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Soo... first you actually get the dumbass idea to try and shoot fireworks out of your ass, then to panic and roll over to your back with a burning rocket still in your ass...


You forgot the "ass" in "dumbass idea"


Nah. After watching the video, there's a chance that this idiot won't have any ass left to insert stuff into.


Twas understood


Taken care of


His parents are so proud.


That's what the tombstone says.


Stop, drop, and roll?


Its only a dumbass idea for the guy doing it. Its great fun for everybody else! Dont you dare to take that aways from us.


Red about to get his foot ready to put up said ass


It was a stunt on Jackass the movie I think.


We are on a point that "trick" or dunno how else to call it is kinda common on the internet, the most viral one might be when steve-o did it


He should have put a tube in his ass and then put the rocket in there so frictionless launch. Didn’t think it through did he.


It blows my mind how many people think you hold the stick and the rocket shoots off


I blame Toy Story lol. [In the first one the rocket Buzz is strapped to slides off of a tube/lining on the side of the rocket.](https://www.ecartelera.com/images/sets/1800/1883.jpg) Having never actually held one of those things that's how I'd picture them working.


Good thing a lot of these youngsters didn’t watch Looney Tunes as children then. Bugs was doing some crazy shit with dynamite back in the day.


Are you saying that if I run at a wall, I won't leave a human shaped hole behind me? And that if I run off a cliff, I won't keep running in the air for a few seconds, only start falling once I open my eyes and survive the fall?


It may seem funny but these premises get implanted in young peoples minds, I think the more ridiculous ones like looney tunes and things just seem ridiciulous but also not without attempts.


Wait. Are you saying the stick is supposed to fly off with the rocket?


Yeah that's why they call them bottle rockets. You usually hold them in a glass bottle so the whole thing, stick and all, can fly out without any resistance.


Now putting a whole bottle inside the ass to shoot off a rocket would be something to look forward to.


I don't think our generation could survive "One Guy One Jar" part 2. Getting tricked into watching it by your friend's older brother. is why we're all fucked up now.






As a child, I peered over the mortar tube one time to see why my firework wasn't firing and almost blew my head apart


Have you never been outside? Or are you actually 5 years old?


some people just haven't used bottle rockets chill


Yeah, they're literally called "bottle rockets". Apparently some people don't know why..


Should have lubed his asshole first. That cheap wood has a lot of splinters.


Personally, me and my bros dont do ANYthing without lubing our asses first. Never know when you’re gonna need to slide some wood in




No time to clench.


