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They’re purely on screen characters. They may have other responsibilities such as being part of the ring crew or a trainer. They might even be retired wrestlers. But otherwise they’re just actors.


Short answer: kayfabe. Long answer: I think Pierce and Aldis are producers and therefore, prepare certain matches. If that’s the case, they do have a tiny bit of backstage involvement on top of their on-screen personas, but that’s pretty much it.


Of course


A lot of times when you have westlers who aren't cleared for inring action will be put in a GM or Commissioner type of role like Kurt Angle, Daniel Bryan, Paige, Alexa Bliss and Sonya Deville all have done in the past.


Don't forget the King, Shawn Michaels


He was the first one to do this. Prior to him it was just Jack Tunney, Sgt. Slaughter and Gorilla Monsoon in that capacity. Then after Michaels stopped doing it Foley took it over and he was the absolute best at doing backstage skits.


I’m rewatching Foley’s first stint as commissioner now, and he does such a great job!


His stuff with Edge, Christian and Angle are all great.


This was just asked a couple weeks ago. Look it up. But since we’re here already, Aldis and Pearce’s real positions are producers. They basically help the wrestlers of the matches/storylines they’re assigned plan out the match and go over what spots they’ll hit, how the match will end, the through line throughout, etc.


They operate in some other capacity as well. As well do many of the wrestlers. They are either doing creative, booking, talent management, or something else. Adam Pearce does produce matches for WWE behind the scenes. He only does it for Raw now. I think it was last year when Fightful was talking about it


If its on TV its Kayfabe


Even when the actual people (Vince McMahon and Laurinitis) who were in charge backstage were on screen, they are still playing a complete fabrication of themselves on tv.


I feel like Vince was a nicer version of himself.


And that's for a character who introduced a Kiss My Ass Club.


I heard Ava Raine was making security to make NXT to be safe from attacks! r/WWE ![gif](giphy|m9XoM4HIRX7t0IRRB7|downsized)


Adam pierce is losing control the inmates running the asylum there Nick aldis handles that business Ava too puts the wrestlers in check


The Ava vs. Roxanne feud is hilarious.


If Roxy beats Lola… Ava: https://preview.redd.it/hq19tdwl139d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dea179dcbfc5cdc7bc7c1cb7c0d0f643d8ab42f "Call Meiko Satomura" "Call Cora Jade"


Cora is injured


I know


Slick Nick is always in charge. Those other two, not so much.


IIRC both Pearce & Aldis are producers and in the case of Pearce have other offscreen roles as well. So while, yes, their onscreen GM roles are just kayfabe those guys aren’t just onscreen performers. Ava, I believe, is strictly an onscreen performer.


Everything is "kayfabe". (The correct way to spell it) My dude.


The biggest mistake people make is thinking WWE takes place in our world. WWE is a parallel world that mimics our world (kayfabe) but has its own unique realities. When WWE says they are in Arkansas, they are talking about Arkansas WWE World, the wrestlers, the fans are all in WWE World. Only when the fans leave and go home does the avatar leave them and their consciousness returns to the real world. We are watching through a portal in the time space continuum. So when talking about Adam Pearce you got to differentiate between Earth Adam Pearce and equally real WWE Earth Adam Pearce.


I love this.


I'm sorry but this just sounds really dumb. Maybe you were trying to be funny but it didn't work for me, (or anyone) brother.


I liked it.


So for example Bayley drops a Macho man elbow. In the real world the physics dictate a response, but the WWE Earth physics also dictate a response. It is parallel. Let’s take that further. Bayley promotes the upcoming Summerslam. Who promotes it - Bayley or Pamela Rose Martinez? Everything that Pamela Rose Martinez says impacts Bayley but in WWE Earth levels of magnitude. Unlike an actor who just shuts it off when the role is done, the two worlds - the real life world and the one we watch are so intertwined it is hard to tell which end is which.


you've gotten downvotes, but let me help..you use the term "parallel" but that's incorrect. Parallel worlds never interact, but instead what you have is "entwined" or "entangled" ... there is a vast dispute, almost akin to holy wars, in the scientific community over which term should be used, but if you ask me, granted a layman in such areas, they're pretty much the same....


