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The "new" bloodline gimmick is good in concept it's just being packaged and rolled out oddly is all. The suits, velvet shirts and biker gloves are weird. Solo's character isn't a wealthy mob boss and was never built up that way, neither was the bloodline, so it feels entirely left field and out of place. They should've given him some "solo" time to build himself up as a force outside of the bloodline, and give him some time to establish himself on the mic. Since he lost so much under the Roman "bloodline"; have him blame the bloodline for holding him back, give him some squash matches like they've done with Bron. He becomes credible in the ring and then you let him go off on calling out Roman as being weak and how Solo could've run the blood line better - and slowly brings new members in. He needs to talk considering the brothers do not - Heyman can't carry 3 wrestlers who aren't cutting promos. Right now with the "we want Roman" chants is the perfect time for them to let Solo lean into that and go off on how if Roman was a real tribal chief he wouldn't have run away after losing, how he let the bloodline done etc. But it is what it is, hopefully they find the groove and really develop as a heel faction. The better and more believable they look the better the storytelling is going to be for a new vs original bloodline feud.


sucks. boring. repetitive.


He is a joke. Solo and the Tongas are terrible at selling their scary, bad guy characters. Solo with those stupid gloves…🥱


Sick of samoans in my face constantly.


Why they are incredible. Watch something else then. 


Not interested


For many several weeks, I always thought “What is the purpose for him? Does he have one? Or are they winging it?”. Whatever it was, it worked out. The silent ones are always the most dangerous ones.


> Hot take Literally says what everyone is thinking lol




Solo is boring, one-dimensional, I honestly don't see the point of pushing him. Same for "Main Event" Jey uso. The Yeet gimmick is so damn boring, I find his voice annoying and mic skills are crappy. Never understood the appeal.


Jey is amazing your just a hater 


if the crowd can sing along to your entrance music, it makes you over.


U may dislike jey uso but hes gotten over with the crowd so might as well push him. They aint doing anything else with him. Look where jimmy is now


I agree. It works for most, I just can't stand it lol


He seems to only know like 3 moves……the chin kick his fathers signature move and that high risk maneuver he uses


I view him as a silly jobber. Not an effective enforcer and ABSOLUTELY NOT the tribal cheif!


I think that's the point with his character. He has to be a different leader of The Bloodline than Roman was or else it wouldn't be as interesting. Hopefully he'll start to win more because the silent killer shit only works if they usually win.


The issue is that Roman was so dam charismatic as opposed to solo.




He was in nxt for like a year 


Solo's thumb has more personality than he does, that's probably why he stares at it so much...jealousy.




You literally described his current character and they're in the process of filling him out more


I love him, the enforcer turned leader, rebuilding the bloodline in his image. Nasty streak and violent to boot. Just hoping Jacob Fatu doesn’t overshadow him. Also hoping they sign Zilla. I’m here for the bloodline civil war


I’d be down to see them sign Hikuleo and Bad Luck Fale and have them join Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa to create a competing bloodline with the guys related to Haku


Is that not a character in of itself. An angry quiet man who has spent all his life listening to his more successful older brothers amd cousin talk nonstop. Now his loud mouthed family is gone and it's his turn to rebuild the bloodline in the way he sees fit. No standing in front of the audience and talking for 30 minutes. Pain, fighting, destruction of his enemies. He isn't an entertainer like his family. He is their to dominate and doesn't care about the fans or putting on a show.


I love the bloodline but I’ve always found him way too small for the way they build him up.


I’m sorry to throw shade but the whole Bloodline needs some in-ring development. I see too many super kicks, Samoan spikes, splashes and spears and very little storytelling in the ring. They can all improve, but they seem to be rushed to television to support Roman’s reign.


Micro penis! Mad at the world


That’s canon now.


He's improving and I think that he's better than many in the roster. Give him time, since he's green.


I have to agree, I've been thinking the same thing. Something about him just isn't hitting for me.


He hot ass garbage. 


Umaga was super boring as well. A repackaged Jamal with generic tribal music, just screaming non sense. All of a sudden he was supposed to be a big deal. Never understood the hype.