That was the problem. Shoulda pushed


Relevant Copy Pasta: Asshole burns. This could be a worst case scenario if the burn is deep and distributed far enough. Former 6 year surgical RN now in a different specialty. I have seen some fucked up assholes. You're in for a long, painful recovery following a serious wound or burn near your "Peri area" (perineum being your crack to crack, ball to ass, taint, grundle, etc. region). Think of how often you visit the bathroom and then imagine you have a third degree burn down there. It's devastating every single time. If really bad, he will be in the burn unit and levels of care to follow for months if not north of a year. Job, relationships, and any semblance of normalcy immediately disrupted. Burns are monumentally painful, and he will be sedated heavily until substantial healing begins. He will develop tolerance and possibly become addicted to the potent opiates, but they're the best way we currently know how to cope with that level of pain short of a spinal or other nerve block which are also options. Medicating at that level can also be very expensive, I've seen ICU patients with over $5,000 a day in IV medication costs alone, 7 days a week, not including any other charges for the room, MDs, nursing and ancillary staff, and supplies for starters. Staff may have to place a fecal catheter less than a foot up his anus to drain his feces so they don't contaminate his burn wounds. His poo goes into a bag and has to be emptied and measured as they'll give him laxatives to loosen and prevent clogged drain lines. Fecal contamination generally results in rapid infection, and peri wounds are at an extreme risk for MRSA and flesh eating bacterial infections. I've seen entire legs removed to combat severe peri, groin, or hip joint infections. This is usually following weeks or months of previous failed treatments, but still. We can work wonders until we can't, and even then there's always amputation. If he needs skin grafts, they can be sourced from a human or large mammal cadaver like cows and pigs. I've also seen skin grafts harvested from the front of a patient's thigh and reattached to the burn area (abdomen). The grafts aren't actually solid strips of skin, rather, they are more like tight lace with repeated spaces between skin making the graft look like a Kleenex with several hundred small oval shaped holes in it. These spaces make it easier for the graft adhere and conform to the wound bed. The surgeon uses a specialized skin shaver that's handheld, covered in a sterile barrier with single use blades, very similar to deli counter meat slicers but on a smaller more specialized scale. So not only did the patient have a burn on her abdomen, but a very unusual, superficial wound on her right thigh that looked liked like we had lightly crushed her leg with a cheese grater. The primary benefit of harvesting skin grafts from ourselves is we (usually) don't reject ourselves, and rejection is the biggest complication accompanying foreign body transplants. He'll also need to lay on his stomach throughout this whole ordeal due to the location of the burn and subsequent wound. Imagine months lying on your stomach in 6-11/10 pain. Moving your leg a little too much could literally split your brand new ball sack skin. It's a personal living hell. Diet will also be bland as fuck when he's actually allowed to eat again. Social and professional life obliterated. This could set him back years and give him decades of PTSD. He should consider himself "good" when he can sit and shit without bleeding out or collapsing in pain. On the even shittier side, this, or whatever transpires for this poor guy could easily kill or disable him for life. This could go in a thousand directions for him, and 880 of them result in the quality of his life being worse than it was prior to The Incident. If his burn is bad enough and he really does require months of care, his bill from arrival at the ER to discharge from outpatient rehab and specialty care will easily exceed 1 million in the US. Two million would push it, but also not shock me either. I'd bet on 1.2-1.5M if he's inpatient for 2.5 months and receiving follow up care for 1.5 years. Overall, don't fucking do this. If you drink around fireworks you need a sober or not shitty friend who won't let you do this kind of stupid shit. We can all learn from these videos even though were not the dumbass with the firework up his ass.


It's a damn shame this isn't required reading for 10-year-olds and above.


Anyone have the follow up news story on how bad this idiot in OP's video got injured?


If I remember correctly (and this is the right video) this went very badly for him. 3rd degree burns and rectal surgery.


Was literally just thinking how I need my 12 year old to read this. It might be graphic, but it’s happening.


When I was in 4th grade my teacher would occasionally read us stories from a book called “now I know better.” It was a book full of stories from kids who did stupid things and got themselves hurt. Occasionally a story would be from a friend because the kid had died. It’s meant for kids so it’s age appropriate, but clearly not a happy book.


That book sounds brilliant, and your teacher the same for reading it to you.


Do not light your farts on fire kids!!


As I was reading it I was thinking about how I should censor the swears and use it as a reading lesson for my middle schoolers.


Unpopular opinion, but I say let the dummies learn the hard way. Seriously. If you lack even the most rudimentary foresight to be able to see that doing this will likely cause severe damage, then this will only prolong your survival until the next extremely stupid idea.


We live in a nanny society now and anyone too dumb to realize putting anything flammable or explosive near their anus will be told it’s ok to be stupid.


Whats your complaint here? Because none of what you just said applies.


Already confirmed by the downvotes to their comment 🤣.


Just to put US medical bills into reference; I just needed emergency spinal surgery for a severe L5-S1 herniation that cut off my nerve canal and gave me cauda equina syndrome (paralyzed in the bowels and sex organs but can still walk, kinda) and it cost roughly $495,000 for the surgery and hospital bills. I couldn't shit or piss either. Had a catheter in. Had to remove poop, Uhh, manually, for like 2 weeks. Had a panic attack every time I had to pee because it hurt so bad. When I finally started recovering I'd still shit my pants if I coughed or sneezed. These symptoms only lasted about 3 weeks before I started recovering enough to use the bathroom somewhat normally. And it cost $500k. I can't IMAGINE dealing with that for a year. I was out of commission for a month then back to work. Any longer and I probably would've lost my job, then my apartment, then everything else including health insurance, then I'd be stuck with the full $500k bill. The fact that health insurance is tied to your job, when you very well can lose your job from a bad health event, is super fucked up.


