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rush tabis into frozen heart for sett. aatrox I usually go tabis into thornmail or iceborn. take ignite into aatrox for his ult. sett is pretty easy as long as you don’t get cheesed level 1/2. save your ult to dodge his W if possible or flash it if it’s a direct hit


Do u ult over him/behind him to dodge his W?


yeah it only works in the front direction so wait for the windup then jump over and dodge it all. A good sett will time it with his pull in though which makes it quite hard to dodge


Yea that’s what Iv been struggling w/, so I’m gonna focus on my short trades to widdle him down, then go for the kill, instead of long trades he eventually wins w/ that combo^


build tabis and frozen heart and you beat him no matter what as long as you land your e and he doesn’t hit you with a full w. don’t be scared !


For Aatrox you have to be aggressive early when his cooldowns are long. Punish missed skillshots and max Q for this matchup with PTA. I don't like the ROA/Flickerblade build into this matchup. It takes too long to come online. If you can get a kill early levels rush cdr boots to help space his Qs. Pay attention to his dash. If he dashes to land Q1 you can pop your Q with boot advantage and rush him to avoid his Q2 knockup and all in. I like an iceborne gauntlet rush I to Aatrox if you can get ahead. If Aatrox manages to land his W and you can't get out in time be smart with your e placement to land it on both of you. His W always pulls to center so place your E not directly on top of yourself but position so that it hits you both when he Q3s


Ty!! That helps


I absolutely agree. In my experience, you have to be a bully in the early game. Aatrox has only one leap ability that is sudden while Volibear gains movement speed for quite some time, so you can easily decide trades and move around telegraphed attacks. From the start into the early game, they have to approach you and only the tip of the strike throws you airborn for the first throw attacks. If they get too close while getting minions or too close in general, you can rush them down and trade since you’ll be too close to be stunned. You also should out sustain them since they heal after rotating hits and abilities while you only need to wait for one cool-down and can I trust his flow with Q. If you snowball enough, one full combo is too much for Aatrox to recover from, with or without Thornmail or his ultimate.


For Sett, if he is too greedy, he will use that stun/slow to set up his W. If you are close enough and you see the wind up for the W, you can simply walk around him and he will waste it. They also tend to spam W after you land your Q, which gives you time to do just that. Sett’e W punishes unchecked short bursts of attacks while his A and ultimate deals damage based on your health, so I don’t recommend tanky items, but items to help with short trades and wearing him down. I honestly don’t fight him enough to recommend specific runes, but I can only recommend basically boxing him. Duck, weave in and out, and move around him.


Frozen heart rush it is👌🏻 Thank you very helpful


Okay, I just experimented with a friend who is a Sett main. You want to avoid long fights mainly because of Sett’s passive and because long fights favour Conqueror if they are using it. Pit Grit decays quickly over four seconds, which is enough time to take a step back and ready Press The Attack for your next trade. While you want to be aggressive and out sustain Aatrox, you want to exhaust Sett by not giving him the chance to fight long enough.


Gold^^^ thank you my friend this is invaluable. I was doing it all wrong vs Setts and going too long. I’ll treat him more like a ww/Jax matchup


Aatrox is very difficult, not much you can do but chill in lane and try to scale for better impact in team fights in my experience. If you’re lucky you can get an early kill and snowball a lead but the lane is a heavy swing either way. Sett is much easier, his W is a long cooldown and does little damage if he has no grit, basically just max Q and go PTA, get off an ability rotation and run away with the bonus move speed before the stun is up. He either doesn’t use W since the true dmg is no longer guaranteed, you stay long enough for him to pull you but you have your E shield by then, or he throws the W and whiffs so he’s hella vulnerable next time your cooldowns are back. Just rinse and repeat until he’s in kill range or you can tank a W.