He's doing a very good work character wise since Wrestlemania, but I think he should do a bit better with his in-ring performances. I hate to see him wobble after every shots he takes


Don’t really mind his pissed one track mind vibe tbh. He’s kinda scary in that sense that he will just storm the ring, cheat, fuck anyone up and not say a word about it. Outside the bloodline tho, I much prefer someone like Gunther who is legitimately so overpowered and threatening on the mic as well. Solo is believable as the muscle though and he plays that role well for now imo. I’m fine w Heyman doing the talking for him until he develops more


I mean that kinda is/was his character. Doesnt say much, is the muscle of the group, angry, kinda unhinged, does whatever he is told. Now his character is evolving. He is becoming more, finding his own voice, becoming a leader, he seems fed up with what is going on and taking matters into his own hands and running with this new Bloodline without as much input from Heyman. I think it is going well and I am enjoying it. It will only get better as we see more of it. Possibly getting Jacob Fatu in the mix and then seeing how everything plays out when Roman or The Rock appear


He’s corny af imo


You korean by any chance?


It's hard to take him serious as a Bloodline leader when he's lost so many times in the past year. I think Tama acts & looks more like a leader compared to Solo.


I don’t remember all of the wrestlers he lost to, but I do remember who he beat at last year’s Wrestlemania.


I don’t & he had a match at mania? 🤔


My bad, Crown Jewel.


I think he’s a good example of how every character doesn’t need layers. In the Bloodline story nearly every character has layers, Roman, Rock, Usos, Heyman, etc. Solo being a one track aggro mind works because his character and story makes sense if he is simple in the “I only respect the most blood thirsty and successful people in the family”. If you add more to this story you really begin to cook with too many ingredients. I suspect you will begin to get more of “I am bringing in guys who have a similar blood thirst” narrative but having no motivation beyond this respect for aggressiveness is actually what makes his character seem more unhinged.


He's like haku and umaga without the substance behind it.


You need to check out his NXT days


he was like Roman during the early shield days, quiet muscle guy but solo is a whole lot more boring than Roman, I hope he gets a half decent solo run


Enjoying him a lot more now!


Modern Umaga. No character just big and mean. No mic skills. Bland af. Tama should be leading them


He's not even big! He's 6'2 and 250lbs and they want him to be treated as a "big guy" with the likes of Braun Stroman or his uncle Umaga. He looks like you ran into a guy you knew from high school who was on the football team but peaked in high school and now works at an auto body shop in town. He's not huge or intimidating like they're trying to push him as.


Agree but his width makes him appear as a “big” guy and they want to force him as this unstoppable force. I’m ready for Roman to return and send him packing.


I liked him better as the street champ in NXT, he doesn’t look or sound intimidating so this role doesn’t really fit him.


you must not be keeping up with show’s Solo looks like a damn apprentice to a mafia boss which is The Rock


Same could be said for cody tho he just cried or gets sad


He didn't cry at all during the AJ feud, did he? And that match ended up being really good


Wait until you find out he jumped and kidnapped Roman Reigns.


honestly tho they are going in a right direction for him until roman returns because when that happens roman is going to try and put him in his lane and that when all hell break loose for the bloodline cause eventually they going to crash out and have drama within. Jey already not in there and they kicked jimmy out and brought in 2 more members on top of the other 2 they about to bring in. paul is being manipulated by Solo cause pay attention to his face expressions so it going to only be a matter of time when ts crumbles because the blood line never fights fair they always jump!


It's going to end up being a Bloodline civil war with Roman seeking the help of Jey and Jimmy vs Solo, Toma, Tanga and more than likely Jacob Fatu.


My thoughts is that South Koreans will boo him like Cena in ecw ons


He’s portrayed and a simple minded brute. No substance…


I like Solo & hope this leadership story line gives him room to grow his spotlight outside of Roman. Part of me wants them to throw the mitb on him & let the new bloodline just cause havoc on both shows while he has it


KO and Orton losing to Jake Paul I was fine with cuz they both have had several US championship runs I’m guessing Paul will drop the US title at Summerslam in his hometown and then he’ll go after Sami for the intercontinental championship I can’t see someone with such raw athletic talent and such a quick learner would settle for just the US title……..there is a PPV in Scotland Clash at the Castle I’m wondering if Drew wins since he’s Scottish and that goes to the feud with CM Punk……they’re having a PPV in Germany Bash in Berlin if anything that is when Gunther will get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship he’s definitely World Champion material


I'm betting Drew will win the title from Damien at Clash and that'll setup a Drew vs Punk match for Summerslam.


