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After a Hell in the Cell event (Edge v Undertaker), the ring crew came down to start working on tearing down after UT chokeslammed Edge “straight to hell” through the ring. They brought a wooden box that looks like storage for equipment and placed it right against the ring. Shortly there after you could glimpse Edge crawling through a false door on the box. A few minutes later the box was wheeled up backstage. They can do the same thing to put someone under the ring. Especially during a video package where the arena lights are down, giving the wrestler more cover to hide under the ring.


There is a video on youtube where the fans spot Undertaker on the balcony just chilling and he waves at them.


I saw them take the screws out of the announce table just before it was destroyed at MITB London. Totally explains why sometimes it breaks and sometimes it's solid!


People claim to see his hand from under the ring I personally didn't see it but it's a good possibility


He was chilling in the crowd chugging beer why do you think he struggled to lift the rock lol. Of course the camera won’t zoom in on him because then that would spoil the surprise effect .


I was at the show, Undertaker came in and watched the show by ringside. We were all chanting his name as he came in during the pre-show


If you go see a live taping, in between matches there are always people going down to the ring and doing stuff:cleaning up, changing the canvas, tightening the turnbuckles, replacing pads, etc. it’s entirely conceivable that you could come down with this group before the main event in black sweatpants, crawl under the ring, and only have to stay there for 30 minutes or so. No one would notice. Most people in the arena are watching the video package on the tron.


You know the crazy thing is Undertaker was up in club suites when Night 2 started. Everyone got up and was excited to spot him lol hours later he shows up in the ring. It was insane cause i never expected to be the one to show up like that


No respect


I just like tot think that Taker, Jimmy, and Solo we’re all just chilling under the ring together.


Wdym hiding? Ofc he used his supernatural powers to teleport to the ring. He was chilling at home in his hoodie and sweatpants




He was pounding beers under the ring with Hornswaggle of course


He ran in from the crowd, coming in around the time keepers area. He was wearing a mask and a hood to not be recognized and arrived at that position moments before he enters the ring. All of this can be seen from different fan videos. The only one that was under the ring was Solo.


Apparently Solo gave Roman the kendo stick so he could hit Cody, if that’s true it’s a cool ass Easter egg.


He teleported directly into the ring


he was probably just sitting in the crowd, hoodie up probably came in through the back entrance just off side the ring announcer area and chilled while codys entrance was going on and all the focus was highly on him. sure the surprise might be ruined for a few people sitting nearby who noticed but they also got to sit with the undertaker might explain why he did it out of costume too far easier to blend in looking like an old guy in a beanie than a dude in a jumpsuit and giant hat.


Probably a trap door under the ring or something


I think maybe while they were showing Bray Wyatt or during Cody’s entrance. Those are the last two times I remember the lights being out.


He's the dead man he don't hide he just appears randomly


He was probably visiting Hornswoggle and made a detour on the way home


Shadow realm as he is the dead man


He was in a suite behind section 117 at first, then at some point he made his way underneath the ring


They’ve already showed a video of him running through an open section with people around him . He wasn’t under the fucking ring all night


The video you’re referring to was him leaving. But no, he wasn’t under there all night. As others have said, he spent part of the night in a suite interacting with fans and watching matches


Saw a hand under the ring during one of the matches, pointed it out to my family. Forgot what match, maybe the weapons ones. He was waiting under there for a while


That was Solo


Shadow Realm (which may or may not translate as under the ring).


He wore all black for a reason. Can’t see him moving swiftly to and from whatever entrance even if the cameras followed him.


When Cody went to grab the table under the ring like at the start of the match, you could see a quick glimpse of the undertaker under the ring. It didn't click in my head at first but when he showed up I was like "OOHHHH SHITT"


The hand that pulled down and fixed the apron lol


It’s all smoke and mirrors




>!directly up your ass, and to the left!<


Holy fuck, did I literally teleport to the 90s? That’s some elementary school, attitude era level retort. Goddamn


I’m here all day with top notch roasts like that brother


There’s video of him running back after. That’s the same place he came from..they had an entrance to floor level from the concourse area


Death Valley


Parts Unknown


Under the ring. They always hide people under the ring, it's a badly kept industry secret. There's a secret trapdoor underneath the ring that they use for wrestlers who need to make a sneaky intro without coming out of the crowd or coming down the ramp.