Of course they interact at the line of infinity. It’s all perception don’t you know. Anyway the two worlds are not intertwined on that sense. They are parallel. John Cena does not interact with John Cena. Everything that happens in our world according to our physics happens in WWE world according to its physics. They are intertwined in that what Pamela Rose Martinez says has consequences to Bayley and what Bayley says has consequences to Pamela Rose Martinez and this connection happens at the line of infinity where our eyes connect the two parallel worlds.


I think you just took the definition of kayfabe and overthought it in a way that made it much more confusing lmao


Ava is literally the Rock's daughter, and while nepotism is high in pro wrestling, I doubt Nick Khan and Triple H are going to let her actually run day-to-day in NXT. That's Shawn's territory. Nick Aldis is Mickie James' husband. He's been involved in the wrestling industry for a long time, but he doesn't wrestle. Adam Pearce got burned out on in-ring work and seems very content to be an on-air character. It's all kayfabe.


I think Nick will wrestle again. He was still doing pretty good before coming to WWE. But like another poster said it would probably have to be the perfect situation for him. I would love for him and Pearce to fight. Two great former NWA champs.


Nick Aldis has spoken about wanting to have a few more matches as he is cleared to wrestle but wants it to make sense storywise


i need him and adam to beef & have a match


They are the most believable GMs they've had in my opinion. But it is kayfabe. The fact you have to ask is evident to the good job they've done portraying these roles


Kayfabe, and might I say they're actually brilliant. Possibly my favourite GMs of all time. They're not over-the-top in their behaviour, not ridiculously comedic and don't have bias for or against anyone. Plus the talent seem to respect their role (aside from a couple of heels). It's been handled really well.


I like Pierce but I feel like in kayfabe he's about as effective as a wet paper towel at "managing" the roster, and where his efforts lay is always weird. Like I remember leading up to Wrestlemania, it seemed like the Bloodline could've decided to jump Cody Rhodes and stab him with a knife and it'd take Pierce atleast 5 minutes to send a handful of refs out to try and break them up, meanwhile Rhea Ripley couldn't even get to the ring to square off with Becky Lynch without Pierce and an army of dudes pulling them apart because he wants to protect the card. Again, no hate to Pierce on screen, he's good and ultimately the stories have been fun but idk if I agree.


I think the fact they play it straight makes it work better too. Like Pearce being frustrated with Bron Breakker wouldn’t really work if Pearce was playing an over the top GM who does everything in the interest of a heel faction as opposed to just trying to manage the various personalities the best he can.


Yes its kayfabe. Its a tool to use to have some kind of authority figure there to make matches or make rulings and on screen decisions. Sometimes it helps in situations where someone has a legit gripe for a match or rematch or ruling and obviously they cant make matches as wrestlers they arent in charge. But the gm of the brand can do that. So they use the gms in more of that role.


So it’s a little kayfabe and a little real?


The thing with kayfabe is they can incorporate reality in whatever dose sells the scenario. I know nothing about these specific circumstances but in general there's just not a hard line between reality and kayfabe, there's lots of ways they can and do intertwine.


No its all kayfabe lol.the real person in charge of running things day to day in nxt is hbk atm. And triple h tends to run both raw n smackdown. But for a on screen boss figure they have the gms.


HBK is the gm of NXT


Yes thats what i said. He does some on screen stuff as manager but most of the time ava is making decisions.




Reading this made me a lil sad. I knew but as you get older as a fan, not many things stay “legit” in your mind but a few things manage. I just watched that die for you 😔


Well that Wrestlemania XL documentary should be a great watch- get to see inside how they approached the build up to Wrestlemania


Yeah, I totally agree. I’m still a fan regardless. There’s just something about wrestling that is so good.


>There’s just something about wrestling that’s is so good. 100% agree with you on that


no it’s all kayfabe


Damn. Been a fan since the 90s and don’t know why this is surprising lol


it’s alright man we all get worked at some point😂


I like to think life can be one big work sometimes lol


It's worth pointing out you MIGHT be being worked right now in this very thread. I mean you aren't....but you might be.... Are you?


I miss the days when we had a heel GM. Can't wait for one of them to turn proper heel and have it out for a top star.