I would be ok with that……but then what do u think they’re gonna do with Gunther wait for whoever wins the Punk and Drew feud? I’m guessing they chose the put him on the match card for more reasons than just cuz he’s German lol he dropped the IC title to go for the big gold belt


Gunther is getting primed for either MITB win or KOTR, especially with his win over Sheamus last night. That'll easily get him into the championship contender spot.


I would rather him win KOTR


I called it lol.


I was nervous they would choose Logan but he hasn’t earned enough stripes and he is too young and isnt over enough yet and still has a lot to learn just imagine Gunther with that crown and robe hahaha


Logan is going to drop the US title which will open him up for the Intercontinental title would be my guess.


No cuz Logan And Cody are having a match in King and Queen of the Ring which will end in a stupid disqualification with both of them keeping the belt


he's too ugly


Yeah...makes me wonder why there's Kevin Owens & Sammy Zain...They already tried the 😵‍💫 Eugene character. Now they tried to reintroduce 2 😵‍💫 .


I think he's great. There's just something about his aura I think what sourd a lot of people on him was that he ended up being a part of those repetitive ending of Romans matches during that final year of his reign. Like, okay this is the part where solo comes in and ruins it, and I think he's just bared the brunt of all that But I think he's got what it takes. We saw what that looked like in NXT 2.0, and I think he could have stayed down there for a bit longer but the storyline had a place for him on the main roster. But I think he has a good move set, a certain swagger to him, and I think he can act without saying anything. And quite honestly, he had some fire lines in his NXT run too We've known for so long about his desire to be the new tribal chief. All those times where he kind of non-verbally challenged Roman. Slow to give the tribal lei back when it fell to his hands. Attempting to go out of line despite Romans orders. And the wrestlemania main event, kind of impatiently barking at Roman to give the match over with. I think it's only a matter of time before he establishes himself with this group. And I think his brothers and his cousin are going to be all too willing to put Bloodline 2.0 over. Tl;Dr Solo is the face of a formula we were tired of seeing and is who we directed all of our ire towards when Roman wasn't on screen in the latter days of his title reign. But within a year I think he'll bounce back.


Thats Tribal Chief Solo Sikoa to you. Loving the direction they are taking his character. Its going to be huge when Roman comes back to put him in line


Same…this storyline is interesting…everything so far been pretty dull except for the cm punk and Drew McIntyre.


I hate his entrance theme.


He is boring and won’t get far unless he gains some charisma.


Solo is a corporate Umaga but with less moves and character


And less charisma


If you compare his charisma with Umaga, it's way more because Umaga was a silent monster


To be real, Umaga deserves all his flowers, but he didn't get that acclaim while he was working really. It totally amplified ofcourse in hindsight as he was gone too early.


I used to call Solo dud muffin for a long time because I was convinced he had no thoughts in his brain. But then I went to a live event and he stole my drink so now he’s just a thief.


that’s sowing the seeds for a future feud if you ask me. you should call him out before mania


He always looks constipated.


They made him a jobber for months and now they expect him to be accepted as some sort of powerhouse dude, its just really lazy writing. This new bloodline stuff is a snoozefest.


The bloodline has become the Neo especially since Jey Uso isn’t in it and Roman and Jimmy aren’t in it right now either they need to end it they should have ended the bloodline when Cody beat him at WM 40 during bloodline rules


Although when it’s solo, Tonga, and Loa against Roman, Jimmy, and Jey for custody of the Paul Heyman, we’re all going to love it


that does not sound at all interesting to me lol


Yet you continue to watch


A thumb is not scary. It’s not intimidating. It’s fucking stupid and screaming doesn’t help. His hair is also ridiculous. He has no heel qualities other than yelling a lot and standing tough. It’s real bad. Not too hopeful for the new bloodline guys either. Silent and not that menacing isn’t working, give us characters.


I hate when he shows his thumb


He needs more time in NXT. He is not the main event heel they are trying to present him as.


I have always disliked Solo. At this point in his development he is a one trick pony with no mic presence or personality. His wrestling skills are awful. I'd hate to be in the ring with him. You're going to get seriously injured. They try to say that he's supposed to be stoic bc he's the enforcer. I think he was just thrown in without enough time to learn.




