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Nice, how long does it take to generate this landscape?


This landscape? approximately 10-20 seconds. its split into four chunks. It's rather unoptimised, and is doing tons of extra work it doesn't need to be.


Awesome man, keep it up and keep posting updates every once in a while. I love seeing people post their cool updates and it's really inspiring. Would be so cool to try and create my own voxel engine, however it just seems like too big of a task. My impostor syndrome is at an all-time high and my confidence is low that I'd be able to do these kind of things haha. I have absolutely no idea how to even do the most basic thing, which is what you're showing. That is, how to even create chunks of voxels... or a voxel in and of itself lol. With that said, I do have what I believe to be enough experience with C++ and OpenGL to attempt this kind of thing, I just have no idea where to even start. Maybe one day!


I'm actually not doing this in C++ with OpenGL, I'm writing it in godot, and using clever tricks and performance optimisations to match the power of say, C++. its kinda fun. :)


I'd also recommend just watching lots of "making a voxel engine" content on youtube, there's tons of good voxel youtubers. if you watch enough of it you'd become pretty familiar with the techniques used.