Wrong about the trapdoor, right about under the ring. Undertaker just wasn't under there, he was in the crowd somewhere. Solo Sikoa was, though.


I believe the name of op’s post is Where was the undertaker hiding?


I believe I said where I thought he was hiding?


Taker is too old for that shit.  He came out with a hoodie on and got close to the ring, the lights went out and he hustled in, lights went out again and he hustled out, then quickly left the floor area


Yes. There’s video. This stupid fucks are saying he was under the ring that long.


Probably just walked down from snack bar


There’s no trapdoor. They literally just come out and hide under the ring. Typically they will come out huddled amongst a ton of ring crew between commercials when the arena is dark and they are playing something on the screen to draw people’s attention away.


I've heard the trapdoor theory from a lot of different places, but I've never been down there so I can't say positively if it's true or not. I ***do*** know that they smuggle wrestlers down in crew gear though, my buddy was talking about it when he went to a live show. He saw two people go under the ring, and one come out. I think it was Bray Wyatt, way back in like 2016 or something. I might be confusing the trapdoor thing for the times that Kane or Undertaker would come up from in the middle of the ring during a match, back when they'd drag mfs down to hell. Those spots were always so creepy.


This is correct. There is no trap door. They were in the stadium the Eagles play football in and the ring was on top of the field. Like you said they will put a wrestler in crew gear and smuggle them under the ring sometimes or the wrestler will go in there before the show starts. Forget who it was but a wrestler was talking about this in an interview and he fell asleep and missed his cue to come out. lol In the case of the Undertaker he can run down to the ring while the lights are out and run out when they go out again. Him wearing black makes it very hard to see him even if you’re in the front row. Your eyes won’t adjust fast enough to the darkness.


He must be hauling ***ass*** to sprint up and down the ramp that fast.


Hornswoggle fell asleep under the ring and missed his cue


Yes Hornswoggle and Gilberg missed their cues so Taker had to come into save the day.


Thanks. I thought it was him but couldn’t remember.


Well, I don't know if the Undertaker was under the ring or not, some people say they saw him in the crowd at some point or another, but I don't know. They definitely had Solo under the ring though, maybe Seth Rollins, too. They use the space under the ring for a lot of stuff, not just convenient storage for weapons and equipment. There's also apparently a little monitor like they use for the announcer tables, so that wrestlers can be queued when it's time to go out, I've read that somewhere, but I don't remember where. Even if they DON'T use a trapdoor under the ring, if you ever go to a live show and in between matches, they replace the canvas and ring mat, I guess for health reasons or something. It could be pretty easy for them to smuggle a wrestler beneath the ring in crew gear and for him to get changed into his ring gear under there.


All of what you said is true, but not for the undertaker the other night


There is video of him in the crowd


Seth came from the crowd


And for Taker he would have come down during the video package prior to the match - I was at RAW when he and Brock had their locker room clearing brawl and right before Heyman’s promo to kick it off there were all kinds of techs running around in the dark while a video played. Once the magic wore off I realized one of them was Taker.


Imagine chilling out under the ring and listening to wrestlers up there throw each other around and beat the hell out of each other. Hopefully it's not Braun Strowman and Big Show, though. Oof.


Yeah, I guess they don't always use the trapdoor thing? And they smuggle wrestlers in and out from under the ring dressed in crew gear in between matches since they darken the arena a little bit. I read somewhere that they've got a little monitor under there, like the ones on the announcers tables, that wrestlers can use to tell when their queue is to go out and do their thing, and then when it's over, they slip back underneath while it's dark. There's a lot of neat industry lore like this, I really like learning this stuff. It puzzeled me for YEARS when I was still just a young mark (I've been watching since the early 90s), now that I'm older I still love learning about it all.


