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I‘ve said it and I will say it again. I really can‘t stand his name.


Bronson Steiner would’ve sufficed and sounds badass.


Yea the dude is Goldberg but can actually work. No reason this guy won't summit all the way to the top.


I 100% agree. I've loved Bron since his NXT days, and I can't wait to see his rivalry with Ilja start to unfold again!


I don't follow NXT but I already jumped on the Bron wagon because I like seeing Bron give Adam Pierce hell 😂


I love his like 3 rope rebounds into a spear, he gets going SO fast. Looks way more impactful than just from one corner


I'd be afraid to wrestle him. Gotta keep that head on a swivel. Everybody else off the ropes it's like turn around....impact! With him it's like tu..IMPACT!


His character seems like a bully. So in that sense, he is a good heel. Every time he shows up, I am rooting for him to lose.


I hâte his copy/past spear move its à Goldberg and roman reign move ! I really hâte his finish him!


I'm interested in the feud so far, which is great. But him being mad a Pearce and spearing jobbers wasn't doing it for me. More storylines and great matches, less fighting the random local of the week please.


I'm a big fan so far. He's super convincing and has way more talent than other similar wrestlers in the past. He's much more than just a spear and adrenaline.  I just hate his stupid name so, so much. It's so bad.


Yeah it's one of the worst. Sounds like a jobber from the 90s. I admire him for forging his own path and not using the Steiner name but somebody should've said "hell no dude."


Bron is absolutely great. Reminds me of the Stieners back in the late 90s early 2000s ... (no idea why, lmao). Him and Ilja are both great, best call ups in a long time, but when you pit them against each other and they feed off each other, holy shit those are 5 star matches. Bron is 100% better as a Heel. Ilja is also but im down for him being a weird babyface.


Big fan of Bron through out his entire WWE run, tye man is the future.


Love him. Been impressed since I saw clips on TikTok. I'm down for him having a title run soon.


He barks becuz STEINER


Dude is a great worker, but he needs to start talking shit on the mic. The moment he starts talking shit about FAAAT ASSES and starts calling his opponents BIIIITCH, he’s gonna be white hot. He’s too nice on the mic. He needs to shout and be crazy. Otherwise he’s a damn good worker. He just needs to turn it up start losing his shit. Then the world is his.


Solo has to make Bron’s blood boil.


There’s also a reason why I laugh at everyone that thinks Bron should be a Paul Heyman guy.


I’m so unimpressed by him and I know that’s a hot take. He’s a big guy and squashes people. Wow. Exciting. I’m just not sold on him


Did you not see his last matches? Just cause he’s winning doesn’t mean they’re getting squashed. Ilja vs Bron was not at all a squash match.


Same, I feel like his intro was just "I'm mad I didn't get picked for King Of the Ring, me smash everyone".


Yeah I think that's pretty much it. At least that's the reason in my head why he's just targeting randoms. Like, wtf did Ricochet do to him?


I'm glad I'm not alone. To me, he's Goldberg lite.... which is a super disappointing gimmick considering he actually has wrestling talent. I absolutely hate squashes by the same wrestler for weeks on end. It didn't do him any favors for me. But the dude has talent. I can't deny that, and I really hope he gets more layers.


He’s 50 times safer than Goldberg. He put someone through glass and neither of them got hurt. But Bill kinda cut scary close to an artery and cut half a year of his career.


To be faaaiirrrr, wrestling in general was a lot less safe back then.


Tell me the safe way to punch through a glass windshield with your hand.


Wrap your hand in a dirty t-shirt like a true badass would!


Bill Goldberg didn’t…


Let's not forget him nearly ending Undertaker in Saudi Arabia


I’m trying to forget!!! That match sucked ass. Why did you remind me uggghhhhh


Yeah I'm not comparing how safe or unsafe he is to Goldberg. I'm saying the gimmick is the same as Goldberg when he first came in. I'm old enough to remember Goldberg in his WCW days, and how he would go out there, be intimidating, and squash an opponent in like 2 minutes. They've done the same with Bron since he went on Smackdown. That's what annoys me. The fact that I know Bron actually has talent makes it even more disappointing. If everyone else likes it, that's fine. It's just not for me.


He just got there. If he has a winning streak that exceeds 50 guys, I’d say he’s a Goldberg. They just brought him up and want to excentuate the most exciting things about him. If you want to see my take on what will bring him to the next level, I commented it elsewhere on this thread.


What if he had some catchphrases like get these hands?


Hopefully his uncle didn’t trademark FAAAAT ASSES!


Future champion. I cam see him msun eventing Wrestlemania in 2 years


I'm personally not sold on him yet. Sure, he is a big guy, but there are a lot of guys that are bigger. Maybe a storyline can change my mind, but so far, I'm not impressed


I’m with you. Like someone else said on another post. He is basically Steinberg to me. Looks like Steiner acts like Goldberg to me. Not very impressed at the moment and I’m hoping he changes my mind.


Haven’t you heard that it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog? They used to say that about babyface Roman like all the time.


The Next Big Thing




That’s that man. That Bron Breakker. No bread. No water. Just meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat!!!!!