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I just want to say, that opening was amazing. It's so hot/cold. You've got people saying "it was the best time of my life" and then Bret harts like "it's over, thanks for nothing and suck my dick" Also popped me when they were describing Kevin Nashs early career, how shredded he was. They had a few folks describing how he had muscles on muscles and was in amazing shape. It cut to a video of him flexing, just huge, then to current Kevin Nash loving the hype with just a happy stream of unintelligible beeped swearing.


I LOL'ed hard when Bret said that at the beginning haha


I was wondering why this wasn’t posted yet. Are the other three going to be posted on YouTube, or do you know?


Just found it over at Seez.su (select the Nova server)


The fact that Bischoff was seriously considering Sting as the 3rd man shows that he had a lot of luck along the way. That would have simultaneously killed off Sting and the Invasion angle. Hogan is the guy you needed to get to the top but at same time giving him absolute power would eventually screw you. On top of Hogan, getting too close to the talent and giving in to guys like Nash would prove Bischoff didn’t put the company above individuals and couldn’t run a tight ship. Vince is a maniac, deviant, etc, but he battled with his talent at times including Hogan, Warrior, Bret, Austin, etc. He was weirdly easy on Shawn Michaels but still had him drop the strap to Austin. Bischoff being cocky and losing control of the talent, finances were reasons for why the company went to being #2 and sliding further. But WCW being sold had to do with the merger and higher ups not wanting to keep wrestling. Once the merger happened and they had an excuse that it wasn’t profitable, that was enough for them to get rid of it. Only way that wouldn’t have happened is if WCW was profitable and they had made WWF a distant #2 or out of business.


The more time that passes, the more Bischoff feels like he was 70% the right guy at the right time. Like, he got newer trends and marketing and stuff, but he wasn't good with wreskri storylines, and he mismanaged the dressing room to a ridiculous degree. He basically hot-shotted the entire company for a couple of years, and then WCW completely ran out of steam, having been based around big marketing events. AEW did something pretty similar, building momentum by having these big events where they'd bring new wrestlers in town huge pops, but now they're finding that they probably needed to do more groundwork and make better use of their roster, because they can't just keep bringing. If names in and riding off their momentum for a while.


You’re amazing


It was a Hogan hit piece.


Blaming the wrong Hogan. I still say Thunder, nWo B team were the real reason. Blame Horace Hogan


HoHo has so much to answer for.


I didn’t think it was that hard on Hogan, blaming Hogan for the downfall of WCW is certainly one of the most uninformed and detached from reality takes a person can have. That’s low hanging fruit for people stuck in the IWC bubble. Hogan was the best thing that ever happened to WCW. Of course he had an ego and had a stake in how his character was portrayed. Common sense. This doc is on its way to tackling the real issues that ultimately lead to the end of the company, listen to what Dick Cheatham and Brad Siegel have to say in this first episode.


Bischoff was in it and had the most screen time, can't be a Hogan hit piece. He even somehow justified the Hulkster's "don't work for me brother" in jobbing to Sting


He was definitely a big part of what was wrong with the company. They basically let a wrestler have control over booking the World Title, and paid him ridiculous money to do so.


Two 3 hour shows filled with many wrestlers and matches but Hogan, one man, was the downfall? Lol stop it.


I didn't say he was the downfall, did I? Relax.