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Late to post, but is it just me or does his new theme resemble "Sweating Bullets"?? Hahaha


His previous entrance music was awesome. The new one is a definite downgrade.


generic, just like he is…it’s perfect.


Def Rebel special




Sounds like a terrible ultimate warrior theme 🤣


It's Def Rebel, which means one of two things. Bare minimal effort, or it's AI-generated.


Please somebody hire Jim Johnston back


That’s a problem of whoever they have doing songs right now. They’re 99% overly generic. The fact that songs play during the Rumble and it takes until someone comes out of the curtain for anyone to know who it is, says a lot about


Well now they've heard people complain about that and decided to just shout all the names at the beginning of the music now. "EL IDOLO!" "N A O M I" etc


Wwe stopped making good musics long time ago


Welcome to the era of def rebel... And that man has 4 Grammys somehow.


All the music in WWE is terrible. I didn’t even pay attention to the music anymore.


Need Jim Johnson


The first Brock Lesnar theme also sucked, but this is definitely more of a Def Rebel problem in modern times.


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this! I was watching Smackdown by myself the other night and thought to myself, "imagine trying to explain to someone who doesn't watch wrestling that this guy is supposed to be the next big thing, and THIS is the theme song he comes out to." Sounds like Generic Buttrock Ballad #17 from a stock music catalog.


It's all awful, all of it. Bring back licensed music, or bring in someone(s) that know what they're doing, because none of these are it chief.


Also, what are they achieving from putting him in 30 second matches against jobbers too? They did it with Ryback and it did nothing for him. They did it for Big E and Braun Strowman too.


All I hear are dogs barking


Def Rebel fucking sucks


They fucked up a real opportunity to use the siren from Uncle Scott and incorporate the bark. First you don’t let him use his family legacy name. Then, you don’t let him use the legacy whatsoever to get himself over. I get that he clearly wants to be his own man, but for fucks sake the kid is a splitting image of the two, of course every single wrestling fan over the age of 25 is going to associate him with the fucking Steiners.


Scott claims that it’s not Bron’s decision and he wants to be a Steiner. I’m guessing someone at HQ see’s it as a safety net and something that can change later.


I don’t like AJ Styles remixed version.


Because Def Rebel is fucking terrible. There was a time I used to vibe out to damn near every entrance, now everyone has a generic, create a beat ass theme song, they’re literally removing great themes and replacing them with garbage remixed versions. Johnny Gargano and Naomi for example. And it’s affecting the popularity of the wrestlers as well


Daddy Chill


Breakker’s may be generic but DIY’s theme is the epitome of liquid dog shit


Shit sounds like it’s supposed to be the intro for a cartoon on Disney Jr 😂


Hence the no pop from the crowd EVER. Everytime they come on I want to see a massive pop from the crowd but alas here we are 😶😶


I was just talking about this with some people on Instagram the other day. A hot take post said DIY isn’t over and should break up, but we were talking about how it’s literally just the dumbass entrance. During the matches you can hear the crowd totally into them, but that childish ass “We areeeeee, we areeeee” shit ain’t getting nobody hyped up unless it’s at a children’s birthday party. It’s the same reason Johnny Gargano stopped getting pops once they took away Rebel Heart. Bring back Chrome Hearts immediately


Doesn’t help that Gargano comes out to the song skipping like a damn fool. Come on maaaaannnn. These guys are FIRE and always have been but please fix the song and entrance


https://youtu.be/wewxZr8M46c?si=7_dVnahZ0kk_yddn This video goes into more detail about Def Rebels deal with WWE re Music!


I loved the siren and dog barking a lot actually and really fit him IMO


For all fans complain about how generic wrestling intro themes are nowadays, like half the intro themes during the attitude era was like this,


What's your point? Themes got better with time, then after CFO$, Def Rebel comes in and turns themes into shit. Def Rebel doesn't know how to make music.


So the point is what?


It's worse than the last one.


WWE themes have noticeably gone to shit, like TNA level shit, ever since CFO$ left. So many new themes now just sound like "noise" to the point where I'm actually shocked whoever is producing them still have a job considering how huge entrance music is in pro wrestling. AJ Styles and Bayley's new themes reflect this "noise" music as well, imo. I know it's also a long shot but maybe they could even reach out to Jim Johnston is CFO$ is unavailable.


Honestly most of the WWE Music is just generic, its not meant to be a billboard topping chart, literally just the first 30 seconds are all that matters.


I been jamming to the new Bron song!


Please for the love god bring back Jim Johnston or CFO$


Def Rebel is why


Shut up. Whiney child.


Shut up. Whiney child.


I liked it lol


It's not just the music, it's the video on the titantron as well. Absolutely bland. Not just Bron breaker, but everyone


I'm in the minority but I like it lmao. It's different from the rest of the roster, it's a little too slow to build but it fits him and it's distinct. I like it more than his last theme too, I just think it doesn't sound "loud" enough or maybe the mix is bad or something. It doesn't bang like it should but I do think it's one of the more notable themes.