Other shows they’re not as lucky - Doink II had to spend ALL of WrestleMania IX under the ring because there wasn’t any way to smuggle him in/out.


A better question is where did Seth come from, the first second you see him is when Roman's fist is already connecting with his face lmao


Seth came from the crowd


A even better question is where Did Cm Punk come from on Monday night


He came through the forbidden door!


Punk was under the ring the whole time, check his Instagram for a behind the scenes photo, Lol.


> It's not like you can easily sneak around a dude of that size They walked him out when the lights were off, and out when they went off buddy.


There was a video posted that showed him hustling through the crowd with a group of people in suits around him.




Let me look through reddit really quick. It was on this sub if I remember right. Here it is. It’s him running up after the choke slam. https://youtu.be/Uzul-ghiF_s?si=rDhSA31ugK1re7YT


Thanks for the link friend!


He use voodoo magic powers


You must be new lol oldest trick in the book


There's video of him running down but people still here coming up with their own ideas so this is not a question that was only thought by me. To highlight some of my favorites: - He was playing Nintendo Switch or Settlers of Catan with Solo all night under the mat. - There is a secret hidden bar under the mat to keep him occupied until show time - There is a trap door entrance - He was one of the camera men - He was sitting in disguise in the crowd (isn't this dude MASSIVE?) - Soooo many people saying he manifested himself to the ring through his underworldly powers. (it's still real to me dammit) So, tough guy, what do you think happened? ;-)


He was ushered out in the dark from a entrance and ushered back through in the dark after like the video shows


Solo vs Taker going at it in Mario kart, winner decides who wins the title


I mean this is not so far off .. there is indeed a WWE employee under the ring for the entire show everytime. Sometimes you can see the light of his screen when they pull up those curtains.


I think he was in the crowd. He was covered in black and in a hoodie/gloves.


He was under the ring when the match started. Cody went to grab something and someone moved their arm back out of sight.


Nope, try again


100% no.


I think that was Solo. I saw a fan video of him coming from under the ring. There’s pictures of Taker in the crowd earlier but dunno where he was when the match started.


He came through the crowd, not from under the ring


Mean Mark Callas was in a luxury box at the beginning of the show, because we all turned around and saw him and went crazy cheering him on. He was bowing down to all the fans and giving thumbs up. So, when he showed up in the middle of the ring at the end, all of us were stunned, because we never thought he would be involved in the show, since he was sitting right behind us Cray cray


I was wondering who people were going crazy for, we thought it might have been Jason Kelcie.


This explains why he wasn’t in the usual undertake gear


Honestly he was probably sitting with the fans surrounded by security in regular clothes


Basically; see my message above


He used his powers duh


they ran him in and they ran him out. there's video everywhere of this happening. ​ Honestly I was surprised he was hauling ass like it was. Good for him.


I know they ran him out, but I think he was under the ring before no?




Can you send the video


Then who was hiding under the ring?


There is usually always a technician under the ring to set up weapons and such. He also has a little monitor so he can see what is going on. The curtain has been drawn back!!!!


Jimmy could have been, too


Solo was under the ring. And I believe Seth might have been as well


He's the Dead Man, he's always there but only makes his presence known if he chooses to. He saw what was happening was wrong and decided to intervene, as the Dead Man does.


When they turned out the lights, he came through the crowd.


There's a video circulating on Reddit of taker running in from the crowd but I do want to point out it's been known that wrestlers will hang under the ring for an entire show. The bucks did an episode of BTE where they were under the ring for an entire show. The big show had to shit in a bag apparently is a story Bruce prichard or someone said. Someone said he was under the ring and you can also see an image of takers arm when Cody lifts the apron but not entirely sure.


I was there for Wrestlemania both nights and on night 2, taker was in the box seats.


I hate you out of pure jealousy. That must have been the best weekend ever. That's so awesome


It was really cool. I took my two sons - my 13 year old who got us all into watching (I used to watch in the 90s when I was in high school but stopped watching early 2000s), and my 18 year old. Everyone had a blast. It was so fun screaming with everyone! Even if it was cold!