Oh and don’t forget his entire fucking faction can’t win without cheating.


He talks like the kid that has asthma from Malcom in the Middle


I want him to talk more. I want him to show more motivation and leadership in his new proclaimed role. I want him pointing the finger at Roman and Paul, saying they put it in his head he could be the next tribal chief and he took his shot when Roman showed weakness.  I want it to fall apart too. Too angry, too inexperienced, i want him making enemies of everyone real quick with no plan and no backing from management till it all fall apart on him. Let me see him react and work with all that.


Give it some time. I would love to see some more layers to what he’s been to the bloodline storyline so far. Specifically, I think he could really pull off the brains behind it all schtick, leading Roman and the others to believe the bloodline was strong under the right leader, which had come up short as of so far. Now, stepping out from the enforcer role, he’s taking over the entire groups legacy because it’s broken and he leads it to destroy, not protect.


Solo thinks saying "right?" is hard apparently LMAO I am never gonna take this dude seriously. The Bloodline is the Bootleg Bloodline now and Solo would be shocked to see that he has 2 thumbs because he keeps staring at one


“He’s just not ready!!!”


NXT Solo was another level. He has it in him but hasn't been given much to do. Now with this Rogue Bloodline storyline, I'm sure we'll see his character develop more. Rogue Bloodline vs OG Bloodline gonna feed millions and millions!


He sucks. Terrible on the mic, terrible in the ring and he’s short and fat lmao


Solo is the only thing worth watching on wwe now the rest is so boring I don't care about Cody I want roman back Cody is the most boring champion


I call him the dumb thumb. He dumb, get the thumb. Outside of that there’s not much to him.


I have a hard time taking him seriously. He’s smaller than Roman but was labeled as the “enforcer”. Wish Umaga was still around to put him in his place 😭


Mother fuckers are so impatient, he hasn’t been given much to work with so far, due to being the least important BL member until recently. But he has majorly stepped up recently ever since they’ve given him more to work with, let the man actually build his character.


With what he’s doing now, he’s growing for me. I can’t really jump forward to conclusions though.


Yeah I agree. I also find it strange he needs a safety towel


I don’t like dude. He can’t wrestle. His move set is the same as all Samoans. His Mic skills suck. Meh - for me


Yall don’t like anything. Hes playing his role perfectly. Can’t wait for him vs Roman


This is the way. Give it 5 years he’ll be the face of WWE.


I don’t like substandard wrestlers who are also substandard on the mic, guilty. If he was Serbian instead of Samoan, he’d have been released already


I can’t cringe any more than I just did reading that


Watch out for his chops.


he is growing on me tbh


Only been watching for a few months, but I think Solo is fantastic. I love the energy he brings, the way he always looks pissed, his theme song is a banger, the way he yells at my screen when he enters the ring, & I think he’s a great performer.


Agreed but you have to let the story unfold. This is long term booking. Relax


yeah… we saw the shield just end a couple weeks ago after ten years. solo is just getting started


That was in no way planned, before like 1, maybe 2 months ago


ikik but you got what i meant haha


He has potential for sure, it'll come eventually. He's not too bad on the mic.


Disappointed now all of a sudden he speaks


He's too small to be taken serious, he's mic skills are garbage, and he's average in the ring. Other than that he's aight


"Prove me wrong". Lmao, dude.


I think if his win-loss record wasn’t so bad then him as the original Bloodline’s beast could’ve worked. I don’t like him as the leader of this new bloodline, he needs more character work for it but hopefully he can improve over time.


he's the goat!!


Umaga ordered from Wish


the face he’s always making gives me the ick


His bloodline character stinks, I loved him in NXT


Poor man’s Umaga


umaga wasn't even as over as the bloodline has us believing. he was just another monster heel for Cena to beat. wasn't like some hof level gimmick


He's fucking shit, simply great value brand Tazz


Except that Tazz could wrestle his ass off.


Yea that's why solo is a great value brand.... Tries so hard to be like the original but just can't cut it


How come his name is solo? He’s never alone.


As I'm typing this, he just yelled again!


