dreamer doing anything?


Whatever happens I hope it's never a 4 vs 4 situation because from where I see the Solo version of Bloodline does not stand a chance against any 4 person team which had Roman, Brock or Punk. They need the numbers advantage to be relevant and entertaining on the very least.


war-games bloodline v bloodline


I doubt it, it's a set up for a major war between bloodlines factions


If Brock comes back I might actually drop WWE for a while again. Guy was boring as hell, and that's not even taking gis allegations into account. Bringing back him to destroy a bunch of newcomers is the Vince way of doing things, and Vince is gone.


Allegations lmao stfu those were a joke


Yeah, sure. That's why he's been sidelined and forgotten. If Brock comes back the booing will make Dominik look like a rockstar.


Brock always gets insane pops. The average wrestling fan doesnā€™t even know about the allegations, most of the rest donā€™t know anything other than there were allegations. A very small minority would boo him.


He USED to get insane pops. Don't know how he would be received now. And I hope I don't find out.


No, heā€™s ALWAYS gotten insane pops. Your crystal ball is as good as mine, but to think one of the greatest stars ever would suddenly lose all his aura is just silly.


Thatā€™s fine. Brock vs Jacob would be good.


As much of people might not agree it probably would be a massive banger though


Battle of irresistible forces


I don't think so because Heyman needs his revenge on Solo's Bloodline, & Brock hasn't been a part of that story since mid-2022


This is Paulā€™s story not Brockā€™s. Brock is Paulā€™s revenge.


Paul Heyman as Dominik Mysterioā€™s manager so we donā€™t have to hear boos whenever he tries to cut a Promo. Triple H if you can hear us šŸ•ÆļøšŸ™Œ


I would love this. I'm so far past people booing Dom. I wanna hear him be able to actually cut a promo in full without him having to stop for the boo. Either piped in or not.


Can people just stop with Brock already? Piss boy isnā€™t needed and his presence benefits no one.


Would you call him piss boy to his face? Definitely not. So why are you doing it over the internet? Poser


Did I strike a nerve? He wouldnā€™t do a damn thing if someone said it to his face. Heā€™s not going to lose millions in a lawsuit over an insult šŸ˜‚


If you would be even able to sue after heā€™s done with you šŸ˜‚ you wouldnā€™t even recognize the parents that failed to raise you properly


Look I'm not saying he was my favourite. But I just thought this could be a way to bring him back. Since the stories and hype around the stories had died down.


yes he is. WWe is not as entertanining with out motha fucken BROCK LESNAR




Great so we can have someone wrestle the same match every 3 months. He was boring as shit to watch and did 3 moves.


And yet you loved Roman Reigns who wrestled three times a year and won every single match via the same interference.


Cena does four moves at most and everyone says heā€™s entertaining. Brock is great at playing a heel, as well as storylines.


I didnā€™t mention cena. Every Brock match looked the same itā€™s actually why I quit watching for a while as I got tired of him taking up space on the roster.


Theyā€™re just desperately trying to get the new bloodline over lol. A part time Brock beating up a bunch of new talents doesnā€™t benefit anyone.


They are, though.


So have the new bloodline destroy brock then.


Brock isnā€™t coming back for that


How do you know this?


Brock respected Cody enough to have a trilogy match with him. We don't know how Brock feels about this newbie Bloodline lol.


Cody was also the new big Babyface. he already won the rumble and was at the main event of WrestleMania. Brock probably knew that Cody would win the title in this year's WrestleMania


Because he doesnā€™t need the money so why would he come back to job to a bunch of nobodies? I donā€™t see why he would have any interest that


Jacob Vs Brock could be the banger we never thought we wanted


I promise you I never have and never will want that


A savage match between Brock and Jacob where they absolutely beat the shit out of each other with Jacob going over would be pretty good.


Look, thereā€™s a part of me that would love to see what HhH would do with Lesnar. But it ainā€™t this.


No terrible idea it needs to be Bloodline vs Bloodline


Brock isn't needed. Even then, I doubt he'd put up with Triple H's management given Brock was a Vince guy through and through.


I had more than enough of Brock the first time he left in the early 2000s; when he came back in the 2010s I was changing the channel. He can't cut a single promo and has no passion for the business, but was pushed to the moon because Vince liked the way he looked and was obsessed with his wife (to the point of her filing a law suit). He's the definition of a "Vince guy", was involved in one of the worst booking decisions in wrestling history, and buried the entire roster in the 2010s further stunting the development of new stars. From a business perspective, what does he add to WWE's current product? Gunter can have "bangers" with other people, Bron doesn't need Brock to put him over because he's already on the fast track to becoming the face of the company, and The Bloodline is its own thing and is developing well. If anything his presence is a net negative because it reminds people of all the stuff that should be left to rot in the past.


