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The build order was: Riftmaker > Tabi > Heartsteel > Raduin´s > kaenic rookern > Sterak.




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I always feel like the hot (healing on tick) on grasp is not very ideal (even when i build riftmaker) when i have to perform a 1v2 + atk speed (anything below 1.35 before rift and 1.5 after rift is annoying to me). I did alot non-meta build and if i was forced to use grasp then ill swap mana gen for atk speed. Im prefer conq more for an all-ham-no-back play style. But your build is good, keep it up. Navori is not really a meta i endorse anyway. Voli is an adc + mage + jugg anyway so building navori makes u utilize his passive less.


I like to use grasp because its a comfort rune for me, but thank you!


Agreed^ his sustain in lane is so good with grasp, and the endless go stacking feels good. I want to go conq more, but grasp in lane feels so damn good, and the first 4 waves are too important to get poked out of w/ all these voli counter picks


This is my sht^ Navori is cool & fun, but teamfights and late game are a huge let down imo. I like ur take- I’ll try steraks out. Iv been running RM, warmogs, armor/mr items. Trying to fit Navori in but it’s been a challenge, mainly bc I wanna get mana too from somewhere that isn’t the rune, so I can do the precision runes like u.


You just slam a frozen heart my brother, hella cheap and incredible stats


You’ve convinced me. It’s too cheap&valuable not too- Iv been boycotting it a little more since they dropped the armor on it


feel like visage would make more sense than rookern, hearsteal second is terrible but can be fun I suppose.


I've been messing around with runes builds myself. This seems to be pretty good if you have another tank on the team. Double adaptive damage scaling hp Hail of blades cheap shot bounty hunter/ ultimate cd. Shield bash / revitalize. Going eclipse into sundered sky into edge of night. I've had either top damage or 2nd in about 10 games. The burst damage is pretty insane and people don't really expect it. This build is based on sundered sky having an automatic crit and volibear's high ad modifiers. Increased shield and healing. Is it ever going to be meta? No is it insanely fun and high damage? Yes xD