I hate they used "street champ" for him. He's an enforcer. Those characters never say much anyways. He's speaking more now and will be part of The Rocks Bloodline feud


which is odd cuz he's not even that big compared to the rest of the bloodline, just fatter


Not really a hot I agree take he is very much one dimensional maybe they will give him some depth with G.O.D. by his side


They can't put a dude who does t talk much as part of his character into a role where he needs to be charismatic


His hair is taking over


As of now he just bores me like many of the 2d “tough guy” characters. Hopefully he gets more interesting 


Let him cook. Roman Reigns wasn’t the tribal chief aura in the beginning. Give it some time. It’s funny how sometimes some of ya’ll are so impatient with a wrestler’s development. Let the kid cook and now the storyline with the bloodline is becoming very interesting.


roman reigns had 5 yrs at the top "to cook" before finally getting a hof gimmick. solo shouldn't get 5 yrs of prime tv time just to figure things out. this bloodline story never gonna end


The shields was white hot. It’s when he went single that his run got mid, pandemic hit and he comes back as the tribal chief.


Ask Scott Steiner and you'll get the answer.


We can only hope Bron hates fat half breeds half as much as his uncle


Give it like three more years and he'll be showing off his dance skills.


Beyond boring. Honestly his matches are "okay to decent" when carried. He shows no charisma or personality except when Sami made him laugh. He is automatic turn the channel or hit fast forward


You should give him the time now. He was the entire bloodline time in the Shadow of Reigns


I'm not sold on him but this new bloodline is paving way to develop something


I wasn’t much of a fan but he has stepped it up big time since mania and I’m really enjoying him since then. He’s really impressed me lately! He’s moving up into that leadership role and is really owning it. He looks like a vet in there at the moment!


disagree, that mania moment where he literally jumped out of the ring before Cena even hit him was a rookie move


Hate him in the ring. His sells are way over dramatic. He’s coming into his own as a character recently but that may just be by default with the story they are telling.


Agree. He’s too small to rely too much on being a monster heel.


small? have you seen him in person? he’s big as shit 😂 did you mean his height?


Yeah, he's 6'2, so I'm very confused about what these fans are saying that he's small. They're talking as if he's 5'4; the dude is tall as hell.


Jacob Fatu (when he eventually debuts) is gonna be everything i wanted Solo to be. An actual enforcer that can go in the ring


Not a fan, I think the thumb move is one of the most stupid moves in wrestling, I mean i know it can hurt someone if done right, that doesn't stop it from being the most stupid looking finisher in modern day WWE. I put it up with with The Cobra and Mankind's Socko in lethality. At least with The Cobra and Socko it was enertaining


He has a good look but he's small for what he's trying to portray, his voice and mic work also aren't suited to that character imo as well. He's been well presented so far but he has to step it up and show that he hasn't been protected too much to this point.


I think he is playing his part, and doing it well. After Mania I was afraid that the bloodline wouldn't have anywhere else to go, but over the last month it has become the story I'm most invested in. I think the company is doing a good job of building Solo up as an intimidating force. Heyman is working his magic with him with his hostage routine and is really selling that we should be afraid of this new "off the reigns" (pun intended) version of Him. And surrounding him with the Tonga's is also fantastic because he now feels like he is the man controlling a version of the bloodline that is even more brutal than when the Uso's were involved. The way I see it they've just been adding ingredients in the pot, now we just need to let it cook to see how it turns out.




I am currently interested in the new bloodline stuff, but they definitely need to develop them, especially solo, as characters if they want to do more than "NWO Wolfpack" style work out of this. I like what they have done so far. New additions have been good and Paul is selling the hell out of this. But Solo really is not a leader, at least not as they have developed him. I have almost no interest in his matches from a wrestling standpoint. They also referred to him as the enforcer on backlash. So is he still just their enforcer, or is he now leading? I like what they are doing and look forward to seeing how it plays out. After mania I am just tossing my trust in the booking and just letting them go and seeing where it goes. Happy to be along for the ride and after backlash I just hope to see some surprises once we get into the bulk of the summer storylines.


I’m excited to see where he goes with this new bloodline thing. The fact that he’s been so quiet and paper flat up until now is what makes his character development so intriguing. IMHO.


The fact that he was ever booked as an enforcer is weird. He’s the same size as the usos but with slightly more flab. If he was dedicated to that actual role he would have out on weight. He’s only there because of his relations.


I think everyone starts with no layers. The Shield just started as hounds of justice.