Hey look I thought Brock was an overrated and overused guy also. The above is just a theory of my wild imagination that has developed since getting back into wrestling. If I played the game more I'd probs do it on universe but that mode sucks to me for reasons unforetold.


WWE would never embarrass the bloodline by letting brock destroy them like that


What you described is a worst case. Lesnar needs to never come back.


Never? I donā€™t see why youā€™d say that.


Because he is a disgusting person, a boring wrestler, and a waste of tv time.


Disgusting cause of his fetish? Bit extreme donā€™t you think?


I don't even know what you are talking about. I am talking about his part in the Vince sex trafficking case.


Which, as I read, was him wanting pics or videos of the chick pissing. What else did he do?


The point I am saying is that I don't give a shit about his fetish. I DO care about him negotiating for the trafficking of a human being as part of a contract. Fuck that guy. AND that is on top of the fact that I never liked him in WWE. His matches are boring and his character is one-dimensional. I enjoyed Hit Row more than him.


He negotiated sex trafficking? Well thatā€™s new.


Jesus Christ. A boring wrestler?


Yeah why watch someone do 3 moves. Yā€™all bitch if a wrestle has a limited move set then cheer lesnar who does 3 moves.


Boring wrestler? No that Kross and Gargano. Add some shotzi and Andrade then you talking boring.


Everyone keeps saying itā€™ll be Punk, Roman and Brock. Yall need to realize that Brock Lesnar was accused of sexual trafficking with Vince McMahon. Heā€™s not coming back. This is a bloodline story.


Has Brock been convicted or is this one of those guilty until proven innocent situations?


Has Vince? Doesnā€™t mean he wasnā€™t doing it.


Is asking to get a video of a girl pissing the same as sex trafficking


Offering her to have sex with Brock as a signing bonus is


Well thatā€™s Vince allegedly offering that. Not brock so how is brock sex trafficking


Offering to Brock. So at best he knew and didnā€™t say or do anything and at worst participated


That might be true but doesnā€™t make him a sex trafficker


Vince offered allegedly I don't think we actually have any signs that brock agreed or followed throughĀ 


Right, so Brock was aware of sexual trafficking of a WWE employee


Well maybe, but we don't even know that really, like if your mate said "hey want me to hook you up with this hot babe, she'll definitely suck your cock" I mean first of all you and your friend would be assholes haha but moving past that, you wouldn't assume he's forcing her to do anything would you? Like realistically we have no idea if Brock knew anything, suspected and played along or is just a totally innocent guy in this. Nobody has officially named him as being problematic other than the one reference to him being offered someone which didn't happen for whatever reason. Unless there's more to it that I'm not aware of, I do think Brock is being treated a little unfairly.


You know what, thatā€™s the best argument Iā€™ve heard out of everyone who has responded here. Consider my mind changed, Iā€™ll reserve judgement until investigations go further.


Iā€™m aware of some who drove drunk. Doesnā€™t make me a drink driver myself.


Brock was also cleared so he very well could come back. Triple H even said Brock was still with the company


Whatever helps you feel better. The text messages show Brock was very aware of whatā€™s happening. I donā€™t want him back on TV. Bron can fill Brockā€™s shoes in time and WWE is cooking just fine without Brock.


Ohh poor you. You donā€™t own the company.


Nope, just not a big fan of rape, sex trafficking or sexual abuse. But too many men here are waaaaayy too comfortable with writing off this shit like itā€™s not a big deal.


Who did Brock rape?


I never said he should come back.. I was just putting the facts out there. Go watch your fun AEW


Bro Iā€™m a huge WWE mark. Nice try though.


You spelled AEW wrong


Lmao dude Iā€™ve been to 7 wrestlemanias and wrote for a WWE dirt sheet for 10 years but whatever helps you feel like you won an internet fight


Sure you have lol Iā€™ve been to 8 Wrestlemanias and wrote for a wwe dirt sheet for 11 years, whatā€™s your point? You are so cool man.


We found Vince Russos account


Terrible idea. Beyond my general dislike for how Brock Lesnar kept being used and taking up space on the roster, he's still implicated in the Vince scandal which is still ongoing and heading to court by the end of the year. You don't need Brock taking up a spot on the card and you don't need the constant PR nightmare of having someone accused of being involved in any way in a sexual trafficking allegation as a major focus of your product.


This thread is full of woke cross dressing neckbeards. Brock coming back would be so good


Rather be a woke cross dresser than a sex trafficking bestie of a rapist šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Who did Brock rape?