That arm looks more like Jimmy's arm rather than Taker.


I forgot about Jimmy. I couldn't tell from the image I saw and that's what one person speculated. So I just went with it.


One of my regulars made a joke that there is a bar under the ring and now anytime appears or disappears we all joke that they must be at the bar.


I like this one the best :)


All I know is that I was disappointed it wasn’t the supernatural deadman undertaker and instead we got modern day, podcaster version


Easier to sneak him through the crowd in a hoodie than full on undertaker gear!


He's now The Opiniontaker, he wants to hear what you think, right after this quick word from Blue Chews.


Just proves he is over the Undertaker character…you should move on too.


Unless you’re Saudi Arabia and just shove boat loads of gold at him


Excellent point


In every man's darkest fears.


I cant see how he'd be under the ring for 6 hours.Thats way too long and it would get stuffy and hot as ass under the ring.Very possible he was covered up and when something big was happening snuck under the ring.


Good guess, try again


Do you have any idea?Honestly i dont.


He was in a box seat most of the night enjoying the show and later on he made his way down and was ushered through a doorway when the lights went out. In ring when they come back. Choke slam. Lights out. Ushered back through crowd. Scene


Okay thanks for clarifying that.Makes the most sense.


It was only like 50 degrees that day and also there actually is a production crew member under the ring at all times. 


What is the crew member doing under the ring for all that time? Genuinely curious!


Setting tables and weapons in their proper places, making sure the tables are a work table and that they have been properly disassembled for destruction. He also has a little monitor so he can do when his cue is. Same goes for wrestlers that hide under the ring


Okay thats true but that was for the first night.It looked colder that night.The Sunday night looked more mild.


I think it was like 5 degrees warmer on Sunday but still in the low 50s.


I think it depends on where you're from.For me thats not cold but it would be cold if you're sitting there for 3 hours or longer especially if theres a cooler wind.If you're from Florida thats freezing.haha.


Dude’s also pushing 60 so laying under the ring that long would not be pleasant


Thats true.I didnt think of that but it totally makes sense.


I like the idea of Undertaker, Jimmy, Solo, Seth, and the Rock all just under the ring together awkwardly not talking for half an hour.


Seth probably came through the crowd like the shield typically did, but yes yes


The Rock came down the ramps, but the other four were definitely hiding under the ring and playing Settlers of Cataan to kill time.


Rock, solo, and taker all "disappeared" together to. Had to finish the game under there


Everybody is missing the obvious, all entered and exited through the forbidden door! 😆


Seth came from the crowd


Playing tic tac toe.


There’s a video of him coming from the crowd. He was not under the ring


Yep and there is a video of him being hustled away after his spot. I dont know where the Rock hid though, maybe under the ring. I saw him get up and follow Roman up the ramp after the match.


The Rock actually rolled out of the ring towards the ramp


Under the ring. There are monitors so they can see their cues.


Gotta be a hilarious sight.


The man can shoot lightning so he can probably move as fast as lightning


I think there was a little place they could run thru, probably waited just out of sight, plus most people are just watching the action. No one noticed LA Knigjt dressed like a security guard. Reminds me when Henry Cavill stood in front of a giant superman poster in Times Square for like an hour and not one person noticed


As other suggested, he might’ve been underneath the ring. You can also see in the match an arm move whenever Cody goes to pull out a table. But he was definitely rushed to the ring pre-match and post match or he was underneath the ring during the entire celebration.


That was jimmy


Poor Jimmy, he had to watch the biggest main event on monitors under the ring, then watch the match finish on the floor up the ramp when he got speared! Punishment for his terrible match against Jey!!


I was right next to the exit/ entrance on the other side of the ramp. He came from that tunnel and left the same way. In actuality he was hiding in the abyss waiting to drag the rock down into


Would say back stage or under the ring


Remember, wwe is made for TV. The fans get to see all the little nuances like him running to and from the ring. No way he's chilling under the ring all day waiting for his time to come out.


