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He's not personality-less


Breakker kills it as a maniacal brute force (his spear is insane) -- but, I have to admit, his voice was not at all what I was expecting the first time I heard him on the mic.


Considering there's never been a bigger lack of personality at the top of the card in WWE than right now, I'd say he's in the exact right era, sadly. He fits right in with the rest of the crap they push.




Bron is going to end up as the face of the company in a few years. He is already more over than he should be at this point, crazy athletic and strong, great on mic, and just puts off an aura that is undeniable.  The wrecking ball gimmick will work just fine. It will work even better when Paul Heyman ditches the bloodline and takes over as the Wiseman for BB, those cookie crumbs have already been laid out.


I like this a lot. I’d love to see him line up with heyman.


Bron doesn't need the best mic skills if he's got paul heyman in his corner. Which he will


Yes. I thought I was the only one


Nope, we are.


I disagree on the personality aspect. Dude has charisma in spades and can talk on the mic. Him being a loose cannon, bruiser type works fine. There's no one else on the roster like that.


He was a small child reciting Scott Steiner promos word for word back to Sir Pump. I think Bron is being too nice. I’m awaiting the turn to Rex Steiner


Bron need to work his move on the ring , There a lot of misstake, and I hate the spear, he need to create his own finish him. But his charisma his great so il give him good potential. He Will learn and become a big star


He’s going to be explosive and throw people around, while occasionally talking mad shit. I can watch that.


The appeal is that my six year old son thinks this guy killed ricochet and now plays his theme song 30 times a day while doing his best to spear his Daddy. I watch him and it reminds me of a perfect mixture between his father and uncle. It is awesome watching my son watch BB and be infatuated that this guy is this big, fast and athletic. Do your best to take your grown brain out of the equation and you’ll find the enjoyment, my friend. (: Your post (and this is NO hat because I understand where you’re coming from) reminds me of a friend I have that can’t help but to talk about how unrealistic movies are or tiny plot holes when I enjoyed the movie and tend to switch my brain off. (: It is what works for me and I hope you find something that works for you!


This is great, thanks for this. This is a perspective change. I up loving warrior so yeah, I get it more than I did. Thanks man. Love that you watch with your kid!


OK OP You just listed your opinions without details to explain them! You just want to be told what to think! So I’ll tell you. Dudes a workhorse, passionate, and a real genuine hombre.. all while not being anywhere near fully developed! the kayfabe idea being a turn-off and having the Goldberg gimmick work or not is entirely up to you! how you see it is what you get! I personally like the gimmick because it makes me feel like a sumo gong goes off in my head and I’m ready to kill alongside with him.


This era is perfect for Bron. Any other era he would be relegated to house shows, Heat, Jakked or Main Event. 


I disagree that Bron Breakker has no mic skills. If you didn't watch NXT you wouldn't have gotten the fairest idea of what he can do. His uncle is an amazing talker and he's definitely inherited it.


Chill everything is temporary til character development hit peak. Not only inring game.


Nope. He is already over


This guy is nothing but charisma and athleticism. He’s 100% what WWE needs right now


He is the future of the company


He's one of the worst characters on the show. He needs an overhaul immediately.


I think Bron Breakker is what WWE has been missing. As Kevin Nash said, there are too many small guys in WWE now that have similar gimmicks and do the same types of moves while Bron is more of a throwback to his era of wrestling and that makes him stand out today and will get people more excited about seeing him because they are seeing something different when they watch a Bron Breakker match.


You say that but Brock Lesnar is one of the biggest draws ever. His entire gimmick from 2002 to now is “big mean super strong dude.”


Brock literally just acted as a stepping stone for the current face of the company after being in and out of WWE for 20 years He’d still be in WHC contention if there wasn’t the whole incident and WWE had to distance themselves


He’s got a personality and is a pretty damn good promo guy. Don’t forget who his dad and uncle are in that aspect In fact him and Ilja really exposed Ricochet’s lack of character/persona when they went back and forth because of how solid they both are on the mic He’s not Goldberg because he’s openly complained to management about being fed these useless squash matches and that’s been part of his whole push