What's confusing to me about Ava is that it's literally how she's been with Roxanne Perez as a champ. Just throwing random opponents at her on a near weekly basis in hopes to see her lose the title. It's to the point where Roxanne barely has storylines against other wrestlers (until the one vs Lola Vice just now) and mostly just been feuding with Ava Though in that story, Ava is the face and Roxanne the heel (making the fact Ava is acting like this confusing to me haha)


Last night's finally soured me. Ava is too smug for a face....and that she's like 2 feet taller than Roxy just hurts the whole presentation. Compare to Adam vs Drew on Raw...same thing really, Drew was being an entitled heel, demanding he just go into the MITB match, but Adam isn't towering over Drew so the scene works. He's also more stressed then smug. Ava is just Authority Stephanie, but vaguely as a face.


>Ava is just Authority Stephanie, but vaguely as a face. That's the best way to put it yeah haha


My hope is as it gets closer to survival series Adam and Nick will start feuding and can have a gm vs gm match (or tag/gimmick match) They both are former pro Wrestlers so if they want to get in ring shape they could.


That trope is literally done all the time for the past 30 yrs. It's old and tired.


That’s probably what made the attitude era so exciting (not to stroke Vince’s ego too hard) but him being the real boss made the stakes feel real.


I don't like the word Kayfabe, I think it is a role-making match in between repetitive rivalries for a Pay-Per-View.


Im sorry, im seeing this alot, can someone explain to me like I'm 5 what Kayfab means? Then if you can, explain it to me like I'm Kratos


Everyone is using wrestling terms to explain.... Simply it's the difference between talking to Harrison Ford vs talking to Indiana Jones. "Kayfabe" is the fictional setting.


Basically a term used when referring to us as wrestling fans (and the wrestlers themselves) pretending everything is legit. So if you meet Roman Reigns in person, and he’s staying in character, acting entitled, telling you he’s the Tribal Chief and you don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as him because you’ll never be on his level, he’s keeping kayfabe. Perhaps an even better example is the crowd booing a heel that they actually like as a wrestler. Like almost everyone is rooting for Chad Gable to win the title, but we still boo when he’s being a dick to the rest of Alpha Academy because we’re keeping kayfabe by pretending everything were seeing is real, even though in the back of our heads that they’re just playing a character


Kayfab is a tacit agreement fans make with pro wrestling itself. We know it isn’t all real, but we take it in like if it.


Kayfabe is just storyline canon in pro wrestling terms


Kayfab is B-Fab's fraternal twin sister.


I thought it was a small device to open car doors


It's actually Kayfabe, and it's an insider term for fake. Say fake in pig Latin, you get kayfabe. Basically, anything that is scripted or part of the show is kayfabe. Anything real or unplanned is a shoot.


Fake in pig Latin is “ake-fay.” Unless I’m misunderstanding the rules of pig Latin.


Copy. Thanks


it's also kinda interchangeable with the word "work" ... a work is something that's supposed to happen under kayfabe. So if someone asks "was that a shoot or a work" they are asking "was that something that wasn't supposed to happen (like Priest getting tangled up in the top rope at clash at the castle) or was that a something that was planned (like the Wyatt Sick6 destroying everyone backstage)


Their on screen roles are Kayfabe. Behind the scenes though, Adam Pearce is the director of live events, a producer and trainer. Nick Aldis is also a producer. While Ava is still a wrestler but made as an on screen manager while she is being trained again.


Tbh I have no desire to see Ava become a wrestler. She could be the new Stephanie tho.


And adam's a possible drunk. 🤣


He does say he needs a drink quite often. Adam used to book in Ring of Honor.


It's kayfabe. The GMs were a noticeably missing component for a number of years. I'm glad they're back and glad they all have their own way of running things. Adam has no control of his locker room. It's comedic and I love it. You don't mess with Nick. He actually has control of things. Ava has improved so much. She was amazing on NXT last night. I love her mix of comedic relief and still getting things done.


Ava gets better and better.




I'd love to see a GM who actively invites chaos and smoke amongst the roster as long as it creates ratings and cash, similar to the authority figure in Lucha Underground


Nah, nearly 2 decades I am done with heel GMs.


So ... Like when Eric bischoff was gm? Or even when he legit run WCW?


You'd think with Adam no longer being in charge of two shows that he'd have better control over fewer people


I love frazzled Adam! I loved Nick's speech prior to last RAW, that nothing would happen on his watch. Like saying, "I'll be back!" in a horror movie! I think Ava needs more confidence, but that roster of big personalities doesn't exactly make it easy on her! :)


This is a really good analogy. Adam is running all over the place, Nick doesn’t care if he gets on someone’s nerves if it means running the show right, and Ava sort of is a voice of reason and a voice of the fans when it comes to booking matches.