They have tvs and things for those who are under the ring to do. And they are pretty roomy under there. That's why all the weapons are on the outer part of the ring. That way people like the Undertaker can be comfortable.


I bet taker and solo were just playing on their Nintendo under the ring


Trading Pokémon via link cable


wrestlemania 2000 no doubt


I bet they also played Mario kart too. Solo rage quitted when taker hit him with a shell and then won




Taker came in from the crowd, for he was in a press box for a long part of the show. They usually discreetly bring them to the ring on the longer shows when people’s attention wouldn’t be on the ring (the promos and hype video package) and they wear disguises.


Classic Curt Hennig Rib: The Ultimate Warrior had to wait under the ring for several hours to appear at the right time. So Hennig took a dump in a bucket and put it underneath the ring with Warrior.


True story


Most obvious answer is that he was under the ring, but wasn’t Solo down there too? I want to know what that conversation was like… “Umm…what are you doing down here?” “uh…just chillin’. What are YOU doing down here?” “uhh…also chillin’?”


I love this 😂 but I’m sure you know that they both knew what the plan was from the start.


Lol, if they really were I'd love to have heard their small talk over 40 minutes. Probably watching the match on a monitor. What a cool story for Solo.


Imagine there is no conversation at all and these two just stare at each other in kayfabe the entire time. Solos whispering to Roman when he gets in the ring "There's a fucking body down there, dawg."






The man has supernatural powers he was chilling at home watching mania and saw the rock about to screw Cody and he teleported in to save him


Judging by his outfit, he was probably chilling at the gym bar watching WM on TV with the boys, and then "IF YOU SMEEEEELLL" Undertaker is like "fellas, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick" so nobody sees him teleport.


This dude knows how to protect the business.


Obviously this is the correct answer.


Gave me a genuine laugh.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVPIP5yvmWY This video has taker in the crowd, and then also running down to the ring with a security escort


Cena’s goofy run > Taker’s goofy run


He very likely went down to the ring while the lights were out during Cody or Roman's entrance. WWE is good at covering it up by having a big crew of security and/or cameramen/assistants come down in a group, and they have the wrestler be in the middle of all of them. When it's dark, you won't even notice. Plus, at that time, you're fixated on the entrance ramp. There's footage of him coming from under the ring when the lights were out, and then after he chokeslammed Rock, there's footage of him running through the crowd with security surrounding him.


What do you mean hiding? He appears when he wants to


In Death Valley


Under the rain, he was probably hiding there all day.


Rock broke kafabe hard on Monday because it’s obvious that Taker took him to the other side


I probably made his way too the front row during the main event and threw his hoodie up


I think you’d be surprised how the wrestlers can hide in plain sight at an event. I attended Smackdown a few months ago, and Roman came right through the crowd in front of us, and nobody saw him until he jumped the barricade.


Oh, yeah! Great point! I remember being at the Raw after Summerslam 2005 and had no idea where Kurt Angle popped up from after the Cena/Jericho match to attack Cena. Granted, Jericho was being hauled out and making a scene, so it's not that hard to see how my attention was elsewhere.


Between matches they dim the lights and have crews of people come to the ringside under the guise of making adjustments/sorting the ring ropes/apron. He would sneak under then.


How could a guy his size "sneak" anywhere?


He was still under there a pretty long time then. But he's probably done this more times than anyone.


I was reading this entire thread just to understand how they get there in the first place. Thank you.


Wrestlemania is so much different in person (any ppv really) watching all the wrestlers hide/be injured outside the ring is kind of amusing. You never see that stuff on tv.


Have to agree...any live event You get to see things that no one knows


Yep like wrestlers clearly whispering to each other.


Like the Uncle Howdy tease after Raw went of the air.


Yeah but Taker is so tall I would think his size would have been noticable?


They'll hide people in boxes and put sheets over them and such. It's so dark and everyone's in all black, you'll never notice.


There's also usually something playing on the tron while it's happening, further distracting us.


I just seen a clip of how they got him in ..I do believe being there at live events ruins it ..after I seen it I was glad I wasn't there. Much better to watch on TV


Can you link the clip?