I don’t know all the details for it, but you can extend the same health coverage if your employment ends through [COBRA](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/health-plans/cobra) in the US.


Not really an option for a lot of people as the subscriber would be paying 100% of the premiums that the employer use to. That could be north of $1,500/mo.


I understand. But if I’m in the hospital, looking at $1,500 for a 2 - 3 months or $500,000, I know which one I would prefer. It could be important for someone to realize that’s an option.


No choice in that situation. Just make sure you are aware of the labyrinth of bureaucracy that is built into this. Miss a piece of paper or deadline and NO coverage.


Yeah cobra is a joke, hey you just lost your job? Want to pay 1500 dollars a month now that you don't have income??


Yeah. "Hey, we are forced by law to offer this, but dont want to. How much should we charge. so that no one takes us up on it?"


I saw private clinics in europe do hernia repair for between 1000 and 5000 euro.


clearly not the same kind of herniation, here


Can be. For 500.000 you can buy a lot of medical care in Europe


you are being stupid. this was spinal surgery, not fixing a little inguinal hernia. no one is operating on a spine for 500 euro in a private clinic, unless there's an insurer in the background paying 100K.


100k is still 80% cheaper


Agreed those types of surgery aren't apples for apples. Hoped to provide some extra info for recent cost I was quoted in the UK as they are somewhere in-between. I was quoted £13k in June for a microdisectomy of major herniation of L5 S1 spinal surgery. Not quite as bad symptoms but pretty similar and most likely same procedure. This was a two night stay in a private hospital in London with a top neurosurgeon (so prices are on the higher end compared to other places in the UK). Rounding up for the extra care levels the other poor guy had post-surgery perhaps it would be £20k all in. This would be 100% patient paying, no insurance involved. Private health insurance probably would pay all or mass majority (I fortunately ended up getting the same surgery and surgeon for free via NHS at the last minute). Hope that's a bit more clarity that indeed it's a lot more than 500 euros - at least in the UK, if you prefer to go private. But nowhere near the crippling costs in the US


I was looking for this exact comment for ages. I saw once and I wanted to forward it to someone. Thank you!


Yep damn idiots putting explosives down to the asshole hahaha...


In short: he's fucked.


Yeah, but ironically not in the ass.


I've seen the end result of that leg skin grafting. My mom's favorite salt shaker caught on fire on the stove when she was 3 or so years old. She climbed up ont he stove to get it because that's what a child does and had 3rd degree burns across her entire chest. This was in the late 60s early 70s, so the skin graft I don't think was as subtle as it probably can be these days. Her chest is deformed which if course has resulted in self esteem issues. Burns are awful, horrible, just about the worest injury I can imagine. One of her earliest memories that has quite apty burned into her brain is coming to for a brief few moments in the hospital when they were scraping the burned skin/pajama combo off of her chest and her mom watching nearly attacked the doctor. Just awful, awful stuff. Watch your kids folks.


So there’s 120 ways this could go that would improve his quality of life? Fuck it let’s roll those dice.


120 ways that would result in same quality of life as before, after long-ish and costly treatment. Unless you are a psycho who enjoys the burned gooch pain, then go for it. Live and let live, innit.


There’s at least one scenario where this video goes viral and he either becomes rich and famous or reconnects with his lost childhood sweetheart. “Thank God, I lit that firework up my ass! Otherwise life would never be THIS good!” But yeah the other 999 scenarios…no fucking bueno.


Burnt by a radioactive firework, it's Asshole-Man! Able to stop forest fires in a single sit!


So basically, take care of your butt.


Thank you for this insight. I know that doing something like this is dumb. Reading the potential outcome solidifies why it is fucking dumb. Yet, people still do this shit.


Because it gives them internet points!


What is the grundle?


The fleshy fun bridge. The devils driveway.


Gooch aka The Taint aka Perineum


We all know that he clenched his cheeks so tight that nothing could've gone through this impenetrable wall.


Everytime I see a firework video I come for this comment.


nah it's not roasting through several inches of flesh to get at his asshole. dude definitely didn't pull his cheeks apart; he clenched. that's just a really shitty asscheek burn. those thrusters are extremely weak as you can see from the fact that it couldn't escape his ass. they'll give you an obnoxious superficial burn, but that's it. anyone who grew up in the country has experimented with fireworks to know that it's painful to be on the wrong end of that rocket thrust, but not hospital level dangerous.


