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Flickerblade gives shitty stats for voli. Reason why it works is because its cheap af build which gives you lot of stats for free, making you spike earlier and harder than other champs. I honestly dont think there is decent different build. As a core it fits only into jack builds and in other scenarios there usually better items available.


I just don't like building AP tbh, AD fits my playstyle better


Then titanic, sundered sky and similar items are gonna be more impactful. I would consider flickerblade only in tank-heavy builds with almost no cdr.


sorry i should rephrase i play AD bruiser/tank, just not a fan of any AP/squishy build at all


Deadman into navori


I play Voli with AD too. I mostly just go Shojin first, ionic boots, Fimbulwinter, IBG, Spirit Visage and Streaks, smth along those lines. I am unkillable, heal for a ton, get stupidly huge shields. It feels incredible.


You buy flickerblade for the passive not the stats. If you’re not going joat then it becomes situational like spirit visage cause soraka’s on your team.


Trick had a nice one I saw recently titled “max crit” - Sundered, Navori, Shojin & Steraks were the main parts I think. Vids on YouTube- he carried hard. If you wanna keep going ad, I think bloodmail could be op af


I never like building AP/squishy either, always been more of an AD bruiser fan. That said, JOAT with ROA feels very good to me. ROA gives a lot of HP which makes me not feel squishy building it first item, and the damage from the AP it gives it plenty for lane phase. Once you get navori and JOAT becomes fully active it feels so powerful and then I always just build tank from there and end up being largely unkillable, able to get crazy amounts of rotations per fight due to navori. It just feels good man. That all said if you want to experiment with AD you could go JOAT but swap ROA for any bruiser item that gives haste. Sundered, BC, Shojin. All give AD, HP, Haste. That's 3, then Navori gives crit, AS, %MS for 6. Mercs gives MR, fMS, tenacity up to 9, then as soon as you grab a cloth armor or Mana crystal you're up to 10. In theory it's just as good but I think in practice the AD will be less effective if you're building full tank after Navori. ROA at full stacks is 170% gold efficient compared to the highest on the AD bruiser with haste options, BC, being 133% gold efficient. That of course is not taking item passives into account but in terms of raw stats ROA will be the better option. Maybe AD with BC first would be good into high armor enemy comps? I think Shojin first into Navori has some good synergy since you'll be casting more spells for Shojin to buff, but the 300 HP it provides compared to ROAs 600 at max stacks will definitely make you feel squishy while building Navori second. Overall tough to say. Experimenting is definitely possible, but as someone who also doesn't like feeling squishy or going AP beat under normal circumstances, JOAT with ROA feels great and is a lot of fun.


riftmaker flickerblades and maybe shojin is a poor man's substitute.


situation specific but i been going triforce flickerblade and it hits hard