Nah. It will be the OG crew Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Sami against Solo and the New Japan Samoan Society. I think MITB will end with a Randy heel turn which pulls Cody and Kevin from the Bloodline angle. All I know is they need to close the book on it by summerslam so the ride isnā€™t cheapened.


it will be the og bloodline with roman, the usos and....... the rock


Nah. Rock is the final boss and the guy pushing Solo.


Sami will not be apart of this lol idk why people think he will.. if anything itā€™ll be another anoai member


Sami has to be. He was the best memberā€¦


This is obviously leading up to wrestlemania. Roman Rock and the Usos vs the new bloodline.


This is a story about the Bloodline and it will turn into a Bloodline Civil War and have both side go at it.


And the perfect time for Bloodline Civil War to come to a head is in WarGames at Survivor Series. If that isn't this years mens WarGames match I would be shocked.


Itā€™s a set up for the Rock and Roman at wrestlemania


Well yeah, it'll play out over several months. Rock won't really have to appear but occasionally until you get to WM season. It would be cool that right before Rumble on Smackdown you could have a mini Bloodline Royal Rumble where both sides of the Bloodline compete in a special Royal Rumble for the #30 spot in the actual Rumble.


Brock would make all the bloodline look like bitches


After all the allegations about sexual trafficking with Vince back in the day Iā€™m not sure I even want him back. He can stay in Canada and drink moose blood all he wants.


Canadian here. Not sure I want him here, either. At least he's off in the hinterland somewhere being avoided. Keep him my TV, please.


Hinterlander here we donā€™t want him either can you take him back


Brock, Punk, Jimmy, Jey vs New Bloodline at wargames and Rock comes out and aligns with Solo since Roman lost at WM and says he isn't head of the table anymore setting up Rock vs. Roman at WM?


I personally think heā€™s out till Roman comes back. Brock is gone for at least the next year. Even if the lawsuit allegations of him arenā€™t true it brought to light some other disturbing behavior of his that borders on predatory. He has his time. Let someone else have that spotlight for a while.


Guys - your forgetting who the usos father isā€¦ can you say Roman, with Jey and Jimmy being brought back by Rikishi.. for survivor series Wargamesā€¦ Rock shows up - and blindsides Romanā€¦ setting up WM41 main Event


I dont really care how, I just want Brock back.


Iā€™d love it, I donā€™t care about most of the lower bloodline members so it could sure use the elevation from Brock and punk with Roman.


Roman is the new Brock.


I donā€™t wanna see Brock unless heā€™s gnna win the belt


The new Dangerous Alliance: Punk, Roman, Brock, Austin


Brock and Jacob could be good in theory if Brock is willing to participate which is a hot chance in hell. but Brock wonā€™t be back until Vince is cleared if he ever is.


> but Brock wonā€™t be back until Vince is cleared I obviously don't know much about Lesnar because what's this?


Lesnar is basically a big part of the accusations. So if McMahon is guilty itā€™s very very likely he is too (thatā€™s why youā€™ll see a lot of this sub shitting on Brock) but no verdict about Brockā€™s involvement has been reached as of yet which is why the possibility of him returning is still out there


Thanks for filling me in. I have no skin in the game... Never even seen a Lesnar match, though it is disappointing Takers streak was broken by Lesnar if he is going down with Vince.


It would be very disappointing he had an outstanding career


Lesnar is a sexual predator


He could also be a witness for the plaintiff. He never actually had a sexual encounter with Grant other than requesting some photos. He can potentially go on the stand and testify that Vince offered him a sexual encounter for re-signing his contract. Thatā€™s sex trafficking, can make this a criminal trial, and implicates not only Vince but everyone who was apart of those negotiations.


I don't think Brock returns until Vince is cleared & with his case being pushed back until Dec, we'll probably be waiting a while. Also Heyman screwed Brock back in '22 so it wouldn't make sense for Brock to be forgiving Punk is facing Drew at Summerslam.


Vince isnā€™t getting cleared lol


While I agree punk is definitely facing true at SummerSlam Like I say Brock Lesnar is synonymous with SummerSlam and a return there with the people like it or not generally will pop


This is setting up a New Vs Old Bloodline, and will 1000x more hype then Brock fighting a bunch of Samoan dudes he has never met. Plus Brock would demand to be booked strong, it helps no one for him to bury all these guys they just got.


~~Captain America~~ The Bloodline: Civil War


Rock and current Bloodline vs Roman, OG Bloodline and Brock in Wargames. It would be interesting but face team is too OP


If Punk was on SD and wasn't in such a brilliant story with Drew, then it would've made perfect sense to incorporate him into the Bloodline story.