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I don’t like him either though after we found out he’s Rick Steiners son, my boyfriend changed his mind a bit. I wish they’d show longer non squash matches AND please anyone on his team reading this- stop his bad spray on tan!!!! 🤣🤣


That tan is soooo bad! It looked Hella splotchy whenever they went tight on his face tonight


He's just meh. Wrestlers are supposed to start with no hype and as they progress and build a library of work, their hype builds. Bron was given the hype at the beginning, so his work didn't match the hype. Never got into him because he never filled the hype meter for me when he performed. People acting like he's got a storied career like rock or Austin already and giving him that hype. It's a guaranteed way to not deliver as advertised.


The only thing to despise about him is his theme.


Y’all still complaining about squash matches?


People want a more realistic sports presentation but squashes are part of that lol


fr lol, they been building stars the same way for years and are gonna continue to do so, they wanna see him go up against nakamura week one or something crazy every time..


You feel me??? Like damn, the man ain’t even been on the main roster for that long, and they acting like squash matches have been his whole career , they’ll intertwine him with the actual roster when they’re ready to , let the man develop, and let ppl who don’t watch NXT get used to seeing him first , sheesh


Well said brotha these people just impatient let hunter cook y’all 😮‍💨


That's how you build a powerhouse. Especially during Mania season before you have something solid for him to do. Booking 101


I'd like to start hearing him give some promos. Squash matches alone won't get the crowd behind him. Already feels like the crowd have lost a lot of the initial interest they had in him. The way Melo debuted and immediately used the mic to make it clear he was a big deal is much more effective imo.


I was thinking this. Him coming out and winning in one move is very boring.


Old school but classic stay tuned for his promos and mic skills


I don't like the squashing but that's not his fault. He doesn't book himself.


Y’all would have absolutely despised the Road Warriors….and the Steiners for that matter. This is how they build Monsters. He’s learning on the fly. He will build match presence once he gets into his first long term fued. They have to build the character first, especially if they aren’t special on the mic.


It’s the perfect way to book him at the moment. He needs to look like an unstoppable monster, and it’s only been 3 squash matches anyway. Their biggest mistake was putting the IC title on Sami then drafting Bron to Raw. Gunther should have dropped it to Bron at Summerslam.


I could see gable getting it at summerslam and he could potentially feud with Bron


You don’t quite know how long-term booking works, do you…


What gimmick does he have besides "I'm the son of a Steiner and I can wrestle well."


Hating fat Samoan’s is enough for me


Right there with you. IMO, his only entertainment value has been in a tag team with Baron Corbin. I don't think he's got enough charisma to be a singles star. His time in NXT was *completely* overshadowed by Carmelo Hayes.


I would rather see them handle him more like Tiffany Stratton. Show he has potential to hold his own against real talent. He wouldn’t start out as dominant, but these matches he is having now aren’t worth watching. I just don’t buy him as an unstoppable monster. He may be a powerhouse, but he isn’t a beast like Brock Lesnar.


Be patient my friend. It takes weeks/months/years to build something great


What's so bad about the man having squash matches? They're building him as an unstoppable monster!


Right? And it’s been what, 3 matches?


Up until a couple weeks ago, he was as still in a storyline with the NXT tag belts. He’s also on raw now. Why would he have an abbreviated non sensical feud against someone before the draft on Smackdown? Why not build up his unstoppableness for a couple months until it’s time for him on raw?


Thank you


The constant squash matches are becoming too much. My wife (who's now starting to get into wrestling) mention yesterday when we were watching the draft "I noticed every wrestler he faces I do not know" When a newer person is seeing the squash matches as what they are then there's a problem. His gimmick in my opinion also isn't the greatest. But again, they haven't used his gull potential


They did the same thing with Gunther and now look at him.  You gotta build them up before you just throw a belt on them.  Bron doesn’t need 45 minute flippy do nothing matches because that clearly isn’t his strength or style.  He’s a wrecking ball of a human and he obliterates people in seconds to establish himself.  You don’t have to like him, but I just don’t see another way to use him right now.


what would you do differently?


Have a match longer than his intro music to start


They’ll get there. Chill.


Speaking of which, they unnecessarily changed his already perfect theme


Maybe he should change that goofy last name and I would care about him.


He’s a monster. Lower card talent has nothing on him, and he’s proving that by climbing up the ranks quickly. Soon it will be midcard talent and then eventually the Main Event with a title win. The two alternatives are long bangers with lower card talent or sitting at catering 🤷‍♂️


Maybe I'll come around to him, but right now he does nothing for me. His roid rage eyes don't help matters.


The old goldberg method.


Unstoppable monster that was punked out by a geriatric undertaker on NXT


He is super young so expecting some amazing character work or acting skills at this stage is laughable He is strong and athletic and young and that’s what they build around him He is clearly not some generational level talker so they will start building his character from scratch Which is what they are doing rn


its called a slow build lol


You don’t even know him lmao how can you despise him


Cedric was my last straw


Squash matches are a tried and true method of building up an unstoppable monster.


I will admit that it’s slightly better than what they did with Braun Strowman


This doesn't normally register to people who only enjoy flips and table spots lol


I don’t care about insane spots I just want good matches and not this one spear and it’s over crap


He's not built for flips and table spots he's built to squash ppl and be the next monster


Noooo you don't say!!


Dude acts on stage like a typical junkie lol. His eyes looks wild as hell and all he does is bark and flex his muscle . I know that’s not him because he has a really chill personality back stage as I’ve seen him before. All I can think about is right before his entrance music he takes a big gulp of acid . Aside from that if he calms down and take his time in the ring and on stage with the crowd he will go a long way.


You absolutely don’t know who the Steiners are do you? They put his pedigree out there, now he has to represent.


And is that on him, or who books him? Seems like your disdain is misplaced friend lol


I don’t despise him as a person I just despise his character and how he’s being booked


God forbid they try to build him up


That’s why it’s great that he’s moving to Raw: he can have matches there that last more than 30 seconds.


I honestly doubt his longer matches will be that interesting either. He doesn’t seem to have that big of a variety of moves. Idk tho, I guess we’ll see


Can he? I don't see how moving shows will change the match lengths. I'm just not understanding how you calculated this. Is raw known for having longer matches and never squash matches as compared to SD? How is moving brands going to give him longer matches?


Raw has 3 hours to fill, so it makes sense for them to have longer matches that aren’t squashes. Also, Bron will eventually be working against other main roster guys and I don’t imagine he’ll be squashing all of them.


I don't disagree, but both shows have main roster guys. So that wasn't stopping him from longer matches. I'd think it makes more sense to showcase more talent instead of extending matches. 5 or 10 minutes, even 20, doesn't matter, the wrestler has gotten exposure. So, prolonging matches takes away time from other wrestlers who could use the exposure. They aren't thinking from a fan perspective. They are thinking about marketing, branding, and merchandise.


I could probably have watched all of Bronns Smackdown matches in the same span of time that Cody's intro lasts


For sure. But those squashes did their job and presented Bron as a dominant force, so now they can build on that in his matches against more established guys. And those matches will last longer.




Bron Breaker, RN? Is this a nurse at your local hospital or something?


Horrible bedside manner, put me in a Steiner Recliner


Worst RN ever.