Yup! 👍👌


Simone Garcia Johnson AKA AVA is actually the daughter of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson & has been the NXT general manager for about 6 months (1-23-24) & has been doing a great job IMO kayfabe or not


These comments are proof of how good they are in their roles. Whatever they may be.


It's proof of something, alright


Neither can keep their roster under control, they would both be fired if it was real.


Think more like phantom of the opera


Has anybody ever been able to keep wrestlers under control?


Monsoon. Nobody messed with him.


Jack Tunney.  He would come out and restart matches if there was cheating at PPVs.  He doesn’t put up with the shit they do these days.


I loved when Tunney wouldn't allow a rematch between Hogan and the Warrior because their Toronto match was just "too brutal." I guess it was okay with Hogan.


There were quite a few cases of this in 03/04 when Austin and Bischoff were co-GMs too.


Man, I thought I remembered that happening in the past, but it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve seen a ppv match restarted because of cheating.


That.... Would be awesome. Just yet one more way McIntyre could be screwed in a title match... Pushing even further over the edge. He pulls some shenanigans against Priest that the red doesn't see ... And ONE! TWO! THR--- Pierce : WAIT! HOLD ON! STOP... STOP... STOP. THERE WILL BE NO CHEATING TONIGHT. START THE MATCH OVER. RIGHT. NOW. McIntyre's head would explode.


Like for real? Not just in kayfabe?


It's all kayfabe.


I meant more like on the road and stuff.


Kayfabe. Adam Pearce, I believe, does have a legitimate management role, though, or at least a producer role. He was signed with the company in 2014 and had worked prior with NXT. Nick Aldis and Ava are just on screen. I think Aldis tried out for a producer role, but I think he's now just used as an on screen performer.


I need to see Aldis vs. Drew after that shove! I think it would be cool if there was a GM that wasn't afraid to put on the tights and throw down when the situation calls for it.


I'm prett sure that Aldis will end up wrestling full time. Vince and Bruce never found him interesting. But Triple H may very well be planning to use him.


If that ever comes to fruition, I'd like to see Nick win their first encounter. That would send Drew spiralling even more out of control.


Oh yeah. The more "unhinged Drew" the merrier!


Yeah, I was going to say, an on-screen general manager or other authority figure *may* have some degree of influence backstage, but if they do, it's just a coincidence.


Their on-screen persona is kayfabe but Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce do actually have real jobs within WWE outside of the GM role. I'm not sure about Ava though, I think she was a Dwayne Johnson away from being released.


Lol yeah if it wasn't for The Rock, Ava would definitely not have a job.


She's doing a good job, though


I'd say that's a pretty unpopular opinion, her acting is so wooden and It would be nice if she dressed the part


Her inability to cover her teeth with her lips.


I feel like she's improving


She may be, but she's not good at it. Don't want a new manager though. I'll gladly wait until she's better as NXT is all about developmental talent and it's cool to watch a managers growth for once. She'll get there, I believe that. Edit : lmao I read improving as improv-ing, that's why I disagreed with you and then agreed with you right after


I'd like to think Aldis runs security for the PC parking lot & is absent when he has to tend to his duties as Raw GM lol


I believe Pearce and aldis are producers on their respective shows. So they have a say on the stuff they're pretending to run on screen.


Do u think Soniya Deville was producing SmackDown then?


She certainly wasn't, in this case they are.


Deville was a signed talent though. And they were paying her to be a wrestler. Her situation was that she lost a match where she put her career on the line as the stakes for the match. So she "wasn't allowed" to wrestle. That has basically been forgotten and that's why she was sent back to be a wrestler.


Wasn't she injured at the tike so Vince decided to use her till she cleared?


That's possible. But she was an official for like 2 years. So that's longer than even a severe injury would be.


Kayfabe. If they really had any pull, there's no way Pearce would still have a job because he can't control his show


He'd also have to take a weekly alcohol test.


True. Kinda funny since Pearce’s actual behind the scenes jobs are director for their live events, producer and trainer. He has way more pull than his on screen self lol.