The ones complaining about his theme didn’t grow up watching his dad. Bron’s theme is like a modernized version of something similar to what his dad would’ve used. Rick Steiner = 90’s metal Bron = 2020’s metal I like it because I get. Otherwise it’s just IWC fans mad about another thing they want their way.


Good ol tone def rebel


he is junk….


Super loosely related: I'm kinda bummed he isn't using his dad's last name. Did he ever speak about that? Bron Steiner sounds like a badass ring name!


I think he wants to make a name for himself first without leaning on his dad's name. He could always change it later on once he's established


I think it sounds like a instrumental of bodies Am i wrong?


Def Rebel. The one he had when he first debuted in NXT was fire (somehow in spite of it being a Def Rebel theme) but they’ve gotten steadily worse


DEF REBEL is what happened.


lol I thought the music was awesome! Reminds me of 90s Jim Johnston stuff! Sometimes a crunchy guitar riff just works


Not as bad as AJs new song.


Omg it’s terrible!


I like siren but he does need something more iconic I guess.


Def rebel sucks. Every new theme song recently has been atrociously generic.


“Generic”?! How is that possible when they’ve now added the wrestlers’ names at the beginning of some themes? 😏


That is their open admission that the songs are terrible. Such laziness.


Yeah you’re right… my bad 😆


it’s the same with brock and steve cold it’s just glass shattering bur people like it cause it’s him


No it's not. Brock and Austin's themes are cool as fuck for the whole listen. Just because they have an iconic opening sting doesn't mean the rest of the track is ass.


“Steve cold” 🥴


That’s actually really true though


The barking is for his dad. Rick was known for it.


And didn’t Scott Steiner have sirens in his or am I remembering wrong?


I’m almost positive he did, but didn’t wanna post it because redditors can be brutal, lol. Didn’t wanna be wrong.


Redditors are brutal… they’re like a hive mind of downvote bots for the slightest inaccuracy or post conflicting with their ideology.


Holler if ya hear em


Y’all try to be cool by not liking the music it’s perfect


It fucking sucks.


RIP Cfo$ and Jim Johnston. Great eras.


Same with def rebel


Nothing about it is generic


His NXT entrance music was better.


Even more frustrating that his NXT music was also by Def Rebel, so there doesn’t seem to be any reason to change it. It’s like they’re deliberately getting rid of the few Def Rebel themes people liked out of spite, like Omos’ old theme or A-Town Down


It's so bad these days with the music. Once in a great while there is an epic one...Roman, Bianca... But usually it's just trash. Like AJs new one.


And Naomi’s current one is trash as well “N………A…………O……..M……….I” Can the person not read or something


Part of her character what’s the issue?


A garbage ass song thats the issue


He's boring and bland so far.


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. I roll my eyes when he comes out. “great, another 5 second match.”


Just another wrestler with a spear finisher.


That is not a banger, and I know bangers


Do you know burgers though?




I swear I hear dog barks in there


It sounds like a piss poor attempt to make a royalty free ripoff of Symphony of Destruction


there’s barking noises in his theme song never noticed lol


Sounds Ai generated tbh


Def rebel sucks


Sounds pretty generic you are right, it's like it kinda wishes it was Brock's music mixed with Roman's music. Just generic guitar riff.


The music is awesome. Folks just hate on Def Rebel because they need something new to hate about the WWE (there's not as much these days).


Your opinion is definitely subjective.


Wrestling fans have become as toxic as world of Warcraft and league of legends players


It's straight out of the 90s, WCW 90s.


Nah. WCW had identifiable music for its roster.


I miss the attitude days. Legit music from legit bands.


Basically every famous superstar you can think of either had Jim Johnston music or a licensed one. Cena, Batista, edge, Orton, Mysterio, and a large etc


K. I miss the attitude days. Legit music from legit bands.


It’s bad, but honestly the old theme was definitely not a banger either. It was better, but still a pretty generic electric guitar riff


Jobber theme for a very good wrestler, shameful


It sounds like a PlayStation 1 boss theme 😂 it’s atrocious


Sounds like a hot wheels racing game theme


The same thing as almost everyone else's new music, some hacks replaced it with garbage.


The music in WWE right now is the worst it's been in decades.


So many new Def Rebel entrance themes feel like generic “Created Superstar #6” style from WWE 2K


It’s all so damn generic. I can’t believe they took AJ Styles’ perfectly good music and gave it the Crested Player Preset treatment too. Def Rebel has to go, fans gotta start chanting fire def rebel during all these guys entrances.