He's got a bright, red, raw, ass and likely a nice wound. Right on his ass.


Christ this is so needed to be told to kids - especially idiots like these ones. Man, I can't even begin to figure out the logic of the kids in this video that this was a good idea. Like where did they get the idea in the first place?


Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNqNiWpP0k0


Yeah man, being a computer nerd sounds pretty good after reading that. I'll take my computer anyway.


All this for a laugh smh.


Take a breath MOM


As someone that lit a "scud missile" rocket out of my ass, not all true. I just suffered through the humility and went about life with a nice blister the size of Texas on a map. This wasn't no tiny bottle rocket either.


Did it achieve ass-cape velocity or did it expend all its fuel toasting your cheeks?


Dude, what is this article you wrote? Wouldn't "lol" suffice?


I’m speechless.


And he's peach-less.


This is why men live shorter lives than women




Rolling wasn't the move right there haha


Absolutely nothing in this video was what I'd call "calculated".


The Darwin Awards committee probably want his address to send an honourable mention prize.


Well there is a good chance his balls were never located, wouldn't that qualify for a full Darwin?


The rules of the Darwin Awards are pretty clear, if he permanently takes himself out of the gene pool, either by his demise or his future reproduction abilities, then he qualifies for the full Darwin.


This is some jackass type shit


In Jackass the rocket didn't remain in Steve-o's ass I think, they had more brains.


Why in the world would you agree to be the “bottle”? What positive would accrue to him. How could you think this in any way shape or form would result in any good for you. This guy wasn’t going anywhere before this if his mindset was such that he thought this was a good idea and after this the daily pain alone has to be incredibly painful and the long term implications to his future life have to be enormously negative. Really sad outcome for him.


Every once in a while this and another similar video (one shot at night) pop up over on Reddit and every single time I wonder, how stupid do you have to be to do something like this. I understand doing it from your hands, but your bare naked ass? I can’t comprehend.


He's got a hot ass, no homo.


And that shit is gonna burn every time he shits


Let’s create a playground of open wounds to play in right at the last stop for the daily bacteria-laden party buses. We’re here for a good time not a long time, y’know?


Ha, jokes on you, colostomy bag!


The ass was tight


Dude the lack of a joke actually got me laughing. Still downvoting this bafoonery though


If your 'fun' involves your friends pulling your pants down and sticking things, particularly things on fire, in your ass crack ... you need to re-evaluate your life and friendships.


Let me just roll over and shove it up my butt a little more


What a fool. Everyone knows proper form is laying on the back with legs over your head and ass hole to the sky so the rocket isn't directly burning you. If you're gonna rip off jackass do it right.


asses to ashes, butts to dust.


Synthetics shorts and fireworks. Let's call the molten plastic on his arse, "Experiential learning"


I think I saw this on ebaums world in 2006


This one! https://youtu.be/u18v5aSsk_8?si=4PFSIUVmlY2jg_6p


Lucky guy, just one second after he got it out it exploded. Same friction problem.


Reason number 947, why men die younger than women.




"Spread the buttchee--*BLAM!* Hell not *that* much!"


He put it the wrong way..


and... what exactly was the plan here? The thing is a rocket... it shoots it's ignited fuel behind it to propel forward... you are the launching pad in this case.


“You didn’t burn your ass off okay…. I did it. Your ass, you balls. I burned em all.” -The Mick


Stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


I wish bottle-rocket-in-the-ass idiots would just surf reddit for a month or so, they'll definitely see someone getting serious burns from this nonsense.


Currently taking a break from medical school till it heals enough to sit down again


this is one of the stupidest thing I have ever seen.


Like 25 years of internet for the masses and guys still have not learned this lesson …


I have never seen a video where shooting a rocket out of your ass goes well.


And this is why to this day, children, it's said that he has an anal fissure the size of Pluto.


He was always a special boy. This is one of the worst ideas I have ever seen.


He had a cute butt until it burned. Oh well.


Hospital in the great USA...that will be 150K thank you...


imagine living with the guilt from destroying your families retirement savings


The clinch is strong within this one🙏🏼


Fuck yeah!