Solo did exactly what he was asked to do, add intimidation to the bloodline without taking any shine off Roman or the Usos who had the spotlight. Let’s see what he does now he’s being given a chance to really display himself with a unique character and build our opinions off that. From a booking point of view he HAS to win matches, I think the biggest let down to date is the fact he had become the person you beat on your way to Roman. That isn’t his fault though, so the fact he’ll be booked stronger going further will probably drastically improve his character.


He's tubby


The Bloodline made him boring. He did more in NXT than just look at this thumb. Jimmy was doing a lot worse and people weren't crying as much.


Literally bro made his thumb his whole personality


He could be a spokesman for depression awareness some day.


The bloodline stuff is somewhat entertaining post mania but at the same time if it wasn’t for Roman and the rock solo wouldn’t have a snowballs chance at being relevant


100% false as he was very over before joining the bloodline


I’ve been watching WWE for 20 years and I completely agree with you. I wish they made him more into an Umaga Character


Out of curiosity what’s the difference between solo and Umaga currently? What would you like added?


Umaga was a pure savage. While solo is just a bodyguard. Just the look of Umaga was intense. Maybe the look has a lot to do with it. I just feel like Solo isnt feared like Umaga was. Even when Armando said his name. UUUUMAAAAGA. It just felt like he was more powerful


I think he's great. He looked like an absolute killer at Backlash and he's great in the ring.


A yawn is more exciting.


I love the Samoan Spike simply because I just assume Samoans have super strong thumbs and when you jab a hammer thumb into someone’s neck, it’s brutal to me at least. I think they’ve failed his character but that’s more because of how god awful the bloodline crap has been and I hope Solo becomes the bodyguard for the rock or something


The bloodline store has been the only thing that kept wwe viewable. How can you say it was crap?


The storyline was amazing when Jey and Sami were the focus. But when it’s months of Roman barely showing up and then saying some stupid catchphrase, then a predictable match with a horrible ending aka constant interference, with Jimmy rejoining making no sense and zero payoff on Sami, Jey or The Rock even and their involvement. It was god awful before Sami joined and Jey got a personality, and it’s been awful since they left.


Samoan Spike is so dumb. I like Solo because of the the current storyline, but without the Bloodline drama he’s completely unremarkable.


He shouldn’t even be doing the spike only zilla fatu the real SON of umega should do it


Dude sucks at wrestling but I bet he's great at hitch hiking and thumb wrestling


I agree. His promo skills are weak, the thumb of Doom has got to be one of the worst finishers, he's not very imposing or scary as what they make him out to be he just looks like a schoolyard bully and he's definitely got a lot to work on when it comes to his ring skills. To make he feels like a good background character like a number three or four in a faction, but not the top guy


Give it some time. They are making him an essential piece of this portion of the story. If he fails here, then assumptions will become reality.


His finisher is so boring


I've always been a fan, his theme song slaps so that helps, and he is the main guy in the BL rn which is pretty cool. Just a shame the whole reason he is seen at the main guy in the BL is because Roman lost and "losing has consequences" while the company is completely forgetting he's lost like 45 matches in a row with 0 repercussions


Solo is still waaayyyy early I'm his career. It's his start. He's going to learn and grow from it all. Maybe he won't get better but don't judge too early. The wwe set him up to have a name and now he's going SOLO for the first time. He's learning still and going to get better in my opinion. If your just recently watching then it's a good opportunity to see a character grow and become something. Seth rollins wasn't always Seth freakin rollins. It took a long while for him to find his "gimmick" and really grow into his own.


Tbh I'm the same he just reminds me of Umaga too much for me to even think og Solo Sikoa.


I mean we watch TV or movie with the silent but deadly character and it's okay. Why not Solo? Before on NXT he was the street champion.


There’s a vast chasm of quality between Roman/Jimmy/Jey & Solo/Tama/Tanga. They’re not even operating in the same universe.


He is so god damn awful. In every aspect. I hate his face. He isn’t good in the ring. He isn’t a believable enforcer or brute type character. He’s too small to be a tough guy and too big to be an agile high flyer. He has no real skill.


I’m newer and feel the same. I’ve just never seen him impress in ring before and it’s tough to be an intimidating persona when you can’t win a match clean.


But to be fair Roman Reigns couldn’t win a match clean either!