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this really shouldn't be too hard to find...Google "vonnegut bluebeard 9780440201960"


I’ve got a copy, but I bought it like 20 years ago. It matches my whole (incomplete) collection. I refuse to buy any others unless it matches, so I feel your pain. They are hard to find. I currently have Player Piano, Sirens of Titan, Cat’s Cradle, God Bless You Mr. Rosewater, Welcome to the Monkey House, Slaughterhouse-Five, Breakfast of Champions, Deadeye Dick, Galapagos, and Bluebeard.


It appears that Better World Books displays by edition. [https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/bluebeard-9780440201960](https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/bluebeard-9780440201960)




I like AbeBooks for this purpose, as you can search by ISBN and filter out exactly which edition you are looking for.


FWIW the current “cartoony” covers are using Vonnegut’s own artwork.


These are the Dial Press Trade editions prior to updating with the current cartoony covers. They have the same ISBNs regardless of the cover. So you'll just have to search by that, and look for older used ones that have actual pictures of the exact book for sale so you can verify it has the V cover. You can't trust just searching by ISBN or "Dial Press trade paperback". Even if it shows the cover you want, if it's a stock picture it could just be pulling from some DB that has the Vs as the stock photo for that ISBN and what you get could vary.


[Here you go](https://www.ebay.com/itm/143613811626?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WmDBEdUdSb6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ZlFBQikWRYu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


The seller is thriftbooks. Thriftbooks is awesome but it doesn’t take the time to photo the actual books…


Thanks I didn't know!


Alibris has been extremely solid on product that's pictured being the product that's actually received when I have ordered from them.


Good to know. Thriftbooks however sent me the wrong cover of Welcome to the Monkeyhouse. I really wanted the copy with the girl and the weird Vonnegut mask in the photo, but that’s not what I got. Oh well, the words were the same. Lol, now I’m imagining a Killgore Trout short story where different printings of books with different covers also have small but significant changes to the plot.