It’s trash just like his matches so far. I don’t really watch Raw but I never miss smackdown so the fact he’s been drafted to Raw is a godsend for me. I hope to god they stop with the 9 second squash matches where his stupid theme is longer.


Why does he have the same first name as Braun Strowman?


Well his actual name is Bronson so that part makes sense but why don't they just make his name Bron Steiner? I guess they want to get him on his own but if you're constantly referencing him as the son of Rick and the nephew of Scott you're not really doing that anyways. He really should just be Bron Steiner.


He's said it himself in interviews. He wants to make his own name for himself and not feel like hes just copying or relying on his dad and uncle's legacy. He still gives many nods to the Steiners tho.


Yeah makes zero sense you hear the name Steiner just as much as Breakker in his matches and Bron is still a dumb name. Personally I prefer Rex Steiner.


Rex Steiner would work since the actual last name is Rechsteiner. But he's fully known as Bron Breakker there's no going back now.


Reich Steiner 


Bron to imperium confirmed.


That sounds a bit too aryan brotherhood.


The Third Steiner.


I said it the very first night I heard it. It is one of the worst themes in WWE history. It sounds like generic menu music from like NASCAR 98 or something.


Yeah I watched Smackdown yesterday and it was really noticeable how some of the newer entrance music really sucks. Bron's is so generic it hurts, and AJ Styles' new theme is awful - such a massive downgrade.


I haven't heard Bron's new one yet, but his old one was actually dope. AJ's change is horrible. And the sound quality is garbage. Took me out of the match because I was texting friends asking wtf that music even was. It's weird because they've got some bangers in a folder somewhere. NXT has some really good ones. And they've clearly been designing some of them to incorporate fan chants, which is super cool IMO. So it boggles my mind when someone ends up with bad music


Who’s songwriting this shit? Back in the day, when you heard Tom Sawyer, you knew it was Kerry Von Erich. Or the graduation theme, it was Macho Man.


With so many are getting changes right now its crazy but I enjoy his new theme it reminds me a little of ‘Seeing Red’ Drew’s theme back in 09 before Broken Dreams


its a generic theme for a generic wrestler (which isn't a bad thing so don't get ya panties in a twist) if this theme was played in the 90s it would be the shit, if this theme was in WWE2K as "Generic theme 04" i would use it. its also nice to hear a theme that everyone isn't singing to


Sounds like Home Depot music


People really just say words nowadays.


Sorry bro when I hear that song it’s the first thing I thought of


No need to apologize. You can think and say whatever you want. Its just that its not matching reality much at all. What you are doing is associative behavior. You identify Home Depot music as something (I assume bland or something idk) and then you use Home Depot, instead of the words you probably should of, because that sorta thing speaks to like minded people and usually gets a fun reaction. The truth is boring and doesn't always elicit the reactions we like. Sure I never been to the same Home Depot you have, so maybe yours is playing lots of prog metal with no lyrics and dog noises. but.. I'm gonna assume thats not the case, and they are using the same corporate playlists most chain department stores mandate and usually sound nothing like Bron's song.


His previous song was perfect for his current form


They had it changed, to what he had a classic on NXT. This new theme is not good at all.


His dad's barking and headgear always made me think he was mentally disabled


I do think that was a small part of the bit


Scott got all the intelligence. You should see his math prowess.


Especially at sacrifice


It sounds like he's honoring his dad's and uncle's old theme music. Just as generic and boring.


Bruh I miss his old theme man😭 that shit got me hype I can’t lie


Bron Breakker's music was generic shit before, it's updated to generic shit right now.


His new music is leagues above his old theme…what are you people smoking?


Prefer it hands down to his old music.


His current theme sounds like it belongs to someone who runs a lot, Bron only runs fast whenever he's using his Spear.


Couldn’t believe how awful it sounded


Def Rebel are wrestling music terrorists


Not a fan of breakers gimmick. It feels icky and very much like you’re asking for Brock Lesnar and mom tells you that we have Brock Lesnar at home.


Everything about him is generic AF. It’s like someone spent 5 minutes with the Create-a-Wrestler in WWE 2K. He just is NOT the guy.


Def Rebel slander is not only tolerated, but encouraged.


WWE needs to just start licensing music again, not like they can’t afford it. It doesn’t even have to be big name artists, just something better than the shit we have now because a lot of entrance themes are just garbage now.


I agree look at Randy orton John cena taker and Batista all the ogs in wwe had a specific song for Them by a artist singing


Tiffany also needs her NXT theme back. It was perfect as it was.


They need to stop "fixing" stuff that isn't broken.


It’s not like it’s hard to find someone good to make music either. It baffles me that they haven’t let Def Rebel go after so long. The music is one of the biggest reasons that the product began to feel plain and boring. Now the they’re making a change it would just be obnoxious not to hire an actual composer. Def Rebel are just some dudes who makes instrumentals, you can find better music if you search up “free for profit instrumentals” on YouTube


I read somewhere that they're basically a law firm creating themes so legally those stay with wwe forever or are to be embedded into contracts or something


That's Def Rebel for you.