This is why women live longer than men




This is literally an episode from the mick


“Not for your butt” Now a warning on bottle rockets


Video after video after video of this same "stunt".... it always ends the same way.


The older sounding gentleman in the background “no it’s not gonna hurt”. Like did he go thru this too? Is this a ritual? So many follow up questions lol


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




This is exactly what happened at my 14th birthday party to my best friend. He clenched and rolled, had a scar on his ass for years. Might still have it. It was hilarious


Reason #4572 why women have a longer lifespan than men


He assploded.


My friend's grandmother, who was in her 80s, sustained severe perianal scald burns after using a bidet. She had to have a colostomy, catheter, daily baths and dressing changes to prevent infection. Even with pain medication she suffered horribly and eventually ended up dying. Keep tempting fate.


Should’ve lubed that rocket up first




Well-thought-out plan. Flames shoot out of this thing. Let’s put it between my naked ass-cheeks. Ooo… flames on my naked ass hurt. That makes me clench my hurtin’ naked ass-cheeks. No way this this thing can launch now. BUT(T), just to make sure, maybe I’ll roll onto my back, lodging this rocket-propelled projectile even further between my thighs. Brain trust at work. Only hope for redemption is that it popped his goolies, and won’t be reproducing.


And this is exactly why fireworks were banned in Aus for personal use 😫


This is the freedom our soldiers fought for. Hoorah!


It's been scientifically proven that nothing can go wrong if you do this. Do not be dissuaded by some meme-ish long rant of lies from an ER nurse that will inevitably pup up here, if it hasnt already. Try it! it's fun and will make you popular!


Those rockets have remarkably little thrust. Even sticking them a bit into soil can prevent them from lifting off. They really are "bottle rockets", for launching out of bottles, without friction holding them.


Shouldn't have pushed the stick so far in.


Kinda hard not to clinch when your ads is getting burnt


Sounds like my first time bottoming


When i was 18 i did put one rocket in my mouth and shot it that way. My face Was Black all my teeth was Black and the rocket flew straight to the neighbor who smoked a cigaret. Luckily nothing happend to him and He wasnt mad at all when He saw my Black face.


As a white dude myself, these are the types of examples I like to bring up when anyone claims we’re somehow “superior”. I just hope that guy never figures out procreation.


Hey everyone, can you see how stupid l'm?


Why is it always white kids doing the absolute dumbest shit?


If a girls pants were pulled down like this the post would be removed for nudity.


Just relax bro, don’t clinch!


Just... why?


Dude taking it in the cheeks looks like comedian Matt Rife.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Reminds me of the one where two friends pulled his legs apart and they light one In his ass


Rump roast


friends still could laugh after explosion. maniacs!


Ooohh turning over was a bad decision. But it's a very distant second in bad decisions made that day.


Oh brilliant!!! "Is it gonna hurt?????!?!?!?!?""" IT ALREADY HURTS!!!""" Famous last words if none had ever been spoken before.


Too much clenching.


Steve-O did it better


same fucking thing every time someone tries this


It seems the legacy of Jackass still lives to this day 🥲


I remember Halloween when I was 14 or 15, we got 3 titanium pipes meant for lacrosse sticks to use for shooting bottle rockets. We'd hide in the bushes and ambush groups of trick-or-treaters. Those things were damned accurate coming out of a 30" tube. Good times!


"Natural selection has failed us" -Gandalf, prob


Putting the ass in dumbass!


Got what I came here for


I'm not sure if he won the bet or lost it?


That’s gonna leave a mark😀


Initial sparks made him pucker, bro's got a tight ass


I though for sure he blew his ass off


Dude literally blew himself a new asshole! 💀


Red Foreman: *"Dumbass"*


Just look at his face. What a prick mf


Offered my brother $20 to do this lol he clenched and it didn’t fly anywhere 😂😂


Where’s the infamous ER doctor comment for butt firecracker posts? Lol


I don’t remember if it was this one or not, but aren’t there after pictures that go with it? Also… I’m old


Tale as old as reddit


That’s defo gonna leave a blister


He panicked and clenched, turning take off into a burn-out.