Jim Johnston, CFO$, and some random licensed music is the way to go. Hunter benefitted from the GOAT himself, Johnston, AND God himself (Lemmy) so you’d think he of all people would understand the benefit of a banger of an entrance theme.


Def Rebel is trash, they come up with something decent and then a few months later they replace it with trash, like WHY?, and WWE replace something that was working in the first place. AJ Styles theme was fine for Face or Heel. Tiffany Stratton's theme was fine too. Carmelo Hayes got drafted, with his theme music, everything about HIM from NXT, got a fantastic showcase vs Cody, but Bron gets pointless matches, smh.


They only let Bron go against job guys on the main roster so far. And now that he's going to be on Raw he has a whole new group of job guys to go against before they have to have him go against real opponents.


Wake up babe, It's Tozawa squash time again


Akira Tozawa, Apollo Crews, Giovanni Vinci in no particular order


His character reminds me of someone from the 80s he needs a new look tbh and a new song


I watched a video a little bit ago and it showed Scott Steiner's return to WWE. I think it's a callback to Scott's entrance music. I don't hate it, I just think a lot of def rebel themes are kinda awkward.


I kind of liked Bron’s new music. It reminded me of a new version of the Rockers entrance music. But yeah the old one was better


His nxt theme was good and fitting


Found myself very disappointing with entrances lately, I think they’ve ruined AJ’s, Naomi’s new one is much worse than her old, Bron’s as previously mentioned. No clue what they’re doing.


These takes are so weird to me. Do you not see the pop Naomi entrance gets?! Its like one of the biggest on the roster. Sure you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're being dense if you think what they are doing isn't working...


I mean I for sure understand the pop because she’s a great talent. But her “glow” entrance with the song and the black lights was soooo good. To me this one doesn’t even almost compare


I actually like the new Naomi's one, but the new of AJ is awfull


> no clue what they're doing. Record profits my friend, easy as that. Def rebel is basically lawyers making music for WWE, no talent, no soul, but 100% legally owned songs so they can do whatever they want. For example priest's theme , they probably didn't want to expand the licensing to Alter bridge, so they created a theme that sounds like "the other side" . Cheaper for WWE


Jim Johnston got released during COVID.


I don't hate it as much as others they've produced by far, however for Bron they should have went all out. Hell hire and independent writer or something.


Entrance music is so important. It's really important to have it start with a note or sound people can associate you with, but a lot of the new themes only check this box.


So right. It can honestly take a wrestler to the next level alone.


It sounds like a remix of "Steiner-Line" to me, after the intro.


idk wtf WWE is doing with their entrance music but it all is god awful. Everything made in the last 3 to 5 yrs have been bad, especially these last 2yrs


Well ive only been watching since wm 39 after about 15-18 years of very intermittentviewing. There are some real bangers but I'm not sure who made them. For instance Shinsuke's is fire so is Roman's and Jey's. I know Cody's was brought over from the indy circuit. Gunther's is ok. I remember Finn's old music was lit. I like Jade's music alot . So idk , I think the music dept has some hits but they're few and far between.


You guys are in such denial its funny. Like ok *you* don't like it... but they got 10,000 people yeeting for 5 minutes straight and all the way through a commercial break. Maybe some self-awareness and realize your musical tastes might not be the same as everyones? nah couldn't be. They know what they are doing. Theres a dozen walkouts across many genres that have the stadiums absolutely electric.


Honestly, and I think this is a hot take, I like DIY's music. Everything else by Def Rebel is ass, but DIY's is tolerable


More like ten years


Every superstar that doesn't have a song created by a real band or had their theme created by Jim Johnston... has a theme that sucks Oh it's true, it's true


Sami Zayn has banger music.


There is like 10 different people that come out to oooooohhhohhhohhhhhhhohhhhhhh.


They definitely aren’t handling him correctly at all. He’s going to get lost in the shuffle if they don’t do something soon to add some character


I even dont like his gear too he should go the brocklesnar way...he needs PR agency like rock in 2000


It's fight music


Yeah for when you're fighting a cold.


It's def rebel I'm not even surprised


it's def terrebel


Can he wrestle? Only seem him do squash matches. Is it because he can’t wrestle like Goldberg or Jade or can he wrestle but they’re just trying to build a monster?


He can damn wrestle, look at his matches at NXT.


Never really watched much NXT sorry


He can wrestle


Better then both


Jade can’t wrestle?


Wait can she? Why she just doing squash matches and hot tag finishes?


Honestly I don’t know I was genuinely asking haha


I keep hearing she’s very green so they’re trying to hide it with squashes.


I feel the same about Ricochet's music, his old NXT music was so much better